--�.;. . .___
<br /> � . ,� . . , ....,; .�� .'_..� ,
<br /> ------___�_-��i
<br /> 93- so�s��
<br /> �.na.rw proac�a�.�.au�y aa»�;co�a�.�.rio�manc.a■u cownana•nd a�►.�,�«�a aT�unor�e�om,h.n+n,and�d)au
<br /> pw�nt u�0 fwun N�bi�dr�s and oWlp�ii�ot i'wiiowM ta ariy zt�It�than on:s io Lsrs�s�sattsx�ir.�.'i Iri�iir:ui, —
<br /> ab�olu0�or conNnp�nt and wh�tha ariWnp by noN.qwnnty,owrdrah a olt�wis�.Th�NM�,Ihl�OMd ol Ttu�t�nd any�nd�11
<br /> otl»►doCUMtls Ihat Naun fh�NoMOr Otl�rwiN�x�cUMd I�Conn�cGon tMtMwilh�inCludktp WNh�wt Iknitullon puatanNM.Mou�iN
<br /> aprNnNnb snd�s�ipnm�r►t�ol I���nd nnl�,sh�ll bs rNK��d b 1►wM�a eh�"L�n Inshwn�nb".
<br /> ''t' Tnnta covmana utid�qrNS with L�nd�r as Ioifowr.
<br /> ,,-� 1. Pa of(ndNN«M�.All Ind�bl�dn�waund h�►�by shal�b�p�W wh�n dw.
<br /> �'� 2. .Trustor Is th�owr�of tM Prop�rty,M�th�rlpht and authority to conwy th�Prop�ty,�nd warnnu tMt M�Ilen s
<br /> i"`""' ""' crs�bd Mnby is a fiat and prior INn on the PropNty,�xc�pt lor Il�ns anct tncumbr�nc�s wt toAh by 7rustor In wrlunp and
<br /> � dNiwnd to L�nd�r bNor��x�CUdOn o(Ihi�OMd of Trutl,and th��x�CUtbn and dNivory of this ONd of Trust do�s no!vlolaM any
<br /> ���� eonhact or othK obllpadon to whtCh Tnu�a i�tubj�at
<br /> -- 3.TaxM.AM�Mn1M1M.To pay Wla�dNinqwncy�11 t�xss.�psGfai asNi�m�nb�nd�11 oth�►ahary��in�t ttN Prop�tty
<br /> �:�±�!;�� now or h�n�fMr Iwi�d.
<br /> ----=�-w��__ 4. ImurM�C�.To kesp ths Prop�rly Insursd a�aU�t d�msys by ffn,harards included wlthin th�term"�xtsr►d�d�ow►a{�",�nd
<br /> �=^''--j?'�� such other huards as LMdK mAy rpulrs,In amounb�nd with compante�acceptable to Uncf�r,namin�L�nd�r a�an�dditional
<br /> - � � + � nam�d i�wnd,wlth las�payable b th�Lender.I�caso ot iwa under wch poilcios,th0 l.�ndar is authorizsd to ad�u�t,collsct and a -
<br /> ti'��T°'.`��="�' omlM,ali cl�lms tMrwnd��nd�II haw th�optbn af aPptYin�all or part of ths fnwranc�proc�sds(q to�ny ind�bl��
<br /> �a�a�ji�-��ut ���
<br /> i� � '<.� Ncured h�rsby a�d in wch order�t Lender may det�rmins,(II)to the Truuor to be uNd for ths r�ir pr�Ntoratlon.of th�Prop�rfy
<br /> �,��,;:;:.:;...,�,•
<br /> - �t�-�.�._l._.:�� or(ili)(or any othsr purpose or obj�ct s�ptf�ctory to lender without aflecUnp th�Ilen of thls DrW of Trusl for th�tull amount tecur�d
<br /> :�„,*�:�,�..,�.:,t-;,�k• hsr�by bstore wch payment evor took pt�cs.Any appiic�tion of proc»ds to indebMdneu st►all not�xl�nd a postpon�tM dw
<br /> °_���,..u.--�,.a-s:. d�M of any prym�nb under th�Nots,or cure my default thereunder w hsreunder. �. -
<br />-�1�� � ' ` `` 6. Es�row,tlpon writbn demtnd by l.ender,Truttor shail p�y to Lender,in such manner q lende�may dstipn�te,sufli��alt
<br /> . �M/�`v.'��4J�1�`Y
<br /> �. :;�.,�{,�;i,�:..,� sums to�nabto L�nds►t�puy as they becoms duo one or mor�ot the Ioliawinp:(q sll faxes,ss�emenb and other char�ss a�inst =
<br /> ,�;•�-��.;� : .,• .:. � �r� Ihe PropeAy,(iq tho promiums on the property inzu�anc�roquired hareunder,and�Uy the pnmiams on any monpepe inwrance -
<br /> rpuirad by Lender. _
<br /> f�� •� 8. MMnt��nc�, R�ks and Co�plt�nc�wtih Laws.Trustar shall k�ep ihe Property in pood conditian and repair,ahall
<br /> ' . ' • promptiy repair,or replaae any imp�ovement which may be damayed or deatroyed;shalt nat commit or permit any waate or
<br /> i..��,:ti deterioraUon ot the Prope►ty;ehall not remove,demoflsh or aubstantiaity alter any oi the improvements on the Property;sha�l not
<br /> . . commit,auHer or permitany act to be done in or upon the Property in vioiatbn of any taw,ordinance,or repul�tion;and shall pay and
<br /> ' � prompdy discharye at Truator't cat and expens�all lion�,encumbrances and charyee levied,impo�d or au�sted ayainst ths __
<br /> `�`::::�: �. ' . Property or any part thereol.
