_v�� .. �_� 'R�. _,�„�-
<br /> `_� - -
<br /> _ ' �__s " .
<br /> � � - __ - - . • .� • �onowa �y aw woh •d�dl �nd nka1W� ns pi�W�d In p�rymph 1�, by awsbY fM aolian a proa��p b tr�
<br /> . i�Nd wllh�ninp MiM,b LM�d�t�000d Wlh dM�Ywkn,Pr�oM�fo�NlMr�d Ih�soirowa't YMirMI N liM hapMty or
<br /> an.r��.r�n�a u�.w�orw�w ay a� e.ou�y�M+�e a t,«�aw...o�y r,�.nn. e«row�«.�w.ro b.r�
<br /> — dMiri M Son�owv�drini 1M lo�n pproMlon P►ooM��O�w�WWp I�M�a hw4ounM YNaeWlon a wfw�wMS b Lsndn(a
<br /> __ i�d io povid� �wuiw wiii� �► �i�t infa��h owMiw�it,+n v�t fls� k�n arld�•t��tha t�t, f�ks�sQ.tut trot �
<br /> UM�d b, npn�rMtllo�M oaioNnYq oonawr's 000upnay a1 11N P►i�p�ry M a pY�olpN �widwa�. M Ws �rNy
<br /> fn�r�M Ir on � NwhoNf� /onowu � oo�py wiY� �M IM pa�torN of tM I�w. N oonnw�r�o4ul►N tM tMN b tlN
<br /> P10PMIy.tll�MYM1oM!1111d tl1f 1M 1M�shM 1101 mMp�IM1M��L�11dQ pl�M b 1M mM�M'kl M�q• �
<br /> r. rro�.otlon a L.nd.r. RIOhRs M a�.'enp«ey.r�onow+► Mw w v«tom�u»oov.nr,a.na�qn«n.r�u
<br /> ooiN�YNd b 1hM �a�Ny N�w�. a 1Mn M a Mp�l prooMdnp MMt nMpl Mp�o�M1Y �al��nd����h th� rroMrly �
<br /> ��_ - - (woh M�prooNdYq In brkruptoy�Prob�t��la oondMw�Mion a brl�iiun a ta�n(ora laws c�npurtlo�u).th�n l.�ndu mty hi -
<br /> _ _ _ do.nd p.y t«wi,.raw�.�.o�..ry a aoaa aa v.w.a tn.P►a�r.nd�.nd.r.�qhu r,aN wor.y. �.na�r.«�a,. �
<br /> - nMy InaA� pyNp any s�wn Maxrd bY a Mn whkh ha plaNy ovw thi� 8�cwitY h�In+nwM, +PPwkW ti aowt. P�YNO
<br /> �wpwbl��11onMys'iMS and rnWY�p on fM Prapwly to nric��p�ks.AMhaqh L�id�►�wY Wc��alfon und�t thb pu�prapA
<br /> 7.L�nda doN not h�w to do w. �
<br /> - �ny rnoun�.awa�n..a by�«,d�r und..a«•a•M► � .n.r b.00M..aawon.i d.e� a eo�►ow«.�a,r.d ey u,t. e.a.h►
<br /> wMtunw�f. t1nMa earowK �nd l�ndr+orw a anv t«ms ot pymwa, th�.amouna �AM bw k+tw�t tam th�aw of
<br /> a�bwsw�«►t rt a,.Na.tM..na dw a p.y�el.,wta+InwMt,upon noYo.irom Lw�d�r to ea►ow«r�a+«Ww wrn«i4 -
<br /> s. Mo�t� tnwrMl�. M �«�d.r nq�rna nw�ro�o�Inwr.na .. . oa�aNfo�n a mddno n,.w.n ..oiwa by a�l.
