,1Y i1nr� �.Tnf�.�... � �. w 1��`• .1��5¢'.�:� ��''Y�Rw�����-..�. . .. . , `
<br /> � � ' . �i
<br /> •J�I •Y':� i_a�. .. __ - . .. ._J..r��...•.__
<br /> . �.;'=.��;,, 93- sa�s�ro
<br /> , �r � (p) M TrwWr It not�n Individwt,th�inwna,al�,tramler,�tNpnm�nt,conwyana or�ncumbr�nc�of mon than a toW
<br /> ..- :-;�,.___ _-__-- _._. ot Fereenf ol tlt�caporetlon?its I�u�d�nd ouutanding stxk or At a partn�rahlPl a bW ol W�ant�ol �
<br /> � . p�M�nlhiP Inarnb du►Inp tM p�rlod thl�ONd of Trust nmain�a Ilon on th�Prop�rty.
<br /> , tZ, It�nNd{M;A�N�►Nbn Upon ONwM.�n th��v�nt ot any Event of D�f�ult LencNr may,wlthout nodc��xupt as nqulnd by
<br /> .�'�"�, �s'�a-tyr iaw,Mci�r��II lnd�bt�dnas acund h�nby to W du�and p�yabts and the �ame�hall th�rwpon b�com�dw snd pryabN
<br /> '.Yt•,:�'.� •. . wlthout�ny pnsmtm�nt,d�m�nd,protat or notics of eny kUd.Th�rsaRer L�ndsr m�y:
<br /> � '�+raf;� (U Oortwnd th�t TrutlN�xwclN th�POWER OF SALE prahUd h�rein, and TrustN sh�ll th�rwfl�r c�up T�uttor'�
<br /> Int�r�st In th�Prop�rry to b�wid and th�procNd�to b�dlitrfbut�d.�Il ln th�rr�nn�r provld�d In th�N�br��ka Trust DNd�
<br /> . zr,.; :. ... .. . ACt; �
<br /> � , ,_ ,. (b) Hx�rois��ny and�II rlphtt provid�d for In�ny ot iho Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurr�r�oe ol ony Ev�t ot
<br /> . DNwI��nd =
<br /> — °�°�" -� " �< < (c) Comm�na an�ctlon to tonctos�thls OMd oi Trust a�a moRpa�e,appoint t ncdwr,or spsclticalty enloro�any of th�
<br /> _ —-''.,.,. ,°.� ..ry•� cownanb h�no1.
<br /> ��°"�"" '' � No nmady h�reln CoM�rred upon or►eserved to Trustee or Lender ii intendsd to be exclu�ive of any other remsdy herain,in the _
<br /> --'�.� K` '"• • . . Loen Inptrument�or by IRw provid�d or permitted,but�ach ahall be cumu�ative,ahalt be In addition to every other remedy yiven _
<br /> _,_..,� . ,� ' ,, twlr4undsr,in th�Loan Instrum�nu or now or hn�ahor�xistinp at Iaw or in�qulty or by itatute,and may be ex�rcisrd cancurrentiy, -
<br /> :�i;;��,i�; - . indepondenQy w wccssslvNy. -
<br /> �, , 13. 7YuN�.The Trustee mAy resipn at any time withaut cause,and Lender may at any time and without causs appoint a
<br /> � <•• ' suaceuor or subttitute Tru�tee.T�u�tee thali not be Iiable to any party,inaludinq withaut Ifmitation Lender,8orrower,Truttar or any
<br /> �„_.,� ����-�---��-•�:� purchasar of the Property,tor any�oaa or dam�ye unieta due to recklsss or williul misconduct,and shail not be requlred to take any
<br /> �� �• `��� i actlon in connection with ths enforaement of this Osed ot Truat uNeu indemnlfied.in writing,far all coats,compensatlan or
<br /> „_� . � ��'�•� �xpense�►whici�may ba arscx:i�le�i iha�6with.In additipn.Trustee m1y bocomo a purchsser et nny sale ot the Property Qudiclat or �
<br /> '" � � , under th�power,of wlo yrantad herein);poalpone the aale of all ar any portion of tho Property,os provtded by law;or aeli tha
<br /> � ' P�opsrty as s whol�,or in s�parate parcets or lots at T�uatee's discretion.
