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<br /> .� `:i f. �1 'w-n��p`�'"
<br /> �� �+'f�/-•' .•�^� '� .. -^M'-
<br /> ,..��..W.M.d..Y�vr,a..... . \ ��_":I.-. _."
<br /> .. �^t ��..L.-�i�S:;l°_-.�
<br /> .— 1 U 86b U �,.T. ��.�..�
<br /> �� -� �::f 91 ;_:�
<br /> .�. ,�.
<br /> � :�-:,�.���� -.�=--_��v-
<br /> th�Proparty le�a l�kon or d�mspad,L�ndor ehpll haw ihs optlon,In►ts eale ond ab�olute d�scretlan,to appiy e11 euch Proceed�. -
<br /> dter deduolinp theretrom all cosl�end expentes Incurred by N In cannticUOn wHh wch ProCOed�,upon any Indebtedn�W�scured �_�,,__
<br /> �, ' ��,� ,'�'�j+,•.`�� ��` h�r�by snd In euoh ord�r��Lendsr m�y d�t�rmin�,or to apply all�uch Proceedf.tlfllr�UGh dedu0d0��,to Ihs�ntor�Uon ol iha
<br /> � �� P►opsAy upon euah condluum es Lender may determine.Any appNCauon of Proceed�to�ndebtednas�sh�ll nolsxttnd or po�tpone
<br /> ��•. --- -
<br /> ' tho due dat�of any p�ymenis undor tha Nota,or cura ony delault thereunder or horaundor.Any un�ppll�d lunds�hall b�paid to
<br /> '• �� Trwror. r'����.a, ,+.�°�.
<br /> • e, p�Norm�nc�by I.�nd�r.Upon the accurrence of en Event ot Del�u4 hereunder,or II any aot�s hken or lepel proceedln� ���
<br /> � � commenoed whlch materlally alleote I.onder'e interest in the PropeAy,4ender may In�t�own d�ROretlon.but without oblip�tlon to do ,~���:_,*,_...._�..__
<br /> i " �o,end wNhout notice to or demand upon Trustor nnd without relAPeinfl Truetor Irom any obl�getion.do any act wh�ch Truator hes � .�..���
<br /> • � ' apreed but I�NS to do and may abo do any other act II deame neceasary to protect Iho secunty hereof.Trustor ahell,�mmedfately ;w �•�-�-°-
<br /> � � upon demand therelor by Lender,pay to lender all coete and expeneea Incurred and�uma e,cpended by Lender in connection wllh � .•��"'�`��
<br />- � , . � � the exe�Cl6e by Lender ol the lorepolnp righls.together wllh inle�est thereon at the delault rete provfded In the Note,which ehall be .y'yi�
<br /> � added to lhe indebtedness �eaured hereby. Lender ohall not Incur any Ilability becau�e ol anythiny il mey do or omit to do ,n,..�'�.,,,,,�T___.
<br /> ' hereunder. �1��� ������
<br /> ,�.,:T.��.;"..:�_,...
<br /> � ' 9. H�=ardou�M�t�dal�.Trustor ahall keep Ihe Property in compllance with a11 appllcable laws,ordmancea and regulatlons
<br /> ; ; releUnp lo Indualrlal hyplene or envfronmenlal protectlon(collectively relerred to hereln as"Envfronmentel Lawo'1�Truntor ehall .:: .� :.. .....••
<br /> i, keep the Property f�ee from all subatancea deemed to be hazardoua or toxic under ony Envlronmentel Laws(colleclfvely reterred to . �
<br /> (: hareln as"Hazardoue Materials"1.Truator hereby warranle and representa lo Lendor that lhere are no Hezardoua Materlals on or `�.;�;:;�•�-r;,�,;,... .
<br /> � . under the Property.Truetor hereby epreas to Indemndy and hold hermlese Lender,Its direCtors,oftlCers,employees end apenis,and —��
<br /> � any sucaeasors to Lender's Intereat,lrom and against any and all cleims,damages,lossea and Ua6ditfes arlsing�n connechon w�M �___�_._
<br /> � the presence. use,dlapoeal or tranaport o1 any Hazardous Materlels on, under,from or aboul the Prope►ty TKE FOREGOINru - ;��,,,,{;-=_-=-=
<br /> 10 As�IpenMat d RNd�.Truetar hereby esalgns to Lender the renle,iesues end proNts ol tAe Property:prov�ded ih81 TrustOr .�lIk�19�
<br /> , shal�,untd ihe occurrence of an Event of DelauR hereunder,have the rlght to collect and reta�n such rent�.is9ues and protits aa they � ���`'""`
<br /> •....,..
<br /> �� become dve and payable Upon the cccu�rence of an Event ot�e�auH.Lender may,either in person or by apent,wdh or W+93+^.wt �,g,�
<br /> � • �_:�. '�• bringin�a�ny action or proceeding,eT by e receive►appomted Dy a csurt and without regard to t`�e adequacy of its secuntk,'en18r ,� �,� ';,,.
