� ' "�
<br /> ..
<br /> ..,��.... T .. ..,,,.,.� L -- - -------
<br /> 1,_..,—.x.,.�_=..y� '�.1
<br /> • . • 9oRAw�r nMy qr�suoh R d�IMrlt �M ni�MM. a p'arkMd In p��ph 1a, b�'��n/ IIN�dat N ��ii/lo M
<br /> dMiad wMh�ru1n01hIM.ln L.�nda'��ood�ilh d�MwniMllon./haltnMi toAi��ef 1M Larowr�iliMrll U IIN lhoMl�I M
<br /> o�t�W k.��nt d IM Mn t��wMd by 1hM �aRily M�k or Lrnd�r'�waNNy MrrN. �a►awr rIN/is M In
<br /> di��lt N Qonowa.�Mri�MM lo�n�+P�M�P��,0��WY�a YwoaR�h InlanMMlon a rh1�wM�f�LMdw k►
<br /> hMd b poMd�L�ndw wlTh�nY md�tlN MoM'�) b ootM»eMon wMb IM Mo�n MtlMio�d b�l 1M N�M� t�Mip, MA MI
<br /> Neilld b. npn��aN a�o�uln/ oortow�t's eoaip�noy d fM lhopwy M � plr�o�l nMdMf�w M �Y MMMy �
<br /> --- - i'ww`�n��l I� vn�iii'sUiwi�,f'wuii+iAiiJ t�iti�uuinpa►wwn w i`i�i yi-'�i'-`'wNtiG i:i'.�'�: wt"'".:, � �.. �:r¢.'`'.�!i?L�it to t!x -
<br /> 1�(Op�11y�bN iMNhOld�Ilf�1�M�M W�{f1�1 tlOt Ill�f�1N1�Mi LQI{�II'�arM 10 1�N t11�f�if�II WI�� I
<br /> 7.ProbcRion of Lsnd�r'a qlplita In tft� PropMly.N�onnwr NN 10 p�rlorn�tM aor��nd�pw�iM M
<br /> aaNNiwd h tMt B�ouMy NNMiN+iwM. or th�n N � I�pN proo�Wnp th�4 nMY dpnlAo�nMY MMat iMieNr�� b 1!N r►oOMN �
<br /> Iwoh s�a piooMdlip In b�nbupla7►� P��,fo►oondMwwlon a 1a1�N�r�or to«Naa I�wr a naiMotNl.Mwn Lrnd�t�w4►
<br /> -�-- do and pay tov whwvK ls mceasary to protaet ths valu�of th�Prop�ty and I.md�r's�Ipht�In tM hop�rty. Under'��eMens �
<br /> �y Mdud� P�yM� rY �x s�air�d by � Mm whlob ha p�loAly ovK thN 8�ourlty Inqn�N, �PP�rNO In oow� P�f*�
<br /> - nuon�bl�tttormys'iws and�nwinp on tha P�oprty to m�k�n�pNn.JYthoupN l�ndr m�y Wct aolon und�►thi�Wr�/�ph
<br /> 7,l�nda do�s not hav�to do so.