<br /> . :�•,`
<br /> ", .. 7. Emin�nt Oomstn.Lender is hereby esalyned ali compensation,awarda,dama�es and other paymertts or roliei(herefnattAr
<br /> � � "Proceeda'� in connec8on with condemn�tion or other tekiny of the Property or pnrt thereof, or tor conveyance in Heu of
<br /> ,,,,;� . .::�,' condemnation. Lender shail ba entitlsd at its option to commence,appear In and prosecute in its own nama any acUon w
<br /> i.• procesdinps,and shall a�so be endtied to makt any comp�amise or settlert►ent in connectfon with such taking or dam�pe.In the
<br /> � � ev�nt any portion ol the Property i�ao takon or damAyed,Lender ahali have tha option,in its eole and absolute�dit�cretion,to apply
<br /> '��:'s;�+h�?�:s.��: atl such Procoeds.after deducting therairom all cos�and exponsas incurred by it ln connection with suah Proceeds,upon any
<br /> ' ._ , indebtedness secured hereby and In auch order as Lender may determfne,or to appiy ali suah Proceeds,after suah deduotiona,to
<br /> �. .;,:. :. ' the rostoration of the Property upon such condltions as Lender may determine.Any appilCation of Proceeds to indebtedness shalt � w
<br /> ' ' • not extend or postpone the due date of any payments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled
<br /> tunda shall be paid to Trustor.
<br /> 8. P�rfamsnc�by L�nd�►.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Defautt hereunder,or if any act is teken or leflal proceedinq
<br /> commenCed which materially aitects lender's fnterest in the Prope..y,Lender may i��cs own d�scretion,but without obliyetfon to do
<br /> ; . '. � -'.� eo,end�Nt�out noticc+t�nr demand upon Trustor and w8hout reieaalnp Truator from any 4bii�atlon,do any act which Trustor haf �--
<br /> ap►eed but Taiis to do and may ai�o do any other act it deams necessary to protect the securlty hereof.Trustor shaii,immedlately
<br /> upon demand theretor by lender,pay to Lender ali costs and expenses Incurred and sums expended by Lender in connectlon wlth
<br /> the exercise by Lender Of the toteqoing rights,together with fnterest thereon at the defauit rate provided fn the Note,whtoh shail be ��-fi"'
<br /> • � addeQ to the indebtedness secured hereby. Lender Qhall not incur eny 118biliry because of enythlnq 1t may do or omlt to do �,
<br /> heraunder.
<br /> �.r:'
<br /> 9. H�sardous MaN►i�ts.Truttor shali keep lhe Prnparty in compliance with all appticable lawa,ordinanaea and reguletions ry_;;
<br /> relstinp to fndustrla�hygiene or envi�onmental protection(coliective{y reterred to hereln as"E�vironmentai Laws").Truatot shali
<br /> keep the Property tree irom all Bubstances deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental Laws(collectively reterred to �.c-,
<br /> " " herein ea"Hazardous Materiais").Trustor hereby warrants and represents to lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or i�r_,.
