si�:,.,,, ,_,�„ �r�a ,, .
<br /> ..� i. ,hh'-r�. " - __
<br /> - " ` , ;1'����'.+2�i` , . . _
<br /> � � ♦ . ' ' _. r.y-. . . �,�(.•f �' "''`- .__'_-�.
<br /> :����.���-� � � ,93- Yoss��
<br /> � 17.Ttt�t�cr of the Properly or p Benetkl�l Interent in fiurrower.lf uU ur�ny part af the Pmp�ny or any interest in it
<br /> - is sold��r truncfcrrod(or if a bencficiol intercst In&irn�wcr is M�Id ur tr�nsferral a�xl Borr�iwer is not a nawral prrsoit)withewt
<br /> Le�xla�x prl�t,written cunsent, Ixrxlcr nuy, ut itr option, rcyuirc immodiute paynx:nt in full af �U sums securaf by thir
<br /> A--� � Securiqr ln�tt�itnent. However,thia option ehuli nut be exurcin�xl by ixndcr if exenik i�prubibitu!i�y faicr�i taw �of it�datc
<br /> �f'this StturJ�u Instniment.
<br /> __ If Lct+kier exe�cises this option, Ixnder shall give fiorrawer nn►ice nf�rceleratiun.Thc natice shull provide u pericxi uf not
<br /> :r � Ictis thun.,l0 Jayti from the date thc n�xice is deliveral or mailcd within which &irrower must pay all xums�ecured by this
<br /> y ' Socurity bi�:trumcnt. li Hc�rmwer fuils t��pry these sums priur tu thc expiratiun oF thiti periai,Letxkr tnuy invnke any remaiies
<br /> ,::� permitt�ct by thi�Security Instrument without further notice ar demund on Rurrawcr.
<br /> , ' '• 18. Ibrrower's RtRht tu Re(nstate. If Barr��wc:r nxets cenuin condidons, Bormwer tihull have the ribht to have
<br /> ' enti►tcui�C�u uf this S�KUrity lnstrument discontinued at any time prior to the c:�rlicr ot: la) 5 duys (or such ather period as
<br /> ,-.F� '' AP�1IIq�IO INW lllilY specify for reinstaten�enq before sale of thc Praperty pursuant to any power uf sale cantained in this
<br /> - ���� '`"�`��'� Securit�instrument;ar�b)entry of a judgn�ent enfarcing this Security Instrument.Those co��ditions are tbat Bonower: (a)pays
<br /> ��: ' LandGr�11 sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if na uccelerntian had occurred; (b)
<br /> �i��R4�'� curGs :tny def•rult of any other rovenunts or agreements;(c)pays ull expenses incurred in enf�rcing this Securlty Instrument,
<br /> _��� inF�uding, but not limited ta,reasonable attorneys' fees;and(d)takes such actiop as Lendcr may rcasenably requ�re to assure
<br /> tht�lt tite lien of this Serutity lnstrument. Lender's rights in thc Property and Bc�rrawer's obiigation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> '"- - -=.`'�""=v v=?�`-,�►s`'� this Security lnstrument shall continuc unchan$ed. Upc>n reinstatcment by Borrower, this Securiry Instrumcnt and the
<br /> ,_��____-.��.-�;
<br /> � obtigotions secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no Acceleration had occurred. Hawever,this ri�ht to reinstate aFwll
<br /> � .u�i_'
<br /> � . � not upply in the case of acceleration under parugraph 17.
<br /> � � `'_,.�';` � 19. Sate uf Note; Ch�nge of I.oun Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in thc Note (tagether with this Security
<br /> - �-,-;;-_•.... .
<br /> -= �1'^*"���'�^•�: I�strument)ma be sold one or more times without r►or notice to Borcower. A sale ma result in a chan e in the entit (known
<br /> _.;,,���..:. Y P � Y . • 8 Y
<br />- • •,��+~..�-�,•,.ti�:.. us the "Loun servicer")thut cotlects manthly paymen[s due undar the Note and this Secunty Ins[rument.Therc�I�v way te onc
<br /> J r•. � ••• <•"�x�:�n�•� ur mare changes of tho Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servfcer, Bocrower will be
<br /> y�3;;•',':��:: ':;`,;" given written notice of che chan�e in accordance with paragraph I4 abave and npplicable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> "�'"'" ' "� address of the ncw I.oan Servicer and the uddress to which payments should be made. 7'he natice will also contain any other
<br /> R"`•'•,4•:��t�� .
<br /> �;•.•::.;;:,``, � ';?': ` informutian rcyuired by applicable law.
