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<br /> S. }�Srd or grop�rty Iu�unncR. Borrower :hall iceep tl�a fmpruvemenu now exiuin� or herat�ter eroctod on the
<br /> Property i�uttrod�aincc laa by fin, IwArAs included within the tenn "extaxiad �r►vor�y{o" ond�ny other huarda. includin�
<br /> flood�or flaodinit, for which l.erider requires imwr�xY. Thir inwran�e.lali be nudMdnat in the Nmounu and for the pedodr
<br /> - - -- tlwt L,ender requires.The ituwanoe carrier provWina the ituurrnce�ii I�e ci�wen by 8��rruwer wGJa;t tu l���ir+�'�+approval - -
<br /> which:hall not be unrea�omihly withheld. !f eorrower 1'�JI►to m�inu�in awcr�o de�crihal rbove, Latdor may. nt l,cndu's.
<br /> option,obuiin coverrga to protcet L.ender'R r��{Ms in the Propetty in+wrwrl�ukr wlth prriy{rrph 7.
<br /> All inaurance policies and tenewsic RlWI bc acx�eptablc ta Lerwlrr�uxJ dtxll fncludc�Ktwxlani nwrtQaQe clausc. Lendee
<br /> �tull luivt the dght to hold the policiee and renewalr.If L.ender roqulrca. &�m�we�rhrll pn�mptly�ive w Le�xler�II receipts of
<br /> paid prc»�i�is:md rencwat notkcs.ln thc event of toss,Bc+rmwer.iuN�ive promrN txNiut p+the{nsuranre canier And I.erder. ��_,
<br /> Lender may rtwke praof of loss if not made promptly by Horrower.
<br /> Unlc.wa L.ender ad Borrower athorwice egra in writing.in�urwue pn�cocdr�tull tx�ppliod ti�rcctomtian ar repair of the .
<br /> Ptoperty dartu�ged. if the restoration or rcpair ic oconamically feasible and Le�xkr'K raurity Ic nw leh�ened•If the restorntion or
<br /> repair is not ecaromically feasible or Lender'i socur3ty would be Ic�aenai,the insur�nce pn�ceods shtll be appliod to tfie suma
<br /> cecurai by this Socurity Instrument, whether or not then due. with tu►y excess p�id to Burrawer. If Botrawer wbarKions tho
<br /> - -- -- Property,or docs ncx answer within 3U dxys a notice from l,e�der that the inxurunce c�uricr lu�+offerod ta settle A slaim.then
<br /> Lender may collect the insurance proccods. Lender cru�Y uce the Procced� to repafr or reamre thc Propeny or to pay sums
<br /> secured by thia Securiry Instrument,whether or rwt then due.The 30�day perlod wlll hegin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless I.ender und Borrower othecwise agrcc in writing. any appllcutiun of praceodti tn principal shell not extend ar
<br /> postpone the due dAte af[he monthly paymcnts rcfcrrod to in pam�rephe 1 and 2 or chunQe the umount af the payments. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 �the Property is xquirod by L.ender,Horrower's rlght ta s►ny intiurunce pulicie�:urx!procee�s rcsulting from
<br /> damage to the Property pdor to the acquisition shall pass to Lendet W the extent oC thc�uma accurod by thir Security Instrument
<br /> ��`--�"_'- " .�_� inuriediately priar to thc acqufsition.
<br /> 6,Occupitncy,Preservation, Mainte�u►nce And Protectian ot the Propertyj Ibrrower'e I.n�n Appliuttion;[.easeholds. —
<br /> _ Horrawer shall accupy.estabHsh,and use the Property as l3orrower's princfpal residence within sixry duyY efter tfk execution of
<br /> '�-� this Securlty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property a.v&,rrower's prineipal rezidenre fiir ut Ieust one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy, unless I.ender otherwise agrees in writing, which cnn�ent xhall tuit be unreu�ru�bly withheld. or unless
<br /> -- extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's contral. &�rrower rhull not de�troy, dumuge ar fmpuir the =
<br /> - __ _ Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on thc Property. Born►wer xhull bc in default if uny forfeiturc
<br /> _ actton or proceeding,whether civil or cdminal, is begun that in Leixler'�g�xxt fuith juJgnxnt ccwld renult in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or otherwise materiaUy impair the lien created by this Security Instrunknt or l.en:ier'�recurity intere�t. &►n•ower muy
<br /> -�� cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragroph 18.by cuu�ing the ucti�m nr pnxceding to hc di�mi.r,�i with u ruling
<br /> that, in I.ender's gaod-faith determination, precludes farfcitum af the &►rrowcr's intcres�t in tix Pro{xny or c�thcr�nutcrful ��;:
<br /> .:,` -- impairn�enc of che iicn create�l by tiiia Sr..:uiity lasirun�ent or i.endcr's ;ccuriiy 3ntcrc�xt. Sc�rn:ieer shsl4 alst:be fn default if - ..
