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<br /> . ' �. Has�rd ar Prop�Ay Y�Mn�. BorroMer�tw111uep tha improvemeata now aistin�a h�eMlMk�4�+d on .
<br /> . tlw PropKey i�n+d�pinrt ta�r fi�r iin.lwt�iaclurMd witMn tb�t�tm'�:iwrd�d wv� �ed�otbK b�:arde.
<br /> indudin�tlood�or daodia�,tor�hioh I.«�dir rpuirw t�wr�ne�.Thi�inunna�t�11 b�maiat�la�d ia tb��n+o�inti .
<br /> wd tor tir pa+tod�tiNt L�adK nquin�.'1'!r ina�c�rdK providia�tbe iaeiwrw�ah�ll be dioNa bp Baro*wr
<br /> --- Ez-a-c-!�ilz ta.:.�.:l�:i s�e�rr.�c.��--.^�sl� - -
<br /> _ _ _- abject to i,a�oa'��pprovsi Mnlch�t nui�i wi�aro�«�.`,ty wII�q:3.I# �. .. .
<br /> above,I.«��}'. at Iwi��optiue.obt�n oo�to prot�ot L�eder's ri�bt�in tha Pr�op�rty in wootdmoe Mith
<br /> Pa'aR�Ph 7.
<br /> All inn�nr�oe policia u�d e+wawd��11 be aooepttble to Lendec and siwll include a sand�rd mArtp�e alawe.
<br /> I.endn dull have the rttht to hold the policia�d renewds. It I.a�derrequ�ire�, Boerowa shdl PromPaY dv�e w
<br /> - — I,erKl�r�11 receipu of patd promiums�nd renewal noucea.In the event af loss�Borro+rer shall QIve prompt notioe to the
<br /> irwr�noe c�rtix�nd I,end�a I.e�tider may malce proot oi 1as it not made pramptly by BorrnMar.
<br /> Unleee I,endee and�lorio�a ott�envise s�rae in Mdtinj,insuranve per�ceeda et►oll be appiied w rosooeation orrapair
<br /> d the Pt�opeety d�msQed.Ii the roetontian a eepair ie eoonomlcally iasibie and I.a�de+''�eecudty ie not la�ened.Itthe
<br /> eestorttion or c+ap�ir is not eoonomtca}!y fe�sible or I.aider�d sOCUI'��MOU1d bd IE�Et10d,tha inatanoe P�'ocaeds�al�be
<br /> applied to the aums eecw�ed by this Secudty Instrument�Mhather or not then duo.Mith�ny,esceae paid to Bocrowa.It
<br /> Bormwer sbmdons the PcopertY.ar does not anewa within 30 days a natice irom Lender that tho inauranae cacrIe�hse
<br /> o[[erod..to settte a clum.then I.ender may colloct the tnsurance ptocads.L:endar may uee the prooeeds to rep�3r or
<br /> rostaro the Pmpert�or W pay sums secured by thi�Security Inetruma►t�Mhetltier or not then due.'1'ho 30�day pariod�rill
<br /> beQia rvhen the nouce ie�tven.
<br /> Ur�leas Londor and Bocrower othawise aQree ia Ntitin�,any sppl�cation of ptoc�eeda to ptlnclpd ahtll not extend or
<br /> po�tpone the due daite of tha monthlypayments reterrod w tn paca�raphs 1 u►d 2 or chan�e the amount ot tho paymenta.
<br /> _- It�itxbr p�ragraph 21 the Propecty ie ecguired by Leader� BorroNer's ri�itt w any ir�surance palicies atid ptooeeds
<br /> — _ resultin�icam dama�e to the Pmperty prior to the acquisition st�ll p�es to Lender to the exta►t oi tt►e euma iecwed by
<br /> — - thie Secudty lnstrument immedtatal_y prlor to the acquisltion.