<br /> .��; • �,,i,;� •,� upon and aake possession of the Property.or any part thereof.�a ns ow~�name or m the name of 1�P Taustee.and do any acts wh�ch it � �.. •:,;�,;T�_
<br /> ' ���r;�,�,. deema necessary or desirable to preserve the value,ma+ketabiliry or rentab�hry of the Properry,or any partthe�eol or intereat therefn. ' �"�-
<br /> `•�� �,'``�' � Increase lhe incame 1hQrelrom or protect the securi;y hareof and,with or without taking pos9esslon ol the Property,sue for or ��,��
<br /> � �'f -;'•y�l, . , ._(��.' , �a
<br /> }��,,:.;;t .;��,•• otherwise collecl the rants,fssues and prollts thereof,inelud�np those pasl due end unpaid,and apply Ihe eame,less coats and ;
<br /> �� . ,. ', expansea oloperatfon and collecUon including attorneys'lees,uDOn any�ndabtedness securea hereby,all fn auch order as Lender .,.�,;;�"_�
<br /> � � mey determine.The antering upon and taking possesafon ot the Properry,the collectlon of such renta,Issues and prollts and the I �' '°,
<br /> . �' appflcatlon thereoi as aloresafd,shall not cure or waive any deiault or notice of delault hereunder o�mvalidate any act done in ��, ,titip
<br /> f;'��„_�- responae lo such delault or pursuent to such not�ce ol delault and,nolwithstanding tha contlnuance In poasession ot Ihe Properly or ' ��a �
<br /> � the collectlon,recefpt and applicatio n of r ents,issues or prolits. and Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every right � ��'" '
<br /> � �,v .
<br /> �• • provided for In any of the Loan Instruments or by law uaon occurrence ol any Event of Detault,includm�w�thout limitatfon the rlght .�•�..,:',;.
<br /> - �i .�, to exercise fhe pownr ui bnid.FurthBr,Lendet's tlgh:�a^d rerttedi89 u�der thls p8�8�rqph ahall he cumulatwe wrth,and in�o way a •.:�t_t.
<br /> ,�,: . Umltat:�n on,Lender's rlghts and remediea under any assignmeM ol leases and rents recorded agafnst the prope►ty.Lende►.Tauatee t , �����-
<br /> a n d t h�r e c e�v e r s h a l l b e I l a b l e t o a c C O U n t o n l y l or those rents actuall y recewed. � �
<br /> ' � 11. Ewnts of DNAUII.The tollowing ahell conslitute an Event ol Detault under this Deed ol Trust: �
<br /> � r�� (a)Faflure k�pay eny instellment of pnnc+pai or inlerest ol any other sum secured hereby when due: '. �'
<br /> ': � . (b)A breac�o�or delault under any provls�an conlafned in Ihe Note,Ihis Deed of Trust,any ol the Loan Instrumente,or any �
<br /> other Ilen or enCUmbrance upon the I'ropeNy: , „ , , . •
<br /> � (c)A wnt ot executwn or anacnmem or any s�m��ai p�u�ana si idii uu nniniau uyau�af 7ivaiu�wiu�i�a��d��:.o:.:.To:.:tCn OR � �
<br /> the Property or any porllon thereof or�nterest therein; ' j
<br /> (d)There shall be fded by or egainst Trustor or Borrowei an action under any present or luture lederal,state or olher :
<br /> statute,law or regulelfon relatmg to bankruplcy,msolvency o�other reliel lor debtors;or there shall be appomted any trustee.
<br /> receiver or Ilquidator of Trustor or Borrower or ol all or sn�part of the Properly,or the renls,iasuea ar prolils thereof,or Trustor
<br /> ' or Borrower shall meke any general assignmenl for the benelit of credAOrs;
<br /> - (e1 Tho sale,transfer,lease,ns&lgnment,Conveyance or lurther encumbrance ol all or any part ol or any interest�n the
<br /> Properry, either voluntarily or �nvolunlanly, withoul the expross wntten consent ol Lender; provlded that Trustor shall be
<br /> t • permifled to execute e lease ot the Property that does not conlam an opuon to purchase and the term of which does not exCeed
<br /> •, one year;
<br /> : �", (t)Abandonment ol the Property:or
<br /> ,�<< �. (p)If Trustor is not an indlvfdual,the issuance.sale,transfer,ass�gnment,conveyance or encurnb�a^oe o1 more than a total
<br /> f,
<br /> of_—__.percent of pl a corporation�Ns�ssued and outstand�ng stock or�d a partne�shipl a total ol--_-Percent of .
