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<br /> � V
<br /> , � DEED OF TRU�T �1„_ 1�)8 G 2 8 P�6 � ,� � �
<br /> ,�r.
<br /> (CoMinued)
<br /> ,i - F .._.�r
<br /> �. � '"�
<br /> �+o�a.►a.�an�wn�or Ih�uN ol lundl0�tly AwMYnp Ia Proh�biNd purpowt• ' .
<br /> u. cu+u�at��aiaurt To cuAe. uvo►��n.aeeuR��+n of �ny�v11n1 d DN�ufl(OthM Ih�n h�ud or mitM41 myr�pr�iMlUbOn)�nd P� �0 ; �
<br /> � p�rc�np�ny of th�nphls�nd nm�dMS WoNd�tl in tlw�DMd a�Trusl a by yw.L�ndM shW y�w nd�a�s proNd�rd m ttr DMd oi Trust�eo a � ,�
<br /> � � rplMr�O bY�PP��uw. _
<br /> j 70. RIGIiT8 AND iiFYEDIE8 O!I OEFAtL7. UPon�ne oceunena o��ny Ewn�a D���u�l ana�i�n�urtw tlwrwnK.Truttw a 1.�n0u,at ib ophon, I
<br /> ny��xMdN�ny OrM or mOr10f Ih�fdl0vwrp nQhb�nd qmWNi.�n�dd�hOn 10�ny Othor nQ�fb W r�rtMdws WOViWd by I�W:
<br /> I AEpIKM1011 Yp011 D�IMllli�It�p��M� II any�wnt o1 d�f�utl oocu�wtuch a not eund wd�in fi11Y��(16)dUYs�hM ndba.LM�dM
<br /> m�y d�Cyn�II Ind�b{b�yys t�CUr�d by tMt OMd ol T�ust lo D�tlu��nd p�Yabl�and ih�s�m�shall IAM�upon t�COm�tlu���d W1�M I
<br /> Wl�hptll�fly P�MO��rtMnl��itl�fld�MOM{I p 110h0�0)�ny k�ntl. TAMNIIM.L�ndM 111iy� 1
<br /> ' (�) HBMr fn pMSOn a by�p�nl,wtlh a wNhoul bnnpuq�ny�Chun ar praoManp�a by�rocavw�pP�^�by�aouA and wllhout rpv0 �
<br /> lo Ih��dpWwy 0�Ih faCUtNN��ntYr�Pon�nd fak�poss�ssion of Ih�PrepartY,o��nY PA�I�pf,In Iti OWfI Mffl�d ifl Ih�NIIIY 0) t
<br /> s � Trusla�,�nd do�ny acb wlweh tl ds�ms naoossary or Oos�raby lo Draswva IM v�iw.muk�4b�Nly or nntapWly o�Ih�PrapMt►r.ar Wut W
<br /> 11�Praparty a intirasl m tlw Nroparty:�ndaace the�ncoma hom Ilw Prapary a Protact th�sacunty W Ilw Propwty;�nd,with a wdhoul
<br /> 4 �ki,�possasaor,a rn. �o�nv.sIN Ip or olhanviss Coll�el Ih�rMb,issWS�nd prOfib ol lh�PropMtY,InCludinp ihos�p�sl dIM Yntl
<br /> unpa�d.��d�pOh't�����Costs�nd expemas ol oper�hon�nd CdlscUOn,indud�np�ttaneyti'hM,to�ny mdabNdn�ss securYd GY
<br /> 1�p�p W Trusl.�N In auCh ad�r�s Lender may detwmnw. Tfw ontan�g upon�nd Uklrp possassron ot the PrapYrty.lhr colNeue+�01
<br /> sucp��s.�ssuas�nd profitt.�nd ifw aPP�don thareol�ha1 not cur�a we�vi 11ny daf�ult or nph.�a d da9YUit under this DYrd a1 Tnist a
<br /> mv�4d�M�RY�1 Corw in rpsp0�l0 6uCh tlYhult or purSUt�e�t IO SuCh tW1�Y W dYUWt;�nd,noNvd�sl8�d�1he Conhnw�r possiss�
<br /> � oi tA�PrapaN or ih�cotNcuon.r�1Pt�nd�PP��Gfwn o1 Mnts.�ssws a�+oFis.Trustw a LandM afy0 b�onbiNd to��w7�M
<br /> prOVldb(Or In Ih�Cr�dfl Apr�emMl a tIM RWtW DOCUm�n1s a by I�w upOn th�ooeurt�of�ny�wnt o�aaun.indudinp ih�npM b
<br /> •x«��n.vo�wr a saw,
<br /> (b) Commana an�cUOn to faaclosa th.�s Doad ot Tnnl as a morlQape. �PPant�raeavar a sPeC�Qy�MOrq�n�01 ItM Cowna�b .
