,4.� _ _. . �^�. ; s ..I . . - ' "_�..
<br /> - -� ... ' __ _—�---—_"
<br /> ._� .__ "._.�__ __' � • —'..
<br /> — • � 17. Tf�fNN!' Of tlN P1'OpM'iy Or � MINAOfM 111MrM1 111 60tf0YM�G 1}M or�n�r P�rt af IM hq�rtP or
<br /> ' �np b1�t h k N aob a M�n�Mrnd ta M a M�►MbW InMrMt fn SarowK Is tMd or tan�Mnd�nd�ono�r M not��MM�Id
<br /> P�cro^)wMlaut tindr.P��oon�M.L�+dK nwr��oolbn�nquM�bN�OMM O�f�b lu1 of M w�Nar�d bY —
<br /> qds MaKfty r+.Mr�M. woo�.wr��hi�oo�•t,.��wt tia�r�d!�►!�r s�ancJ�.1e or�d b�r t�d�f�ew a a fh.
<br /> d�A�of Nis t1oa1� MN��
<br /> N Undor wroi�IhM oD�►�Land�►�hY pM� �onow�r notlo�of�ooMKrlon. Th� nollo��h�1 Prorid��Pwiod d not
<br /> Ys�tMn 30 d�y�knm tM d�M th�nWia M d�+d a nwN�d wYhin whbh sarrowK mwt P�y �M wms Nax�d by th11
<br /> 8�ourky Inslnr�wN. k�prowu MI� io W1 tl�wnx prlor io Ih�wpwtlon of M�It p�bd����f► ��+hY��� � -
<br /> _- _-------- P�n�tMd bY thf�8�ourNY wln�w�t wNhout fuAlwt notio�or d�nynd an 8arow�r. � ---
<br /> - 1lI, 6orrawK's Ripht 10 RNnN�t�. it eonowa mwb aroh oond�don�,9ortow�r sh�r tyw th� rqM to ►Mw �
<br /> .,3, .n l o r o�n M n�w !hr s�o u r l t y In•tn+nnnc dMoontr►u.a a .nr um.p�io►a a�.wMr a: (•l s a.�rs �a won oaw p«toa..
<br /> � �ppNcabM Mw tmY spaYY 1or�In�taMnMnt)bMon pN ol tM Prop�tY Punwnt to unY Pow�r ol wN cant�tNd h thl�B�auM c�
<br /> bsMwMnr. a(b)�nW W�ludpnNnt mbroh0 thk 8�aurkY InsMummG Thos�oondkbn�an th�t Barowu:(�)Wri L:�nd�r at� "}�
<br /> -- wmt whiah tlNn woukt b�dw und�r thk S�curMY In�Wm�nt�nd th�Not�a k no aeoN�Won had occunrd; (b)au��nY �
<br /> _ ----- dMwk ol anY olh�r COwmnt or up►Mm�nbi (C)P�Y�+���� hCUm�d M�nloreln0 thM S�cutkY IntLunwR.InoludYp�but
<br /> �. �"°""' �-'--'�"`-`° not IlmiMd t0�rM�on�bM utarrNYS'NN� and (d)t�s suCfi�otlon�s L�nd�►may n�ton�f�lY nquin to attu�th�t tlM Mn ol.
<br /> - � — thM S�axkY Mstiurtwr►t, L.�ndM's rtphb in th� P�op�ty �nd Barow�'� obMa►Non to p�Y th� sums pcu�d by thlr S�curNy
<br /> _= ktsWmint thtp eontkiw unah�p�d. Upon hYlstat�rtwnt by 8orrowK. this 8�ourity In�trWn�nt �nd tM obNpations Ncw11d� —
<br />- - '�' h�by shaN rwrwih fuYy MNotlw u if no �ccNwubn had ocow»d. Howwrr�thk�IOht to nhsi�M sh�M not�PPN b tfw c�»
<br /> � • •%�• ot�cwlxatbn und�r pu�pnPh 17.
