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<br /> . . -s. 1.�: ___ — � . ' __'.. -_
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<br /> ccndenuwiat or odar takln�of any p�rt of�ht Property.ar far oonv�ymc�e ia liw af rcnJoma�tbq.wr+hrnby u�l�ned+utd
<br /> _ tMi�1 b�Pdd w I.aWRr.
<br /> - in the event o!'� toW t�lcin�of the Pmpeny, the pnoceair Yi�df Un r�itiwt to ttw w�: �u�� ty ih{� �cw-ity
<br /> Inawrnent,who�her a oot then due,with�ny exce�s ptid tu Bortawe�. In the event c►f�p�rtiul udcinQ at the Propeny in
<br /> whkh the fdr mvkct veluc nf the PropcRy immediuely bafa�e the lakin�i�a{ual tu or aroater�ium tho�mount of�he wms
<br /> �ecurcd by thiu Socurity lnstn�ment immedi�tely befooe�he t�kin�,�mkus�nrmwer und 3.ender dherwi�e ayree In writlnQ.
<br /> the�um�acured by thi�Secudty In�trument �htll be reducal by the urwunt of theproceed�multtplied by the followfn�
<br /> fr+�ction: trl the icwal amaunt of the�um:�ecurod immediately 6efurc the t+dcing.divided by(b)�he F�ir merket vRlue af the
<br /> Property immodi�tely beforc the Wciny. Any bxl�n�x shdl bc p�id tn 8amuwer. !n the evrnt of a(sxtti�l tKkin�of thc
<br /> Prqxrty in which the fair maiket vatue of the Property immedfatrly beforc tix t�king ix leKa tlwn tik wnount af the wmc
<br /> securcd ImmediAtely befaro the t�icing,unless &xrower u�d I.ender atherwise a�{rca in writMX ar unkx+��ppUcable I�w
<br /> udxrwiee provides.the proceeds shall be spplied to�he�wns secured by thia Securlty Inxirument whethor or not the�urr�ur
<br /> then due.
<br /> If the Property is ubundoned by Bormwer.or if,�fter notice by Lender to Barrawer that the condemnor afferx ro make
<br /> an xward or sattk a claim for damyges,8ormwer fuils to rcxpond to Lender within 30 dayx s�fter the date the noticc is givrn.
<br /> Lender Is authcxized to collect�nd apply the ptocads.at!ts option,either to rcstcxatlon or rcpwir of the Propecty or to the
<br /> wma securcd by this Security Instrumcnt.whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower ntherwlse �+grce in writing,any applicution of proceeds to principut shall,wt extend or
<br /> poxtpone the duc dace af thc monthly ppymcntv referred to in purug�aNii�t and 2 ar chunge thc amount of auch puvments.
<br /> Il. Borrower Not Relenaed= Forbearanc� By l.ender Not • WAiver. Extenxion of the ttme for paymcnt or
<br /> modtflcatton of AmortizaN�x►�f�he sums r.ecurcd by this Security Inst�ument g►anted by Lender to,u�y xuccesxor'n inte�est • _
<br /> of Borrower shall not opernte to release tha liebility of thc originul Borrower or Borrowcr's successon in intercst.Lender
<br /> �°-�° shall not be required to commence prceeedingF ugainst any succes,cor in interest or r+efuse to extend tlme for payn;ent or
<br /> ahtrwise inodify amortization of the sums securcd by this Securtty Instrument by reawn of any demund made by the orlgtnal
<br /> Bamnwer or 8omaworb succcswrs in interest. Any forbeor�nce by L.cnder ln exercising:u�y rfght or remedy shnll not bc a
<br />- -- waiver of or preclude the exercise of any rIght or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and Assi�aa Bound;Joint And Seversd Li�bility:Co-siQners. Thc covenunts nnd usrcemcnts of thih
<br /> -- Security Instn�ment shall bind and benefit the succassors und w.ssigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provlsions of
<br /> - paragraph 17. Borrower's covenunts und agmxments shut! be joint und several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br />_;� Instrument but does not execute the Note: (u)is co-signing this Security ln.r•uvment oniy to mortguge,grant and canvey thut
<br /> -_ — Borrower�s interest in tha PropeRy under the terms of this S�ecuriry InstNment; (b)is not personully obliguted to puy the sums
<br /> secura!by this Security lnstrumenr.and(c)ugrccs thut Lender and uny other Borrawcr may ugree to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> . or make any accommodntions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument ar the Note without thut Borrower?s
<br /> __ consent.
