.L� , , , �Y ., ���'.�jyW��'
<br /> , � •.'� ;.�. . =-
<br /> �_________..�.�i �•r � �f' � .
<br /> , � AD�JUSTABLE RATE RIDER g3��9
<br /> (1 Y�u Tn�ucy Jadac•kttt C�pt)
<br /> _--- Tii13AD7usrA�i.Bit:.7i3RtD8lttsmu3ee�t�1STH ,�Yat NOUEPIBER 1f 9� _
<br /> aad b 1�oorPa�t�d iato wl N►W t»dwn�d to a�d rd W+OW�u tUt Mort�+W�DMd otTnut�or 3�curltY Dwd pbe`•g�cwity IMtr�wNt��)ot
<br /> t�lf Hlllt d�lf[�YM1�t�N WII�M/�RMd(t�lf��o0fM1YQ")l0 MC11(��OffOMR�{/�jYM�b{t RJ�f KOI�(t�N���'IM�'�){0 _
<br /> �Q(lIM��LM�t��)Ot tIN Yw�O�l�Yd OOYffIAs lbt P�OqfIY�IC�IMd�O tM SICII�y IO�fl1dM1t Yd IOC�tb�li
<br /> -��- 1522 W. KOENIG, GRAND ISLAND• NEBRASKA 68801
<br /> --— tPropertY Addnul
<br /> -- — - = �n�. rN.aww rrorMiw.Nsa+q tor e�i� wy at�nre nM r.r �r�...tMr
<br /> MywMp.nw.a..w�wa U.w.rn■r�•a.«i..a ew e�..a M•�r�tlM�M
<br /> �tM wW�w��M tw�ti��nM 1�rt/y�.
<br /> ������
<br /> - a` ---_—' ADUITIONAL COVBNANTS. Ia�ddlUon w thr wvu�nu u�d Yrw+++�nu n�ade ln th�S�cuHty In�trument,BoROw�r and l.widK
<br /> — twtMr oov.iwu a�d w«..toqavr.
<br /> A. INTWi�iT Rl1'f�ANI1 MON7HLY�AYI11�r T HANOii$
<br /> - Th�Noa providM ta an initW Ina��t rue of "•7� �.S�ctlon 4 ot ths Na�provida for chan�a in the iataat nte�d eM
<br /> - �on11�Y P�Y�orau�Y foWw�:
<br /> •a�.;�,�r �, INT6RfiST RATE�1ND MONTHLY PAYM6NT CNANQBS -
<br /> , y '� (A) Cy�� DECE�IBER ,19...94.—.�nd oa that dayevery
<br /> � �t•�.��` The iater«t►�ts!wiU pay may chan�e on the 8rst day of
<br /> � �2 monttu thecafter.Esch date ort which my incerat nte couW chsn�e is c�lkd a"Chanae Date."
<br /> ����- �;. .
<br /> '�,,i, `.. . (�l TMeI�:
<br /> - t:,....,-:,.--+�r�if�c:.
<br /> ,,..�y�.-;�,••_.�,,.,.,,,r.. Be�inntry with the tint Char�e Date,my interat ntte wUl he bascd an an Index.71u'•Indea"is the waklyRVaaQe yleld a�Un(ted Stata
<br /> �,;���'� "�'" - lta�ury secudda�dJusted to�constant mRtudty of 1 yau.a made avaitable by the Fedeni Raerve Boud.The mat reant Iadwc Oiute
<br /> �'?{��^��'•<'`. .,:..�. �v�il�ble u ot the date 43 d�ya before ach Chtn�e D�te L plled the"Current Index.'•
<br /> . ...�..;,;. .: ,-
<br /> r ��' If the[ndac b ao tonaer avdtabte,the Note Holder will chaae a new Index which ia buai upon comp�r�ble intormatlon.Tbe Nott
<br /> � . .���'�y�r Hold�e wUl�ivs me aatia ot thit chola.
<br /> . 4'�p �'�'�
<br /> - F�,:'�' (G� Calcriatlo�otC�a TWO AND ONE-HRLF
<br /> �a:'a��G�a _ ..t t_. �.
<br /> r4 - ,'� Betores�ch Ciltose Date,the Note Hoider wiit caicuitte my new interest r�ia by�13hyt D��
<br /> poinu� z 5�h)to the Currcnt Indeac and roundina to the neuat I/ith of 1�A..subject to the Umlu Wrtai in Section 4(D)bdow.
<br /> Thb tounded amount wiil be my new interat rate until the next Chanae Date.
<br /> • � �•: The Note Holder wIU then determine the�mou�t of the monthiy p�yment th�t would be sufficient to rep�y in full the princ(p�l I am
<br /> � �` • expected to owe on that ChanQe Date in:ubcuntiaily equ�l paymenn by the maturity date at my new intaat rate.The result ot thl�alculndoa
<br /> _ , :, wip be the aew amount of my monthly payment.
<br /> . , . m) IaaAa w I.urat wte�Y�e.