<br /> My a�no�xitt d�bura�d by Urt�i�r w�d�r puapr�ph 7 sIW b�oonN addYo�wl drM oi Baroww Nound b!►tli MaMM!►
<br /> InttninMr►t lk�s BoROwu�nd I.w�cNt+�prw W othK twms M P�Ymwit, th�s� Mnamb �hd bMr MMen�t kwn 1M dW al
<br /> dMburswrwnt Rt th�Nob ratr and ttwN ba pay�bM�wNh Int�t,uPon nMiw kom Und�r to 8onow�r nqu�lNp VM�•
<br /> - 8. Mort�a{i� Inwtanc�. B t,endK nquk�d maW�p� inw�na �a a condlqon ot m�Wnp th� tom a�ur�d by thM
<br />— e�axNy b�uurtNnt�Bortow�r sh�N p�y th�pnrtAum�nQuk�d to m�InWn tht naAq�p�inw�na h MNOt.M�1a�ny�on�th�
<br /> morty�p�bwnna c+ovYraO�nq��lnd bY tandw i�p��r or aasa to 1»In MNot� Barowr�haN pay th�pnn�k� nquind W
<br /> ot� cov�np�wbatantWy�quN�t ta tM mottqapa (nsuranu pr�viousty in �M�af� at a oon wbsUnlWy�qulvN�nt b th�
<br /> oo�t to Borra�wr of th� mortp�p� insur�na prwioutty M Mlect, trom an altwnat� mortQ�p� Insun►approv�d bY Lw�da. N
<br /> aubst�ntl�ly equN�imt matWp� inwranc�cov.raq.N not avdkbk.earow.r sn.r P.y w und�r..on mo�•wm wu.i w
<br /> = un♦twdRh of th�y�uy moRp�N►sun�na pnn�iwn Mlny pdd by Borrow�r whm th�Imw�nw oov�Mps�d or oMNd to
<br /> be in elfsot. Lw�dK wlll xGapt, ut�and tN�ki thae p�yme�t�as� b�s tN�vs in Aw of mortq�p�inturra�. Loa ns�rw
<br /> ":'`};• v"�r�, pay+tNnts may no lonqer b�nquk�d. �t th�opdon of LmdK.11 mortp�0�Insurmc�cov�(In th�anw�r►t�nd fa 1M p�lod �
<br /> th�t Lmda nqul►M) provided by m (nwrer approved by Lsnda ay�in b�com�s wat�bN md a abWnrd. Bonow�►sIW p�Y
<br />-r'�� .:t„ f�l�pfMll�llllli 1rQY�fK�t0 IINM1�k1 11'1011QtQl�k1iUf�11G kl �001. W 10�OY�O��Oi� f�MV��W1fM 1�1�f�QUkM11MK}Of IIIOf�/�
<br /> _...;• ;::s�•� inwrana�enda in t�nce with+�ny w�(ttan apre�Nnt bdwMn Borrow�r�nd L�nel�r a�ppMc�W�kw.
<br /> �:;;:, 9. Insp�ton.Lend�r or ks apmt may m�k�nasonabt..ntda upon and bsp.otla�s of tM Prop�ty. LtndK�1W dr.
<br /> ' &xrowK nodce�t th0 dms ot or prior to an Msp�cNon sp�cfyhp n�aon�bi�cas�fa th�h�p�atlon.
<br /> 10. Cond�mrsation.rn�Proo..d. or.�y.w.ra o�a.�„ tor a.�,.�.., dir.ot or cons.qu�r►u.1,h conn.aton wNh+ny
<br /> ::{��:{.' ' �.:rr
<br /> cond«matbn or oth�r tak(np of my pat of th�Propaty, a for conv�yano�in Mw oi candMm�tlon, w lunby asdpn�d�nd
<br /> _"••„"' i.� •. rY. �., shd b�ptld to L�nd�►.
