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:�� ._ . ,i,� • �`w�: . �_ <br /> � . �� <br /> u� �. M.� •''y�y�1-4"- <br /> .� �.t . . . . .� . — <br /> .t.(� .._. - <br /> --� - -�- -� g3_�o9a�a <br /> p�yma�ta rrMy ro lon�er be requirod,at the option of Lernler, if mortRa�e ir�wrukx cover�e(in the art�uet�nc1 fot�tha pai�d <br /> th�t L,p�der requira)provided by an inwrer approved by La�der a��in beccw�e��vail�bl��nd!s d�ufrod. Borwwer�lu�ll pa�Y <br /> We proa�ivau roqulrod w m�int�in mo�e insuranoe in cttect,or W provide+�lou�reserve.untll tlie c+equirament for rnc��o <br /> inwance ernls in wcord+r�cx with any w�itten�ge+eement betwan Borrower�rd i.ender or�pplica�bk t�w. <br /> !.i�p�ctia. Lender or iu�au may make re�roruble entcka upon md irupatiiom ot the Prayerty.Lwder�hall jive <br /> Bcxrower natice a the tfine of or prior to�n inspoction�pacifyinQ rouo�ble c�u�e for the in�pation. <br /> 10.C�lo�. The p►�ads of�ny �wud or cl�im for dstru�cs�, diroct ur wru�oquenti�l. in oonn�xtlon with any <br /> _ �------�--- <br /> a�ndemrwtion or ather IskinQ of any prrt af thC Propeny.or fur conveyu�ce in lieu of cwdemnation. arc hereby asui�nod�nd <br /> �lwll be paicl ta Lende�. <br /> � In the event uf a wtel Wcin�of the Prc�peety,the pmeoedc slwii be�ppliod w the wm��ecurod by this Security Irutrumettit, <br /> - whettxr or not then due, with any ex��ess paid to Bo�rowcr. In thc cvent of A parti�l takin� of the Property in which the fnir <br /> — market value of the Propeccy immediately beforc the�aking is oqual ta or greater than 1he amount of the wmz socural by thla <br /> _ Security Instrument immedi�taly beforc the taking,unless Horrowcr wx!Lender ott�crwise agra in writin�,the wmc secural by <br /> � thi� Security In+trument shall be reduced by the anwunt of the procoeds multiplied by the foilowjng fractfun: (a)tho total <br /> -�- �'�`" amount of the sums secured imnxdiately bcfore the taking,djvide�by(b)the fair mar�et v:�uc of thc Praperty lmmodiutely <br /> beforo thc wking.Any balance slwll be p�id to Bornawer. In the event of a partia!talcing af the Property in which tha fair <br /> ---- — marlcet value of the Property immodGUely before the taki�g is less dwn the amount of the sumc secured immodiately bcfarc the <br /> "° taking, unless Borrower and L.ender aherwisc agree in writing or uniess applicable law otherwise provides.the prncads shall <br /> ___ __ bc appliod to the sums sxurcd by this Security Instrument whether or not thc sums are then due. <br /> -- If the Property is abandoned by Borcower.or if,after notice by I.enJr�•to Iionower that thc condcmnor offecs to make an - <br /> Awuc+d or setdc a claim for damages. Borrower fAils to respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date thc notice is givcn, <br /> Lender Is Authodud to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repa�r of the Prop¢rty or to tho sums <br /> secured by this Securiry instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> . •.�,. .�,�;:�,• ,� Unlcss Lendcr and Borrower otherwiso agroc in writing, any application of praceeds to princi�wl shall not eztend ar <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refcrrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the arrwunt of such payments. <br /> l l.Borrower Not Rele�ed;Forbes►rance By I.ender Not a WAi�•er.Extcnsion of the time for payment or modiFcation <br /> of amortization of the sun►s securod by this Security Instrument gcanted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> "� not operate to relcase the liability of the origitwl Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender shall nc�t be required to <br /> commence proceedings asainst any successor in intercst or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization <br /> -- �..�. of tt�e sums securod by this Security Instcument by mason of any demand made by the original Borrawer or Burrower's <br /> �' succes.�ars in interest. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising uny ri�ht or rcmody shall not be a wsuver of or precluda tho <br /> �. ., :':n. =. <br /> . ' exercise of any right or►emcdy. <br /> '"!4'r�:'�'°"���"°". l2. Successors And Assigns Bound; Jant and Several Linbility; Co-signecs. The covenants and agreemcats of this <br /> ���"' ���� Securit Invtrun�nt shull bi�xi anct benefit the successors and assi ns of Lender and Burrower, subjcct to the pmvisians of <br /> ,,�.:,.;:•::...,,�.,: ... y � <br /> ���"`����=' ° �+.