_ . � t�. . .-
<br /> Q, � ""�-'�'"w� _,�: :_'`-�_-
<br />..— . � __.,ri
<br /> � a Y..r,M.wry wa•Rn.c�o�� '9J_�1099�a'�'7
<br /> ; �f'Nj:
<br /> _ _ —� . ti,. �on� .. ROUEMlBEfi �
<br /> THiS ADIWTAILB RAT!RIDit N�dt 1 Y� �tl�.... --
<br /> �d M i�oor0���O�M�W M dwrwd to�wd Md w�pMM�r UN Ma'�We.OMd ot 7nw.or�curlcy DMd(cM"S�euelty IMtnw�t'y o/
<br /> tM w�+dw�iw�b�eW n�nWMd(tM"ioirowK'�to Mern letrowr'�M��rtaMr Rau Nou pM•�Nou•,)to lp��Q�L,[OS�
<br /> � �1lIQ1u�.��c«��•�ot ir.,.■.a.c..�oov�t.��e.vrov+nr awaie.a�n�.s�r�ru■w�r a�a wau+�:
<br /> -_-�----�-a-=--� 4509 qUAIL LANE. GRAND ISLAND NE6RflSKA 688Q1
<br /> tP�op�tY Addre�l
<br /> TW Mle ewt��Yiw�wM! br eMa/�M �U'MNn�t esM�ud�7 �ub
<br /> M7�M.TMN MIt�Mo W�N�fM uiwN�Y I�Mnrt nN a�e��1��tl��M
<br />_ �tYt�Yi��a/tM w�al�ww eNe 1�t pU�.
<br /> ADDITIONAL COVBNANT9. In�dditioa w tbe aownwu uad M�aentatu m�Ae iu the S�curity ItWrummt.BortowK aod l.eedtr
<br /> futtbar eovtnwt aod ajrx at tolbwa:
<br /> Tbe Note P��'�tot aa iaiti�i intaat tate ot 4•7� �.sxtioa 1 ot tbe Noce vrovlda ta chuyei in tLe inwrt wts aad ehe
<br /> �Y P�Y�u�a ioilows: -
<br /> - -- - - - ----
<br /> (A1 CM�Dar
<br /> — -- Tae laurac race t wtn par mar clu�nte on ct�e rtn�d.y ot DECEI�BER ,�9 94 .ana on u�u aar awrr
<br /> _— —_ — 12 monttu theraCeer.F.�eh d�te on wbleh my(ntarat csta coutd ehan�e is caUed a"Chan�e Date.••
<br /> (�) 7'Me IMa
<br /> ge�inniM wtth the fiat Chan�e Daee.my intarat tata w81 be 6�ced on�n Indea.The"Index"b the weeidy avua�e yield on United Stata
<br /> == Tra�ury secur(tIa�djusted to a constant maturity of 1 yar.u m�de avail�bte by the Federal Reserve Bwrd.Tbe moa reaat Iada�tl{ur�
<br />_� avafitbk�s of the due 4i d�ys betore each Chanie Data is c�lied the•'Curnnt(ndex."
<br /> - If the Iadac it ao lon�et availtbk,the Note HoWet wiU choos�a aaw iada�whkh b b�tad upon oompanbls iafamation.The Nott
<br /> — Holda wfil�ive aie notice of thit chdoe.
<br /> - - � , (Cl Gltd�llo�ef Cw�
<br /> 0e�orc e�eh Chsaye Wte,the Note Halder w1U c�kvlate my new interat nte by�ddin� ��m A�� ���- A F pacena�e
<br /> � � ��� 2.5 �Wj�o the Curnnt lada�and roundinQ to the neuat t/8th of 1M�,subject to the Utnlu ttated ia Section 4(D)bdow.
<br /> �t�� • This rouoded amount wW be my new intaeat rate untll the next Chm�e Date.
<br /> �:,f,�w TAe Note Hdder will then determine the unount of the monthiy payment tiuit wou�d be:utficknt to rcpay in full the yrincipai 1�m
<br /> y ,�:, n.
<br /> ��{ �5� acpected to owt on that Ch�n�e Date tn subitantially equal pRymenu by the maturity date at my new inurest rAte.The rcsult ot thl�cakul�tioa
<br /> ..,�:. ..,, w!!!be ths nt�asneunt of my mnnrhlY�"Y��• _
<br /> � "'K.,. .r�c
<br /> j���.k�r;�.��lQr- � (D) Lt�ib N I�MrMt itste(�rja
<br /> ��'�W��i�°;!� ^= ' The interat nte I am ctqulred to pay at the fint Chu►�e Date will not be �rater than 6.75 ��0� �
<br /> �i.'I'heratter,my interat rate witl never be increased or dcere�sed on any sinaie Chan�e Date by more than
<br /> ��� ' Z.� Z:?5the rate ot interest I have ban p�ying for the preccding twelve months.The minimum interat r�te on thb Iwn wili neva be
<br /> �' � '"' ' �� �and the muimum interat rate wili never be�reat¢r than 9•75 M�.