<br /> `�'� S.Oceupancy.Preservation�M�intenanco aad Proteation of the Property;Borrower'a Lo�n App�iaatioA;
<br /> ,�;ti' I.ea�eholds.Borrower shall xcu�Y,establish,and use the Property as BorrowoPs prtncipal restdenoe withln s�xty days
<br /> ;:�r aiter the exacution at this Secunty Instrument md shall continuo to occupy tho Property as Borrower's princtpal
<br /> --=- residence for it last one year aiter tha d�te ot oocupancy�unlaes l,ender other�viee aQrees in WrttinQ,whioh co�seei►t ehall
<br /> nat be unreasonably withheld,or unless exunustin�circumstances exiet which aro beyond Borrower's control.$orrowor
<br /> shall not dostroy,damage or imp�ir tho Property.allow the Property to deterionte,or oommit waste on the Praperty.
<br /> Borrower sh�ll be in deiault if say fortetturo actton or proceedinQ,Nhether civil or crimtnal.ie Ue�un that in I.ender's
<br /> .`"�. good faith jud�ment could reault in ior[eituro of the Property or otherwiee materially tmpatr the lien crated by this
<br />-��..
<br /> Security Instrument or Londer's exurity inte+rest. Borro�er may cure such a default and reinatate,�s provtdod n
<br /> - pra�raph I8, by causing the action or procoedin� to be dismissed �with a rulir►� that, in Lender's �ood f�ith
<br />.�t�•� determination,procludes far[eituro oi the Borrower's interest in the Property or other mauri�l impairment of the lien
<br /> �� � �°° created by tius�ecuriiy Instrument or Lender s sxuriiy infcrc�i.Burn,wee et�ait�iea t,e in de[suli if Barmaer,dvrissg
<br />``:;��'.. ', �.: ;` ,�..;•�,., the loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or fiiled to
<br /> �k -' �{�;�,�,•• provide L,ender with any material in{ormation)in connxtion with the loan evidenced by the Nota,including.but not
<br /> ,:�° �-;•-���'�;� limitod to. repreeantations concerning Borcower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.It this Security
<br /> � ' '�''` ' Inatrument ison a leusehold,Borrower ahall camply with all the provisione of tha le�se.If Borrower acquires fee title to
<br />� ��t���A���� �� the Property,the leasehold and the iee titla shall not merge unless l,ender agrees to the merger in writi n�.
<br /> - � �' .,,,,�„ �� 7. Protection ot Lender's Ri�hts in the Property.It Borrower fails to pertorm the covet►�nts and agre,ements
<br /> : '^"''�✓� ��•• � •-� cont�ined in thia Socurity Instrument,oc there is a legai ptoceeding that may si�niiiwntiy�tfa:t I.CC�Jer's ri�hte in the
<br /> ' ' ; Property (such �e a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemn�tion or forfoiture or to enforce laws or
<br /> -ik. ' •'+-•• regulations),then Let►der may do and psy for whatever ts necessary to protect ttw vslu�of the Property and Lender's '
<br /> �`�: . rights in the Propetty. I.ender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this _
<br /> �"�� . . . Security Instrument,appearing in court,payir►g reasanable attorn�ys tees and enunng on the Propsrty to make repairs.
<br />- Although Lender may take action under this paragtaph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> ; :' : . . Any amounts diRbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 aha11 become additional debt of Borrower socured by this
<br /> . " Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms ot payment,these amounts shall bear intare�st �
<br /> .:�'�•..� ftom the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from I.endet w Borrower _
<br /> :�'����; requesting payment. -
<br /> ` �` 8. MortYa�e Insurance, lf Lender rr,quired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the laan secured by this
<br />- Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortEage insurance in etfect.If,forany
<br /> „�;;;,�� reason. the mortgage insurance coverage required by I,ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the -
<br /> premiums t+equired to obtein coveraQe substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previousiy in effxt,at a cost
<br /> a � .,.- ::yd substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effxt, from an elternate -
<br /> :�r- • mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,
<br /> ' • `��' Borrower sh�ll pay to I.ender each month a sum r�qual to one`twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being -
<br />. ?�' paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased ta be in effect.L.ender will accept,use and retain these i
<br />.t+� > . payments as a loss reservc in lieu of mortEa�e insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,
<br /> N . � .
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