<br /> � huad:a�d .
<br /> Intwosl in IIw�Prrop�rty b W�ald,wluct►��not�ca Teustw shru cau�ato ba duly,NW la racad m Ilw�approprwW offio�of tha Couny n wtuch • :.
<br /> .r ,
<br /> Ih�P►opaAY�s locatid. '
<br /> � FO►Kbwn bY POwlr Of SW. II Lender aleCis t0 loreCloSe by exerc�se of the Power 0�Sa�e he►e�n eontained.lenda shap nOtHy Trustee Yn0
<br /> slrll Wpos�l with Trustoa Iha Daed ot Trusl and tfq Crod�l Aqreemanl a�d such racwpts and o�donca o�axpend�twas m�da and s�cu�ad�Y��s
<br /> . � DNd d Trusl Ys Trysqs rrwy rpwr�.
<br /> (s) Upon recwpt al such noAee hom Le�der,Truslee ahaN ceuse lo De rec�rded,pub��shed and dewvered to Gr�nta sueh Nohoa a Dalp�n ;--
<br /> '� , and Nohca ol Sala�s Ihan t�quvod by law and by th�s Daed of Tiust- Trustea shall,wilhout demand on Cxanta,�Mar sueh dnN us m�Y 1he� ,
<br /> bo raqulred by 4w��d�Mar r�cadYUOn Of 6ueh NoUCe ol Oelault and�ner Not�ta Ot Sale 1wv�np been pwan ps requr�d bY yw.sau tne
<br /> 1 PrOpWly af IIN Hm��nd plaq ol salY fixad by d�n such Not�ta ol Silo,�Iher�s a whole,a m aeparaW lots a p�rcWS a�ms�s Trustee
<br /> ' �lyu eMwm�rp�dwnt.�nd in such ordor as d mt1Y detentu�e,d pubuc euclion lo Ihe hiphesl Oidder id rAah in lawhil morNy of ih�Urnletl
<br /> � Slates pay�bW�1 Iha tlmY ol saW. Truslee shYU delwar lo SuCh purchisar a Pwc��li�e�uul N5 p0od ind iuftldont drsd a d�Cs
<br /> slytl pio ncluiw��olaha hut Wnoss Ilwrool.e Any person�mclud np wilhoumum tahon(ir4 la'STrustaah a�ndar,may pu►C�wi��a
<br /> suah aala.
<br /> (b) AS mYy bp pYrmdlad by law,altw doducl�np au cosls.Wes pncl azpenses o�Trustee antl o�Ihis Trust,�nclud�np costf d Yh0ene6 of dtW
<br /> � In ConnBCifon w11h sale,Trustee shaM apply ihe proteeds ol saie to paymenl ol (1)all sums expended unEw the twms of Ihn DYOd d Trusl a
<br /> 1 uiw'a Ir�6 S8(IS'�'a G�tl'A C�Odi!n�rC,^,mCnt r.e!!�c^•^�s�^.�^c�ed�^�n���nnt i�mdpA lo ar.crued interost ond IaIY Charpes. (A)�p OMi�SYrt�S
<br /> � tlwn apcured hanby,and 1���1��romaindet,�t any.lo ihe person a Derso�s�eqaNy enlnled iheroto.
<br /> ! (c) Truslee may��Ifw menner prowded by law poslpo�e sa�e ol all o�a�v P���on of Ihe PropeAy.
<br /> oblpafb'in seeuraEC'bylt s Deed oi T ual and o e erc�sec au�nqhe a p�owers u�der'th�s�'Deed of T usl tunder I e Ged Apraani�nl�un,dK a�Y o
<br /> t1w Fiolated Documa�la.o►under a�y otlwr iprggmeM or eny iaws now a herealler�n Iqce:nonvdhslendup.some a�M of tuch fntlebtaa�ess
<br /> �nd oblpYNOnS ixured by ihrs 096d ol Trusl msy�ow W►�e�eoiter ba olherwiS6 seturetl,wh9lher by mortpppa,daatl Of hUSt,pWdpi. IWn.