<br /> __:�'��,:;;.���,�� !8. S�la of Note;Chenp� of L.oan Servker. Th� Noa a a� p�rtirl Int�rat h tM Not� (topMlNr wMh thk �
<br /> , � ':i:::;�)tn,y r��'• S�curityr Inskum�nt) mty W�oW on�or more tkrrs wlhout pAo►notia to Barow�r.A ql�mty r�w�N a ohanp�In tIN MfttY
<br /> :::,.�i;��,'�r'•�,�7��,!, a. (knpwn aa tho 'l.aRn S�vle�r")th�t col�ots monlhb WY�^�u dw undK th�Nol�and thit &ourky Initrummt. TfNn aMo rt�y
<br /> �' `�'"'�'r� ' � Y pt prn or mo�oh�np�s ot 1M Lwn 3MVicw unnMbd to � uM of th� NoE�. If tl+� Y a charW� of ttN Lwn SwICU� �
<br /> �t:4Nm �1
<br /> ;,...�`•:,;,� `Y.�., eortowNr w�b�phr�n wNIMn notir,� of ths ohaip� In acoord�nea wkh p�ropaph 14 abow�nd�ppMeabM I�w. TM notiC�wp
<br /> '. . . � sLq tM n�and addnst of tiu n�w Lan S..�+vic�r ind th�addn�s to whbh payrtNnb shouid b�m�d�. TM notk��wll sllo
<br /> � . . Conhin�ny OttNt blomiation rr9uM�d bY�PP�r kw.
<br /> ��. • . . •...•� � �
<br /> Z0. H�zardOU� Subat�nCes. earow�r sbal not awa �v«� ��w�«+��, uW, d�owb aorap�, a r.r.w ot
<br /> ,, • . : - any Fi��ardous 8ubsfmC�on or In tM PropwtY. Barow�r shrM not do� nor allow �nyorn Nw to do.�nythNp dNothp tM
<br /> P�o(Jwty thlt is h vbrtlon of �nY Environm�nt��Law. TM pnc�dlnp two MnIM�eN �M not �PPb to tM P�K�� uM.or
<br /> . - sta�p�on th�Prop�tY of�II 4wntkiK of Fiwrdou�8ubst�ran that�n p�nasN�r ncopnia�d W b��PProPrrM W narm�l-
<br /> n�Id�m�1 uws�nd to malnMn�na a th�ProWrtY•
<br /> • r; 8ortow�t �ry� promply alw I.rnd�r wrktm notia of any hwatlp�lkxt, orYn. dMnsnO, ywwk or othM �olbn br any
<br /> ��W pr�y�py p�qy pr priwb p�rty hvoNlnp tM Prop�rty snd any Fl�rardous Sub�qna or Envkonmml#1 I.+tw of
<br /> - —�— --- -= w8fcti 8�row:t haC,:Ct�sal lctso��s. ft 9�ro�xi!► Iwma, a k notYwd br �ny O��+W u npul�taY wthorky� thllt any
<br /> .. nrnowl w oth�r rWrMdi�tbn of �ny Haardaus Subst�no� �tNotinp Propwty N n�c�tary� Bonow�r slWl prompfly tMa �� —
<br /> MC�s1uY rMn�dW a0tbn�h �COOrd�nC�wRh Envlro�tm�ntal Law.
<br /> l4 us�d fn thls puaqaph 20, 'Hwrdous Substanca'an tho�t wb�tanc�s d�fYMd a�toxlC o►huatdou�wbttlltlo�s by
<br /> , Envirorwn�nat L�w md th� tolbwhp �ubat�nas: W�olin�, k�ros�, oth�r fYmmtbi� or toxt¢ pNroUum producta, tax�c --
<br /> p�tficid�s�nd hwbbid�s.volatW soN�nts,materWs conqhhq asbKtos w formald�hyd�,and ndbaotlw nwt�iak. b uWd h _
<br /> p�npnph 20, 'Envkonm�nttl I.�w' rnwns t�duai Itws and tawt of th�Jurisdbtbn whMr ttN Propwty ia bCat�d that rolata tn
<br /> hMkh,sa1Ny a u►vlronrtw�tai prot�otion.