<br /> �. �. '� �• . .. 20. Haiardous Subetances. Bonower shall not cause or permlt the presence, use, disposal, stotage, or release of any
<br /> ,� � H;uarduus Substanres on ar in the Prupeny. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyonc elsc to do. anything affecting the
<br /> �� . � .*• Pr�perty that is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply ta the presence.use. or
<br /> . ' .r .. • `., storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substunces that are generally recognized to be appropriate to norn�al
<br /> .�•��" . •:,�- residcntial uscs und to nwintenance af the Property.
<br /> ";4. � _ &�rrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation.clalm, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> . govcmmental or rcgulatury agency or prlvate party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substancc or Environmental Law
<br /> • ' "?_ of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notified by any govemrnental or regulatory authority,that
<br /> • • any removul or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall prompdy W�e
<br /> � ,� ,._.•' all necessary rcmedial actions in accordance with Environmental
<br /> As used in this parugraph 20, "Hazardous Sub.uances"arc those substances defined as toxic or hazaMau subst�by
<br /> , �:;'�— i Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petrolwm products, Waic
<br /> pesticides and herbicide.,volatile solvents,materials cantaining:ssbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.As usod in
<br /> ' • :: this paragraph 20, "Environnxntal" meuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is IocAted that
<br /> � • relate ta health,u►fcty or envirunmental protection.
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and L.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> • �'' 21.Acceleration: Remedi�s. I.ender shall Rive notice to Borrower prlor to scceleration fdlowing Borrower's breACh
<br /> ', of any coven�nt or aRreement in thiti S�rudty Instrument (but not prtor to acceleratlon under poragraph 17 uaks�
<br /> : ppplics�ble law pruvides otherwise).The notice shall +pecity: (�►)the defi�ult; (b) the AMion requlred W cure thr detwlt;
<br /> , (r)A dute,not less than 30 duys from the date thr���tice is Kiven to Borrower,by which the detstult muct be cured;and
<br />�,;,, . . , .,,,,.,;,,., (d) that fs�ilure to cu�c the default on ur Ix�fure the dute specltied in the notice may result in accelcrwt(on ot tbe sua4s
<br />- . , secured by this Security Ia�trument ynd wle of the Pruperty.The notice shall further infor�u Borrower af tbe tiqht to
<br /> `' ' � reinsts�te after acceleration ynd the r(�f�t tu brin�a cuurt action to as,s�rt the non-existence oi a det�ult or any otber
<br /> -:�.�,� detense of Borrower to accelen�tton ynd s�le. It the de[ault is not cured on or beforn the date speci[fed in tMe notice,
<br /> Ixnder� at its nptiun. ms�y requlre immediKte puymrnt in full oP all sums secured by this Security Inetrumept witbout
<br /> _ � tLriher demand And m�►y invoke the pnNer of s�le s�nd any othcr remecli�permitted by applics�ble IQw.[,ender shAll be
<br /> _ , .: entitled tu collect all expen�incurn�d in pursuin�;the remedie.s provided in this par�rAph Zl,lncludit►�,but pdt Utpited
<br /> , , tu�rraxnlaillr uit41'iiey5��ff5 8iia COSfti Uf�Itle C�'IiICi1CC.
<br /> ' • .� If the power of sale is invnked. Trustee zBvll record tt nMiee of default in each county in which any part ot the
<br /> � ���•� Property is Incated vnd shull mail cop[�w of surh notice in thr manner prescribed by upptfcyble law to Borrower and to
<br /> •" ��''�� . the ottrer person.ti prescribed by uppliruble luw•. After thr time requtred b}uppUcuble law.Trustec shail give puWk notice
<br /> ' ;�y'` of s�le to the perwns s�nd in the manner pr�crilxd by applicubl�Is►w.Trustee�withaut demAnd on 1Sorrower, slwill sell
<br /> ''•- 1•'� " ,� thr Propetty�t public uuction to the highest bidder at thc time and placc and under thc termsdcsignated in thc notke of
<br /> � " ��"� ruule in one or murn r�els�nd in an arder Trutitee determh�es.'frust�r muy t ►ne sale of all or�n rcel ot the
<br /> ,,•.�.,� p� ' Y p�P� Y Po
<br /> =,s: . • y;�� Property by publir�nnouncement �t the time vnd plare of any prevtously zcheduled sale. I.ender or itv d�nee tnoy
<br /> .�.' �r;U° . put+chASe the Property at any saie.
<br /> �,'. �i11T . 7
<br /> �;:; i �
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