<br /> The intuat nte 1 am required to p+�y at the flnt ChanQe Date will not be Qreater th�n 6•?� S'► or ku t1�n
<br /> I�. --- -_ . �-�� hi.Therafter,my interat rate will never be increased or decreascd on any sinQle Chan�e Datc by more th�n TI�In
<br /> , " ��from the rate of interat 1 havc been pAylnp for tho preceding twetve months.The minimum interat rate on thi�loan wiU neva be
<br /> � � _ _ ':•,`,:.. kuthan 2-7� Q-75 14.
<br /> � • 9i and the maximum interest rnte wlil aever be�reater th�n
<br /> � � , (E) Ettecqve ORte ot CMaw�a
<br /> � ••• My new interest rate wili become effective on each Chanac Date.I will pay the amount of my new monthty payment beQinnin�on the fint
<br /> � � . '•:t monthly ptyment date after the GhanRe Date unti)the Amount of my mor.thly payment chRnQes agafn.
<br />� (� NoticeotCbaa�a
<br /> • • The Note Holder will mail or deiiver to me a notice before each Chanae Date.The notice wUl advix me of:
<br />• (i) the new lnterest rwte on my loan�u of thc ChpnQe Date;
<br /> �� � (it) theamount of my monthly payment foilowina thc Change Datc;
<br /> ' 1,'.;i;�,• +-. �;�Y (iii) any additional mwtterc wMch the Note Holder is required to disclose;and
<br /> ��,�:,..
<br /> ��• �'' (iv) the�ddra�of the as:octtUon you could contact reaardinQ any quesdons about the adjustment notice.
<br /> ��;' '�';
<br /> �,.`. .
<br /> . ,;�; ., :ti�- �` ''''��",r �. CHARGESi UENS
<br /> . ,.� _ ,.�,, ,
<br /> � �:.;.::: Uniform Covenu�t 4of the Security Inctrument is amended to read as foltows:
<br /> � ��.,:,::'i.-.��,�� 4. t�t�M=Lk�s.Honower�hall pay all twca,auessmentc,and other char�es,fines,and�mpositions attributable to the Property which may
<br /> ��•� `��'����� � '•` attain a pdortty over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments of Qround ren[s,if any,in the manner provided under parapraph 2 hereot
<br /> '�`• -a;!-�� j or,it not p�id in such manner,by Borrower makittQ pAyment.when due,d irecUy co t he payee t hereo f.B onower s h a l l pro m p d y f u r n hh L ender
<br /> ^ " �� `� jy ai notica of amouna due under thls paraQraph,and in the event Borrower shall make paymcnt directly,Borrower shall prompdy furnish to
<br /> ' ::,._ -,,.
<br /> • � �Y'•�• ;�; Lender raoeipn evidencin�such paymentc. Borcower ih�11 promptly dischar�e any lien which has priority over this Secudty lnstrument;
<br /> i; 'y .„��.,
<br /> ����;� however,Bortower ahall not be required to dischargc any such licn so IonQ as Horrower: (a)sh�il aQree in writinQ to the payment of tAe
<br /> -- _ "'!��• obll�ation savred by such tien in the manner acceptable to i.ender;(b)shall in Qood faith contest such lien by,or dtfend aQainst enforcement o[
<br /> - �M1 wch Uen in.le�ai praceedln�s which in the opfniun of Lender operate to prevnnt the cnfurcement of the Ifen or torfetture of the Property a any
<br /> = part thetaof;ot(c)tha11 ucuce from the holder of such lien an rQreement in x form satisfactory to Lender suboMinatin�such Ifen to this
<br /> '� S�cudty In�trument.
<br /> [t Lender determina that ali or any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attdn a prfority over thi:Securtty Instrument,
<br /> _ ' ' " . _ . .� ...' "'_'" '_'_'__�_�.t_�..t..�.w f.rA.f.ww
<br />-- - -�_�� - -�'� LlAOl�SII�II�IVC!lMfOWC�a IIOtIC!10lOLltytlij fUCII IICI�.IfOtTOwCf iniit swiitir lucn ua�vt wwc vuc v�uw�a v�uw.....w.........».+w•.
<br /> wttl�tn cen daya of the�ivin�of tha noUa.
<br /> C. N077CE
<br /> Uaifona Coveau►t 14 of ttK S�curity Iratrument is amended to read u follows:
<br /> 11. NNioe.Fxapt fot any aotia rtquired under�ppifable law to be�iven in�naher mumer,(a)�ny notia to Borrower provided for in thu
<br /> Security Inttnunent rhail be fivcn by delivedn=it or by mdlin�it by tlnt ciw maii ro Horrower at ihe Property Addrcu or u ouch othcr addreu
<br /> u Borrower may datpnte by notia to Lender rt provWed hereln,and(b)any notice to Lender shW be�Iven by tlnt cl�ss m�fl to l.ender't
<br /> add�uated he�dn or to such other addreu a Lender may dai�rute by notia to Borrower as provtded hercln.Any notta provided for in this
<br /> S�cucity in�truo�►t fhalt be deemed to luve ban jiven to Borrower or Lender when=iven in the manner dai�nated heretn.
<br />