<br /> .�OIM��1MM�11�BOROWQ i�P�Y�P�����'�i0 IIMNNrfl 11N 111011�Q�MI�NfY10�YI�.I�.�MIy 1MW11.tlN
<br /> � IIIOf1Q��IIIi1NM10�QOYM�Q�frQtl�fb b�l�MI�If�M Of O�Y� b�YI �I�CT,BOffOWR i�Ml�/1�N pfrfll�{M1M frQllkK�10
<br /> obWn oov�ny� wbWnIWY �quMwnt to tM morlp�p�Inwrano� q�MouQY h M�t, �t a oost wb�i�MMry�quNaMM to th�
<br /> - oo.e to eanr,w�.. a a�. mat�.p. Nwr.no. a+vbu�N h •N.a, xom .n .NwMc• moAa� „N+►«'�av�•a by�.idv. n � -_.
<br /> .,;',:,'� wbNrdWY p��iv+�i�nt mwtp�p�b�unnu oowrp�i�nof awWtb,Bonown sIW p�y to LM�drr Meh month a wm�q+d b
<br />:_:�,;;:, on►iw�Mtb ot tl�ywy mat�pe In�+u��a Pm�Y�n bMnq Paid bY Bonow�t wtwn th�Insu�nc�aown�I�pud or eMS�d W ._
<br /> b�tn Mhd. l�ndr vv� aao�pt,us�and n1aM�thw p�yro�nu as a bu n�v�in N�u d mattMO�inwnna. loss nsw�
<br /> p�ynwnts t11RY���b�nqtirtl,at th�opYa1 ot LM1d�r.M nwrtqspn bsut�oowr�pn 1M a�naint and iot tM pMlod
<br /> .�'t`'.sw,r:�T*,.`:�� : th�t Lw1d�r nquirus) ProvMi�d bY�n inwrr �pprov�d by Undr aq�in b�com�s a�bM and Mt abhin�d. Botrowk sh�N p�y
<br /> •� tM prnniums rn�uY�d to m�intah mat�inwrw�e�b �M�ct.or to provid�a bss��v��untll th�nquk�t tor matp�p�
<br /> �.,;,s;�'.,,i".��r tmw�na�in+�c�cordria wid►any wdlt�n pnw�nt bMw«n Barowv�nd UncN►a app�crbM I�w.
<br /> �`• ''''"'";��'°°:"�.;:.`;1 9. r1ip�CtlOn.Lendir a Mt�pent maY nwk�nasoaabM�nW�s upcn and Nspcions of th�Ptop�ty. l��dw sh�yM�
<br /> ,y� �,,:i:tr�'(t�a�;.<'�:�• 8ortvwu nOtiq�t ths tYn�of ot prbr to a1 RItp�ClfOn�p�dfyYly n�sorntlN qus�10►fM intpation.
<br /> � , r;;:jl;�;+�:r{::,
<br /> `+�,`w�„ _,�,�,�;". 10. Cond«nnatton.Tn.proo..d� or.ey awea or c�.rn wr d.m.o... ar.ct or ca,s.qu.nud.In conn.ctloa wxn any
<br /> ,'; t .a�;�,���,�'�. 4�;r•,"�� COtIdNIMMM011 0� Otlfef 1�kYi� O�ally QY1 Of 1M PfOPMIy. Of 10f COf1Y�tIC!YI w{I O�C011�f1111�1�Of1.Yf h�f�y �fi{�I�d�Ild
<br /> �Z��i, f�. }4'�}lni! 'n�.a�� t�Y/a�t0 LM1dM.
