r .J���- r ., _
<br /> �, • .
<br /> � -
<br /> �. , �.,�....... _ - - -- - - - - _
<br /> �
<br /> !. _.w.: ., : � .� .
<br /> � Toelna9l wn►+ dl tk.l�ov�wM�now o►�wwr ..a�.d on tA.oror,My. «�a.i.M.M«�I.� .pp.w+ma...ea�
<br /> . M�... now«A«wM►.p�t a 11,.p�.y.A npl�o.�.M..�a..�isfe�..nr r.o a oo�wwr C�r w.s�aMqr InM�t.�
<br /> M d IIN IriyoMN k��wl fo b Yi ra�r Y�M�M�IIN•h�w�►.•
<br /> �OMGiM�I OdYENN�if MM �awu M I�wAiyr �ir d IM��M Mrb�r ooM►MN asd hr►tM d�Nt b �t�ml
<br /> -- ww�r th� IYo��► �M.1hM tM Prep�e�l� u�narN6wi, '�tx c�sss�s�ae:��I�. S��rer x�a��ts�1 wU � �_.
<br /> rrwe an..y+M w.1e 1A.�av.y.�.t�1 a�.a,a i�i�.«�I lo an�►«+�bw.�.a nead.
<br /> fFM� lClJlllllf MI/IRINME�R aa�bYiw un�a� oora� !e► n�MoiMl uM Md no�{r�nn oorMM� wMM rrMd �
<br /> wM�orw ey�rMrolkM�b oo�IbM�unMa�Marly In��N aov�lnp nd p�o�y. �
<br /> lN�INOlkA QOVEI�IAf1TS. so�row�r�nd L��d1►oowiwM�nd�gw••1o�ows: w
<br /> --'— �w th�'�a�f rid Y�iMi»��on th�d�ht� by�f����dw un�dr U�NeM. �
<br /> _ '—' � Jt. �/or T�eM�I+d Mww�llow W�wt�o�pro�bM k!�i ot!���wMw�w�Mr by l;�ndrr.Baraw�r s1W p�y • _
<br /> _ _ ta t�wMr oe tM db►�aAM►P�wiM w dw ueda ths NoN.unM!tlw NaM to p�ld N�i.�Mra('Fund�9 br: W ywyr "*!
<br /> �—_—_� t�w�nd�a�s�nb whloh My a�Y�plork�r awr 1hM�ly In�tnrn�tK�s •Mn an 1PM PiroprlY: W)Y+rb �� �
<br /> — p�w�a q�ouib tints on 1M RopNty�N�nY (�)Y�Y�o►w�1Y��P��: (�!Y�A►wood Y�a�
<br /> — P�'����Y 6�)Yw4►�no�l�p�h+wx��P��.N�Y:�l�)�Y��P�l�*bY 0o�1owM b LNldu h�oeq�dMK�
<br /> wllh IM ptoyiMo�K d p�npirph e. N 1w d Ih� p�ymwK ol �alq�p� b�unno� pe�nir�. 7hew M�s w aMd 'E�oraw
<br /> NMr.' L��nry. �t�ny 1Yn�. aoNat u�d ho0d Fund�In�n aMO�rN eot to �roMd 1M nwrNMrn an�ouK a Iw�d�r la►•
<br /> -- NdNiy ribd matg�p�ban mr��squk�for�a�.raw acc�r�t undr th�Nderr RMI Est�8�tl�rnNK Ptoadur�n
<br /> Aat ot tY74 as anMnd�d tran 1Nw to tYn�.12 U.S.C. 2501 �t �q. ('RESPA•). urJ�s �nothu iwr th�t appMs to tM Ftr�h
<br /> �a Mww amo�nit M w.lwidw�y.at any tYro, ouMnt �nd hoid Funda h an��ount eot to��d th� Ms�w�oirN.
<br /> LwwM�y�siinW th�amou�N d Fund�dw an 1M buk of aumnt dW and nnawbi��stt�t�s d�w�dtr�s d MAir�
<br /> Esaow Nwn ar dh�ewis�In+�oao�dria w1h app/o�6M Iwv.
