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<br /> � _. . ----�-- --�---
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<br /> g3- soss�a
<br /> p�y�r�►m�Y ro lon�er bo roquirqd, at tbe op�bn nf Lerder.if mort�e inwr�nce coveny�e(in the urWUOt ard h�r the periad
<br /> ttwt L,aKlar nequire�)Providpd by�r► lnwru approved by Leixie��sin batiu�w�vail�bte std i�abWna1. Horrower�lwll p�Y
<br /> ---_ _ � tFre premjum�t�quirod to m�l�tq�q,mort��e inwranx in eiioci,ur cv prvvWc r iuw�rae�ve,uniii iho roquit+eu�ent iw nwci�y{e —
<br /> inwr�r�oe e�nds in axardr��oe wilh wiy w�itkn a�roement 6etwan Bamwcr arK!Lender or appliabk law.
<br /> !. Iwpuiloa. t.�nder ar itR�ent�wy make re�soruble entrtes uput►�r�d inrpectionr of the Propetty. l.arbr�ull aive
<br /> Borrower notia u tho dme af ur prlor to an incpxdon spocifying ressanwble awse for the:nipertian.
<br /> 10. Caedemp�tlon. Tha ptqceecii of�ny aw�rd or claim for cWn�er. diroct nr cortsequentW, in cont�oction with�ny
<br /> ca�demnrtion or aher a�lc�ag oi uny p�t of the Propecty,ur fur cunvey+uxe in Ifeu of candemiuuion,�u�e hercby wigned and
<br /> __ ----_ - - -� siWl be paid ta L,cndc�.
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property.the procroau slull be appliai to the sumx saural by thi�►Seru�iry In�trumau.
<br /> whether or not then due, with�tty ex�ess p►id to Bortti�wor. In the event af w patti�l talcing of the Propany in which the f�ir
<br /> mar�et valuc of the Property immodiately bcforc the taking is eqw►1 to ur grcate�than thc amaum ��f thc rum�xcur+ed by this
<br /> Secudty instrucnent immodiat�ly•i�farr tbe trking.unlers Bormwor and l.enlcr athenvise agrce in writin�,Ihe rurns sa:urod by
<br /> this Securiry In�rumcnt stu�l ba reducod by the amount of tFw procoods multipliod by tiw follQwing fractiun: (x) the totxl ,
<br /> amount of tho sums sccurcd in�mediately beforc the wking. divided by Ib)thc fxir market valua of the Pn�pcny inurnxliw4�ly -
<br /> beforc thc taking. Any Wtlat�c4 s1w11 bc paid to Bormwer. In tbe evcnt of A purtiel taking of dw Pmpeny in which tho fair
<br /> rtwrket valuc of tho Propurty immediutcly beforc the t�lcing is lesc than the ynwunt of the su►ns secured immedixtcly be&►rc tt�e
<br /> tuking,unless Borrawu and Lunder atherwise agree in writing or unless applic�lc luw othenvlce providcs. thc proceads st�all
<br /> ------ - - - be applial ta thc suu�i�nu��.i by this Sccurity lnstrumcnt whcthcr or not thc sums ar�thnu Jun. -
<br /> If the Pm�erty is abturdanod by Borrower,ar if.afur notice by L.endcr to&►rrawcr thut the candemnc►r offcc�to make an
<br /> .... .. _ --_� award or setde a claim fur d�nages. Bortower fails to tr5pand to I.enda�within 30 days after thu dut�the r�,otice fs given,
<br /> l..ender is authorized to.caflvct and apply the proceeds,at its option,eithor to restoretion ar repair of ttxs.PmNsny or to the wms
<br /> secured by thia Securi4jr Instrumcnt,whether or not then dua.
<br /> ----��— Unless [.ander and Borrower otherwise agree in w�iting, any application of procroexis ta principal sh�ll not cxtetxi ur
<br /> pastpcmo tha dw:dute+of the monthly payments referrcd to in paragraphs I and 2 or chango tho umaunt nf such p:iynxnts.
<br /> I1.BorrowRr Not Relew�ed;Forbearnnce Ay Lender Nat A WAiver.Extensiun of the time fix payment ur mcxlitication
<br /> of anortlzation af tha sums sxured by this Security Instrument grantod by L.ender ta any su��ce�.a�r in interest of&�rrower shall
<br /> __ nat operate to r+ete�ce the lisbility af tbe uriginal Bonower or B��rrower's succe�.ain in inter��st. Lender slwll not be required to
<br /> .�.. comtnence pmceedings against uny succeksor in interest or rcfusc to extcnd time for paymcnt��r otherwise rrxxlify a�twrti-ratian
<br /> of tho sums securod by this Security instrumcnt by reason of any de►nand made by the original &xrowcr or Borrower's
<br /> �— suoccsson;in intemst. My forbexr,�nce by[.ender in exercising any right ar mmaiy shuU not be u wuivcr uf or prc�:lude the
<br /> --_ � exercise of nr�y right or cemedy.
