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<br /> , DEED OF TRUST�1�- 1��$�N 9 p�0e�
<br /> (ContMwed)
<br /> � CompNMlp wlth Bn1�11np Ind�btednqs. ounrq Ih�penod�n wtucn my Emshrp Intl�btbnKS d�senb�d bNow�s m�Ma1,compk�no�v►nm th� � �-
<br /> m�uarro�prov�ons conl�mad�n 1ns�nslrumenl eadenc�np such Ex�surp Ind�ptWrnss anoN eons�tuN eompWna w�In In�mw�na p►ows�ons
<br /> ro�
<br /> , u�wa�nu ond o+'r�usi�t01h�eYtenl CqmpM�nte w�lh ih9 INmf ol Ilwi UerO o}Trusl woulA COnsQtut��CupNUUOn 0���su►�nC�t�4ulr�meio�in�i ' '�
<br /> ury proOMtls kom Ih�inswance become P�y�bla on Ipss.the Provis�ons m IhK OMd ol TrWI la av�iWn of pruoMds fhal Iipply onlY , .
<br /> � � po�on p��h�p,00w6c not payabb lo tha hdtle�ol 11w ErKUnp Indeb�W Mfs.
<br /> � � 11. BIfPHN01TURB8 BY LBNp�fi. II l3ranta I�iK l0 Comply vnih �ny prOhsiOn ol Ihis Osad 01 Tluft,mGludmp�ny oblpahon�o mlln�kl @nsflnp
<br /> � InOebMdn�ss In po0d sUndinO�s requued below.a d e�y act�on a procwqup K eornrt�nad lluil would rtubnatly�Ilect LenWr's mbnsts in Ih�
<br /> , prpp�r�y,I.�nOM pn fir�nta't beh1111 maY.uPon nOhCe lo Cira�ta,but sh�A no1 A�raquWW t0.t�ks�ny iCUon that L�nWr dMms�ppropA�q. Any
<br /> + �mOUM thal L�ndYr��tpendt in to darp will beer mter�st at the r��e c�arped u�tler Iha CredA Aprsam�nt hom iha daN�nCUned or p�b by L�ndar lo
<br /> ItN d111�pl ryipaym�nl bY dt�nid. �bUCh pltpenSlf.�t landM's opdon.�wiA l�l b�WY�bI�on Wmand,p (b)b��ddod ID Ih�bWnO�W tlw aWA
<br /> , Mn�. TMS pMd pl TrtKl dso wtll seclxe PayrrMnt ol tMsv amouMS. T��sueh aon by L�ndM shiN not b�corK�Vu�d��s Cnwu+p Itr tl14�10�s
<br /> � • � �mr rMn�dMS to w1YC�l.�nder m�y be e�hllatl on�ocounl ot Ih�O�hWt.
<br /> � lo Wu L�nd�r hom�ny nmedy Ihal ll otherwne would Mw n�d.
<br /> � tZ. WIIHRANTYi OEFEMSE OF TITI.E. ThY fdlovnnp PrOV�OnS rWl�hrp 10 ownWShip W 11�PrOpMly�r��p�A Of ihl�DMO 0�Tr�t.
<br /> � TItN. finntor w�rc�nls IhaL• (a)(3rAntor hdda Oaad and rtwkatabl�AIM o1 n�cad to th�Piop�ry(Nicludinp�I�as�nold mt�at.d�oYl,t►w and
<br /> plMr pi�Y IiMis�nd anCUmbrances exCepl those al r�cad.�nG lb)(3r�NOr 1w th�fWl apM.Pow�r.ana autnonty to vr�cut���d d�uv�r 1►rs
<br /> DNd ol?�usl lo I.�ndsr.
<br /> pthns0 of TMIE. Sub�cl to Ihe e�cePUOn in Ihe Paragraph above.Cxa�tor a�rtanfS�nd will forYwr delon�iM UtN lo tlie Proplriy p��sl IM
<br /> yW�W q��ms W ap pasaxis. In 11w event eny achon a proceiOmp�s commer�pd t1+i1 quaho�Gr�nta's UW or ttw mt�r�st of Tn�stM or Land�r
<br /> s
<br /> undK 11MS Dsetl o1 Tarst.a'm"er sliell dele�d Ihe action al Gr�ntor's expo�sa• Granta may b�Ihs nommpl psrty in aueh prot�ednp,but LendYr
<br /> s1yN be�npued to�an�:.�'Cdre'�r.1r+e proteed�rp antl Io be►epresented�n tt+fr proceoartp by toun!�el of Its own ehofCe,anO Gr�ntOr wil dMivK,or
<br /> q��p pA pp��y�rpd,��;,gnder suCh msiru�+bnls as Lander may request hDm time t0 t�ma t0 pG►mlt su.".h paA�CipidO�•
<br /> GqnpilMftt Wryh 4�wa. GrpnlCr werra��s thet the PropeAy�nd Grantw's us�ol ttr Property eomphes wnih a1 a�sfirp appNe�b1Y laws. , �
<br /> adn�nces,��d rYqu�aUOn o�pove�nmenlal�uthaities. • .
