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<br /> � ;, UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower�nd L�nder covenant and aqree�s totlowa:
<br /> + 1. Paym�nt of Peinclpat and Int�l. Borrower�hall promptly pay when due the pnnclp�i of and inteNt On th�
<br /> md�btsdnssa svidancsd by ths Nots,p�repuym�ntend Ia1�ch�rqesat provid�d in ihe Not�,and th�pnncipal of and fnMral on
<br /> my Futun Adv�ncs�a�cund by ths O�sa ot Trust.
<br /> Z. Fund�laTaxMMb Inwan��.Subi�et to appilcablelaw or to�wriq�n wawK by LsrM�r.Bor�owN�hall pay to I.�fd�r
<br /> onthedeymonthlyinet�lln►�nbof principoland�nt�wstanpay�bl�undntheNoM.untiIllNNoH�tp�Idl�luil,asum(hM�ln
<br /> "Funds")equ�i to on�-tw�ihh of fh�ywrly taxu and�sfKSm�nu wtxch m�y�ttam pnonry ovK ihu Q�Nd oi TruN.and � - -�---
<br /> qround nnb on th�PrOp�rty.lf�ny,plu�on�•1wNMh ofy�arly pnmium intta�lm�nb tor haznd Inwr�nu.pi�uon�•twMlth ol
<br /> ywrly pr�mwm insfalim�nb for monq�0•insurancs,it any, all as rN�onably at►en�tW�Mq�liy�nd bom„nM W NrtN bY
<br /> • � L�nd�r on th�basls ot�u���m�na�ndbtll�and rNwnabls„drtNhs thenol.
<br /> Th�Fund��h�ll b�hald In�n m�tttunon th�d�poslu or�ccounbof which srs�nsund or pwrantNd,by�F��I a�fah
<br /> -- " �p�ncy Ilncludlnp L�nd�r it Lender is�uCh an insqtutlon).Londer eh�lt apply ths lunds topa y rald taxN�nNHm�nb,
<br /> fnsunnc�premlum�andqround rents.Lander may notch�rye ta soholdinq and�ppiy�n9 th�Fu�d�,analytlnp aid aceount
<br /> .3 � orvKlfylnp�ndcomplilnpseidas�ssments�ndbflls,unteaLenderpays8or�owKlnt�nstanth�Fund�and�pptla�� bl�law
<br /> p�rmibL�ndatom�k�suchacharya.8orrowerendlenderm�yayresinwrlting�tthetimsof�x�cutlonoftht ONdofTru�t �. .___—
<br /> - ' that inten�t on ths Fund�sha�t b�paid to Borrowsr,and unless such aynsment is msdt or�ppIicalbs i�w rpuir�t wch _
<br />' '. , f n t e n s t t o b epa i d,L e n d�r s h a i i n o t b e r e q u i r e d t o p a y B o r r o w e r a n y i n t e n s t o r e t r�i np�on tM�Funds.Lend�r shall pive to
<br /> 8orrowor,wit h out cherq�,an annual accouMing of the Funds showmg aredita and d�6its to ths Fund�and th�pu rpos�tor ��-}�.. __.___
<br /> � whfCh each d�bit to th�Funds was made.The Funds an pl�dyed as additlonal sacuriry tor the sums secured by this ONd of —
<br /> . Trus�
<br /> It the amount ot the funds held by Lender.to�ether with the tuture monthiy insullments of Funds payRbie pnw to th�due L���=-° ___
<br /> detss of Ufxet.sa=essmante,insurance premiums and ground�ent�,shatt exceed the amount►�qu�red to p�y said Uxes. =
<br /> • aasessmenta,Ineurence premfuma and g�ound re�ts as they fali due,such exceas shsll be,at Barrower's optio�,either _,_
<br /> promptfy repnid to Borrower or credited ta Borrawer on momhly mstelimenta ot Funda.lf the�mount of th0 Funda hNd by g:���_ ,____
<br /> Lendershailnotbssufllcisnttopaytaxea.essessmenb.insura�cepremfumsand groundrenbastheyfalldue.8or�owerahall � �^-
<br /> pay to Lender any amount necessary to maks up the dsficie�cy w�thln 30 daya from tht det�no6c��s rtwiisd by Lend�r to •�,.;3,.:;,�,..:_
<br /> � Borrower requesting peyment thereol. _--
<br /> " Upon payment in tull of ati aums secured by thie Deed ot Trus�Lendershail prompiry refund to 8orrower any Funds held by . ._ _--
<br /> lender.lf under peraproph 18 hereof the Properhr is sotd oHhe PropertY is otherw�ae acqwred by Lender,Lender ehait apply.