�� � paragraph 17. BoRawer's c�venants :md agreements shall be joint nnd several. Any Borrowcr who co-signs thiy Security <br /> LO�J.'�Y-.,�P...... <br /> -� � Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a) iti ro-signing this Scxurity Instrumem��nly to mortgage,grant and canvey that <br /> • � � Borcowcr's interest in the Pmpeny unJer thc termti of thiti Security lnstrun�ent; (b) i�not perwnully obliguted to pAy the sun�s <br /> .«,ti:aMM=,;':•.=w~.�- secured by this Securiry Instniment:und(c>agree.that Le�xler und uny rnher�onower ma}•agree to extend, mcxiil'y,forbeu or <br /> •2::s<•.�"� .•. •• muke any uccommodutions with rrgard tu thc terms af thi.Seruriry Instrurrknt or the Note withuut that Hurrower'��v�nsent. <br /> • . • � : 13.I.oan Ctwrgec. If thc loan srcurcd by thi.Sccurity Instrunxm i,xubjcct to u luw which sets muximum lann churges, <br /> '`=�'•'•" �'�•�; . and thut law i, finully interpreteJ ui th•rt the interert ar other I�ian rhurges coll��t��d or to be collected in ronnection with the <br /> �. .,, ,';,•�i:.::;,• �.�:, '' loan cxr�the permittcd limits,thcn: (a)an�• surh l��an churgc shall he reduccd by th� •rmuunt ncccswry to reducd the churge <br /> " ����'�::,• � to the pe itted limit:tnd(b)uny tiums ulrcaJy collected from &�rreiwer which excctded pemiitt��d limits will Ix: refunded to <br /> ,��;•� • Borrowcr. L.c�xlcr m•ry rha►x t�� makc thi. refunJ bp reJucing thc principal o����d urxicr thc Nute ur by muking u �Jirect <br /> - � • �.:, • payment to &�rrower. If u refunJ reducc, principal, the rcductiun will lx trcated a� a partiul prepaymem without ;u�y <br /> `-�",_ ' prt;.»��'r,:r.'rhargc undcr thc Nutc. <br /> 1�3.Nutic�w.Any ncuicc to&irr�iw•cr proviJcd ti�r in this Sccurity Instrumcnt.h•rll Ix�givcn by delivcring it ar by mailing <br /> : ��` ���,. it by fint rlus�nwil unlr�s•rpplirabl�law rcquirc+u�c ot�anothcr mcthixi. Thc natire.hatl fx direccui tu thc Pn�prrty Address <br /> . ,�'i.,: . � or any othcr addre�ti &irrawer dc�ignatc+ by nutirc tu Lendcr. Any notice tu I.rndcr +h•rll b.r Eivcn by fint cl�u m•ril to <br /> • "'"' l.cnder'ti address.tat��d herrin or any othrr uddreti. IAndcr dr�ignatcr by notice tu &�rruw•er. Any notic� pinvided for in this <br /> ,,.;":'�""""� Seeurity Instrunxnt shall tx:decmecl to have been given tc�&�rrower or Lender when givui a.provid�d in thi�.paragraph. <br /> .�.,, <br /> � "� ' IS.Co�•ernittR; Se�'crs�biliq•. Thi� Sccurity Instrument shaN lk g�wcrncd by fedred iaw wxt thc law of the <br /> �; . • jurisciirtion in ahich the Propr:rty iti hxated. In tl�c event thut auy pn�vision ur rlau+c aF thi>Sccuricp In�trument or thc Note <br /> •"�� conflicts with applic�blc laa•, such contiict shall rn�t aff�tit other priwi.iuns ut thi,S�tiurity ln.trumcnt or thp Notc whinc�an bc <br />–�M _ ��*��'�� - given effect without the ronflicting provi,ion. To thi,end the�+mvisi�m.uf thi.Sccurit�Intitrument u►xi thc Nute nre dedured ' <br /> , - :'.ly-;.�- to be severable. <br />-' , � �� . <br />� '��'�='�' - 16.Bomowe�'s Copy.Borrowrr+hull bc Hiven one�anfuRned cup} of thc Note and uf thi�Security Instrument. <br /> p�^c,� •.� <br />-a ` .•�;•���.��-��._`�' Fw�n 3028 8l90 <br />= — '-��•�'�vc. •-. P {af 6 <br />— •,.?��� ��',-.' �pt <br /> .M �����i� • <br /> T�_ <br /> .�._. ... ._ ___._.�_�-.T - �r.- �.� . ��1 _ _ —.�+�l "_ "" __. <br /> � �..ry=wK�r:� i�,'.' . ' . .t_ .... . ..._� _ . -+�1�:.�J3�� �-flYi.��_v►L.....: _.1 e�'a_`... . <br /> _ "". " ,j.,"' " . <br /> Li�D:J' t� yi. .��{Y� �..-�•Jl.� �...•..�1 • '. . _Ni. . . N���_�.�a�'w-�.�' • <br /> )JI�Af �T �!1 <br /> _ YJ ,-},ti�r�tPM:'9i�kel�'�1�ii4.���.:'i�C�+�i�_'iSnt�Nt.�ti`� �16�r���d�:fir:a.�=.:-. <br /> . . . . - --- .._,_ ._. . _ . __.. _. _, _,_..__ _ ---_--._. .. <br /> . - <br /> ` ' _ �.:.RS .- ;.}i c�z r.:....... " , . .� ` ' � ...,..::�"�r ..�� . . <br /> c�y.« <br /> y' . -' � n,-'',' M1' J'�..'.:• <br /> ' �.:f.��'J . . . u. . _ ��:.�i�' +�u':y . _ . �- <br /> _ _�k �_�L ' .. . \S . ... ��ti+i��L�ME.��tl�����IY��6��r6������Vi:.t r �...-.ww . ' ' <br /> pv. �. ..•., : ; .. . <br /> .—�.. _��7 - � �S. � . . .. '.� �ql���{�f��!k . ' _" ' <br />. _ ~,_.,.t��c�`ice! _....i_" Z ' �AMLf_~�7�ff�"�LYk+L�- ' • <br /> �a.:��,ev.:trswd� - �lFt.yv;�l:.§��Y?.r <br /> -----='--- �,.,. . _ ....._...._ . , _. _ ..._.. _ �_ •�R <br />