<br /> 1 4, F�t�n d E x p�n�.in t h e e v e n t T r u a t e a setls the Pro pa r t y b y ezercise of power ot eale,Truatee shatt be entitled!o appiy _
<br /> • � any sale prxs�ds flrit to p�yment of ail costa end expenses ot exercisinp power ot aate,inctudinp all Trustee's tees.and Lender'a �
<br /> ° and Truatee's attomey'a feea,actualty incurred to extent permitted by�ppllcable Iaw.in the event Borrower or Truetor exercisea any -
<br /> ripht providod by taw to eure an Event of Oefault,Lander ehail be entitled to recover trom Trustor ail costt and expenses actually y
<br /> � incurted as a nsult of Tru�tor's dsf�ult,tncludlnfl without Ilmitatlon alf Trustee's and ettorney'4 fee�,to the extent permidad by
<br /> �PPlicsbls Isw.
<br />� ' 15. Futun AdvancN.Upon requeat of Borrower,Lender mey,at its option,make additionai and luture advgAces and re• r
<br /> edvynces to Borrower,Such advances and readvances,with interest thereon,ahall be aecured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall 4
<br /> � the principai amou�t ot the indebtedness secured by this Oeed ot Trust,not Inciudin sums advanced to protectthQ iecuriiy of thit _
<br /> y, fi�ed ot Trust,sxceed the oripinal principai amount ttatad herein,or S whlchever Is�reater. �
<br /> ��. 18. MMeN1�MOUS Ptovision�. !,
<br />� ' . (a) Borrow�r Nol RMas�d.Extension oi the time for payment or modiflcatfon of amortization of the sums aecured by this _
<br /> , Oeed of T�uat�ranted by Lender to eny successor in interest of Borrower ahali not operate to release,In any manner,the Ilability _
<br /> _ -�=—'--�—.-_- 4}th4 4��Qlg�!�t��tlyqr and 80rrOWAt's successors in interest Lender shaU not be required to commence pruceadinps against
<br /> such succeaaor or�etuae to extend time tor payment or oiherwise modlty amortization ot the sums aecurou by this�eeci oi i'rust
<br /> �� by reason oi any demanda made by the orlpinal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. ,�
<br /> (b) L�ndK's Pow�rs.Without aHectinq the llability ot eny other person Iiable for the payment ot any oblipefion hereln ;'
<br /> mentioned,and wlthout attecting the lien or charge ot this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretotore -
<br /> releaeed as securlty for the tull amount of alI unpaid obligatlons,Lender may,irom tlme to tlme and wlthout notice(i)release any ;:
<br />- . ... peraon ao Ifable,pq extend the maturity ot alter any of the terms of any such obligatlons,(III)yrant other indu�yences,(iv)release u
<br />- or reconvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed et any time at LenOer's option any parcei,ponion or sii of the rroperiy. �
<br /> - (v)take or release any othor or additional security for any obllyation herein mentloned, or(vi)make composltions or other _
<br /> . � arranpements wllh debtora M relatfon thereto. 5
<br /> ;�.,, . (c) Fofi�snnc�by L�nd�r Not a Walv��.Any forbearance by Lender In exercising any rlght or remedy hereunder,or •
<br /> �,�� otherwlse aflorded by applfcable law, shelt not be a warver of or preclude the exerr,Ise of any such right or remedy.The
<br /> procurement of Insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lendor shall�ot be a walver of Lender's rlyht to _
<br /> r�" accelerate the mnturlly of the indebtedness secured by thts Deed of Trust. =
<br />;�;;.; (d) Succ�ssors and Atslpnt Bound;Joint and Sw�ral Li�btltty;Captlon�.The covenants end ayreements hereln con- :
<br />:�:. , talnad shall bind,and the rf�hts hereunder shal�Inure to,the respective successors and.assigns of Lender and Trustor.AII
<br /> coVenanta and apreements oi Trustor shal�be joint and several.The captions and headinga ot the paragraphs ot thls Deed of _
<br /> lr ' ' Truet Are far convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or detine the provisions hereof. _
<br /> '" (e) Rpu�stlor Notict�.The partlas hereby tequest that a copy oi any notice of detault hereunder and a capy ot eny notice _
<br /> of aale hereunder be mal�ed to each party to thls Deed of Trust at the address set forth above�n the manner presc►ibed by -
<br /> ,� c � � appltcable Iew.Except tor any other nollce required under applicab�e law to be given fn another manner,any notice provlded
<br /> tor In thls Deed of Trust sha�t be gtven by mallinp such notice by ce►tified mait addressed to thv other pariies,at the address set =
<br /> �C;� '�1'.:+•� torth above.Any notice provlded for in this Oeed of Trust shall be eHectwe upon maflfng In the manner deslynated heroln.If =
<br /> r�:-- • � ' Trustor Is more than one person,notice aent to the address set torth above shall be notice to all such persona.
