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<br /> TO(3BIHER WITH dl the improvemans eow or haatkr a+ectod on ttre pmpatY.�rid df ea�en�enU��pp�+��+�
<br /> _— - e�Q l�x�res�r�w ar Me�Ner�put af the�r�ty. A!4 r�glacr�er+t��n�1�dditkx��iWl alio be ooverod b�tWr SecuritY _ ___
<br /> �i1i111M11�il. N�OE 1�IG�01iC�0�11��{(E��fl'Od 10�11 tWf$OC11f�ty�IlsffYflfCfll if fhE~Pf'OQdty~
<br /> BoEtROwEtt eavElvAtV'r�a�u eamower i�t 1�wrWty.ef.ed of the eua�e h�by«�rveyoa.na n..the ri�hc ro jtanc
<br /> �I and rnnvcy the Propaty and that the PropertY is unencumbvrcd.exoept for encumbrmces of ra.�orrl. 8amwer w�trants aad
<br /> will defend�anadty ibe dtk w the Propaty�inst all cWms and demands.wbjoct a any encumbaooes of rxad
<br /> THiS SECVRiTY INSTRUMENT ccimbir�es w�ifam covenants for natfonal use and nat-unifo�m oovauints witb
<br /> __� litnited va�iaHaru by jurisdictlan to eonuitute�unifam axurity irwuume+u covrring rcrl propeKy.
<br /> [."NIPORM COVENANI'S. Bonower�nd L,a►der rnvm�nt au�d agrx u foUow�:
<br /> l. P�ywa�t of Priacipd a�d I�tere�ti Prep�lat�t And Late Cbsrte�. Hc�rtawcr slaq p►omPaY WY wlxn due the
<br /> p�iucipal of and inta+est on the debt evidencad by the Noto ar�d snY P�'�MY�nt and late chat�es due w�der the Nae.
<br /> 2. FuMs�or'l1�zs a�d I� Subject to applicabk law or to a written waiver by l.tnder.Bo�rowa sh�ll pRy to
<br /> �+�r���Y�Y WY��+�'�duc under the Note.unt�l the Note is paid In full.a sum("Nu�ds")for.(a)ycarty
<br /> taxes�nd assessmenta which m+�y sttain qiarity over this Sscurity Insdutnent+��lien on the Pr'°PatS':(b)y�1Y��
<br /> pxymenta oc gtonnd tents ao the Property. if any: (c)YeulY ��a' Pro'P�Y insurance pnemiums: (d) Yeuly flood
<br /> Insurar�ce prcmiums.if�ny:(e) Y�Y�S�Se insur�ncc poemiums,if any:ud(n aaY sums PzY'�ble by ��'O�'1O
<br /> i.ender.in accondance with the pcovisions of par�graph 8.in liou of the payment of mortgage insuance P�mlums. 'Ihese
<br />— items arc callal"Escrow Items." Lender rtwy.at any tinx.colla:t and hold Ponds in an amount not to exceod the mau�unum
<br /> amount a letider for a foderaUy e�elated rt�age lou► rtwy rcquire far BomnwerL escrow ucount w�der the federal Real
<br /> ----- _— -_- - Estue Seutencnt Procedtues Ac�of 1974 s���u��c��xi feom time to tirrse,!2 U.S.C.4?!SO!et rey.t"lt�SPA").unlas another
<br /> Isw that applks to the Eimds sets a kxser aurwunt. IF so.La�der may.rt any ttme.colkct and hold iimds in an amount not to
<br /> -°-°�° —• exceed Ihe tesser amouiu. l.ender may atimato the am�unt of Punds due on che basls af current data and tratspt�bk
<br /> - esdatates of expendltures of fia�unr Escrow Items ar ntl�err�ise in ucordance with applic�ble law.
<br /> 'ilrc Ei�nds si�all be held io nn institutinn whose deposlts arc insurod by a federal afency.inswmer�tality,or endty
<br /> (including l.ender.if Lende�is such an instituaon)or in any Federnl Hcwne Loan Bank• 1-ender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> the Escrnw Items. Lender may na charge Borsower fa holding�nd�pplying the Funds.annu�llY analYzing �he escrow
<br /> �4� scawnt, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Barower interest on the Fi�nds and applicable law permits _
<br /> - l.aider to nwlce such a charge. However.I.ender may t�equire Bormwer to pay a cx�e-time charge far an independent rcal
<br /> `'�' esu►te taz reporting savice used by Lender in connoction with this loan.unless applicabJa law provides otherwise. Unless an �
<br /> agrament is rtwde or applicuble law roquircs interest to be paid,Lender shall not be roquired to pay Bocrower any interest or
<br /> =- camings on thc R�ncls. Bcxrower and Lender may agrec in wntmg,however.that inurest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> ��- sh�ll give to Barower.without charge,an annual accounting of the Fvnds.showing crcdits and debits to tt�e Ftinds and the
<br /> . • purpose for which exh debit to the Eaunds was m�dc. 'Ihe Ft�nds arc pkdg�d as addiu°"al secudty for all sums securcd by
<br /> --'�:`_ _ .__� ttis Security Insdvmcnt.