<br /> no later than immedi8taly prior to the sale of thp Property or its eCqW9it�on by Lender,�nd Funds hs�d by Lender at thstime of „a,,�; �=
<br /> appliaation as a credlt apainst ths sums secured by lhis Ueed of Trust ��"` -• -
<br /> 3. AppNoNion of Paym�nb.Unless appliaable taw prov�des otherwise,ail payments received by Lender under the Note E •'�
<br /> and paragrephe 1 and 2 hereof ehaii be applied by Lender tirst in payment of amounts payabte to Lender by Borrower under :� � •��:--
<br /> peragraph 2 hereof,then to intarest payabie on the Note,then tothe pnncipat of the Note,end then to intereatand pnncipal on � __
<br /> ony Future Advancea. '�_=
<br /> 4. CM�►QN;U�ns•Borrowera ahetl pay ell taxes,aasessmenta and ofher charges,tines and impositionssttributable to the � —••
<br /> Property wMah may attaln a prioriN over this Dead at T►uat,and leaseho�d peymenta or ground rents,it any,In the manner `�'���
<br /> provided under paraqraph 2 hered o�,lf not�aid in such manner,by Borrower maklnq payment,when due,direcdy to the ����.
<br /> payee thersot.Borrower shall promptly fum�s„'o Lender all notices of amounts due under thls paray�aph,and in the event �•: _
<br /> 1 B orrower shell make payment tltrectly,t3onower shefi promptiy furnish to Lnndar teG6iptS 8vid8�tU�g SuCh payt�snt�.
<br /> Borrower ehalt promptly dlecharge any Iien whfch has prioriry over this Deed of Trusk provided,fhat Borrower shal l not be �; ;
<br /> requlred to dlecharyeany auch lien ao Iong as Borrower shall agree in writinq tothe payment of the obliyation secured by such `�
<br /> Ilen fn a manner acceptable to Lender,or shal!in good faith aontest euch lien by,or defend enforcement at auch lien in,leyal � � �;`,:_.
<br /> proCeedings which operate to prevent the enforr.ement of the Nen or foAeiture of the Property or any part thersof. ' �,
<br /> 5. H�=aM U�ursnc�.Borrower shall keep the�mprovementa now exi�ting or hersafter erected on the Property insured . �
<br /> againet loss by flre,hazarda included within the term'extended coverage'',and auch other hezard�as lender may requ�re ' „
<br /> and In auch amounta and tor such periods as Lender may require:provlded,that Lend�r shall not rsquire that the amount ot
<br /> '� such coverage exceed that amount of coverage reqwred to pay the sums secured by thia Oeed ot Trust. �R'�
<br /> '` Thisineurencecarnerprov�dfngtheinsurenceahellbechosenby Borrowersubiecttoappravalby Lender,provided,that �,�-�
<br /> � such approvat shall not be unreasonably wlthheld.All premwms on insurance pol�cies shall 6e peid in the manner provided _. _
<br /> undet paraqraph 2 hereof or,if not pa�d�n such mAnner,by Borrower makiny payment,when dus,directty to the maurance �, '�:.
<br /> carrler. .��f�
<br /> ��, AI�insurance policles and renewals thereof shatl be in torm acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mort�age °' '
<br /> clause in tavor otand In form acceptable to Lender.Lender shafl have the right to hold the policiea and re�ewalatherso,and
<br /> � Borrowershall prompttyfurnish to l.ender all renewal natices and aII receiptsof paid premwms.Inthe eventof loss.8orrower
<br /> shall give prompt notice to the insurance carner and Lender.l.ender may make proof of loss�i not mede promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unleas lende�and Borrower otherwise agree in wnting,insurance proceeds shall be epplied ta restoration or repair of the
<br /> P►operty damaged,provided such restoration or repa�r is econom�ca�ty teasible and the secunty ot this Deed of Truat ia not
<br /> ' thereby impeired.It suCh restoration or repair is not eCOnom�C011y feaeible or�f Ihe�eCUnty of this Deod of Trust would be '"
<br /> impaired,the insurance proceeds shall be appt�ed to the sums secured by th�s Oead of Trust,with the excess.�t any,paid to •
<br /> ' Borrower.lf the Property Is ebandoned by Borrower.or�f Borrower fails to respand to Lerder within 30 days from the date �
<br /> ' i notice ia mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carner ofters to settle a claim for�nsurence benefita.Lender is
<br /> i euthorized t0 Collect end epply the tnsurance proceeds at Lender'S opt�on either to restoration or repa�r vf the Property or to
<br /> . i the suma secured by thls Deed of Trust.