<br /> �y�'
<br /> (n �nsp�ctlan.Lender may make or ceuse ta be made reasonable entries upon and inspectfons ot the Property,provlded
<br /> : ��.'^��' - that Lender shall give 7rustor notice prlor to any such Inspectfon specifyiny reasonable cause therefor related to lendePt =
<br /> ": ttl�'r Interest in the Property,
<br /> ' r ' ;�,�..�.' (g) R�eonv�yanc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust.Londer shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> � Prope►ty and shalt surrender thls�eed of Trust and atl notes evidenclnq indebtedness secured by this Oeed ot Trust to Trustee.
<br /> � , Tnlatee shall recnnvey the Property wlthout warranty and without charpe to the person or persons Ieyally entitled thereto. ■_
<br /> Trustor shall pay all coats of recordatlon,if any.
<br /> � (h) P�non�l Prop�rty;S�cu�ity AqrNrt�nt.As addltional aecurity for the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby pranb
<br /> ` . �� Lendar under the Nebraska Unitorm Commercial Code a securiry�nterest In all fixtures,equlpment,and other personal property --
<br /> :ri=�:: � used In connectlon wlth the reat estete or improvements Iocated thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be a pan of
<br /> 'a'� .,. . `• �:.�`, the reel estate aecured hereby.7his instrument shall be construed as a Securiy Apreement under aald Code,end the Lender -
<br /> .�'Y.�.:::.:.1',''•,:,�.;.
<br /> -�- „ shall have alt the riphb and remedfee ot a secured party under said Code In edditlon to the ri�hts and remedles created under
<br /> ��•-, .
<br /> - - �'r����� and acCOrdOd the Lendor punuant to thls Deed ot Trusk Provfded Shat Lender't Nphts aad rem�dles undvr thls parapr�ph shall _
<br /> _ '''`-},;,f • be cumulative wlth,and In no way a Ifmltatlon on.Lender's rlphts and rem�diea under any other securlty ayreement sfflned by _
<br /> � ` ' `'=' Barrower or Truator.
<br /> ''—�iG��Gs p)I.i�nt and EnCUmbrancN.Tru�tor hereby warrants and represents that there Is no detault under the provislons of any _
<br /> � mortaa9s,d�ed ot bue�lease or purcha�e contract descrlbinfl aII or any pert of the Property.or other contract,instrument or
<br /> �pn�mtnt conttltutlnp a Iten or encumbrance ayainst aIl or any part ot the Property(collactively,"Liena'�,exlstlnp as of the
<br /> __. '
<br /> __�wa���....�..���dt...t...�.1�..1�i In Truafnr't .
<br /> . . — ��O}�1��DO�d O�T�Ui�,��d tnet any ana aii eaiaiing i.ie��s�e���a���iiRu�w���w o..wp...+.........�..-.----.--. ... ..__._._ _
<br /> - - writt�n dI=closura ot Ilsns and encumbrancea provtded tor heroln.Trustor�hall Umely pertorm all ot Truntor's obtiyations,
<br /> � cavsnants,nprnent�Uons and wnrrdntie�under any and all exlstSnp and future Llens,ahatl promptly forward to L�nder copies -:
<br /> ot dl notlCa of d�fault pnt in conn�ctfon wlth eny and alt existlnp or futurs Ll�m,and sh�lt not without L�nder's prlor wrftt�n _
<br /> conwnt in�ny manrnr mod�y ths provf��ons ot or anow any tutur��dvance�undK any exisUnp w/uture Ll�ns. _
<br /> Q)AppYcabn d P�yni+nb.Unl�ss otherwlss reqWred by IRw,wm�p�id to lencNr hersundsr.includinp wltMout limltatfon
<br /> pMym�nts ot princ�ptl�nd inbrest Insur�ncs praceed�,cond�mnatlon procNds and�snb�nd protlb,sh�tl be apptlsd by
<br /> I.,w�Eo fM amounb dw and ow�np trom Truttor�nd Borrower in tuch ord�r as Lender in Its sol�dlscretlon dwms deilrable.
<br /> (k)fwwab�ty.M any provl�ion of this DNd ot T�ust Conlllcq wlth applicaWe law or Ii dscland Invalld or otlnrwbs _,
<br /> un�nk►rq�btt,wch conlllct or Invalldlty�II no:att�ct the athsr provlwns oi 1hls ONd of Trust or th�Noq whlch can b�
<br /> yiwn Mt�ct wttl�out 1M contllcttnp p►ovtslon.and to thls snd the{xovlsfons of thb G�d of Tnut�nd tM NoM an�Mctu�d b b�
<br /> ..wnw.. �- ,;:: . .. -
<br />