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<br /> '�'� (��� ' 18. MI�cNlan�ou�Provl�lon�. — .l - ----
<br /> � �� •• _ (a) Bor►ow�r Nol RN��wd.Extension ol the Ume for paymeM or rnoddicat�on ol amoMitetion ol tha tum�secured by thl� • n';r; ,•.r�
<br /> " Dead ol Tru�t prented by Lender to any aucceasor m intereet ol8orrower�hall not operato to retw�ce.In any manner,the U�bfflry . -•.y�--
<br /> �� of the oripinal Borrower and Borrower'n succesaora fn�nterest.Lender shall not be required lo commence proceedlnp�apslnst .1 ,�1;�,��
<br /> such aucce�sor or reluae to extend tfine lor payment or otherwlse modly amort�zal�on ol the�umt eaaured by Ihls tmed ol Trust • .
<br /> by reawn ol eny demand�mede by the orlylnal Borrower and Borrower'e auccetwr�In�ntere�l. '1"�:•`�==_
<br /> l; :•;.''��•�rs�_rr��._
<br /> (bl t.tnd�r'a Paw�n.Without aflecdng the tfebll�ty ol any other peraon liable for the paymeM ol any obUyat�on herem .�. .� _,.,_
<br /> menlloned,and wlthout aHecBng the Ilen or charge of this Deed o7 Trust upon any portion of the Properry not then or theretolore ;:i�•• y }�`
<br /> � released as securiry for the lull amount ol all unpafd obhpetlons.Lender may,lrom Ilme lo time and wllhoul noUce(i)release any " .-� •. _
<br />- '�. • peraon ao 6able.(II)extand Ihe maturity or alter any of the terma of any such obUgadona,l��q prant other�ndulgencea,pv)release • . .r,n; .
<br /> � or reconvey,or cause to be releoaed or reconveyed at any time at Lender's opt�on any percel.portion or ell af Ihe Praperry, ,
<br /> �v)take or release any other or additlonal secunty for any obll�atfon herein mentfoned,or(v1)make composltlons or othar
<br /> ' ' arrangements with debtors�n relet�on therelo.
<br /> 1 •
<br /> �i otherwl e�aHo�rded Dy app�able awa ahall�notbe A wawer ot oryprec ude the e efrc ae ol anyhsuchrnph�t or�remedy. The
<br /> : i, , procurement ot�nsu�a�ce��the payment ol laxes o►ot0+e���ens or charges by Lender shell not be e weiver al Lender's npht to
<br /> :•.�,....•.
<br /> accelerete�he matunty of�~�:adebtedness secureq ny tr��s Oeed ot Trust. _
<br /> �d) 8wcc�sson and Mdpns Bound;JWnI a�d S�v�«I li�bilitp:Caption�.The covenanis and agreements herein cpn- ••
<br /> tafnad shall pi��.�nd the rights hereunciEr shall�nure to,lhe respect�Ye succeasors and ass�gns ot Lender and Truator At� . _�,
<br /> ��• covenants and agreements o1 Trustar ahau ba jomt and severa� The caaUOns and head�ngs ol the Da�a9raphs ot this Ueed o� � r ::
<br /> �•�•���. , . Truat are for conven�ence en�y and are not to be used to loterpret or tlebne ihe provlsions hereof. *��
<br /> •. •:�.� �
<br /> � � , .�,;, (e! R�qu�st for Notices.The partles hereby request t�at a copy of any not�ce ot de�au�t hereunder and a copy o1 any not�ce
<br /> �",t•� ��;,�,�' '•:��;�' of sale hereunder be mauad to each party to this Oeed oi T�ust al th�add�ess set torth above�n the manner prestnbed by ,
<br /> I �f''"•�� �' %�=' ' appllcable lew.Except tor any other notice requlred unner app��cabia law to be g�ven m another manner,any noUCe prowded ��
<br /> ;;p�1:,..�, � �
<br /> ,� lor in this Deed of Trust shall be p�ven by mailing auch nouce by certif�ed mall addressed to the other part�es.at the address set �'. ,
<br /> • foAh above.Any notice pro�ided for in this Deetl oi Trust shall be ei}etirve upon madmg m ihe mdnner designated here�n. II •� '=�
<br /> 7 � Truator is more then one person,noUCe sent to the adpress set lorth abo�e shall be noUCe to au such persons. F , �- '
<br /> , I� ,'��� .,.� (t) (ns{NCtIOn.Lender may make or cause to be made rea8onable @nlrfes upon and InspecUOnS Ot 1h8 Pr:z�^'.•�.Qrovided �• '��'"-�
<br /> �'��''���' that lender shall give Truator not�ce pnor to any s�ch �nspection specilying reasonable cause therelor relat�eG t.^l.ender's ;. .' �; ��'
<br /> , �: , interest in the Property. � '�' � `. ';'••'`'�,^+�
<br /> , � �:• (g) q�conwy�nc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by lhis Deed o1 Trust,Lentler shall requ esl 7rustee lo reconvey the �..:�.;,,;,.��,� , `;:'y}.: .;
<br /> � Property and shall surrender th�s Deed of Trust and all notea ev�dencing mdebtednes&aecured by Ih�s Deed ol Trual to Trust98 ,,.•:, � ��.'•: �.�
<br /> � �ti>'t��• Trustee ahall reconvey lh6 PrOperty wrthout warranty and without charge to the persan or per8on5 lepelly entilled the►et0. '1; �`•'� • �
<br /> � . . Trustor shall pey all cost:,of recordation,�f any � .