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3.Borcoww and Lendx furthw covenant and apraa as tolbwc:
<br /> � 21. Acceler�Uon; Remedles. Lender shati yive notice to Borrower prior to �ccelerst�on ;.t,,-
<br /> ...-....
<br /> �" " � folbwin� Borrower's breech of any covenant or aqreement in thi� Securlry Instrum�nt (but not ����.:
<br /> .� �� prtor to �ccete��tlon under paragraph 17 unless applic�ble Iew provides otherwlae). The nottae ,,,,,
<br /> � � shNl�peclfy: (a)the dehult; (b)the action required to cure the def�ult; (c) a dete, not less thnn
<br /> . � 30 d�ys from the d�te the nottce is�iven to Borrower, by which the defwlt must be cured; �nd `��
<br /> ' � (d) that fsiture to cure the det�utt on or betore the dete speatited in the notice mey rewit in ��
<br /> i acceteratlon of the wms secured by this Security Instrument and aete of the Property. The notice �`�•
<br /> shNt turther tntorm Borrower of the right to reinotate atter acceleretion and the ri�ht to brin� a �
<br /> court action to assert the non-existence oi a default or any other detense of Bor�ower to �.:
<br /> acceteration �nd aate. If the dehult la not cured on or before the d�te specttied in the notice,
<br /> Lender �t ib optlon mey requl�e immediate psyment In futt of�tl wmi secured by this Securiiy �
<br /> Instrument wlthout /urther demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedtgs ��
<br /> , permitted by app8c�bte Iew. Lender shetl be entitled td cottect stt expenses Incur�ed in purwin� .
<br /> the remediea provided in thia parapraph 21, inciudinq, but not Umtted to, �eaaonable �ltorney�' �r. �
<br /> iees�nd costs ot title evidenae.
<br /> � It the power of sele is invoked, Trustee shatl record a notice of default in eaah county in
<br /> which any put of the Property is ioceted and shail meii coples ot wch noUce In the ma�ner .
<br /> ! prs�cribed by appticeble tsw to Borrower end to the other pereo�s preac�ibed by appticabte law.
<br /> F Aiter the time required by appticable law, Trustee shell �Ive pubtic notice ot sule W the persons
<br /> . and (n the manner prescribed by applicabie Iaw. Truatee� without demand on �orrower,ahall aett
<br /> ' the Property at pubiic euction to the hiqhest bidder at the time and ptace and under the terma
<br /> � dealanated In the nntice of sste in one or more parcels and in �ny order Trustee d�ttarmines.
<br /> Trustea may postpone aete oi att or any percel of the Properry by public announcemant at the
<br /> ` time and pi�ce ot �ny previously scheduled sete. Lender or IU desiynee mey puTChaae the
<br /> Property at my ate.
<br /> � Upon �eceipt ot payment of the priae bid, Trustee shall deNver to the purchaeer Truatee's
<br /> � deed conveyiny the P�operty. The recitais In the Trustee's deea snan de pr�ma teete ewqence ot
<br /> 4 the Vuth of the sietementa made theretn. Trustee shatl apply the proceeds of the �ale in the
<br /> : � toltowinp orde�: (c) to att costs end expenses of exercisin� the power of sate, and the sale,
<br /> inctudinp the peyment of the Trustee's teea actualty incurred, not to exceed 10%
<br /> t, • 9G of the principal amount of the
<br /> . f �� note st the time of the declarntion of detault, end �easonabte attorney's tees as permitted by Iaw;
<br /> � (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) a�y exceas to the person or persons
<br /> . . � le�ally entiUed to it.
<br /> / �'
<br /> ; �( / c��
<br /> ( � F,��e.lMU(v/YJ) vay.�o�a ,,
<br /> �, .
<br />- �
<br /> , U0046
<br /> 1
<br /> `- -� - - -- ._ _ . .� - _---- - � - - -- -
<br />