— : :� ✓— ' :
<br /> W— .� . - _
<br /> • �onowu e�r a� wob � tlM�u1t M+d rMrNwM. � a�ldnd h /�r�pnph 1�, bf►o�in0 Ih��olbn a M��b M
<br /> ' dleiNd wM��n�+0 N�M.h L�ndM'�pood MM dMMINMiMIOn.P�oMidN taA��d IIN Miroww�1M�Mt M MM 1ti�/Mf�►er
<br /> eMw�IMdM �K ol Ih�Mn�d by Nle ian�M M�MMMnt M I+�nrIM�MAUrMf�YMMwI. M►MrM N�II MM M b
<br /> = ewult r�prow..��n.ro.�.;�:W:n�:�t��i+�a�r t�p�k�'-�n.���tr��r a� �„� -
<br /> Nrd b poMd1 L+�rd1r wMN�n�t �MrW InlwnWbn) M oonn�olbn wMh Ih� lo�n wAd��o�d b�r N1�MOM� ia4�M� but n�t
<br /> InM�d b. e�wMoiN eene�n�Y+O �� �M�1► oY IIN ►roPM1r � a pNopN rwidrra. k 11M� «ewMy
<br /> InuranMd 11 on a MYM�o�d� sorrow�r sIW oonipy wNh �Mf�P►o�A�bns W th�IMM. If oertowM�o4►�YM IM IMM le 1M •
<br /> hoprb,n»fwM+oa r,d aN tN aa.MM na nw�.wNw�.ndr ww a rw nwoK h wrNUq. M
<br /> 7.P�'�Mot�ef L�ndM'� RI�hM In th� Prap�rl�t• M�unow�r �t�t b pN�onn th�oawwil�r+d ipw��
<br /> �� conwn�d h m� �curky Mstnmm�t, or eMn k a Upt�v�*�o ��r��+�N a1Nee t�ndws AphM in th�hopMty –
<br /> (woh�a prooMdUq In b�nknipby� po�+M�,ta aondrnr+�Mon a to+M1�w or to�nbra Yw�a�ouMaonsb uwn��nd�r mhr
<br /> do�nd Pap Io►wINM�M n�oNw�►10 aoMOt tFw v�w af tlN rrop�ty�nd t�nd�ts Mphv b qN hoP«h. I.�nd�s�otlon�
<br /> �y Inobdr P�U�O � wm� Ma,nd bY � Im whbl► tw prbdty owr ehM 8�axl�r InstrunNn4 �PP�q h �.0�1�� y�
<br /> _ nMaNbb MtarrY�'iMS�nd�nMrinO on th�PioQ�rqr to nMks r1W����l�ndu may Wc��otlon unda tl�p�rpr�h
<br /> 7�L�f1d1►dOM nOt h�w W d0 s0.
<br /> My�nwt�M� dkbws�d bY L�ntNr undu p�nprtph 7 tIMN b�oan�addklonal d�bt of 8ornow�t Noutrd by thls B�axNY
<br /> Nutirumm� UnMss Barowa�nd l.�ndr prM to othar bnnn of P�1�4 d� rnounb �h�N bM►MMn�t tron+ttN dw of
<br /> dwb�t�t th�NoM nM�nd shtl W P�Y�.wMh bE�nsb�notip�kWn I.�ndrr 10 BortowK nqiwsth0 W1�1G
<br /> �. �AO�� �IIMI�MIO�. M IM�OK nquHd motlp�p� Y1�tK�frA a� a COndkbn of m�kinp th� ban NCwrd by tl►b
<br /> 8�curt�r In�bumMtb B�rrow�r�ha1 pay Ih�P��s nqut�d W tnitintatn dt�malpp�inwruiCi h MMOG M.br�ny rMiOn.tIM
<br /> morl0�p� inwmc�oo+��a4utnd by LMidK t�pas a CM�a to M h MNoI.Baro�wrr�h�M WY«Pr�+���lo
<br /> -- - - - obqiY+ow�a0�wbwnti�IN w�+lwl�t to th�mortp�pr tnw�prwbusy b�Ot, at a oo�t wbwncwy pul�Nnt to th�
<br /> _-- co�t to �afowK ot th� fnortp�p� in�unnc� piwbu�y kt �t(�ot� from 1u� ak�mab morfp�p� h:txrr Iipprovrd by L�nd�t. �f �' --
<br /> - , tub�t�ntYiNy�iF,MNnt malp�p�h�unuiG oowrAp�k not:awll�bla,8ortow�r shat p�y to l.�nd�r Nah nanth a wm pu�l to
<br />,;j`,;:��,' on�tw�Mth W th�ywrly mottp�p�Insuru�a P��++���D+�td by Borrow�r wMn tM hsuru�c�oOwr�W yP�d or ca�iod W ---
<br /> a b NNc4 I.mdK wlp�oc�pt,ua �nd n1aM tha�p�ym�nb u a b�s n�v�t h liw of moRp�In�w�nc�. Las n�s«w
<br /> -- �a,•„ • pqnNnt� may no brpK b�nqut�d. at th�optlon of Lend�r, M morfp�Inwnnc�oowr�(h tM anw�Mt�nd fa tM p�rtod
<br /> �R}:.:, ;' .��- r:�=�'•-+: that Und�r►�qutrs)p�ovtd�d by an inwnr app�ovod by I.mdK aat� b�aar��vaY�bla�nd t� obfah�d. Bor►ow�r�h�M WY
<br /> ' th� pnmk�ma nqulnd to nMlnuM map� Inwhnc�h NMot, ar to provtd�a b=s narw,untN th�hquYwrwit 1or map�p�
<br /> _ ,� „ ,�,::�;,.,p•�s _ hwnna�nds h accad�na wMh�ny wrNan apr�rMnt b�lwNen Borrowv md I.�nd�r or�ppNC�bM�w.