<br /> Bonowcr,during thc loan application process,gave muteriully falsc ur i�wcru�atc infornwtiun ur ntutcnxnt�tu l.�rxlcr(��r fuilcd
<br /> .,,� to provide Lender with any materjal information)in connection with thc loun cvidenred by thc Nc�te,i�xluJing, but not limitcd
<br />-. to, representations concerning 9orrower'h occupancy of the Property us u principal resiJence. If thi�Security Imtrununt is on u
<br /> M leaschold, Borrower shall camply with nll the provisions af the Ie�►tie. If &irr��wcr ucquirex fe,�: tid� to the 1'roperty. the
<br /> leasehold and the fec title�hall not merge unlcss Lcndcr sgrees to thc mcrgcr in writing. _
<br /> -- '"�'•"`:�;"` 7.Pratectlon af I,ender's Rights in the Property. If F3ormwer fuils to perfbrm the covcnuntx arui ugrccmcnt�runtuinul in
<br /> ,��� f,;
<br />•: '., ,,l,�w� thts Security Instrument, or thcre ix u Icgul procccding that may significantly affcct L.cndcr's rightti in thc Pro�xrty I�urh ur u =_
<br /> _ proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnution or forfeiture or ta enf'orce luwx iir rrgulrtium),then l.ender muy d�i und
<br /> pay for whatever is necessury to protect the vulue of the Property unJ L.ender's right�in the Prop�:rty. I.�ixfer'�urtiun`mry _
<br /> ' •-++- ' include paying any sum� secureci by a lien which ha� prioriry e�ver this Security lmtrument. •r�urin� in roun, puying --
<br /> tya-..'- r.
<br /> '„��t�'��;��~.�,,; rea.cmAbic uttomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repair�. Although Lc�nder may wke uctic�n unJcr thi. parubruph --�=
<br /> Y�1:.
<br /> ;�,�, ,. ..,,,;;,�y,� .S 7, l.endcr docs nnt huvc to do so. _
<br /> ,��+�,,. ,.�„N;,, Any amounts disburscd by Lcndcr undcr thir paragruph 7 shaU becomc additional dcht c�f &�r�uwcr �rrur��l by ihi,
<br /> "�`+"�','"•` �'°'��� . Security Instrutnent. Unlccs Bo�rrower anJ L.cnder uFrcc to nthcr tcrms uf p�yment,thcsc umuuntti tihall t+ear intcrrtit frum thc
<br /> .�. •..,r.•.. •. :�;V• �
<br /> datc of disbursement at the Note rntc and r�hull be u able, with intcrest, u n noticc t'rom l.c�uicr tu &irr�►wcr re�uc+tin �4
<br /> ��"� :,.• � • p Y' P� � !t
<br /> -•.,f:1.-�..�. ,� ...�:.., paymcnt.
<br /> , .���,�;4 8. btortgage Insurance.If Lcndcr requircd martgage insurance a,a runJition ot'makin�thc loan xrurrd h� tl�i+ticrurity _
<br /> - r -;, �;. . Instrument. Borrower shull pay tl�e premiums requircd to muintain thr mortgat;c in�uruncc in c1'fect. 11', ti�r uny ren.un. ihr `'��
<br /> '�'�" • mort a e insurance covera e rc uired b Lendcr lu ses or rrutics tc�be in effect, Borrowrr.hull � thc r�mium+ r� uir�d tu `-''�
<br /> • S 8 S q Y p h�Y P 4 0._
<br /> .__ �-,,^ obtain coverage Substantially equivalent tn the mongage insurancc previously in cffect,ut a r��st.ub.tantiaUy cyui�•ule�u ta thc
<br /> �'°••' � c�st to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previi�usly in cl'fcct, i'rnm an altcrnatc nwrtgagc insurcr uppru�•�J b� lAnder. If ��_-
<br /> _ � T . substuntially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage ix not avuilable,Bi�rrow•er.hall pay tu Lender earN muntl� :�.um.yuul tu
<br /> ' ��' " onc-twclfth of thc ycnrly mortgugc insuranrc premium hcing paid I�y Borruwrr w•hcn thc insurancr covcrag� lup..d�►r.c�iuJ tu
<br /> be in effcct. L.ender will uccept,u+e and retain the�e puymcnts u� a lu�. re,crvc in licu ut' nwrtgagc i��.ur:inrr. 1.�+.. mrer�•e
<br /> �.,.. �, . � Form 30Z8 91p0 � .
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