<br /> r� ----= 12. Succes�ors pnd Assigns Bound;Joint And Seveml 1.IabNity; Co-higners. The co��onunts :uxi :►greements of this
<br /> Socuriry In�trument shull bind and benefit the auccessnrs and ussigns of Leixier urni Qorrow•cr, subjecc to the provisiuns of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrawer's covcnants and agmcments shull tx: joiot anJ scvcrul. Any Borr��wer whu co-sign. this S�xurity
<br /> Instrument but dcey iwt exccutc the Notc:(a)is co-signing this Security lnstrumcnt nnly to murt�;a, grunt uiui convey thut
<br /> - Borrower's interest in tho Property under thc tcrms af this Sccurity Instrument;(M)is not per.umully obliguted to pay thc rums
<br /> ' .° secured by this Security lnstrument;and(c)agmes thut Lender•rnJ uny other Borruwer muy ug�re ai extend, nxxiify,fortx�ar or
<br /> make miy xc��mmodatinns with regard tn thc term+of thin Srrurity Instrument i�r tho N��te with�ut thut&irruwcr's cunsent.
<br /> 13. Lown Charges. If the loun seeur��d by this Sccurity Instrumrnt is xubjcct tci u luw which kt�m�ucimum Inun rharges,
<br /> and that law is finalty intcipretcd so that thc intcrest or othcr loan rhargr�coticctcd uc to bc collcctcd in ronn�xtiun with thc
<br /> r` . ' ��. '•�� loan exceed tl�e permitted limit+, thcn: Ia)any such loun ch�rge shall Ix reducc�l by thc mniiunt n��r.wry t�i r�tilucc thc rhurgc
<br /> ,t�;.w.;,;�,-�.
<br /> ta thc permitted limit:and(b)•rny sum� ulrcady collecud fn�m &�rruwcr which exaxdai permiucd limit�will tx refurxlaf to
<br /> , � i b.: ::,ti:i�;� Borrower. Lender muy chonse to muke thiti rcfund by reducing the priucipul ow�til under thr Ni�tc or by n�king •r dircct
<br /> *���";, � ':ti payment to Borrowcr. If u mfund reducex principul, the rcduction will t►e treatu! u.. a �utriial prepuyment without uny
<br /> _ _ prepaYment rhargc uncicr thc Notc. __
<br /> 4�� � 14.Notices.Any nrnice to&rrrower provided far in thi�Sccurity Inurumcnt sh•rll Ix givrn hy deliveriag it or by m•riling
<br /> �� it by first cl;�sr mail unless applirablr luw requircx use uf unothrr mrthal. Thc naticc.hall txt direrteJ to the Aroperty AdJress
<br /> '_�–'-�':4'�,:...�;;,�i or any other uJdrexs &�rmwer Jetiign.rtes by noticc tu Lcndcr. Any ninirc tu Lendcr shall �x givcn by ftrtit r1:4tis mail to �
<br /> - �:���+�+�_�� L.ctxler's addres� stut��l herein or rm� other addres. L�ndcr de,i�natc�by nuticc tu &►rrowrr. Any nntice pr�rviJcd titt in this
<br /> –a --=�! Securiry Imtrununt shalt tx:deemeJ tu huve tkcn given to Bara►wer or i.ender wlirn givcn a.pravidcJ in this parugruph.
<br /> ---��–=--=, 15.Governing latws Severabititv. Thix Security Iu�trunxut .Bull t+r guverncd by tcdcrul laa• and thc luw nf thc
<br /> � ---- ju�isdiction in which the Property ix Icxat�d. In the evcnt thut any pruvi.iun ur rluuxr of thi, Sccurity Imuumcnt ur thc Notr
<br /> ______� ronflicts with appticable luw,sudi cvmflict�hull rH�t ufT'cct othcr pn►visiom of thi.Srcurity Instrumcn�ar thr N��tc which can hc --
<br /> �.�,�� given cffcct without the contlicting pnwisian.To thi�end thu provisium ut tt�i.Scrurity Instrumcnt and thc Nute are declarcd t"�'
<br /> ta be sevcrablc.
<br /> - ---- 16.Bormwer's Copy.&irrower cl�all tx:gi�•en one confiirm�xf copy of the Nute aixl uf d�i�Securiq Instrument.
<br /> Fam 3028 �180
<br /> Pp�4 018
<br /> l �'. ,�--r . . �^'�' _ �- . � .-�' . . '
<br /> .. . .f-� •.f.J-iYl�'{R.L'M.?� �a �1�„�. _.. _� ...� . , � .
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