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<br /> . At�fKiNMRNT OF RENTi RIDER �
<br /> � THIS ASSIQNMENT OF RENT8 RIDER i�m�d�and�x�autlid thir 15TH d�y o� RqUEIn9ER �t9 93 �����
<br /> Incorponbd into�nd shalt b�dNm�d to�m�nd and suppl�n,y�nt tM Martp�O�or DNd of Trurf,hK�inafta rafKnd to��tM
<br /> "8�aurity In�trurtNnt",of th��me dat�piwn by tM u�nipn�d, h�nin�tbr nl�rnd to sa th� "Sorrow�r", to Ncun
<br /> 6atrawa�'�Itui:bt:��.�as�horofnaftcr retmred to as tM"MOta",ta HOME fEDEPlAi.SAMIt�lflS IlND LORN A680C,IATlON Of
<br /> ORAND ISLAND,h�►Nnift�r rN�rnd to w th�"I.�nd�r",of��tN dat��nd cov�rinp iM prap�Ay d��orib�d te th�Mou�lty
<br /> InNnom�nt and IooaUd�t:
<br /> 1522 W. KOENIG� GRAND I".�..AND, NE6RA5KA 68801
<br /> -- - c�►a�+►tr,���n
<br /> �-� T'T��' WITNESllEI'H: `
<br /> WHERF.A8, 8orrow�r and L�ndu h�v�aprNd that any ranta�0 proflts attributabl�to th�propMy shauld aonatltut�
<br /> -- �ddittonal waurity b th�l.�nd�r tor th�paymsnt of tIN Note:�
<br /> NOW.THEREFORE,it Is aprNd that th�S�curity Instrum�nt ahi��l I�a�m�nd�d hereby and dsemed to inalude ths totiowinp
<br /> : ._�n_��-_v ProvlNons: _
<br />---- 1. Asalpnment of Rente and Lender Rental Collectlon Riahts.Barra+�:hireby abaotut�ly and uncondltfonaiiy aasl�ns all
<br /> � rents, Issws �nd proflta of the propsrty to Bensfici�ry. Lender,shAll h�ve the ripht, power�nd authority durinp the
<br /> - continuanc�ot the 3eaurlty Instrument to cotlect ths ronta,Isaues�nd p�atito of the propeRy and of any pereon�t propsrty
<br /> loaatsd th�reon with or without takinp po�sesaton of the prppwrty��ftect�d hereby. Lender,howsvor, hersby consents to
<br /> Borrower's collYatlon and retuntiva ut eu�b rents,issuos�nd proiftt►�a�they,a�;rue ond become payabis,sa tonp as Baaawer
<br />' I is nat,at auch t�me,in ddault wfth r�spect to payment ot�ny lndshtednl�a�CUred h�reby,or In ths perform�ncs ot any
<br /> a�rNmsnt hereundsr.
<br /> , 2. Anoointm�►,�t of Recetver. If any event of default in respect ta tha SeCUrity Instrument shall hpve occurred and be
<br /> `*v_- � contin�i�p, Lender, as a mattsr of ripht�nd without notice ta 8orrawer or nnyone clalminp under Borrower,and without
<br /> ' ` l._ .Y.'°'i'r.
<br /> re�ard to the value of the t�ust eatate or the interest of tlw 8orrowar thereln,ah�ll tuive tha riqht to apply to any court havin�
<br /> - ,;.�:T,,:;.�:: , • 't Jurisdlation to appoint a raceiver ot the property.
<br /> � `'' '' �`�� 3. Riaht to Posseaslon.In oase of defautt in the ayment of the SAid prinaipAl Note or Intereat,or an
<br /> ; r p y part thsreof,as it
<br /> ;;,� shaii mature,ar in the oase of failure to keep or perform Any of the covenante or apreements contained in the Securtty Inst�u•
<br /> ° , _, msnt,then tha Lender, fte eucceasora or nseipna, ahali be and is hereby autharized and empowered to take tmmsdiate
<br />�"` ��a� � possession of the aald premisea the�ein doeeribed and to cotiect the rents thoraftpm,and to apply the proeseds ths�eof to the
<br /> .'.W.t;�.f, . paym�nt of the Note.