<br /> . �. (f1��CtlOt1.L�ndK or ks aqnt nyy m�k�n�ton�bM�nMos upon and Insp�otions of th�Prop�Ay. I.�nd�r sh�M ONr
<br /> 'j;�'N .� •;..,. Barowa nottc�at th�tlm�ot a p�Ior to an h�atbn sP�olyh0 nuonabN eaua 1or th�h�p�atton.
<br /> �t; ,;5.s � .Y
<br /> . 10. Cond�mmtJon.rn�aoowd� a.�y awua «cram ior d.m.�..,dr.a or aonr.�w�ew�h oaM,�ion wrn any
<br /> . �n., ' . ,_�`� COfldMIRItlI0f1 dt 01hM f�kYlp Of Ny wft Of 11N PfOp�Ry� 0/10f COfIM�y�t10�b YMI Of QOIIWfIM1it1011�Yr h�f�r iK�IMd Yld
<br /> �y�:1;.��4..� : .;�
<br /> . �•._-�.•..: .:,, �htr b�p�ld t0 LM1dIr.
<br /> ', '�`,;•�.ti.....�.'*' M GN MNnt of � taW t�Iclnp of tIN Prop�tY� th� proOMd� �h�N b �ppM�d W th� wrtls Mouhd br thk 8�ourM�l
<br />- '��,,;a: �� • IntYUmM►t.whMhM a not thMi dw,wMh�nY aa�t p�Id to 8orrow�r. In th��nt of�p�RMI f�klnp of th�Prop�ty M whbh
<br /> � tl1� NM nyrklt vrlut 01 tlu PropKty Y�Mradl�tNy bNOr�tl»1tkMtp k�qWi t0 or qrMb►fh�n tM�n10�NIt Of fM MN1�s MOUhO .
<br /> " ' ' by thN S�curRY In�Wm�nt YnrtMdl�tNy bfon th� takkp, unlKS 8orrow�r �nd LMid�r OthwwN� �pM In wrkkp. tM �wn�
<br /> Nout�d by thN B�CU�ky M�WrtNnt shp M trduC�d by th��mqunt o!fIN prooMdt nMiklpM�d by 1M�bbwinp kaOtlOn: (�)th�
<br /> total�ntount M th�wms Naund ImmWytNy bMon th�taktnp,dhrld�d by (b)tlN NY m�rk�t valw of th�Prop�tty YmNdWNy
<br /> bNon th�hlckp. My ba11nW�h�Y b�pald to BorrOwK.In th��wnt of a patl�l taklnd of th�Prop�rty h whbh th�hIr nwkK
<br /> wtw of th�Prop�tty ImrtMdl�tNy b�fon th�Wclnp It�at� than th�amount ot th�wm�s�cwrd hrTM01�aN bNon th�takYq,
<br /> r unNa Bortowa and LrndK othww3so �jr� i► writkp or unN�f �pptic�i,i� i�w othatwfp provldM, th� procMdt sh�N b� �
<br /> �pplMd to th��ums waund by thR S�curky�n�wmmt wh�thar or not th�sums an thin du�.
<br /> r° If th�P►opKty k abandon�d by Bwrow�r,or M,ak�r notla by Land�r to Borroww that th� cond�nnor oM�n to m�lc�an
<br /> �c �w�rd or attM a c�Yn tor dartyy�s, BorrowK falk to n4pond to L�ndK wkhh 30 day� �fter th� d�a th� notlr.� M qNm, ---
<br /> �'� I.�nda N authorlx�d to colMat and appy th�prxeads,at ks optlan, �Rhw to nstoatlon a np�Ir of th� Propwty or to th� ��'
<br /> ,-► tums t�cund by thk Sscurky Initrum�nt,whother or not thYn due.
<br /> ?r•� Unt�ss Und�r �nd Bortow�r othwwlse �prae h wrdhp, any appllcatbn of procaods to princlp�I shrA not abnd or � '�.