<br /> ! • •
<br /> � �' (h) P�nonal Proper9y;8scurlty Aq�Nm�nl. As a:fdit�onal aecurlly tor the payment ot the Nate. Trustor hareDy pranta k� '•� � .-•1, '•
<br /> 1. �� Lender under Ine Nebrasica i.;niiur�n Cummerc�at Code a secu:.��^ts::�s'i^a�!t�xtu�es.equ�pme�+.a�n��her persunai propeAy � :;;r
<br /> ! used in Connect�on wfth the real eatate o�improvements located thereon.and not otherwfse declared or deemed to be a part ol :3
<br /> � the roal estate secured hereby.Thls instrument ahall be construed as a Secunry Agreement under 5fl�d Code,and the Lender �
<br /> shell have all the rfghls and remediea of a secured pnrly under said Code in addrt�on to Ihe nghts and remedie8 Created under •
<br /> and acCOrded the Lender purauant to this Deed o�Trust:prnvided that Lender's nghts and remedles under th�s paragraph shall
<br /> � be cumulellve wdh,and ir.no way a limitetion on,Londer's nghts and remedies under any other secunty agreemant siyned by , �
<br /> Borrower or Truator. �
<br /> �_..,.. �.. .�.......,,�,,...,e„�o.,y
<br /> (q Ll�ns and Encumbrenco�. 1lUSlOf fl@f@Uy Wdl�d�u�duu�aN�aam�Ia u�nS Qi oGo�"o�:..'..:�.......:.^.L..•'...,,r.-. _ _
<br /> martgage,deed ot trust,lease or purchase contract desr,nb�ng a11 or any part al lhe Property,or other contract,metrument or ,
<br /> � agreement Constdutmg a lien or encumbrance aga�nst all or any part ot the Property(c011eCUvely."Liena"►,exislmg as ol the
<br /> date ol thla Deed ol?rust.and thet any and all ex�aung L�ena rema�n unmodilied except as d�sclosed to Lender in Trustor's
<br /> wrllten dlscloeure of I�ens and encumbrancRS prov�ded lor herem Trustor shall umely pertorm all ot Trustor's oblfgetlons,
<br /> Gnvenents,representation5 and warrant�es under any and ell e�is�ling an,]future Liens.shall promptly lorward to Lender coples
<br /> . 01811 notices o1 del8ult sent in conneCtion w�th any and all ex�sting or luture Liens,and shall not without Lender's priot wrltten i,
<br /> COnsent in any menner mod�ty Ihe provisions ol or allow any luture advances under any existmg or luture Llens.
<br /> t U) Applkallon ol Paym�nit•Unles�olherwise requued by law,sums paid to Lendar hereunder.mcluding wfthout hmitavon
<br /> payments ol pnnc�pal and inlerest,insurance proceeds,condemnation pruceeds and rents and profits,shall be applied by
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing Irom Trustor and Borrower�n sucn order as Lender�n its sole d�scretlon deems deal►able. t �
<br /> (k► S�v�rablllty. II any prov�s�on of th�s Deed ul Trust canll�cts w�th applicable law or �s declared mvalid or otherwise
<br /> unenforceable, suCh conllict or�nvalidlty shall not alfect the other provisons ol this Deed of Truat or the Note wh�ch can bb
<br /> � given ellect without the conflict�ng prov�s�on and to Ihis entl the prov�sions of this Deed ol Trust and Ihe Note are declared to 6e ' �
<br /> severable. � �
<br /> (I) T�rmf.The terms"Trustor"and"8orrower"611afi inClude both smgulnr and p�ural,end when the Trustor and Borrower , .
<br /> are the same person(sl,thoae terms as used in thls Deed rust shall be�nterchangeable. .. " '
<br /> (m) Gov�rnlnp Law.Th�s Deed ol Trusl shall be verne by the laws o he tale ol Nebra e 1 '
<br /> Truator has executed thls Deed ot Trus1 as ol Ihe date men abo ` •
<br /> PATR�ICK THaW�S O�BOYLBrustor . ^ �
<br /> ��C�l-I1 It • `7"��t. (/L�..- �. ----
<br /> � DA1hN R. NE1fERS 7rusto�
<br /> a/k/a Dawn R. 0'Boyle
<br /> 1
<br /> �'
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<br /> �:
<br /> �` : +
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