<br /> � � .,1; In ths went of a totai takhp at th� Prop«ty, ths proc�eds shaA b� �ppWd to th� wms s�ound by thi� S�axKy
<br /> , "• .-. . �'�ii' In�trum�nt,whMher a not thm dus,wph any excess pdd to BorrowK. In th�wmt o}�p�utW takktp of th�R'op«ty in whioh
<br /> • i'•,��"t�' µ`� the fak mtrk�t vWu�ot the Propaty Immedi�tdy b�fore th�takN�p fe equ�l to or qnat�r than th� �mount of th�'twn� s�au�d
<br /> � - _ by this 8�aidly In�hum�nt hxn�dlatMy bNon th� tak(ng, unMss BoROw�r and tand�r oth�wls� �grN In wrMNg. th� twM ,
<br /> ' � ,��h�'+T�����-• cl�.'� ��`V�by th(s S�airNy Inatrum�nt shaM bs nduced 6y the�mount at th�procNds mukirWd by th�fotowMp h�ctloo: (a)th�
<br /> ��'`��� !� � to41 amount oi th�sume s�au�d knmedi�tely bstore th�Wcki , divlded b
<br /> :�;,.,.�`: . .. .: ��-'S' p Y (b) th�t�ir rtwkN valu�ot th�Prop�dy Nm�hly
<br /> , ' �•� bdan the Wcktp.My bal�nc�shaN be paid to BorrowK. In th�want oT a puttd takinp o}th� PropMy In whlah th�hM nwkM
<br />� `��. ' � �� � • �' valu� of th� Propeiiy Nnmed4tsly bNore the taklny is less than the amount of the wms s�cund innwdi�t�ly bMote tM taklnp� g._
<br /> �.i�:i"..�. __
<br /> :�:;.,;,. �,..� unless Bortowa �nd Lender oth�rwta� ayrw In wdUnp or unNas applicabi� kw othwwie� provid�s, th� proa�ds shar b�
<br /> � appN�d to th�sums s�curad by this S�curiry�nstrument whKhsr or not the sums an than du�.
<br /> ''1 ' if th�Propwty fs abandonsd by Borrow�r, or H, ait�r noUu by Lender to Borrower that th� condmx�or oM�n to m�k�an
<br /> ��::,. . S.. .;:; awad w eettis• d�kn tor dunap�s. Borrow�r fdis to respond to L�nd�r within 30 dryr �Rrr th�r dat� tha notirw b qhr�n.
<br /> _= Und�r Is authotlz�d to coM�ot and appry th�procx�ds, �t Rs opUon, �itha to nttoratbn a��pak of tM Prop�rty a to th�
<br />_�• i � " wms s�cund by this Seeuriry Instrummt,whNher or not then du�. -
<br />.�, , Uni�st LsndK �nd E3orrower othawlae apree in wrltinp, any appilcaUon of proc�eds to prk►dp� sh�N not �xt�nd or
<br /> ' • ''� . pottpon�the due d�tt of the monthy paymenta reterted to in parapnpha 1 and 2 or chanpe tht�mount of such paym�nts. -
<br /> 11. Borrow�r Not R�I�ss�d: Forb�ar�nc� By L�nd�r Not a W�iv��.Ext�nsion of th�tlrtM ta p�yirMnt or --
<br /> �� ���'' modMc�Uon of unoNz�Uon of thR sume secured by this S�curlly inatrument gnnt�d by lend�r to�ny sueassa In InMnst of
<br /> ' . , BorrowK ahali not opetate to reie�se the Ilabiliry of the ori�inal Bortower or Borrowx's succ�asors In Int�nst. L�ndK shaN not —
<br /> � bt roquksd to commmce procNdk�pa aytlnat any suecesaor In intereat or retuse to axhnd W�» ta paym�nt or oth�nwls�
<br /> modiy�moiUzation of the auma e�cured by this S�cudty�nstrument by rwson of any dMnand rrwd�by lh�orl�ul 8ortoww w �����
<br /> Harow�r'a aucuaaora In intereat. Any torbwanca by Lender In axerdslny ony �iqht or ran�dy sh�q not b� a w�hr� of or 1..