<br /> . ' postpon�tha dua dnta of th�monthy pnyment4 refart�d to h panpaphs t �nd 2 or oh�np�th�amount ot suoh p�ym«►t�. °=-�_
<br /> : 11. Borrower Not Released; Fabearance By Lender Not a Walver.E�R�nslon of ths tlrtw for paym�nt or �.�;-
<br /> modlficatbn of amoRlatbn ot tho sums secured by thls Security Instrummt pnntad by Lander to�ny tuca�sor h Inbnst of
<br /> Borrow�r shall not opxato to raletse tho Ntbllhy ot the orlpinel 6onowar or BoROwor's cuccessors h Intanst. Land�r shap not �'
<br /> � , ba roqulrod to comrn�nca prxaadhqs apainst any succesaor (n htenst or refua� to axtand tkne tor paymont or othwwk� �;
<br /> �� modMy amaRlatbn of th�sums sacurod by thts Secudry Inehument by rkson ot any dam�nd mad� by tha orlpMal Bonow�r or —"`
<br /> � Bortowx'o succasaora In Int�rast. My forbaomnco by Londar fn axarciclnp any rqht or ran�dy shau not bo a watwr of or a"�
<br /> �' pnck�de th��urCise of any rfpht or remedy. �---
<br /> 12. Succes�ors and AsN�ns Bound; Jolnt and Sevent LtabUtty; Co-alqners. Tn� cown�nts and ��
<br /> �•;• �qnema�t�of this S�eurlty InatNmont sh�A bad and benelft the successas tnd utlpna of Landar and BorrowK,wbJect to ttw �"�
<br />• . provMlons ot p�rapnph t7. Borrowar'� covanants �nd apraements shnll ba Jolnt and savxaL My Borrowx who casipns thk °�
<br />�� , � � S�curky Instrummt but das not�xacuta the Noro: (a)k co•abnlnp thls 3ecurky Instrumont ony to mortyapa,qr�nt and conwy �.
<br /> '' ' thtt BorrowK'� Int�nst In tha Property undw the tarms ot thls Sacurlty Inatrument; (b) is not parsonaly obNp�tad to pay th� r �
<br /> • �ums t�curad by thls Sacurky Instrument; and (c)ayraea that Lender and any other Borrowar may aproa to extand,modly, r
<br /> forb�ar or mak�any accommod�tlons wkh rpord to th0 terma ot thls S�aurity Inatrumant or tht Nott wkhout that Borrovwrs ,
<br />� . oon�nt. °
<br />; , � 13. Loan Chuqea. it cno bon 6eoured by thls Securlty Inatrument Is eubJect to a �aw whlCh se�s m.xMum aan ;'�
<br /> ch�rq�s, and th�t �w Is fNaly Intarprotad so thot the intenst or other ban chpr9as Colqcted or to bo colkctad h aonn0otbn ,;
<br /> �' wkh th� l0ut �xCYOd tho potmktYd IImN�, then: (a)ony SuCh ben Cherpe ShaA bo raduCYd by the amount neCiii�ry to nduCY '
<br /> ; � ' th� ohupe to tha pKmfttsd ifmk; and (b) any sums �koady collacted kom Bonower wh�h wcceedad permNtod Ilmka wxl be
<br /> ' • . nlund�d to Borcowar.L�ndar rtury choos�to mnka thls ratund by raduchq tha princtpal owed under tha Not�or by m�cinp�
<br /> dlnct paym�nt to Borcow�r. tf� ratund nduc�s pnc�lpal, the raductbn wIN ba trwtad as a partlal propaym�nt wkhout any
<br /> � pr�p�ym�nt chaq�und�r tho Noh.
<br /> 14. NOtICei.Any notko to BoROwor prnvldad tor In thls Sacurky Inctrumant shall bo plva�by doMrorinp k or by nuUlnp k
<br /> by tlnt ows� mtll unlKS appllCtbb kw nqukat us�ot another method. Tha not�o shnA bo dlracted to tha Prop�rty Addrois
<br /> ,� _ � or any otAar �ddroet Bortower daslpnates by nottco to Londer. My notfco to Lander ahall ba pMon by tktt cyss mau to
<br /> - � � � L�ndx's addro�s stalad horotn or any other address Lander deslpnatea by notico to Borrowar. Any not�CO provkkd for h thts
<br /> ' Saaurky In6trument ahaU ba deamed to have b�n phron to Bortower or Landor whon plvan as provlded fn thls poraproph.
<br /> 1b. tiovernlnq Law; Severebllity. Thlt SeCUrRy Inslrume�t Shell ba powtned by faderal law and thY law of th6
<br /> Jurlcdktbn In whiCh lhu Proparty IS IoCatad. In the evant that any provlsWn or c�euso of thls Sacurfty Instrument or tha Nota
<br /> r, tonflbte wkh �pplic�bb kw,such conA�t shall not aHect other provlslona o}thls SecurRy Inatrument or the Nota wh�h can be
<br /> k}� qNwn effect w4hout the conluctlnp provltion. To thI=and the provlatona of thls Securky tnstrument and the Nota ara decl�red to
<br />�; r , t•t ba severabb.
<br /> � 16. eorrower'i �'iOp�/.BOrcower shaH be ylven one Contomwd Copy Ot thY Noto ond Ot thlC SYCUttty Inztrurtwnt.
<br /> �
<br />_:,� �����:
<br /> i. . Ft�te.lMO(�/YJ) P�p��of 6 ���:�r�
<br /> � ' '
<br /> : o
<br /> +aooaa �
<br />