<br /> '�° ���••"•^�.�:%��:� M th� w�nt of • to1M W�k�q d th� Rop�ty. th� proc�sds shM b� y�plird W ih� sums s�cund by tl�is S�axMy
<br /> �, , -~ .`.�4''•��� � -. Imtrw�wrt,wh�thr or not Ihen due.wRh any ucass p�d to Bartowr. in th��v�nt ot a prt(M taWny d th�Proprty b whk�
<br />- �.�iti�.�::.•;,�..�.!:K.:. � itu i�ir m�kct vr�cs3 a!2lto Prapcxt;t �s�f�'stst�beSoss!he!�ldrsp b t�rs!ta x�!s2or!h� 1h��mamt d th� sums s�au�d
<br /> ::`'_�.:, .-�,;''-.. . --
<br /> ' by thk S�ctuMy► bshum�t►t Yrwn�di�Uy bMon th� tak4iy� unMss Bortow�t and LendK othwwis� aprN in writin9� tht sums _
<br /> -,:,.'' S s�wnd by thft S�arMy In�trum�nt shar be nduad by th�arrwunt M the VrooMd+n�Nrd bY th�foMow�y kadiotr. (�) th� _"`_
<br /> •.:`."�, ' tohl amo�ult M th�wms s�cund Imn�ll�t�ly bMors th�t�Wnp,dNfd�d bY(b)ths fafr m�rkd valut d th�Propwly imm�dl�t�ly -
<br />.:,5.;':'•�' bdor�tM takiny.My bWne�eh�N b�pud to Bomowa. In th�evant of a pa�U�l W�k�p ot th�Proparty in whkh tM htr mukd t-��
<br />°-�.`,'
<br /> •- v�tu�ot th� PropKty Ynrn�dMtMy bafae th�takinq is Nss th�t►tho xnount ot th�wms seaK�d InnMdi�Uy bda�th�takinp.
<br /> - unMss Barrow�► and Unde► dh�wt�e �pra+ h wrltYy or wdsas appYcabN M�w oth«wla provWa� th� prac�lt ah�M b� - --
<br /> `-- ' � appM�d to th�wms s�wed by ihis Secu�ity Instrum�nt whNher�r not the sums oro thw►du�. �-�
<br /> , ' H th�P►op�ry Is abandon�d by Bortow�r,or R, attK�oUc�by L�ndr to Bortow�r that the condmx�or ollars to m�ks an �`°
<br /> •ward a s�ttle a da(�n ior dam�g�s. Barow�r i�fls to respond to L�nda withh 30 da�n aRw th� d�b th�notlw b yNm. � ^'�
<br /> •� Lmd�r Is �uthnrited m eoAect md�ppyr th�procs�d�, at fta option, Nlh�t lo nstoratlon a np�ir d th�P►operty ar to th� b"
<br /> sun►s a�cund by tl�ls 3�cwity in�trwrnnt,whwhar or not then du�. �'��.,�
<br /> ;� ' Unius Undr and B�muw�r othuwisa apre� in wrWny, anY appNcatlon ot proceeds to prindpai shaN not exUnd or '- •
<br /> pa�ont the du�dat�of ths monthy payrtMnts rofeRed to in paraynpha 1 and 2 or chanqe the amount ot wch p�yrna�ta. � h�
<br /> � 11. 8otrow�r Not Rol��s�d; Forb�uanc� By L.�nd�r N�t� Waiv�r.Fxnns�on ot the wrw t«p.ym«�t or �',.�
<br /> . � rtwdilfcatian af amoRiudon of th�aums eecured by thia Sacuriry inabumrnt yranted by Lende►to any successor h inteteat of � •
<br /> Barower shall not opuate to re�s�ae th�W�bflity ol tht aipinai BoROwer or Bonowtr's auccessoro in int�►eat. Lader shar not � ' '
<br /> , be requir�d to cammsnce procwdk�ps a�inst any suecaaaor in interest or refuse to exlmd tMne tu payma�t or otherwis� �
<br /> � � modily�na►U�tion of the auma saured by this S�curBy tnstrument by rc�aon of any demand m�de by the orfphal Bortower or
<br /> Bortower'a suoceaaon In intereet. My torbwanc� by Landu in eucercisinp any Myht or r«nsdy ah�U not be a walwr ot or k . �
<br /> , ._
<br /> � � pr�duda tha exerolse af any rtght or remedy.