<br /> 7M Funds dW b�Mld h�n NwMAion whos�drpo�Nt an inwnd by a Mdw�ap�ncy.kipnMn�M�1ly,a�MIA►(+cJ�n�
<br /> UndK. /tand�r i�suoM an In�l�+lfon)a b�ny F�rl Flam Lo�n 8�nk. lw�dw��PPA►tlw�Funds to p�y 1M E�arow —
<br /> � It��.L��t eot oiwq�Baro�wr for hoM��p and�ppryBip fM Ft�,rrM�Y�Y�O tM Maruw�000�r�t.or vMlyk�p
<br /> - tfN Esrrow It�x. unNsi Lendlt pays Bolrow�t Ntr�! on !ht Fufds �nd �pprabte kw pem'� L�r b �k� Mid1 a __ --
<br /> ' chr�t. Howw�r.LuMr nry r�qut�8ortowr b p�y• a�-tim� ch�rp�tor�n kid�panlwM nM�a1rM t�t r�porfMp��tvic+�
<br /> - ua�d b�l LM� in oar�Aion wNh Ws b�n. �rNnt appk�bM Iw► providM othwwN�. UN�s an ap�rw�t is m�d� or
<br /> _ applo�EN Mw roqut�s MkKMt b M p�id,L,�ndir sh�l eat b���d to p�y 8orrow�an�r(nlr�t a wnYqs oa th�Fwnh.
<br />- Ban�wt�nd Lw�dr w�y aOw In wrNkq,how�vw,tlNt i�tRwt sIW b�prd on tlN FtrKM. L��d�t shM�w M BoROw�r�
<br /> . wNlaut cfwr�e, r►anwN�000uiNN�p of 1!N Fun�fs. �how4p adts uid d�bitt to th�Furbs and 1M pr�tor wAkfi Moh
<br /> : d�bit to 1M F�w�s�de. ?h�Funds r�pkdp�d as additlond s�a�ity tor v wms s�ar�d by tM S�arly instrunNn4
<br /> M tiM Funds MW by L�nda�oMd�amax�t�pwmNO�d to b�hMd byr applc�bM i�w.l.and�r shM�coount W BoROw�r
<br /> lor 1M�s Funds h acaa+dr�with th�nquirwnwqs d�ppNaibM Mw.B 1M�n�ouM W 1h�Fund�hMd by Lr�d�r at any
<br />-= 1(rtM it na1 s�AdaK to p�y th�Eaarow It�na whw� dw.Lmda rtiy so no�dty Bortnw�r h wdNnp,and.in wch as�8arowrr
<br /> shM p�y to Lw�1h�amoutn na�ary to nNk� up tlN d�iol�w�r. Bonowir shd mdc�uV th�d�iojr In oo mon tlt�n
<br /> _% tw�M�madNY P���.at l�'s wl�rNartlon.
<br />--` Upon p�ynwt b w!W a/wms t�aut�d by thit S�arlty hs0�rn�nt.LM�dn sh�M pronpty nlund to Bonaw�r s+tiy Funde
<br /> r.. hrd by L«�dw. M.vnd�p�r�ynph 21. Ltr�tIW aoqt�a s�fh�ProPrN Und�r�P�to thR�oq��ilbn a raM of the
<br /> - ���+r��'�^e-rr��S� � �y,sr�.r.ppy any Funas n.w nyr t,.�a.r.rt*n.nn.oe ao�,wron a sw.s a«raK aq.ina sn.wm.s.u�..a br a,�o
<br /> .�'�.�� ,� � . MIi1BM11�f11.
<br /> !^il.(L•.'�Ai.�:•.d.w'r-,.�{w. ��ww1� Of P�Ifl�11b� Ufl�{{ � �NM R/CM�M�11 (1�11lf1Al�i�� � ��IRIMIt� I��U� �l LNI� {111�1'f
<br /> .:��.:y. •.hl" ^rp�
<br /> •.•.."��:' .� �ipllt 1 i11d Y fI1V bQ iQ�Nd: �ft1.10�IIY P��Y��t CII�f�N�1!tlfldlr UM NO��:iwCOfld.W�IIlOtM11i��I!tNNilf
<br /> �..�. ., p�qr�ph 2;Mi�d,b hUrott dw;faxlh,to pAnefpal dur,r�d as�to�ny ide eF�q�s dw und�r the Nob.