<br /> � parinership mtereats dunng the penod Ih�s Oeed ol Trust remains a lien on the Propert;
<br /> 12. p�m�dl�s;Aecderallon Upon D�lault.In the event of any Event ol Default Lende►may,wilhout notiCe except as requ�red by •.��;��
<br /> law, declare ell Indebtedness secured hereby tc be due and payabie and the same shall the�eupo�became due and payable
<br /> wlthout any presentment,demand,protest or notico o�any kind 7herealter Lender may
<br /> ' (a)Demand that Trustee exerclse the PQWER OF SALE granted herem_nnd T�ustee shall thereafter ceuse Truator's
<br /> IntBre91 in the Property t0 be sold and Ilte prOCeeds to be dist��butAd,an m�he m�nne� G�ov�ded�n Ihe Nebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> ` . Act:
<br /> ` �b� Exerase any and all r,gnts prov�ded 1or�n any ol the Loan Instrumems o� by IaN upon ocCUrrence of any Eve�t ol
<br /> ;� Oelaull;and
<br /> y, � , (c) Commence an acUOn to lo•aclose th�s Deed of Trust as a mortgage.appo�nt a�ece�ve�,or speahcally enlorce any ol the
<br /> � covenants heroot.
<br /> 1� •` � NO remedy herein Conlerred upon o�reSe�ved to T�ustee o� Lende��S���tendetl:a ue excius�ve ot any other remedy herein,fn the
<br /> ; ' Loan Ins1•uments or by law prov�ded o�De'm�tled.but e�ach s�:�+P t r• cumul�h�P sha�l be�� adtlilion toever•i other rEmedy grven
<br /> � • he�eu'�Ce�.�n the Loen InslrumeMS:����c°ti cr►,�,�4;�Iter e��sUng,�t',iN u����cUuity ui Uy Stdti�te� Un�m,fy be e��r�tised Gt�nCUrrgntl�.
<br /> mtlepenqently or successwety
<br /> ���i� ', �3 T�YSiw. Tne T�..�tee may resign a� a'� t��r w��huu'causc�, and Le^�u• may at ar; bree and w�tno�!cause u�UOmt a
<br /> ' � BUGGf'99D'o�subs��t.,'e''.�910v TtU910@ ShA��^:•'DP I,a�le to any paily,includ�n��fi�1hOU1 hm�181�G�Ler�tler,fio�ro•,ver,Tru3to�u�a�y
<br /> pu•�'9sb•U�the PrOpe�t� lor�•.��;.55 c�dar�ayr;�niess due to reckless or wdltul mis:.onduC:.8*L'8hell n0!CE/4Qui�Ed lU 1�3kB 9fty
<br /> BLtir�� �� COnnftCtiOn with 1hE B^'�^F°ent O� t^5 Geed o1 Trusl uniess �ndemndied. ��Y�'�1�n9.t�► all cos�s. CompensaUO� 0�
<br /> � expenses which mey be assoc�a:a::'�s�rew�th In atltl�Iion. T�uste.!m3y becorn�e purCh35E��a'ary sale of the Property�utl�c�a.o�
<br /> undwr the oower Of sale qrenled htrgin�,postoon4 the Sal�u� �II 0► e�y AO�t�On 0�Ihf P•�Dk'ry.as provided by law.U� ee��the
<br /> Property as a whole.or m separate pn�ce�s o� ��ts n;T�ustees discrvtw�
<br /> 14. FN�and Expanw�.In tne event Trustee sen�,the Property by ex�:�c�sF o�powe�ot sale.7rustee snaq be entdled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds f�rst to payment u�a�i costs and e.penses o}exercis�ng power ol sale.��cludmq al1 Trustee's fees,ard I.ender's
<br /> and Truslee's attomey's lees,actualty incurr�d to extent pe�^��K•r.H by nppl�cable iaw In the��vent Borrower or Trustor e�erc,ses any
<br /> • rlght prov�ded by lew to cure an Event of Ue�ault.Lender shd�i oe ent�tled to recuver Irom Trustor all CoSIS and expenses BCtually
<br /> ...��•.'C� ^� .. .--_u..r r.,ar..:e an�o���� �nri.��+,•••, ••,��Nn�.� �.�..��q��nn ,u r.nciPr+'c an�1 attornev's leas t0 the extent Dermitled by
<br /> 1 appliCable law. J
<br /> f t5 Fulun Adva�c��. Upan request of Borrower. Londer may. al�ts option. make add�tiona� and lufure advances and re-
<br /> I advance8 to 8orrower Such advances and readvancas.w�th�nte�est the�eon shail be ser�ued by th�s Deed ol Trust At no time shall
<br /> j the p�incipal amount ol Ihe�ndebtedness secu�ed by th�s Deed u�Trust.�+ot���� �ud���q suins.idv�uicrcl�a p�uteCt thi�se[u��ty ol thi5 -
<br /> Deed ot Trust,exCeed the onginal pnnc�pa�amount stated ��ere�n.or 5 64,OOO.UO , wn�cneve��s yreater
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> . � � —,� _
<br />