<br /> � 12. Succ�ssors �nd A�sipns 8ound; Joint and Severat Uability; Co-�tyn�r�. Th. covan.nts and
<br /> • �pr«nNnts of thb S�cwily Inskummt shall bind and benefit the suecesaors�nd assiyns ot Lender�nd Bortow�r, wbJect to the -
<br /> �, provisions oi parayraph 17. Barower's coven�nts�nd ayrwxnents ahaN be Jofnt and seven�. My Borrower who co-slqns thls
<br /> , , S�curily Insftument but doa not execut�the Note: (�)is co•sign(np thia Security Instrument ony to mort�pe.ptant and convey
<br /> th�t Borrowe�'a int�teat In the R�opaty undK the terms oi this Security Inshument: (b) is�ot paraonaYy obYpated to pay the ,
<br /> • aums s�cured by thls Securily InstnwneM: and(o) ayrees that Lender and any other 8orrower may agree to exlend,modi(y.
<br /> - � tatbev or mtke �ny accortKnod�Uans wilh npud to the tertns of ihis 3ecutiry �natrumant or the Nota wHhout th�t Borrowlr's
<br /> ' . � cona�nt.
<br /> 13. L.WfI Ch�fgos. H the loan aewred by this Searrity Inatrument is aubject to a kw whtch sets meximum ban
<br /> , chuqes, +u�d th�t{�w Is Iin�Ny intwpreted so that the Iniereat or other Iwn charges collected or to be eoN�cted h connecdon
<br />- wilh tha Ioin nccead the permitted Ihtits,then: p)any such toan cherge ahal be reduced by the amount nacess�ry to reduce
<br /> - th� ch�rye W tht pwmilted Wnit; and (bj any aums ake�dy collated hom Borrower whkh �xceeded petmhted Wnits wfU be
<br /> ± � r ralunded lo Borrower. Lender tnoy chooae to rrake this refund by redueMy the pdndpd owed under ihe Note or by makfnp a
<br /> y� dinct p+rynxnt to Bortower. It a rMund nduc�s prindpal, th� roductlor► wIN be veated aa a parNal prepayment wNhout my
<br /> t prepayr►Nnt eiwy�undM'the Note.
<br /> . ; 14. NOt1C�s.My notice to Bortower(xovided tor in thla Se�xuity InsWment ahaq be given by dalh�e�ing ft or by mWinp R
<br /> ' by ikst ekss m�Y unitsa y�plic�ble I�w requkes use ot�nothu m�thod. The nodce sh�ll be dirocted to the Propaty Address
<br />�_ � � or any other address Bortowa d�e(ynates by �odc�to Lender. My notict to Lendx ah�ll be yiven by frxt dass m�N to
<br /> _��__ ��W ��.. � �....�w�. �d.�..�� �....�..w..t.....��1.....n�L�.►n Rwiw.rr Anu nnNr�evnvirW 1rv M lhia
<br />':*r-• --- -- = .��r_ '- '-_ . ' '
<br /> �--- . �w�vw o�wwro w...v ..w.,....:�q ..w.... �.......... .......... ..�...�..�...��� ..�..� ._ _'.._.._.. ._.� ..---- �-'---
<br /> ' , • S�uwiry lnstrum�nt shaN b�dNm�d to have be�n yivon to Bortowa or Unde►when yHan �s provided in thts puapraph.
<br /> � i 15. Gawminp Law; S�v�raWlfly. This Sacudty Instrument shat be yovaned by ledea� I�w �nd the �w ot the
<br /> � � jtukdiaUon in whlch th� Prop�ty (s but�d. In ih� ev�nt that�ny provis(on or d�ua�ot this Securiry InsWm�nt or the Note
<br /> � c:a�Alats with�ppYc�bN Mw, wch conllict shal not atl�ct other provfaiona of this SeC�ully InsWment or the Note whkh an be
<br /> �� qhr�elf�tt wilhout th�canNatlny provision. To thla ond tM provisbns ot this S�wity Instrument and the Note ue d�citrad to
<br /> a.«a.e+..
<br />� � • 16. BoROw�r's Copy.8ortow�r shaM b�yhnn on�contam�d copy ot the Not�and of this S�aulty InsUum�nt
<br /> �•. � �
<br /> ! f1�16.UiA6 191931 �pe 3 0�S
<br /> 1
<br /> , 97165 ]
<br /> .
<br /> � �� . _ _ . _ --
<br />