<br /> . • prklude the exxcise of any dpht or remedy. �,,=„�
<br /> , � 12. Succ�s�on and Assiqns Bound; Jotnt and Sevorat U�bitity; Co-styn�ra. Th• cown.nts and �.� .-
<br /> aynements of thia Security Inatrument ahaA bind�nd beneAt the successoro�nd Assigns ot L�ndv and Borrow�r,subjwt to the
<br /> `� � •�� proviabns of p�nyraph 17. BoROwer's coven�nts �nd agreements ehaU be Jdnt and aevet�i. My Borrow�r who co-�ipns thl� �:
<br /> .G • �^ .�?`' � 3�curtly Inatrummt but does not execut�the Note: (a) lo co-aignlnq thls Security Inatrumsnt ony to morty�p�,ynnt and conv�y �:
<br />` ' f"�{' ;; '� th�t Borrower's Intr►eat In the Pro under the terms of this Sscu Instrumcnt: (b) Is not puaona � ,
<br /> perty rlty Ay oblly�Ud to pay ths �
<br /> , • aums sYCUrod by this 3ecurity �natrumenl; and (o) syro�s that Lender and�ny other BoRO•,wr m�y�prN to ucbnd, modfy,
<br />- 4 forbeu or rtwke rny aceommodatfona wfth repard to tha tarms of this 9ecudty �natrumsnt a th� Not�wlthout th�t Bortoww'�
<br /> � � • consent. �
<br /> 13. Loan Chuges. If the loan aecured by thla Security Inatrum�nt Is subJect to � �w which a�ta meximum {an
<br /> ' eturpe:, and ih�t I�w la flnaly tnterpreted so that the Intereat or other�oan chargea coUected or to be collected In connection
<br /> V wkh the lan �xceed the p�mitted Umlls, then: (a) any such loan charge ahall be reduced by the�mount neceseary to reduce
<br /> ='� i, the charye to the p�rmkted IImR; and (b) any auma already cotlected hom Bortowe►whtch sxceed�d pertnttt�d Umits wiA be •
<br /> • • . �� rNunded to Bortower. Landw m�y choose to make this retund by redudnp the pdnGpai ow�d under th� Not� w by m�kinp a
<br /> ; `. � dlreot pdyment to BoROwer, H � rofund reducea principat, the reductlon wW be trea2ed a� � partlel prepayment wfthout tny ,
<br /> - � propaym�nt aharpe under the Note.
<br /> , ,�.� 14. Noticvs.My noVice to Bonower provWed tor In thls 9ecurity instrument ahaA be piven by ddiverinp ft or by rt►�IWny R
<br /> by lkst ci�ss m�U uniean appticab�e Ww requkea use of another method. The notice ah�A b� directed to th� Property Addnss
<br /> or�ny other �ddrose Borrower deatynetes by notice to lender. My nodce to Lender ahW be piven by tirot ciasa rtwY to
<br /> LmdePs addreas st�ted hereit► or any other addresa Lender dealgnatea by noUce to BoROwer. My notice provldsd for In this
<br /> -�.:r._• ArruNv 4+dnimwnt ehaY hw dw�med tn havw 6wwn nivwn tn Rnnrwi�r nr t�nrir wMr+ nlv�n aa nmvlef�rl 4�fhis naraivanh
<br />,. .. _.... .. .. �-- -----'•• '-----..._ .. _. . .- • -- •- --.._.._. _. __..__. ...._.. �.._.. __r.._..---... ..._ �_ _� _,
<br /> 15. Gov��niny Law; Savorabitity. Thls Security Inatrument ahall be govemed by tedent I�w and th� aw of the
<br /> �� jwisd�tton in whieh the Propaty is locatad. In the event that any provislon or etauae of thia Security ineuument or tht Note
<br />-= contlicts wRh�ppYab�e�aw,euah conAlct ahall not aftect other provlslona oi this Secwity Intttum�nt or thQ Not�whbh can be
<br />: - ' yk�n Mfsct wRhout the conNadnq provialon. To thta �nd the provlabns oi thls 3ecurity Inntrum�nt and th�Not��ra d�nd to
<br /> �.
<br /> ;�. W sw�nble.
<br /> , 16. Borrow�r'a Copy.BoROw�r sh�Y b�yfven one contormed copy o1 the Note and ot this Securtry Instrumcnt.
<br /> �.
<br /> . r• F1�16.LAI0(9I73� Paq�3 ot 5 � �_
<br /> 93t53.LM }
<br /> i .
<br /> Mr. . , . ... . _._ .._ .... ,„,,,.,....-,.,,_..,...... . ... . ,.... . _. .. . _... . __. ..��.,..----._ ..... ._.._....
<br />