<br /> �.3 -. � . � �'�"���'� (E► Ettativs D�tr ot(��et
<br /> ��"R�1'1'��" '�""`,.�.' " My new interat rate will become effective on each Ch�nQe D�tc.1 will pay thc amount of my new monthly pay►nent be�innin�on the fint
<br /> "*��� ��'` �,{ ;��� monthly payrtKnt date after the ChanQe Dato until the�rt►ount of my monthty paymmt chanQes aQain.
<br /> '��;• ,' (F) Nodce of CMu�a -
<br /> �y i,t,:'i�;_,r•..,-
<br /> YL►i•'w�`1� �`' � -�
<br /> ��,�y,_ �,(�,�i y{'�; The Note Hotder wfil mafl or deliver to me a notice before each Chan�c Date.The�otice wi11 advlse me of: �
<br /> �»�w�����. .��% . �. (i) the new interest rate on my toan u of the ChanQe Date;
<br /> . 'ii:;•:;3{: .
<br /> � (ii) the amount of my monthly payment followinY the Chan�e Date;
<br /> ` �i�44',�,:'. .
<br /> _ �,�_,_:�ti . . (iti) any addiHonal matters which tht Note Holder is required to disclou;and
<br /> ' , S��,,P�• � (Ev) the addrcu of the usociatton you could contact reQardin�xny quations about the odjustment notice.
<br /> _s"N,-i.
<br /> � �.i�a•��^ � t
<br /> •�:t�'��� �!� �. CHARGES;UEN5
<br /> � Uniform Covenant 4 of the Security Instrummt is amended to read u foliows:
<br />_�: ;::.��•*�� .
<br />- ��_S,}f�v�,1-:-_.
<br /> �te,,�� 4,�i�r�a;I,ier,Bonower shdt p�y all taxa,assessments,and other charga,fines,wnd impositions attribuubie to the P�openy which may
<br /> �f� ���F�°°' stttin a priority over this Securlty Instrument,and leasehold payments oP around rents,if any,in the manner provided under Wu�raph 2 herco[
<br /> , li:`..'
<br /> `� a,i[twt W►id in such manner,by Bor�ower makin�payment,when due,directly to the payee thereof.Borrower shall promptly furnith Lcnder _.
<br /> �.� ��..,r......
<br /> • 3� all notioa of�mounu due under this puaataph,and in the event Borrower shali make payment directly,Borcower�hall promptly furnith to
<br /> �: I.ender reaipts evidencitt�such payments. Borrower�hatl promptly diuharQe any ifen which hos priority over this Securlty Inttrument;
<br /> ;;, however,Borrower sh�ll not be required to discharae any such llen so lon��s 9orrow•er:(a)shal�agrer in writlnQ to the p�yrtient ot the
<br />-� �:..� obi(µtton securcd by such lien in the mannrr accepable to Lender,(b)shati In�oad taith mntes�such tim by,or defend aadn�t enforcement of
<br /> wch lien in.ksai pracadit�s which in the opinion of Lender o{xnte to ptevent the enforcemtnt at the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any
<br /> p�rt thereof;or(c)shall saure from the holder of such Iten�n�reement in a[orm satisf�ctoty to Lender subordinatin{such lirn to this
<br /> Setueity In�aument.
<br /> it t.a�der detennina th�t all or any put ot che Propeny is subjxt to�lien which may atuin�prioriry over thic Socurity Insvument. _
<br /> (,�der t1u11{ive Botrower a notta idMtlryfns ouch IKn.eonowror snatt wusty sucn uen or ute ot�e oc more or ct�ac�ions se�iatn ioovs
<br /> ` wNMip anday�o[tbe�ivit�o[tbe uotioe.
<br /> C. D1071f.!
<br /> Udform Covewnt 14 ot the Security 1 mtrwnent it amenda�d to rad as folbw�:
<br /> �,HWo�.�xeept!or any notioe roqutrod under appiicabk 4w to be�iven in another mumer.l�)�ny notfa to Borrowu provWed fot ia this
<br /> gKy�i�y Tn�ttwoept t1yU be{Ivsa by ddtvalnj it or by maiUaj it b�r Rnt ctw m�U to Bor�ower at the Praperty Addras ar at sucA otha addreu
<br /> �Dorwwer wy dniWu bY naia to Leader u prw�ided haein.and(b)anY nake to l�nder shaU be�iven pY tint clus m�U to Lender's
<br /> addteu�tat�d berda a�to wcb otha�ddrs�a�l.ender auy daiWte by notia to Borrowa�provided haein.Any ootioe prcwided for ta thii
<br /> grpriq Wunu�t�lWt De dMaed to pave beea�ivea to Borrowa or I.eader whea�iven ia Ne aNnner dai�auad Maeia.
<br />