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<br /> _` appNwble law mRy�pecityr for roirot�taaient)befae�v s�1a ot the Propaty purswut w�ny power of�e car�taM�ed in tbL
<br /> � S�arity Iatrw�au;or(b)o�w'7►of a�da�enMncing thir Secmitx lmt� 71a�a oond�itiaa�aro dMt 8arrowar: (�)
<br /> ---; . p�yt i.an0er W wm� whkh tl�at watkl be due under�hi� Security in�trument�d the Nole �u if no �ccel�Mion h�
<br /> occuned;(b)cure��u►y dafauh of u�y otNa�covec+�na a a�reaneau;(c?P�y��11 eaperoes Licwre�i in entorcin�thi�Secddty
<br /> Imwma�b includin�. but not limited to.reaonrble �ttorneya'fea: �nd (d}Wca wch �ctlon iu Loider rn�y«�uon�bly
<br /> � requiro w us�ro th�t thn lien nf thix Security Tiutrwr�ent�Leoder�d�hts in the Properry and Borrower�obti�don to pay the
<br /> �w►u iecwrod bY thia Seturity In�aument �h�ll condnue unchan�ed. Upon roin�utament by Borrower. thi,� Sacuriry
<br /> __ , Inctrument u�d the�blig�tiau secured heroby etull t+emain fuily etYxUve u ff no acceleration hd xaurod. Ho�rever.thi�
<br /> I riQht ta reitutate eh�ll not�pply in ttb c�se of accelaWon utber p�r�r+ph 17.
<br /> � 1!. Sde d Notei Cluu�t of Los�3orviar. •Tbe Note or A puti�l(nteoat in the Nae(wYether wlth thi�Securiry
<br /> � lmpumenq m�y be sold one or mae tlaiee without prior notia to Horrower. A sale may rcault in a ch�n�e in the endty
<br /> - (known�u the"Lo�n Servicer")th�t cdleets manthiY P�Y�nts due iu�der the Note and thia Socuriry Inswment. There dao
<br /> m�►y be one or more ch�ngea of the Lwn Serviar unnl�ted to a sale of the Note. lf thec+e i��change of the l.o�n Servicer.
<br /> Barower will be Qiven written notice of the ch�nge in accocdance wtth pangraph 14�bove and�pplicable law. 71io nottce
<br /> ._ , witl�tate the namo wui addrets of the new Lan Servicu�nd the addKSC to whieh paymenu:hould bo m�de. The not�ce will
<br /> also contain any other informrtian required by applicable taw.
<br /> ?A. Hwrdous Subsfapca. Borrower ehall not cause or pem►it the presence.use,dispos�l.atorage.or release of�ny
<br /> Hezardous Subttances on or in the Propecty. Bomower shall not do,nor+�ilow anyone else to do,anything affecting the
<br /> prope�ty that is in violation of any Envtronmenwl Law. 'Ilu preceding two sentences shail not apply to the prcsence,use,or
<br /> storage un the Property of small quantities of Hezardouc Substwues that ue�eneally reeo�nizat to be appnnpciate to rannst
<br /> — re�identia!uscs aad to molnt�nance af thc Property.
<br /> Borrower ah�ti promptly give I.ender written notice of any investig+�tion,clt,im.demand,l+�wsuit or other action by any
<br /> —��-s--; govcmment�tl or rrgulntory agency or pdvatc party involving the Pmperry and any Hazardous Substancc dr Environmental
<br /> I.aw of which Bonower has aotual knowledge. If Bomnwer learns, or !s notifed by any govemmentu! or regulotcxy
<br />_ ; authority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Spbstance affecting the Property is nccessary,Borrower
<br /> � shall promptly take all necessary remedia!uctions in accordanre with finvironmental Law.
<br /> = As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are thosa substances de�ned as toxic ar hAZardous substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the following�ubstences: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum prodacts,toxic
<br /> _ - — � pesticides and herbicides. volattle solvents,mntedals containing usbestos ar formaldehyde,and radtaactive materials. As
<br /> -_ used in this pacagraph 20,"Envlronmental Law"means federal laws and laws of tha judsdicdon where the Praperty is lacated
<br /> v I that relate to hcalth,safery ar environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT5. Borrower and I.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> _ Zl. Accebrs�tian;Remedks. I.ender afwll g[ve notice to Bor�ower prior to Acaleratton tdlowln� Bwrower's
<br /> — breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument(but not prior to acceterption under para�raph 17
<br />- , unless s►pplicable la�v provides otherwise). The notice shAll spec(fy: (A)the detault;(b)the action required to cure the
<br /> '` — . , dciruii;fc1 w drfe,nui irss i��ii 30 d�ys t�om ih�daie the aai�ce is glrta!a Sorra�:er,b;:shieh!he�tfaalt mest!�t .
<br /> cured;and(d)that tAilure to cure the deiauit on or before 4he date specitted in the notke may resutt in acceleration of
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument And snie of the 1'roperty. The notice shpll further inform Borrower ot
<br /> the right to reinstate aner acceleration and the riRht!o bring a court actton to s�ssert the non•existence of s►detAUlt or
<br /> Any olher detense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default Lc not cured on or betore the dAte specitied in
<br /> ' ��;� the notice,l.ender at it�option may require immediate payment in iull ot all sums secured by this Securlty Instrument _
<br /> : F without turther demand and may invoke the power oP sule s�nd any other remedies permitted by npplicable IAw —
<br /> _ .0
<br /> ��,�. „�_t.,���`: Lender siwll be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in purr,uin�the remedies provided in thtv para�rAph 21, `
<br /> ;.�. . ., ,� including,but not limited to.reasonAble attorneys•fees and custs of title evidence.
<br /> ,�'!` It the power oP sale is invoked,'I}ustee sha0 record A notice of detault in each county in whkh any part ot the
<br /> ��{ .,.,,,p Property is located and sh�li mAil copies of such notice in the ma»ner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> r'' . _� � the other persons prescribed by Applics�ble Iuw After the time required by applicable law,7tustee sltall give pubtic
<br /> �- .� notice oi sale to the persons stnd in the ms�nner prescribed by applicable law. 7Yustee,without demand on Burroweq —
<br /> .--., ..
<br /> �', .
<br /> ��;�,j. ;f•.�.. : , , shall sell the Property at pubitc�uction to the hfghest bidder ut the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> �r�,t�:_-: .. .� the notice of sale in une or more purcels und in�ny order'1}�ustee determEnes. Trustee may postpone sale of all ur any _
<br /> pprcel ot the Property by public s�nnouncement at the time�nd plyce uf any previuusl,r scheduled sale. l,ender or its
<br /> ;;��?„�., designee mAy purch�.se the Propertv at any sule. __
<br /> ��;;' . Upon receipt of payment of the prire bid,'ll�ust�e shs�tl deliver to the purchuser 7lrustee's deed conveying the r
<br /> , , PropeMy. The recitats in the 71�ustee's deed sh�ll be primu facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. �'
<br /> •°�-�• � 7Yustee sh�ll apply the pruceeds uf the sute in the following order. (ul to all cost�nnd expenses of exerci.sing the power
<br /> �:• ., , . �
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