<br /> - - If the Wnds hetd by t.u�der exceed [he amount�pcnuitted ta be hetd by spplicable law, Lenc!!�r shA!! ncc�un� m _—
<br /> - Borrower for tt�e excess Fhnds in accordance with the requircments of applicable law. If ttx amount of the Funds held by
<br /> , i.ender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow [tems when due,l.ender may so nocify Bortower in writing. and,in �
<br /> such case Borcower shall pay to L.ender the amount necessary to make up the deftciency. BormM+er shall m�lce up the __
<br /> •,, `��•� deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender�s sole discretion. �......
<br /> � �+•r� � U n nt in full ai ull sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any _
<br /> �f ;r �,,::.,�: .;,,,,:; �: Po P1Yme
<br /> , ,�:_ �;..... .•., ,_ :, Funds held by Lender. If,under paregraph 21.Lende�shall acquirc or sep the Properiy,Lender,prior to the acquisition or � __
<br /> - „r,., �. :�• . sale of the Property.shaU apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crcdit aguinst the sums -
<br /> ,�'�.,,.�''" b z.,,,,.::,4w:. secured by this Secnriry Instrument. �
<br /> �,��,..,.�..+�. � 3. Applicatton ot P�ymeats. Unless applicublQ law provide�otherwise, all payments received by Lender under _
<br /> _;,,,. °��ty1.,. . . . r paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prcpayment chargex due under the Note;second,to nmounts payable under —.
<br /> -r-,�:. � ' • .'; paragraph 2;third.to interest due;fourth,to princ�pal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. �---
<br /> f �'+.''•"•::°�'." ' 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shalt pay aU taxes, assessment�,charge., fines and impositions anritxstable to the �;
<br />� .f • • • E'roExny which may attain prioriry over this Seruriry Instrument,and Iea�ehold payments or ground rents,if any. 8orrower __
<br /> � '�` ' � - shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr. Borrower shall pay them on �;..,
<br /> •,:��!•'. •,i_•.�••• • •�� • time direcN�•to the perwn owcd payment. Borrowcr.hall pmmptly furnish to Lendcr ull notires of amounts to bc paid undcr
<br /> ., this patagraph. If Borrower mukes these payments directly,Bomower shalt prompt{y fumi.h to Lender receipts evidencing �''_
<br /> " .... r. ,,
<br /> ' .r~. ., , . . the payments. �' �.
<br /> ''"`" ' Borrower shall prompNy discharge any lien which hay priurity uver this Srcuriry In:t�ument untess Borrower.(n)agrce. �
<br /> ---�-_ -� in w�iting to the payment of the obligation securcd by the licn in a manner acceptablc to Lender,(b)cuntests in good faith the •':_
<br /> . :':'.'vY' lien by,or defends ag�inst enforcement of tbe lien in.legal procc�eding�which in the LenJer's opinion operate to prcvent the
<br /> - "` enforcement of thc licn;or(c)securex from the holder of the lien•rn agrecment satisfartory to Lcnder subordinating thc lien !
<br /> ' •""►�' • � to this Security inshvment. If Lender determines that any part of the Hvperty is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry i
<br /> ''�i ' over this Security Instrument,Lendcr may give Borrower a notice idcntifying thc lien. Borrowcr shall satisfy th�lien or take
<br /> ��' '��� , one or more of the actions set forth above within IO days of the giving of notice.
<br /> S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shall kcep the improvemcnts now exi�ting on c�rcufter crected on the � .
<br /> �. . . ,. �
<br /> �;r" Property insured against loss by fire,har.ards included within tlk tertn"extended ro��erage"and any other haeards,including
<br />__;7• • '�; floods or flooding. fos wh+ch Lender requires insurancc. Thi, in,urancc shall tx maintained in the amounts and for the �
<br /> , � ,
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