<br /> 17. EJd8TIM0 INDEaTWMEBS. T1w idiow�rp provn�om eonewmrp euslinp mdebtadnass 1"�o'Exlsdnp Intlebtodiwss9�ra!pirt of Otl�Owd ol
<br /> � Tryp�.
<br /> � ; Etqsitnp LM11. ThY Nen o111us De9d o1 Trusl secunrp Ihe IndebteOness may be aYCOnd�ry and Inlenor to a�aws6np I�en,H iharo IS fuC��I�en.
<br /> pn�rta apatsly covenants and aqrees to pey,a aee to the P�ymeni ot,Ihe Exishnp Indebtadness�nd b prevant any C�huN on such
<br /> � � InWbtWrNSS. ��y dolaull und�► Qw Instrum�nn Y�OO�n�p SuCh mCebtadiw3s, a �ny d�hWt untl�r �ny saeunty dxYn�nb fcr sueh ,.
<br /> � md�bt�dn�ss.
<br /> I Np Mp01HCNIp11. (3f�n10I shYll n01 Yn16r n110 Yny�prBertWnl WAh ihY hdd6r d��y mGA�a.dMd OI hUS7,d OthYr SiCUnly�ytN�OYnI whleh .,
<br /> ` fy�pnonty OvM ihK Oaad ot Trust by wh�Ch ihat ayreement is modl�ed.am6nCetl,exlenOW,a renewetl MntNOUt iha pnOr wMten eonsanl 01
<br /> l�iW�r. (in�ia shtll nalh�r raquast nor�pt any lutur�ativancos under�ny sueh wcurily�peement w�ttaut Ihe Dna wtNlan cons�M d
<br /> . . �i
<br /> i l�ntlw.
<br /> /�. COMDE�IMATION• Tha IWbw�np prov�s�ons raiaUnq 10 Oroc�d�rqs m concemnal�o�aro o pad o�thn Qoed ol Trust.
<br /> � �pp�ka��pn pt Ne�plpCeeds. N p11 a��y peA ol ihe ProperJy�s Condernned.Lender may et its ebcuon requ�re Ihd all a eny port�on of Ine nei
<br /> proc�eds of th��wud ba epp�ied to Iha Indebtedness unda the LOANLINER�Home Eqwry PIYn.sub�ect to I�a terms al any martpape or Oeed of
<br /> YUSI Mnln�Nsn whkh has pnority over th�a Deed ot Trust. The nef proCeeds C►Ihe awartl slwll main Ihe award aMer p�yme�t d au iaisonable
<br /> � CpSty.6xpgr�,�nA aflOrneyS'feos necossar�y pa�d or�ncurred by Gr�Ma.Trust�w Lontlor�n coniwchon wilh tha eondomn�hon.
<br /> I PfOC�edlnps. 11��y proctaed�np in contlemnahon is hieo,Granlor SnYi1 promp0y nohty LQnoar�n wnt�np,�n0 uranlw�iwii M�vmptly L2l:0�wA
<br /> � �t�ps�y m�y b�n�assary to defend Ihe ecUOn and oblein Ihe aword. Granlor may be th�nommW p�rty in auC�proat�dmp,but LendK ehip be
<br /> �snMtlW t0 put►Clp�te�n Ihs proeeedmq and lo be represenleA��Ihe pxeatlmp by Coumel ol da own ChqOB,and Or�ntOr wIA O�Yva 0►Gui��0
<br /> b�dMnNW to L�nder sueh uistrurt+ents as maY be req�es�ed GY��hom t�me to lime lo permit such p�A�cip�tfon.
<br /> 15. IMPOSITION OF TAXE3,FEES AHO CHAN(iHS BY CiOVEPN�IENTAL AUTMORITIH8. Tfw IdloMnnp pro�swns ralot�np to povM�����
<br /> le�s�nd charp�s�ra�part o11hn peed or Trust.
<br /> Curtlnl T�lt��,FO�s�nd Cherpel. UDOn request by Le�Oe►�Grenta sholl eMecute such doCUmanls m�dtldion to Ihq D9ed ot Trusl en0 tokA
<br /> ' wh�twer olhK�cdon is roqueated by Lentler to perlaet on0 conhnu�Lantler's han on the Rwl Propaty. f3roMa ah�ll rNmburs�Undar 1a au
<br /> � � t�xa,Ys descnbetl DWOw,i0pelhpr wd�aU oap6n5es inCUrrad m rg�pd�ng,peAeelinp or conUnu�np Ihn Dwd of Trusl,�nClutlkq withCUt hmitplqn
<br /> dl Uxas,fsas,docume�lnry atamps,end olner ch�rpes�or recaGmg a rey�stennp Irys DeeO d T►ust.
