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<br /> Aia,h. now or nwNNr.p.ec d au v�op«y.AN npl�o«n.Mr.na.d�ron..iW.bo a oova.d by w.s.a+i+v+nw�ww, .
<br /> J►�d tM lorpol�p N nM�d b b tl�k MarNy kNYunwiO.a tl»'P►op�rb.'
<br /> OCMNpWlR tlOYEI�1Mli�qwrt SoKOw�M MwbMl� Mlerd o(Ih� �MiM Ar�bY oawy�d �d hAS tM ilaM W prit�nd
<br /> epw�r IM rrop�y and 1Mt 1M Prop�Ay M �N�d� ao�t lor �Ma� d noa�, Oonow�wMr��nd rM
<br /> dMMa�wr1y N.tw.1a ai.Propry.��N aMrn+..na dw+Nnd.�«+bJ�ot b rn►«�anibrqnoM a noaa. _
<br /> - --- ---� !!!� '.�Q!!!!!TY l�D1!l��t!T �!�► w�1a+w mvr� tor �aMl tIN �nd �on♦ripa�M oerMrnM Mdlll lMld
<br /> vri�Maw b1►Mrr�olioe!o ooiMMMut��unNo�m��ou�Ny InMnrr�nt oovwlnp rad P�Y�
<br /> UNIFdMA COVENANTa. Bwlow�►�nd L.MKNr oov«rrlt and�prM+N Io1ow�:
<br /> 1. PMn�nt of PrinolpN �nd IM�ns� Pnpsym�nt�nd I.at�Ch�'O�s.8a�rowM shrl pompMy p�y,�h�n � -
<br /> du.u,.p�y a.�a�o�m.a�a.wd.naa ar a�.rra..�a.�y w+�nR+w�s�na w.aw�..dw w,d�r a�.NoM.
<br /> Z. fu�tor T�up� Mld In�ursno�. BubJeat w�ppto�bM hw o►to a w�Nt�n wrwr by Lw�dK.!lorn�r�►�hrl p�y
<br /> -�"'-.,�__'�"a" to L�ndr on tln d�1'��Y P��w dw un�i�r�M Noio,unW ttw Not�Ia patd In tW. �wm('Fw�diq for. W Y�N __
<br /> Ww and ws��nMnts whloh nry at�h P�akY owr thla S�axky bttrtMnmt u � Mn on th�Pro�rlY: Ib) 1►wb���
<br /> - p�,M ar,y��,(�i)yMrN��w�� a►�+���M�y�P�►yebl�b�►Ba�,ow�i►t o L�idK a000remo�
<br /> wNh th� prorblons d p�np�ph 8�b Mu d th�p�ymmt of matp�p� inwr�na Pr��. Th�N�rtw �n o�Md 'Eta+ow
<br /> Ibrra.' Undw m�y. +�t �ny tYn�. ooMet�nd hotd Funds k► �n artwtw►t not to �ocoMd th� nwdnw�n a�nant a Mndr for r
<br /> bdMWly ni�t�d mortp�p�lan m�y nquke tor BoROw�r's Mcrow�000unt und�r th�i�d�rv RMI Es4t�SMtIMn�nt Ptoaduaa
<br /> ----- Act of 1074�s am�nd�d i�om t4n�to t4n�,12 US.O.�2601 d ap. ('AESPA'�, wiNsa �noth�r Mw th�t �ppMs to th� Funds
<br />— tMa a NsN►�nw�Mt fl to, Undu m�Y� �t+�ny tlm�� coN�ct�nd hotd Fund� in �n amount not W�otwrd th�bsw an►au�t
<br /> L�nd�r may MUnrt�thr anw�Mt of Funds du�ot�th� bais of aunnt d�and nason�bM�tw ot�ndb+n�of Mdun
<br /> Esaow ibms a oth�wlt�In accoMmc�wkh+PP1e�bM kw.
<br /> Th�Funds�b�htld ki�n In�tlpdion whoa�d�Pn�its an tnwnd by a t�dvai�p�rwy,M�w�xnmtaNtY.or�ntlH(��Q
<br /> _.,_= .,� Undx M Undr b such �n Inditutlon) ar In any Fed�tai HarN Lwn Bank. Und�r th�1 appy th�Funds to pay th�E�o►ow
<br /> ',,.:�• It�. Lmd�m�Y not clw0�8orrowK lor hokl�tp and a�lyk�0 th�Fund�,annu�Y�n�Fj►tN0 ih� �orow�ccarH,or v�rNyk�p
<br /> -- r�� th� Esarow ItMra. tN�Nss L�ndK p�ya BotrowK int�tt on th� Funds md �ppMcablo hw p�mikt UndK to nwik� woh a
<br />- � ohWp�. Howw�r� Lon�� mty rpuin BoROwer to pRY a onattme cherpe tor �n indpend�t nd M1Nte t�x ►� swviw _ _
<br /> --....
<br /> �� . ;• ' us�d by Undn c �onnection with this loan. unNas +ippltoabM ww provkks othMwk�. UnMss an �preameot u m�de or
<br /> _'::;� �pplk+�bN kw nqukes intw�st to M paid� L�ndK�hs�not 6�nquk�d to pRy Barow�r�ny btrnat or Mminps on th�Fund�.