<br /> - r�'� �'��' � 4. Aoclica�tiQn of Rents,issues and Protits.AII�ents collected by Lender or the receiver ahaii be appifed firet to payme�t
<br /> - , .'�����Y�' at ihe casts at mana a p S �'
<br /> �,�.-,,K,�:,,.:.�;-,-•; � p t�ant at ths raparly and co!lsctlan ot sesnta,in�la�}a .btt not Ifmltacilo,secetver'e fx�, I9rt1��1m{�on
<br /> a�;•�-•:.��.•;...;,� :.' �ecetver's bonda and reasoneble attor�ey's fees,and then to the sums aecared by the Seourlty Instrument.Lertder a�d tha
<br /> fi"�'�� �.���'������� recsiver ahaN be�labte to account only for those rents aotuaily reoeived.
<br /> . � �� 5. �onetruotion of Provisions.Each of the provisions contained in ShfS Asstgnment of Rents Rider and the Seourity inatru-
<br /> -�''��i°. - � ment ahall, uniess otherwiae apeaificalty requl�ed, bQ conatrued le eCCOrdance with Nebraska law,and in the event any
<br /> . . • provisfon horeln or therefn conteined ahai�be determined by�court of competent jurlsdiation to be unenfqreeable,the same
<br /> • • sha{i be construed as though auoh unenforcaable pravlsfon were not a pA►t heraof or thereot.
<br /> , . ' � 8. Efteot oi Rider.Except as apeclffcaliy modified by or inconsistent wlth thi5 Aasignment of Rents Rider or by any other _
<br /> apptioable rider,atl ot the terms and provfaions contained in the Security Instrument sh 11 contfnue in tuli torce and effeot.
<br /> -� .,::.�,�r,� . -• �
<br /> .'�,��a::}::..
<br />'��• ;:��;;••y,;, IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed this Assl9 � nt of t f11� on he �, noted above.
<br /> �'�� •,�� � �( .�/�(_ ��.
<br /> —1-.--��
<br />, ",�r��� ,: .. ,�`. Borrowe�
<br /> . . :..:.,,}::s:,;.. ' [�QNALD D. GI�I.HA�I�
<br /> - �.�..:. � . ���� • �-��� � .���11��..�,r,
<br /> . , �""�: . . BOftpW@!
<br /> . ��`�c��.k_::;:..., OaiVA l.. GILLHA�1
<br /> ��-��� STATE OF NEBRASKA)
<br />'� (as:
<br /> + �' 4 COUNTY OF HALL )
<br />-�;1r_ M ` ' {Z�A J.4
<br /> `��' �"'��- On this 15TH day of NOUE�IBER �9 93 betora me the und r `4ned,aN t ryp bil �d�� 1 1o,�.And
<br />-`'�i4 �y-`���• qualifl�d for spid county,peraonalty came �NALD d. GII.LHd�! AND ��NR L. G�L�.HAI'�, F�U5BA��GIIFE
<br /> :i�: n =� :�' •
<br /> �.;;'� -.. _,to bt the�clenticai person(s)whose nama(s)isJare wbscribed
<br /> �==�� �.�!:�r�� . to ths forepoinp inatrument,and helahelthey acknowledpe the sxecutian tfiereof to be hislhedthetr voiuntary aCt and dNd.
<br /> u�°" ``� '�`` � GRAND ISLANO, NE8RA9KA
<br /> �� �r'�-' � � Witness my hand and Notarlat Seal at
<br /> �,;i :,k;,•..•.�>.;,.:
<br /> '�".••`a:•, cd. '/�i'L/,�th Jd
<br /> f.
<br /> . � ��• _
<br /> i.J: �
<br /> '� � ` NotAry PubI�C
<br /> My Comml�slon �xp � Z� J
<br /> _ �� �
<br /> ��oo�
<br /> B<. _
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