<br /> � U�IeeslendarandBorrowerotherwiseagreemwriting,anysuchappl�cationofproceedstopnncipa�ahallnqtextendor
<br /> postpone the due date ot the monthly installmants reterred to m paragrephs 1 and 2 hereot or change the amount of such
<br /> ,� mstallments.lt under paragraph 1 B hereot the Properry is acqu�red by Lender,all nght,title end mterest of 9orrower in and to '
<br /> any insurance po�fcies and In and to the proceedsthereot resulting lrom demage to the Property pno�to the sate or acquisition
<br /> ahall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by th�s Oeed of Trust immed�ately pnor to such sale or acqu�sition.
<br /> � � • ' ' � 8. Pr�rvaGon and Maint�nane�of P►op��ty:L��s�holdt;Condominlums;Pt���d Uelt D�v�topn��nM.8orrower shail
<br /> • • keep the Property in good repa�r and shall not commrt wa�te or perm�t�mpaument ot detenorat�on o�the Property and shall
<br /> ;�, i complywlth the provisions of any lease it thls Oeed of Trustis on a leasehold.If this Deed ot Trust�son a und�n a condominium
<br /> � or a plenned unit development.Borrower shall peAOrm all of Bc+r��wer's obligations under the decla�at�on or covenants
<br /> j j � creating or governing the condommwm or planned um:development.the by-lews and regulet�ons of the condominium or
<br /> � , [ ; pl8nned uMt development,and constdueM documents.If a condommwm or planned urnt development nder is excuted by
<br /> 1 BorrOwer and recorded together w�th this Deed of Trust,the covenants and ag�eements ot suCh rider shell be incotporated
<br /> -- , lnto and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this Deed of Trust as if the ride�were a pert hereot.
<br /> l���; 7. Probctlon ot L�nd�r'a S�euNiy.lf Borrower fails to pertorm the covenents and a9reementa conta�ned m this Deed of
<br /> k � Trust,or It any action or proceed�ng is commenced w�th metana�ly aHecta Lendor's mterest m the Property,�ncludinq but not
<br /> �,� � Ifmltedto,emtnentdomein,insolvency,codeenforceme�t.orarrangementsorproceedinqa�nvo�vinpabankruptordacsdent,
<br /> �. then Lender et Lender's optlon,upon notice to 8orrawer,may make auch appearancee,disburse such sums and take nuch
<br /> j� ectionaalsneceassrytoprotectlender'sinterestfncluding,butnotlim�tedto,disburssmentofreesonebteattorney'afsesend
<br /> . ��;,�• ; entry upon tNe Propertyto make repairs.It Lender�equuedmoRgaye�nsurance�s a condition ot mektnQ the�oan secur�d by
<br /> �'� • the Desd of TrusR Borrower ahall pay the premwms required to mamtein such��surance m eHect untit such time as the
<br /> �j requir�msntforauChinsurancetermmates�naccordencew�th8orrowsr'sandLendar'swndsnapreemontorappliCalbelaw
<br /> ' „._� BorrOw�r shellpp y the�mount ot alt mortgape insurance permwms�n ths manner prov�ded under puaqraph 2 hereof.
<br /> ��*ti4�-� �nv �mnunFR cfi�6urud bv Lendef curauant to thia DariGfeDh 7. Wlth �ntarest thereon, ahau become adduiorni
<br /> � Indibtednebs of 8orrower secured by this Deed ot Trust.Unless 8orrower and lender ayraeto ottter terrnsot payment,aucn
<br /> '�'�~ 1 , {� . - • amounts sho�t be payabte upon notice trom Lender to Borrower requestmg paYment hereof,and shall bs�r mterest from the
<br /> ��� 1 • � deteotdtfburasmentatthsretepayablefromametot�meonoutstand�ng pr�ncipatundertheNotsunlesspaymentofinterest
<br /> — ��„ , at such nte would be contrery to appIfcable Iaw.m wh�ch event such amounts shat�bear�ntenst at Ihe hiqhtst�ate
<br /> � • �� • permisflbleunderapptfceblolaw.Nothmgcontainedmthiaparagraph7shatl�equ�reLendertomcuranysrpenr,eort�k��ny
<br /> ' r•:,,•,,. -. actlon henunder.
<br /> � �. Imp�elloe.Lender mey make or cause to be made reasonable entnea upon and inapections of the Property,provfded
<br /> '!?•,t•,•'h.�.� . thet Lender ahall yfve Borrower not�ce pnor to any such mapect�on spec�yinq reasonable cause therefore related to Lender's
<br /> ��,;i:t���`, ' inter�st�n ths Property.
<br /> �,u�-:�;.
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