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<br /> TOE38'fI�R W1TH dl the improvma�nti naN a hen�h�r a�ct�d on tf�ep�oprtY� aod al w�n►�n1s
<br /> appurananoM,snd ti�tura now or Mn�ft�r a p�rt ot th�propacY.Ail npl�am�nd and ddttlar�h�ll�Mo b�oov�r�
<br /> by tbi�l�Klty lntrum�n�All o[tho fa�oie j is t�fNtnd to in ehi�&aurity Itrtrum�nt r th�"Prq�erty.'
<br /> - --
<br /> HOltROWBR CoVBNAM'S d�.t Borro.wr i�IaMiully,�d at tlw.aab i�by oonvey.d�c�d b�ths rlsht w
<br /> �snt and oanvey�t►e Feop«�iy and�h«i fhe P.,,p.�ey i:��wu��t�i,vYuq,i,Pw o•r�umtxawoi vi��. 'i��:.
<br /> Macrants�nd�rill dd�nd=a�etdly the tid�to tl�e PrapwtY�int all oldms�nd d�m�nd�,wbj�ot W�qy�noumbe�nas
<br /> ot reootd. -
<br /> THIS S�CURITY 1NSTRUMENT oombi nes unitorm oovenat►t�for nation�t u�e and non-uniform wv�nts Mith
<br /> limited vadation�by_juridtction to coiutitute a uniform rocurIty insttument ooverin�ra!pwpe�tY•
<br /> `-'�—-�"-� LINIPORM COVBNAN'I'S.Borruwer and Lender covanant arad aQcoo ts faltoNx Mhen due -
<br /> �� l.Paymeet ot Priaaipd�nd Intenat;Prep�Ymeat and I.�te Chac�eo.BorroMer�hall promptlY P�Y
<br /> the princtp�l ot snd Interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any propayment and lato chuaes due undor the Note.
<br /> Z. Fund�for Taxa and Insurance. 5ubject to�pplicable In►r or w a Mr�tten Maivor by I.ender.Borro�er sh�ll
<br /> y to I,endar on the dsy monthly pymenta are due under tho Nou.until the Note is paid in tull�a sum('Put►de")for.
<br /> -� �)yarly tutae and aeaesamente whiah may attain�riodty ova this Security Inetniment aa a lien on the Property:(b)
<br /> yearly lasehold pymente or ground rents on the Property,if my; (c� ya�rly haz�rd or property Inaunnce pcemlume;
<br /> (d)yarly flood inwr�nce promiume,if�ny;(a)yatly moR�a�e inaw�u►vo Premiume,it any;and(t)any sums psy�ble
<br /> by Botrowa'to I.ondet�in�000rdanoe with the provlstona ot p�a�raph 8.in lieu of the payment ot mortpQe inturance
<br /> premiuma Theae ttems are callod"F.acro�v Items.'Lender msy,st�ny time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not
<br /> to ezoeed the maumum amount a ler►der for a fedenlly related moct�a�e loan may roquiro for Borrowa�'e eecrow
<br /> aawunt under the fedetal Real Estate Settlement P�oceduros Act of 1974 as amonded trom time to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> _;� Section 2601�t sp. ("RffiPA').unlme another bM that�pplia to the Funds�eq a laeeer amount.I{eo.Lender may. g. ,
<br /> at any time,oolleot and hold Funds in an amuunt not to e:oeed the leaeer�mount.I.ac►dec may estimate the amount of
<br /> -•� ' Funda due on the basie of curnnt dau snd tason�ble atimstes ot eYpenditw�ea of tutura F�arow Itams or othenrix in �-�
<br /> accotdance with appltcable 1sN.
<br /> The Funds sh�ll be held in sn inxtitution whose deposits are inswbd by a tedenl a�ancy.instrumenulity.or entity
<br /> ' (inciuding Lend�r,if Lender is auch an inatitution)or in any Fedenl Hpma I.oan Bsnk.Lender eh�ll apply the Funde to _
<br /> - • pay the Escroa Itema.Lender may not chirge BorroNer{or holdin�and spplyin�the Funde, annwlly amlyzin�the
<br /> 'r~:`'�� ` ' ��� eecrow account,or veritying the Eecroa Itema,unless I.ender paYe Borrower intercst on the Funds�nd applicable I�w
<br /> �=�r permits Lendet w rnake auah a ch�rge. However. L,ender m4y roquire Bonower to pay a one-tlme chir�e for an
<br /> - . `;r :r.�;;�•
<br /> ;.,,:: independent ral estata tax roporttng service used by Lender in connxtion with this loan,unless applicable Isw pmvides
<br />` - �° '�'h���:�•,� c_`` •'�• otherwiae.Unless rn agrooment is made or applicable law requtres intereat to be paid,I.cnder sh�ll not be roquired to
<br /> -�,��, ;`�(�� ' that inurest
<br /> �,.; , ,., � pay Borrower any interest ar wrnings on the Funds.BorroNer�nd I.ender msy a�rce in writing,howover.
<br /> atc-��pt ,w';:�,�; shall be paId on tha Funds.I.ender shatl givo w Borrower,without charge,an annual accountin�of the Funds.showing _
<br /> �".�,�','`� credita�nd debits to the Funds and the purpo�e for ahich ach debit to th�Funds aas made.Tho Funds are pledEed�s
<br />;�'' '":•°`'''f�:��-: `�`"'� additionxl security fot all sums securod by thie Socurity Instrumant.
<br />'� ' ''�"''=••��� " '' It tha Funds held by Lender oxcced the amounts permitted to be held by epplicable law,L.ender shall account to
<br /> .�y..� -.
<br /> ' ' • .� Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with thc requiraments of applicabte law.If the amount of the Funda held
<br />�, �' ; . � by L,ender at any time is not aufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due,I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,
<br />�': `''' and,in such case Bonower shall pay to Lender the amount nocessary to make up tho deficiency.Borrower shall make
<br /> °•�: � up the deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> �' � p;;;�;�, � � �• � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thisSocurity Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower -
<br /> •• � any Funds heid by Lendnr. IF, undnr paragraph 2i, I.ender shall acquire or sell the Property, I,endet, priur to the �`��=
<br /> acquisition or sale of tha Property,ahaU apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit �_ _
<br /> aEainst the sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> ���' � 3. Appllcation of Payments.Unless appllcable law provides otherwise,all payments roceived by Lender under L�'-
<br /> �?- • � paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable �_�
<br /> ' under ptragraph Z;third.to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any Iate charges due under tho Note. �_-
<br /> . 4,tC6srYcs; Liena. Borrower ahall pay all taxes,assessments,charges, fines and impositions attributable to the "''='
<br /> ;,�• Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leuehold payments or ground rents, if any.
<br /> � � •� Borrower shell pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner, Borrower �' .
<br /> • 1 shall pay them on time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furniah to Lender all notices of �`'
<br /> � , amounts to be paid under this paragraph.It Bonoxtlr makes these paymant�directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish
<br /> -. to L,ender receipts evidencing the payments. ...
<br /> �� Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a) G
<br /> � agrxs in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender;(b)contests in �,�; •
<br /> . good faith the lien by,or detends against enfurcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender s opinion
<br /> . ' � operate to prevent tha enforcement af the lien;or(c)secures t�om the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to � ,�
<br /> �r � + - ` L.ender aubordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Property is sitbject �
<br /> ' • to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender ma}�give Borrower a notice identifying the �
<br /> '' lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or morC ot the actions set torth above within 10 days of the giving oi ,
<br /> ( .: � notice. .
<br /> ! �
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