<br /> _ ��M-n L..'_ _,..,,� 4. Char�s,; lJ�ns. eoROwa sh.r p.y ar wca, au.asrtw►a, dwyee� 11nes and Mpoawons a1rilM,t.b�. ro the
<br /> -. P�op�rty which m�y attafn prloriry ovu thb Seaxity Instrummt.and !��lsa!d Fsyma►ts a�ound r�nts�N eny. 8e!rcrxe��1+n!
<br />— -� �' �.=-��.,..ar� WiY thw obDp�Uons in th�m�nna provid�d h parayraph 2. or N not pid h that nw�ner� 8u�row�t sh� p�y th�m on t1v�
<br /> ` to th� ow�d
<br /> - dncily prson paym�nt. Barow�r shat promptly lumish to Lander al noUces of�mounts to be p�id untfer ttds �--
<br /> - ... ,I parapmph. B Barawr m�k�s th� paymsnta dincly. Borroww shdl promptly Uxnkh to lendr nc�ipta wid�ndrg the
<br /> -°�"r..� ..a..... , •.� � PaY►rienU.
<br /> - eono�w.r sn.r prompuy dkcn.ry.any lisn wnicn n.s piority ovK u�s s.ewily insln,ment w�Mss eorrow«: (a) .pe�s N e
<br /> f• wrNi�p to tM p�ymrnt ot th� oWip�Uon s�aired by th�Ym h a rrwmv aco�ptabN to Lentfei, ro1 contau In qood idth che �,-
<br /> hn by, or d�hnds ay�inst �niarcwmnt a th.i�n fn� M�t praeMdinps which in tha L�nda•s opYAon op�rat. to prw�nt the .�..�.
<br /> � �nkrcement ot the Ikn: or(e) ascures hom th� ho1dK of th�ien �n agr�n�nt satlsfaefory to Lende►wbordnatby th�wn ta ;;•-.
<br /> . this Securily InsUurtNnt H L�ndr det�rt�ha that any part of tM Propsty is wbJ�ct to a Wn wMch nwy�thin pdorMy orer this r .
<br /> �wcurily Instrun�ent,Lender may yNe Bortower�notla ldmtifytny ths Yen.Barower sh�1 aalisly the INn or tak�an�o►morw ot !--
<br /> °:--
<br /> � • tM actlons set torth atwve within 10 d�ys of th�pivinp of nodc�. -
<br /> � 5. Hazud or P�op�riy Insuratic�.BoROwK shar keep the hnpoovemmts now e�Jsliny a hen�R�r w�d�d on the �'
<br /> ! Propetty hsured ap�fnst bss by�e� hazards indud�d withh th�e t�rtn '�ct�nd�d corwaye' �nd �ny othu h�xrds. Yioludiny T"_
<br /> � �oods or Aood(n9,for which tender rpukes insurance. This insuranca stu�be ma4itained in the amounts and ior tM parbdc
<br /> y •• that L�nder TAe iisurance prriet �" ;
<br /> nqulres. providinp th�insu►mce shW b�chosen by 8orrowar subJ�ct to L�ndr's apprord
<br /> i whkh shaN not b� unrMSOnaWy withh�ld. H Bortow�r t�iis to m�Yrtain covKay�described �bov�, lr�dr mht, at LrKin's w�•
<br /> v. ...
<br /> � ,: ,� optlon,abta(n cowrayo to proted Le�dx'a dflFits In the Property fn accordmce with parapnph 7. �'�
<br /> ' N Inwrance poikt�s and renewais shaM ba acceptab�e to L�nder �nd ahaM induda � sWdard mortgaye dwsa Unds � :.
<br /> �" '��%. •• . shW twrv�th��ipht to hold tAe poYcNs and ren�wak. If l��d�r r�quMas,Bortower shaN{xompty yN�to L�nd�►M reoMpts oi
<br /> • ';;_' . paid promiums and renawal n000es. In the avent of bss. 8orrowK shri piv�prompl notke to the insuranu ani�r�nd Under.
