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<br /> � ' �,5►�'.t..":1�. ,
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<br /> ` DEED OF TRUST 93"". �� . .
<br /> THIS OEED OF TRUST is madt this �rd �y ol Now r —
<br /> -= 19 93 ,amonqttl�1'�ustor. _ ��rti x. aurton, a sinai�aeraon -
<br /> _ (Mrein"8onow�r").Flr/Mr Bmk.N�Mona)A�oolatl�on�
<br /> On�hs,NebraNca,(hanln"Tru�t�"},and B�nNiciary,Fin11N Btnk,NaUon�l AaoclaHon,Om�ha.NNxs�ka,a
<br /> corporatlon orp�nlz�d tnd�xhNnq u�d�r th�i�w�of Th�Unibd 8uta of Atr�lca,vrhoM addn�k 1700
<br /> Fsrnam StnN,Omth�,N�brafka.ddt02-Z1�3lItK�ln"Land�r").
<br /> - 60RROWER, �n comld�ntlon of th�indrbl�dn�ss hrrNn ncit�d�nd th�truat h�rsln aNt�d,In�vocsWy
<br /> �ranb and conv�y�to TrustN,tn tru�t.wfth pow�r ol�al�,th�lollowlnp d�orlb�d p�opKiy lowt�d in th�County
<br /> of all _ ,St�t�of tJ�br��kr
<br /> Th� w�st tialf (W�i) or Lots ThiY•ty-Sovon (37) an8 Thirty-Eiqht (38) in W���
<br /> - i,awn 1ldditios� to th� City of Cirand Island, Hsll County, N�braska.
<br />_ ..�
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<br />-'�° ���`'`^��•• � whichhastheaddre5sof .— __?011 W. State Street Grand island
<br /> =y�� sa..;.ai1u • �sa�«� �c�h�
<br /> ,�,,,_, ;. �Nebraska 6860 3 (herein"Property Address");
<br /> � �wwar�oi�ocoe.�
<br /> �'���''�� TOGETHER with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property,and ai!easements,Nphts,
<br /> ::._ _ -- .,. .M;r. :
<br /> ' � appurtenances,rents(subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to lender to coiiect and apply
<br /> +-_��. �j, ,'������Y+,".;;;'};° such rents),royalties,mineral,oii and ges rights and profits,water,water rfghts,and water stock,and ali fixtuns
<br /> .:•. � 'y�;-:: now or hereaRer altached to the properry,ail ot whfch,including replecements and additfona thereto,ahail be
<br /> deemed to be and remafn a part of the property covered by this Deed ot Trust;and ali o}the toregoU�,to�ether _
<br /> '''� = with seld property(or the leasehold estate if this Qeed ot Trust fs on a leashold)are heroin referred to as the
<br /> � ---- °property..�
<br /> TO SECURE to LENDER(a)the repayment of the indebt�dnesa evldenced by Borrower's note dated
<br /> Nowa�blY 3. 1993 _ lhar�in"Note"1.in the nrincinal sum of Fi fte n hnnunA Si x
<br /> � --- . .. . .
<br /> -- +�*+dr•a nd noiioo -tsis.600.oo� Doilars,with Interest therson,provldinq for monthly inatalim�nb
<br /> - of principal and intensC with the balance of the indebtadness,if not soons�paid,dus end psyatble on
<br /> rto���er s. 1998 ;the payment of ali other aum�.with interat th�non,advanced
<br /> In accordanae henwiU►to protect the securiry ot thls O�ed ot Trus��nd the psrlormancs of ths caw�ants�nd
<br /> a�rwnNnte d Bwrorwr h�rein contained;and all ren�wals,extsnaions and modit�catlons th�noF and(b►ths
<br /> r�yment ot myfutun�dvances,with interast in thsreon,made to 8orrowK by UndK purwsnt�o p�rapraph 21
<br /> hK�of lherNn"FutunAdvenc�s").
<br /> 6pRpOWER cov�n�nb tlut Borrow�r Is iawfully soized of the e�tate henby co��wyed and hss th��ht to
<br /> pnnt and convaY th�PropKty,that fhe Propsny is unencumb�nd,and that Borrow�r will wurant and d�Nnd
<br /> p�nKaliy ths tltie to th�Propwly ap�inat all clatms and d�mands,subj�ct to any d�ctuWons.ws�m�nb or
<br /> raMctlons iisl�d(n a�aheduN of�cc�ptions W aowraQA in any�tN inwranos poNcy inw�inq LsndK's inbnat
<br /> in th�Prop�rty.
<br />