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<br /> �riodY IWt l.��d�r r�qu4w. TAr�wn�oe earriK providin�ti�in�w�not�hill h�clw�tn by Bo�ronw iwbj�ct lo LMd�ry
<br /> _ _ — , :�7aast�.C+ ��!!rat��'*'�'"_!e�'!p r.�k!!!!9l�. �lMin+w+K t�iM�n nuiwah cov�a�e dnceiha!s!ylve.!.s!lder may.ss
<br /> �,�1�rti option.ab�aia b pt+olect I.ee�derti djiMs iin thep�per�y in ac�Cad+MCe with prsjtyph 7.
<br /> All Y�polick��tenew��IWI beaaxpabk to l.a�lur tad�ball fnclude�st�nd�rd rr�u�t�e elw�e. LRtider
<br /> � �Mrll Mve Ihe rifht w hald the pdiciei r�d ra�vals. U L.ender roquiro+.Bonvw¢r�hal1 a�oa�pUy�ive w Lender ai{r000ipt�
<br /> d prid praNwru�nd ronewal notioa. 1�the evau of bu.B�xmwer�htll�ive pron�t ndke oo the inar�noe��rier�nd
<br /> L.Mdor. l.aider mry m+�ke pnootof lae�if na m�k P'�n�tlY b5'8anowa.
<br /> Unks�L.ende�and Bonawer otherwise a�troe in wdtinR,in+wrance prooeads�sli be spplied to reR�aratlan or rqNir at
<br /> d�e da�tt4ed. if the mtorstkm or�epair is a�onomic�Jly kasibk iu�d I.er�detl� �ecudty ia�at ks�ened. lf the
<br /> ar rcp�ir is not oca�omirdiy fenibk or l.rndery accurlty would be tecsenod. the imunncr proc�eds�fWl be
<br /> �pplied w the wnu ucuiad by�his Sa.wdty Inatrumrnt.whether ar nrn tfien due, wi�h any exars pid to Barower. If
<br /> �arowe��b�ndora�tha P�vpe�ty.ac does not answer wlthln 30 d�ys a ncxic�fmm L.ender tlwt the int�uanoe cutier hu
<br /> o(Farod to settln s clrim.then l.rnder may eolkct the inwtanre pcocads. Lencler may u�e�he ptuceeds to�ar reswre
<br /> tha PropMy or to pay wms secwed by thin Security Iru�trument.whether cx not then duo.Tho 30�y periad w 11 be�in when
<br /> d�e notke is given.
<br /> Unkss I.endec md Bomower wberwise a�roe in writin�,any applicuia�of proceeds to principd shall not extend a
<br /> patpooe the dur datc of the moothly payment+crftmrd a in paragraph� i and 1 cx chui�c the amount of the pRyment�. If
<br /> under paa�nph 2t the Hnpeny I:acquirod by l.cnder.Born�wcrk right to any Incunnce policlee and procecds rcsuitin�
<br /> fram d�naQe to the E1+operty prior to the acquisition sludl pa►c w Lender to�he exwu of the surtu�cwed by thii Secwity
<br /> Imtrument Lnmedi�tely pior w the acquisition.
<br /> - �. lkcup�scy. Pr+aervatio�. Mai�tea��e ud Pruteciiwi ui the PruprrtYi Barrower'� I.ow Appiiatiow:
<br /> Iwa�e6old�. Borrower shaU occupy.cs�ablish.a�id use thc Pro}xrty as Barnower�i principal residet�ce within sixty days atkr
<br /> - the executia�of this Secuc':ry In�trument and sh�ll continue to occupy tfia I'roperty�s Bw-rawerk principal rccidenec for at
<br /> kast one year atter the date of occupancy. unless Lender othenvise agrces in writtng, which ca�sent shali not be
<br /> wu+eacaaAbly withhald.or unless excenuating circamstances exist which we beyond Bamwer�s cantrol. Bomnwer shaU oot
<br /> destroy.darnage or impair the Ptoperty,allow tlw Property to cteterlorsne.or cMnmit wauo on the Pn►peny. Borrower slwll
<br /> be in default if any farfeiturc xtion ar pt+ocooding,whether civil ur crimiiuil,is hegun thu in Lender�s good futh 3ud�unent
<br /> could mult in fafeiturc of the PcopMy or otherwise materially impair the lien creattd by thia Socurity Instrument or
<br /> LarJer�s socurity intercst. Bomower may cure such a default and rcinswte,ati providtd�n para�riph 18.by causing the action
<br /> or proc�eeding to bc dismissed with a�uling that,in Lendert gc�ed faith detem�inatim.precludes fafeiturc of the Borrnwer�s
<br /> intecest in the Property or ott�er material impairtncnt of tt�c lien created by this Securiry Insuument a I.ender�security
<br /> inu;srst. Bocrowcr shall aliso be in dcfautt if Barower, during thc loa� application p[ocess, gAVe matcrially ialse or
<br /> insccunte informadon or stAtements to Lender(or failed to provide Lenckr with any material infomwtionl in corux�ctian with
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, incl�ding, but not limited to, rcpretientations conceming Borrower!c occupancy of the
<br /> Property as a principa!residenee. If this Security Insuument is on a leasefwld,Borrower shall camply with all the pr+ovisions
<br /> _°°— ., of t6e iease. If Horrower acquircs fee titk to tF�e i'ropeny.the ieasehoid and thc fee titie stwll not mergc unbcs i.ender�groe�
<br /> w the merger in writing.