<br /> >�;.• gqrow�r and L�nde►nwy�pn� in wdtinp, howewr, th�t int�reat sh�M b�Wiid on th� Funds. Lendr shW �h►�to BortowK,
<br />``°�.�� '`'� withart charpe, �n �nnu+�acaounUny of th� Funds, showk�9 crodfts�nd d�bks to th�Funds �nd th�purpo��fa whiah Mah
<br /> d�blt to ihs Funds w�s m�d�. The Funds an pkdped as�ddittonai uourky for aM wms s�cur�d by th�S�axky Instnim�nA
<br /> "' : a 'y R th�Fund�held by L�nd�r exasd th�amounts p�rtnitted to b�hdd by�pNc�bl�Mw, Und�r shaM account to Borrowar
<br /> ,..V,�� for th�acass Fuads In�cao�nc�with th� nquk�m�nU of�ppWcabl� Yw. N th��mount of th�Funds hNd by L�ndK�t any
<br /> � , tNM b not w1lk�nt to pry th�Esaow RKns when du�, L�nda may w notly BurowK h writinp, �nd, in woh as�Bortow�r
<br /> �- � ..'��� th�A pay to UndK th�amount n�c�ssary to mrk�up th� d�Aclmcy. Borrowa sh�m�k�up th�dNlcbncy in no mon th�n
<br />_ti��" �, �,:��';,�f�,i' ,, twdv�monthN P�Ym�nt.,at��nd�r't soN dlscntion.
<br /> �.r,, r •'�•'�w�` - Upon paynw�t h tuN ot aM�um�s�cund by thls S�curity 1nsUummt,Lend�r shail promptly rdund to 8arow�r�r►y Fundt
<br /> . ,:,,S`�;;;,�.;..,�::'n' .,•� �_
<br /> •..� ,,.., �,s!-�, hdd by L�nd�. It,•und�r p�praph 21,L�nde►ahaN aequin a s�M the Properry, Und�r,pb►to th��cquislUon or�d th� _._
<br /> _ +«F2�'�-�<.��� p�+e�wty, sI,�N apply�ny Fund�h�id by L�nda at the tM►H ot�cqut�qton or s�N as a cndit�y�inst th�sums s�our�d by thit
<br /> , ::k'>..,,, ,,. ..,�. .� g�auKy Instrummt.
<br /> 'if' ' 3. AppllCatlOtl of Paymanb. Unitas �ppllc�bk I�w provides otherwis�, all pay�r�arts ncelved by lender under
<br /> paagraphr 1 and 2 �hall b� �ppW�d: flrst, to any pnp+ryment chuyes due under ths Noto; second,to amounts p�y�W�undK
<br /> • p�praph 2;thkd,to Interat dw: tourth,to prkioip�l due;and iaat,to any�te eh�upes due undu the Note.
<br /> 4. Chsry�s; U�11l. 8orrow�r shall pay �fl t�x�a, ass�ssmentt, chuye�, ffn�s and impoakbns atttilwt�bls to the
<br /> Propaity which m�y�ttain pdorlly ovr tMs Sewrity Inatnrment, and Ie�a�hoid p�ymmt�or pround r�ts, M any. Bortowsr shaN � ,`
<br /> - p�y that obNp�tlons tn th� mmner provided in puaynph 2, or H not p�W In ttud m�nner. Bortow�r ahaA pey them on tkne `-`
<br /> : . dk�cty to th� pKaon owed Fsayment. Bex►ower a ha l l promp t i y f um it h to Un d�r a Y no U c as o t a m o u n t s t o b e p d d u n d K t h i s �;1�",
<br />- puapraph. If 8orrowr m�ks th�ee paymenb dlr�ctly� Borrower ahall prompty fumbh to Lender ncNpts ruidmdny th� �__
<br /> :rr WYmlett. m�-
<br />- 8orrow�r ahall prompUy dl�charye any Ilen which h�a priority over thls 3ecurily Instrument unins Borrower. (t)aprees in �---
<br /> � writinp to the p�yment ot the obA9aUon eewred by ths Ibn in � m�nna acceptable to L�nder, (b) eonteats in qood f�ith ths `=�'=
<br /> . Ner► by, or dd�nds agalnnt entorcament of the lien In, Iegai proee�dinys which in the L�ndv'a opinlon aperate to prevent the
<br />.� �nfac«nmt of the tien; or(e) aeeurea from the hotder of the 11en m agnanant saUalaclory to Lender subordinabng the Nen to �,ti;�-
<br /> th(s Securfly insirumenl. It lendK det�tminea th�t any part of ihe Property la subject to�Y�n whieh m�y attain prlority ovK this =
<br /> � 3�curity Inatrumcr�t, Lender may ywe Bortower a notice Identilying the Uen.BoROwsr shdl satlsfy the ilen a taka an�w more of
<br />. th�actlona set torth above within 10 d+rys of the glving ot noUce. •
<br /> 5. Hazard or Prop�►ty Insuranc�. Bortow�r shW keep the knprovementa now exiatinq or here�fter ere<��d on the .-
<br /> PropKty Insurod �ytlnst loes by fln, huards Inciuded wfthin the term 'extend�d covenye' and �ny oth�r hwrds, �ncludinp ._f;'
<br /> 1loods or lbodinp, for whtch Lender requkes insunnce. Thia lnaur�nce ah�A be malntained in ths amounts and tor the pe�ioda �
<br /> that L�nder requkes. Tht k+suranc�cartinr providinq the insunnce shail be choaen by Borrower subJ�ct to L�nder's approvat �
<br /> which shaN not be unn�sonably wkhhdd, I( Borrower t�As to maintain covcr�qe desc�ibed �bov�, L�nd�r may, �t l�nder i i�
<br /> opUon,obtaln eownps to prot�ot Landar s rights In the Roperty In aeeordmcs wfth pmpnph 7. r
<br /> , ' AN inwranc� poNci�s �nd nn�wals shdl be aec�ptable to Lendar and shdl Inciude+� sUndard morigage ciauae. Lender
<br /> , sh�N h�v�ths�Ipht to hdd thf poYdos and ronewais. II Lender requlres, Borrower sh�ll prompUy yiw to Lender all recetpts of .