<br /> ' T�otE�. The tdlowir.g she�l tonsldulB�exes lo whMh 1hR setdo�app�es: le 1 a SpecihC tax upon th�s fype d Daed ol TruSt o�upM an a anY Wh
<br /> ' of th�Indsbled�ess setuied by ihis Oeed ol Trusl: (bl a Spoc�hC tax on Grenlor wh�ch Ciranta is aulhonzetl a requlrgd b deduCl hom piymenb
<br /> � 0�11M IndOb�ldn9S5 SECU��I by 1hiS typi ol D9E0 Of TruS�, (cl�tex on tnis tyPe ol Oeed Oi Trusl Cll�rpeebl�YQf�n51 ih6 L6nWr p IIM hdtlBr d
<br /> 1 1►�Crodd npaanNnt:�n0 Id)a spec�hc lax o�au a onY P��on of Ine i�tlableoness a on paynqnls ol pnnc�pal�nd intar�st m�da by drYn�a.
<br /> � t�. F�JRTI�R ASSURANCES. The fdlowinp prohs�ona raotmq lo�u�iher ossurencas ore a part o1 Ihis Deatl cl Trust.
<br /> � FurtM►AawranCes. Upon requesl ot Lander.(innta w�N meke,eaacuta a�a delrver.a w�li ause lo be maae,�xecuted a dNMrW,to LanWr
<br /> � or to I.�nWr'�d�sq�eB.antl when reques�ed by LenCer,Guse�o be f��ed.�ecadetl,rehled,q rereCqdad,ea Ihe use m9y De.�t sucn nmrs ana
<br /> in such offiC�s�nd pleC�s as lender may tlaem�Ppropn�te.ony�n0 aM suen mortyppes.dpYtls ol ht»I,sacu„ty deods.a�curitY�p►MrtWnla�
<br /> � Iirut�Cmp aUlamenb.conNnuation slatert+e�is.��SUUm6nt5 Of luhh6��BSUrOn�g,ceh�hcele6,Ynd oMYr tlOCU�neMs�S mliy.1n tM soN opim0�0�
<br /> l.�nt7sr.W MCass�ry a tlesuabla in Wder lo aHactuale.completo.pwtact.con��nue.cH prpsarva l�)Ihe oblp�frons of GranfOr undM tM G�WI
<br /> � AprlemeiN,I�fs Died o1 TruSt,�ntl Ihe Relaletl OoCUmBnts.ontl Ib11ha Nens end Secunty mtxests Cre9tetl by�hrS 00�d o�Truft On IIN PropNty
<br /> r Unkss prohibitW by bw p epreed to Ine Conirory by Lander in wMinp.Graniw sholi reimDurso LYntfer Ip�II Cpstf�nd ��tp��p incurrod m
<br /> � conn�Ctlon wlih iM moltpra reterred to�n this porpprpph.
<br /> 17, ptA,1 PHpFORMANCE. If Cironla pYK all the IndebteCneSS when due, termmetes the credit hne eccount,antl ol�erwls�pMlorms aN 1h�
<br /> �"+ oblp�tloro imposW upOn(ir�ntor untlor th�s OeeO of Trust.Le�Oer Sha��e�ecule end de�iver lo Truslae o requesl for lull raCOnwy�nC�.
<br /> • u. DEFAU.T. E�Ch ol tM Idbwmp,at the o0��on o�Lentler,shoN consl�tute an evanl ol dofault 1'�van1 01 Del�ult")undar fhK DMC of Trust: (�)
<br /> (inMa comrtuh h�ud a mek�s�mntenol m�srepiesY��etan al qnY Ume�n t0��sclion wdh IM Credd Mne eCCOUnt. Thls C�n inClud�,fa�xempk,•
<br /> • h� stat�rtanl abaW (iranta's mcome, osse�s� ��YbiMUeS, or Yny Olhir e5pBC15 0l GrpnlOr's �nenCwl Contld�o�. lb)(innlor dws not meet tM
<br /> �� .eaym.ni�rms a nw c�ann iH+e accoum fcl Granta's ettron a�nYCtion�Overyelv eMeCls Ihe CdYleral for Ihe CteEd qrw�CCOUnt Or L�ntlM�S�phty in
<br /> �)� tAe Cdl�t6rYl. Th5 Can mCluCle,lor QRemple,fadure tc ma�"'a�� �PCu�i6C��s�re�ce.wa5te a de5lruClrve u58 of Ihe tlwellinp.IaYUrp 10 pey 1ix85.q9fllh
<br /> '�� 0�Btl p@�50n5 hAhl@ On��P BCCOV^t 1';1^SIP�C��ya 7 ',d P� ..i."w�.n.. . . ^n'C. ..� 1 i a.. .r �.p w�,p�in-C W�u�u':U�CP�r•�.c ..r fOrf'C�.^Sv'P f v IhP
<br /> i�
<br /> . �
<br /> 1.
<br /> .
<br />