<br /> under the Property.Tructor hereb a rees to indemni and hold harm�ess Lendet,its d�rectors,otticers,empto ees and a ents,and '�'��
<br /> • any succeesors to Lendar's Inter ct,�trom&nd agatna any and all ciaims,demages,lOSSes end�iaDflitfes arisinp in conn chon with r
<br /> n
<br /> the presence,uae,dl9posal or trensport ot•any Hazardous Materials on,under,trom or about the Properly.THE FORECiO1N0 ���:
<br /> . � „ ' 10. Atst�nm�nt of R�nb.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender the►ents,issues and profits ot the Property;p�ovided that Trustor
<br /> shell,untii the occurrenCe of an Event ot Default hereunder,have the right to collect end retain such rents,issues and profits as they
<br /> ��
<br /> ' become due and payabla.Upon the occurrence oi an Event of Oefauit,Lender may,either In person or by agent,with or without -
<br /> -- -�� brinyinp any action or proeeeding,or by a receWer appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy of its security,enter ����
<br /> ;'' • `:�.,-
<br /> - , �� !`:.".'�: ,� upon and take poaaesalon of the Properly,or any part thereot,fn its own neme or In the name of the Trustee,and do any acts which it
<br /> •;: �•. ,:,;,;.• �, deems neceseary or deatrable to preserve the value,marketebllity or rentabllity of the Property,cr any part thereoi or Interest thereln, �'����
<br /> - . �,.. . � inaease the income theretrom or protect the eecunty hereof and,with or without taking possession oi the Prope►ty,aue br or ��'-:�
<br /> - otherwise collect the renb.Iesues and protita thereof,Inciuding those past due and unpaid.and appiy the eame,less coate and � '�`
<br /> ! � exp�nsea of oparatiOn and collectlon Inctuding attorneys'tees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all fn such order as Lender l�:
<br />= may determine.The enterinp upon and takfny possessfon ot the Property,the coilect�on ot such rents,lssuea and proHta and the �°s-`-
<br /> o-;.. : � appllcetion the►eof as aforeaald,shali not cure or waive any defeuit or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done In 'r::..
<br /> �;.; reaponse tq suCh default or pursuent to such notiCe ot default and,notwithstand�ny lhe cont�nuance in possession ot the Property or � �--
<br /> ' th�co118ctlon,�ecelpt and applicatlon of rant�,issues or profit�,and Trustee and lender ahali be ontltied to exerciae every ripht ���.=:
<br /> r;�,'.M:.,�• ,
<br /> � p�ovided tot in any of the Loan In�trumsnta or by law upon occurrence ot eny Hvent oi Oefautt,inctudinp without limitation tho rlyht r'�-
<br />_, �v;r�'��;3,'_; ,, ,', to exarci�e the power of BaI�FuRher,Lender'a riyhit and remedies under ihic parapraph ahali be cumuiative with,and In no way a �
<br /> �•��°��•,1:�; . IfmlEVdon on,Lentler's rl hb and remedies under an aasi nment of leaaea and rentt recorded a sinat the Pro Lendar.Trustea �."`
<br /> p Y fl G PB�Y• ;;_.-•
<br /> � �i;a= arfd tl�r�COiv@r 8hi►it be Uabie to account Only tor thOSe rents actually recelved,
<br /> .. ,^�„_� _
<br /> 4��.���_�- 11. ErM1k of M t a W f.T he t o l low lnp s he l t cons H tu te an Even t o f De lau l t un d er t h i a D e e d O f T r u s t
<br /> �.;d.
<br />____� (�FaNwe to pay�ny instalim�nt oi prfncipai or interest ot any other sum secured hereby when due; �••
<br /> (b) A breach of or de(sult ur�der any'rovlsi�n c�ntalnod!n tht N�t�,thlt�eed�f Trust,any ot thQ Loan Instruments,or any �. .
<br /> � OYI�f 11�(I Of tl0(iYinWi�Iti:Q YNtJ11 Vto�iv�R�i]. .. .
<br /> — (c) A�vrlt ot exacution or attachmont or any simltar proc�ss shgll be entered ayafnst Trustor whtch shal�become a�Ien on
<br /> _, tM Prop�rty or any portlon d�eraof or interest thereln; `.� '
<br /> = (d) Th�n shall be fll�d by or a�aMst Tru�tor or Borrower�n action under eny preaent or tuture tederal,atate or other ,•-,�
<br /> shtuE�,t�w or rspul�tbn rotatlnp to Wnkruptcy,fmotvency or other retfef tor dtbtora;or thare shall be appointed any trustao, r•':
<br /> ncNver a Iiquld�Fo►of Trustor or Borrower or of all or�ny pa�t of ths Property,or tht nr►b,Issws w proNts th�nof,or Tru�tor --
<br /> - or 8orrowK d�all mak�any peneat aatynrt►�nt for th�b�n�fit of cndlton;
<br /> ��) TM wl�,trarntK.I�us,asslpnmen�convsyance or turther encumlxanc�o!alt or a�y part of or any tntenst In the :
<br /> prppKty,�fth�r volun�lly or Invotuniarlly, wlthout the exprets wrltten conwnt of Lsnd�r: {xovlded that Trustor shall bt
<br /> pKmitl�d�o�ncut�a 1�of th�P►opeRy that does not cantaln an opUon to purchaae and ths term�whl�dws rwt�zcssd ��.
<br /> _ 0110 yMr, • '" r "
<br /> m Ab.n�onm«,t a u�.a�op�rty;or --
<br /> �.
<br /> -- . �
<br />