<br /> , , L�nder mry m�ke proof of bss il not mad�promptly by Bortower. `
<br /> ,� • Unie�a Londer and Bortower oth�wiae a�ne k►wriiffnng, ineurana prooeeds sh�N be appied to nstoratbn a rep�k ot the i
<br /> r'
<br />��� �:�� Prope�ty d�nwyed,if the restonUan a repair Is econon�icaNy te�sible and Lencier's securky is not lessened. It th�restaaibn a •
<br /> M re�k b not sca�ornbaMy teasibte or Lender's s�curity would be less�ned,tha insunnoe proceeds shaN 6e appliud to the sunu
<br /> _ �r s�aaed by this Sscuriry InsUUment, whetha a not then due, with my exce�s p�Jd to 8orrowu. It Borrower�bandons the
<br /> , Wapaty,or does not�nswer wilhin 30 d�ys a notkx irom Lender tlud the insuranoe canFw hea offercd to a�ttle� cwM�, tha�
<br /> "- }� .. Lender tnay coqect the insurance proceeds. Lender m4 use the
<br /> y proca�ds to rep�ir a nston th� RopNty w to paY suma
<br /> � s�t�Ked by�►wa Secu�ity Instrument.whethe�or not then due. The 30�day pe�iod wi1 bo9in when the no9ce is givan.
<br /> • _ Unlas L�nda �nd 6orrowa otharwise agree h writhg. �ny appliatlan oi proceeds to prindpd sh� not �xtend ar
<br />�� � pos�om tht due d�te oi the monthy payments reterted to in parapraphs t and 2 or clwipe ths amount of tht payments. fl
<br />_'= iN�det p�ay�l�ph 21 ihe Ropelty is aCquir�d by Lender. �aROwer s rtpht to�ny insurance palides�nd proceQda roauNhy from
<br />'F
<br /> � �age to the Prop�ty prior to th�acquiskion shat pass to L�ndw� to th� pct�nt of th� wms by this S�eurity I�atr�n+mt _
<br />_ immedisuly pdor to the acquisitlon.
<br /> -_ _ ".'+--..7 R A^w•ww�wwu O���w.�iiM Y�Iw�wM^ ^wd pw�►tww �i Nr Dw.n�d.r R^�w.�.'� ���.w .
<br />- ' 1 � AppIlC�bn;�l.�ai�holds.Bortaver�ahal oecupy, esLblish. and use the Propety as&xroxrais�Prindp�ras{d�nce w4hh
<br />` � sbdy d�ys aMr the a�eutbn of thb Sawity k�stnxnent �nd shal eontinue to oouKy the Prop«ty n Borrawer s prindpd
<br /> + ' •�� rw�dmw far�t Nast on�y�v alter the d�te d ocaip�ncy.uNesa Lander otiwwiYe qyrs h wdtln9.wh�h cons�nt�haY not
<br /> �,y be urrdsonably wknnMd,ar w�Mss a�Ra«,wHny cina,mshnas.�dse wnkl,w b.yaid e«rower�s conael. eorcowar sn�q noe
<br /> r = d�efroy,dsm�g�or impair th�Prop�rty. alow th�Propa�ty to deterior�t�. or eairrfit waste on the Prop«ty. Barower ah�Y br h
<br /> is, d�4ult Y any fotht4x�actfon at procNdiny, wMtAv civi or uinMai.is b�gun that in L�nder's yood faith judprNnt coutd reauk
<br /> . , � in forf�r�ot ibw Pirapwly ot oth�wit�nrtKMiy Yfip�ir tM i�n cn�t�d by tl�is Seetxily Instrunw�t or L�t►dK's steudiy�tavat.
<br /> �
<br /> , �
<br /> . FtaK.WCi lwo.0 v.a z of s C '� �
<br /> -� � . ,
<br /> . ,i� „
<br /> ,� '
<br /> a�+6s �
<br /> `.. . -
<br />