<br /> ( pdd premlums�nd renewat noUcea. In the event ot loss, Borrower shall qNe prompt notice to th�insurance carti�r and lender. ,
<br /> ' L�nder may m�ke proot of loss B not rtude prompUy by Borrower.
<br /> ?� � Uniass Lander and Borrower otherwlse ayne In writing. Insurance proceeds shall be applled to restoratlon or reptir of the
<br /> property dam�ged, N the roatoration or repair is economlc�tly teaaibie and Lender's security Is not leaaened. If the roatoratbn or
<br /> repak la not economically leasible a LendeYs aecuriey would be lessened,the inaunnce proceeds stuiY be appUed to the aums
<br />_ , ,, a�cund by thla Seeurity Instrument, whether or not then due. wfth any exceea pald to BoROwer. It Borrower�b�ndona the
<br /> PropMy. or doaa not anawer within 30 days a notice 1rom Lender that the insurance cartier has otfered to aettb a clahn,then
<br /> . ! Lender may coYect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proce�ds to rap�fr or restare th� Proparty or to pay sums �
<br /> ' .� . + s�cured by thia Sewrity Insttum�nt,whether or not then due. The 30-d�y pe�tod wW begin when the notice la yiwn.
<br /> � Uni�sa L�nder and Bortower othuwise agree in w►itinq, any appYcailon of proceeds to prinGpat shiA not extend or
<br /> y I poatpane tht due d�te ot the month�y payrt�mta relerted to in paraynpha 1 and 2 or chanye the amount o} tha payments. It
<br /> undar puapraph 21 the Propaiy is�cquired by Lender. 8orrower's rlyht to any Insurance policles and proceeds reau�inp hom
<br /> , d�rtNy� to the Prope�ty ptior to tht acquialUon �haU pass to Lander to the �ctant ot the sums by thia Seeurky InsWm�nt
<br /> h�rtwdi�t�ty prior to the�cqu(afGon.
<br /> 6. Occup�nay, Prowrvatlon. M�tntonanco and Prot�ction of th� Proporty; Borrowor's Loan
<br /> ..�_..__ - •�.�tl�rt� . t� �{.�Id� o��....... .w�M.. ..fd.Yd. .nd��.�fl�� 0.nnrh��� Rnrrnw�r'a neMe�lnd r�airlr�n��ullhin
<br />.'.-�-� - - -
<br /> --- -' ---� �- ^IiM�wwaviq M��..v.�.« ....��...... .......��.ri• "—__... -'- -" ..._ .._�_.., -- --.._..-'- �-'--�-� '--'----- ..._._..
<br /> • stxly days ah�r the �xecuUon of thia Securiry instrumant and ehalt coniinue to ocwpy th� Property as Borrower'a prindpai
<br /> ' nsidanu ta at INSt ona ywr atter the date o} occup�ncy, uniess Lander otheiwiaa a�e�s In writing, whkh consent ahaN not
<br /> � � b�unrMSOn�biy wRhhe�d,or unl�ss extmuatlng ckcumatancea oxlat which are beyond Bortowxi controt. Borrower shaN not
<br /> '"tl � d�atroy,d�m�pr or knp�(r th�PropMy.�Now the Properry to delerloate, or cortwnft waste on the Roperty. Borrower sh�Y be In
<br /> t... , dMauR M any torlelturc action or proceedk�y, wh�ther civY w crimin�t,is beyun that In L�nder'a qood t�Rh�udyment could rosult
<br /> �� in torfNWn ot th�Roperty or othstwlae matari�My Impair the Wen ae�ted by thia Securily Instrument or lendah eecuriry interest.
<br />� ° ^� t
<br />' � f1316.LM0(ON3) P�ye Y ot S
<br /> � • � �
<br /> � }
<br /> { 931S3.LM �
<br /> I
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