<br /> ---" 13. Loan Charger. If the loan secured by ihis Secu�ity [nstrument is subject to u luw which setr muximum loan
<br /> _- ___ ,
<br />��� charges,and that IAw iti finally mterprcted so fhat the mtere.r•t or aher ioun charges coiiecte�i o�to t�e coHccicd iu cum�c�il�i
<br />-_'<� with the loun exceed the permiued limits,then: (u)any such lo•rn charge�hall be reduced by the amount necessury to reduce -
<br /> the chArge to th�permitted limik and(b)any sums alreudy collected from Borrower which exceeded�ermitted limits will be
<br /> ��.f: rcfunded to Borrawer. Lender muy choose ta make this mfund by rcducing thr principal owed undrr thc Note or by making u
<br /> direct payment to BoROwer. If u refund reduces prinripal,the reduction will be trcated u.u punial prepayment without any
<br /> � ,� prepuyment churge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notirc to Borrowcr provided for in this Srcurity Instn►mcnt �hull Ix given by dclivcring it or by
<br /> �?��,��r1r�'�• muilin it b ftnt clu+s mail unless a licuble iuw rc uinti u�r of another method.Thc nutire x6uii tx dirrcted w the PwE,euy -
<br /> � �.,:.,�..:.�Y,. R Y pP 4 _
<br /> ;�, � 5,`�.. Addrcs,or uny othcr tidJnti. Borrowrr dcsignutrs by noticr to Lrnder. Any notice to Lender sht�ll he given by tirxt cla�ti -
<br /> ' �.,:;1.
<br /> �,�.,�r..�'�,it •.p,�,;; muil to Lender's uddres+rtutcd hcrcin nr uny nthcr uddr�ti.l.cndcr dctiignuteti by notice tn Borrowcr. Any noticc�rovidcd tiir -
<br /> � " j� in thls Securlty lnstrument shull be Jcemed to huve hcen �iven to BrnTawer or LenJer when given u� provided in this
<br /> . par�graph.
<br /> • . �,�',..'�`"r...�, IS. Governing I.aw; Severability. This Sc�urity lnztrument �hall tk govcmed hy tedcral law und the luw of thc
<br /> <' �i;::••, jurisdiction in which thc Propeny i�I�xuted. In the evcnt that i►ny provixion or cluu�c i�f'tl�i+5ecurity In.trument cir the Note
<br /> :�'�±�^%��:•�: - conflicts with i�ppiiri�blc law.tiu�h contlict xhall not uffect other pruvi.ionz of this Secm�ity In,trumrnt or thc Notc which ran =
<br /> r��w��r���;• l.��. be given effcct withuut thc cunflirting provisiun. To this cnd thr provisiom uC thi. Sccurity Instrumcnt und the Note urc
<br /> . q+;,�;r�r4t. .-`::,: declured to be sevcrahle.
<br /> , ' 16. Borrower's Copy. BorruWcr,hall(x gi��en unc runtirrmcd rapy uf th�Notr and of this Sr.urit��Instrumcnt.
<br /> �°•�: ' �� 17. 'Il�unsfer uf the Property or s�BeneficiAl lnterest in Borrowcr. If:dl ur any pt�rt of thr I�ro}x:ny ar any intcretit in
<br /> .,,:::�:.:_.
<br /> •-�-� •��* it is sold or truntifcrrcd (or if a txncfiris�l intrntit in Rurmwrr i��uld or trun�fcrrrd iuid Barruwer i+not a naturnl personl _
<br /> �•� without Lender's prior written conzcnt,Lender m:�y.at ik optiun.rryuirc immcdiatr payment in i'ull��f ull �umx secured by
<br />, �- ,.,;;,�, *, thiy Security lmtrument. Howevrr,thir option shi�ll not fx�exercised by L.ender if excrci�c is pruhihited by fedrral luw u.ot� -
<br /> the date of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> _ lf Lcndcr exrrcisr�thi+option,Lendcr shall givr Borrower nutirc of arrekrution. Thr nuticr shall provide a�ricxi of
<br />- w �t.:.. not less thun 3O days from thr dutc thr nrnicc iz drlivcrrd or nwilcd within which Aarruw�r mu.t puy ull+wm.rcumd by Ihiti
<br /> ,. , Secu�iry Inxtrument. If Burrowrr fails to puy thr�r swi�� priur tu thc cxpiratiun of thir �xriixl. Lender m��y invok� �ny
<br /> '`� . . • remedies pemiitteJ by thiti Scrurity Imtrument withuut t'uAhrr noticc ur drmand on R<�rr��wrr.
<br /> . 18. Korrower's ftight tu Reinytute. 11'Burrawrr nnct,r��y.un ri,nditianti. Bc,rrua•�r •hall ha�•r thc right tu h;�ve
<br /> ' cnforcement of this Scrurity Instrumcm�iiscontinucd at any time priur tu thc earlier uf: c:►)S day,(itt�urh uthrr�kri�xi a.
<br /> � SinplcMamily--Funnlr�iwe/Fn�ddle�fucl:�ItY)It�1IVti'1'NU11M:\'I-•l�nrtunnt'u�rn�m. 9�90 qk�¢��1.,/n��r.ec.i
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