<br />: 7. Protectbn d'Lender•s Rig6tti in the Property. If Bc►rrower fails to pecform the covenants and agreements
<br />= contained in this Security lnstrument,or therc i� a legAl procceding th•rt may significuntly nffect Lender!s rights in the
<br /> ` Property(sueh as a proceedins in bank►uptcy,probate,for condemnution or forfeitum or ro enforce laws or regulations),then
<br /> Lender may do and pay fa whatever is necessary to protect th�valuc of thc Property and Lcnder: righis in the Property.
<br />- Lender's uctions may include�ying:my�:um��e�umd My u lien which ha.priority over this Security In.truinent,appcaring
<br /> in coun,paying rcasonablr attomcy,'feeti and entcring on the Pro{x►ty t��mukc repairs.Althuugh Lender may take action
<br /> under this paragrrph 7,Leader does not have w da,n.
<br /> My amounts di+buned by Lcnder under this para�raph 7 �hall Ixcomr addiiional debt of Borrower secumd by this
<br /> � Security Instrument. Unlesti Borrowe�and I..cnder agrcc to otixr tem�.of p•ryment,thc.c amcwnts sh•rll be:u intcrcst from the
<br /> � � ' �•'`�� � datc of disbutsement at the Notc rate and shull hc: r ablr,with intenrt,u n notice from Lender to Borrower uestin
<br /> .y�;,�, P'Y P�' �9 8
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8. Mort�ge Insuranee. If Lendcr rcyuired mortguge in,ur•rnce ati a condiiion of making the lo:u� uxured by this
<br /> .. ' �..�-c; ` Security Instrument, Borrower tihall pay the premiumti reyuiRJ to maintain the mortg•rge imurance in effect. lf,for any
<br /> ���`,�'"�`� � e�� reason, the mort a e insumnce covera�� re uircd b Lendr� lu .�+ or rra+e� tu t►e in efFect. Borrower shall a the
<br /> �,�. .,. 8 R b' 4 Y P• ' P"Y
<br /> •• • • premiums reyuired to aMuin covrruge ,ubstantiully eyuivulent to thr nwnguge inwranre previously in effert, at u cos�
<br />' '1 " ' substantially equivalent to the cort to Borrowcr of Ihr tnortgage imurancc prcviint,ly in el�tcrL f�om an altemate mortgage
<br />- .�,.�,, � '"�'�`+" insurcr approved by l.ender. lf zuhtitantially ryuivalent mortga�r intiurancc rovcra�c i.nnt available.Barrowcr shall pay tn
<br /> � ._,;.., Lender each month u sum eyual to unc•twclRh nf che ycarly mortgagc inwrancr prcmium txing paid hy Bcxrower when the
<br /> �� inxurance coverage tapsed or cea+eJ to lx in eftiect. Lender will arrept,u.r and retain theu paymrna u.a Irn.re.rrve in lieu
<br /> �;.`:: of mortgage insurance. Lo��rc.en�r puymenis mac no longcr Ix rcyuircd,at thc o�tioo��f Lendrr, if mortgagc insur.uice
<br /> ,,j+;,� covecage(in the amount and for thc period thut Lender reyuire�l pruviJed by:m imurer apnro�•ed by Lender again hecome+
<br />_ _ . •rvailablc:u�d i,obtained.Bormwcr,hall pay tfic prrmium�rryuind tu maintaim m�ngagc in.ur;mcc in cffcrt.or to pmvidc a
<br /> � , � los�reserve,until ihc rcyuircment for mortguFc insuranrr rnd.in•rrrurdancc H�iih an� writtrn ugrermrnt between Borrowcr
<br /> ,�;• and Lcnder or applicablc law. -
<br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or itx agent may make rcu�unahle rntrir.u{+�m and in.�xctium i�f thr Pru�xnp. LrnJrr,hall
<br /> ' •' give Bornower notice at thr timr uf�ir prior tu an inti�xctiun�Exr�f�•ing rca.imahlr r.�uk ti�r the in.Exrtion.
<br /> f'.,�,, 10. Condemnation. Thr prcKCrd.ol'•rny aw�urJ or claim fi�r damag�,,dinct ur con��yucntial.in ronnrctiun with;u�y
<br /> ,��.
<br /> . Singlc Famd�-•Funnk 11ue�EYrddk\tw l\IFOR�t 1\tiTRI�lE\T-�l'ndumi C'u�.n�nt. 9/90 rp.�i.•?�.l n ruir.��
<br /> �ira�u�.xu.uv�,i.t�mr..�M ■ .
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