<br /> , �4slpnRqM a othirvnsG. NWtlwr Ihe acceptanee ol thr�D6etl of Trusl nOr its enlorCemeni,wnether by court act�On a putswM W th�power W
<br /> sY19 or other powera contal�d�n Ihls De�d o�7�us1,ShYY pre�udiCe Or�n iny menner aNeC�TruS�6o'4 Or Lander'S flpht�0�YA�11 upOn 0�OnfOtC9
<br /> �ny pihM sYCUnry nOw Or hww8w ha�d by TrustaY a Lender,d be�np a0read Ihal 7rustee and Lender,ontl naeh ol Ih�m,th�W b�W�bllod to
<br /> � �nfaa tlra DoYd o�Trust�nd a�y otlw�wcunry now a hereaHer h61tl by LerMer or Truslee in such ortlw Yntl mann�r�IMy a Mlha of them
<br /> rr�y In IhNr abaduto d�acret�on determine. No remady tenle«ed upon a raservod to Trustee u Lender,�S���endad to ba�xduYV�of mY o�►N�
<br /> remYdy i�th�s Daid d Trusl o�by law proadad a permiHad,bu�eech sneu be cumuiauva e�tl shai�Ce�n adWt�on to avwy o�her rernotlY pven��
<br /> Ihls Wed o1 Trusl a now a hweoflw exntmg al law a�n equ�ry a by slalute. Every power a remecfy p�wn by Ihe GedN�pra�msnt a any ot
<br /> Ihe RWaled Daumonls to Trualaa or Lenper w to wn�ch e�lner o� Inem may be otherwise BMitletl, mey bY exorc�sad, concurronnY a
<br /> Indepent1en11y,hom Ume to time and aS o8en as may be tleeme0 expeC�ent bY Trustee or Lentler,and eitner o�IMm may pursw�nco�s�slent
<br /> remedies. Nolhmp m Ih�s DeeC uf Trust stw�i be construed as proh�bd�ny�enoer��om seek�np a denc�ency lud9rtw��apa��st tlw GroMa lo Ihe
<br /> � exlent suCn YCt�on b pYrm�Hed bY bw.
<br /> 1 •
<br /> � qaqWSt For Notke. Granlor,on penell o�Grantor enn LenCer,hereby�eque5i5 1�8t e topy G�eny NOI�C6 0�D6fpW1 Yrltl i CODy d Yny���Ce 0�
<br /> Sele unde�Ih�S Deed of Trusl be rno�led to Ihem Yt Ihe oGtlresses set tonn�n Ine hr,t paraqraph ol th�s De6d 01 Trust.
<br /> ; I Wdver,Ebetlon of liemedles. A wewer by eny peAy ot e breach o�a p�ovMio�Ot this Deatl of Trust S�II not conSUluta a w�rv�d O►O�e)ud�te
<br /> the p9rty'E nph15 Ofhe�wiS6 l0 tlBmYnd Slrkt COmp1�9nC6 wdh that prov�8�0�W 8ny olher proasion EIeC6nn by Lendw to D�u'3u6 ony remeoy
<br /> � prbNd6d i�this Deed ol Trusl.Ih9 CrBd�t Agr60ment.�n any Re�ated Oocume�t.a D�owtletl by law Sha�l nol6xClude ptxsud o��ny Oth6r remetly,
<br /> I,,; anC�n e�ect�on 10 meNO eicpenddures 0�to�eke aclion lo De�«m en obi�ga��o�o�Gra�tor untler ihis Dead ot Trust�MM fidU�Y Of Grpntp 10
<br /> 't perlpm snotl nol�HeCI Lendar�5 rph)t0 tl9CIBr0 i t1e�YUlt intl to Bxprcise i�y 01 i1S r@metlres
<br /> r r � A„prnsy�'pE!!;E�cpfnNS. If L9�d9►ins�i�utes eny Sul or BCI�o�tD enlort@ a�y o�Ihe terms o�ihis D9etl 0�TruSt.Lander SRYI bi Ynhtled lo
<br /> reCOwr SuCh sum ps 11�9 COUA mey ad�udqe rges0�eb�e as Ynaneys'haes at tr�1 end o�any eppeel Whetne�0�n0�any COUrt aetlon�s mvdvetl.
<br /> ' • �11 rYYSOMble e�Denses inCUrted by Lender w��Ch �n le�tler'S opinion are neCessary at eny time Ipr Ir.e p�o10C�On of Ns u�19►eSl W Ine
<br /> pnlorame�l ot ds nphB ShNI become�psrt o�Ine IndebleHness poyab�e on deme�tl and sheu bea�mterest el the C�etl�t Apreenw��rate hom Ine
<br /> .�� ' d81e o�6�PH�dilurB unbl rgpeid. ExpBn565 Coveretl bY�his DorBp�aDh��Clutle. w��hou���milat�on.howeve�Sub�6C)10 9ny UmtS unt1W oOD��CBD�
<br /> � 19+r.LYf1d6r's enaneys'�ees wnelner a noi tnere�s a iawsu�t.mci�tl��g ananeys�ee5�G CB��ruDtt� p�UCEBdingc�mtlud�n6 gHp15 10 mOtl�h 0�
<br /> .� � vaeate a��automot�c siar c� �...1^.'1 C� �1�CP3'< Bnr a�.. a°'��:3'P�:. ..••-p°• T. P"_ �r�-.:P` 1'iP Cf• •5Pd'°f�^C'PC��!7E [�IA•^•^C
<br /> '�.
<br /> I
<br /> � � .. .
<br />