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- ' / N� . �'•X.- <br /> � �.MW� 1- <br /> '�� � ... . " ...--. <br /> . _ -_.. <br /> �. I <br /> —_ -—.:_x,�,d� �� .....ry)`f" <br /> ADJUSTABLE RATE �DER �3�10M�'� <br /> (1 Y�uTtMUUtYludac•Rat�Gp�) <br /> - -- - - <br /> *!!s.rnp�.w��!��s�!+!�!t��!M• 4TH�.ror NOUEMBER i9 �.3... <br /> a�d b Inoa'Pa��d into u�d rh W b�dNw�d to aaMSd Md wopNnwat tlw ManWt�Wd ot Trwt.or�wltY D»d(tMt••�wriiy butrwMnt")ot <br /> ' the wia�dn�qwa bY tM ua��ii��d(�•��ocrowK"1 to wcun ionow�r'�AdJwt�k Rate Nott lt1N"IVou"1 to <br /> �Q ttM�'1.Mda�•)ot tM wm d�n�ed eovaia{@►�propnY daailvd ia tlw SKwitY butrw�M wd toc�ad Y: <br /> r-=,�..,�...__�...� � 551 WEST LOitIRY ROAD, UONIPHAN NE 68832 <br /> - ----- (Ptoperty Addres�) <br /> 7MIs wte cor�atr prorWoa �MowUt ror ehulta i� � I�Nntt nM �M oy rortMly <br /> My�u.Y'W�ote dio HMlls IY�aanN�t wy Irt�n�l nt�ea�eY���t�oM t!��M <br /> .I�o w.wwr..nt��l�arw�sw 1 a�r�r• <br /> ��"'- ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.Ia�ddtUon w the mvenanta and aRramenu msdo In eho Saurity lasttumeat.Borrowet�nd laader <br /> further covenant snd�i��e�t folktwt: <br /> A. tNTEitE87 RATE AND MONTHLY lAYMENT CHANGE9 <br /> 71rc Note provida for an inttial intore�t rRte of 4.875 M�.Section 4 of the Note p�ovWes for chaaja in the imaest rus aud the <br /> ww�thiY WY��.+�s tolbwc: -- <br /> - �. lNTEREST RA7'�ANO MONTNLY PAYMEhT CNANGES <br />--��� (A) �D�Ms <br /> 'I'i1eZntu�t rate I w0l pay may chanie on tho first day oi �CEMBER „,�g 94 ,,tndoa thtt dayevery <br />� — <br /> months therafter.Each drte on which my interat rAte could chanae is caliod�"Chwn4e Date.•' <br />_- t�) TrelNac <br />� Besinnins with the first ChanQe Ikue,my interat rate wUi be based on an Index.Thc"Index"is the wakly avera�e yleld on United States <br /> Trca:ury securitia�djusted to a constant maturity of 1 year,u made nv�il�ble by the Federal Raave Houd.The most racent Indac ti�ure - <br />.- avdtabk+u ot the date 4f dayi before cach Chanae Date is called the"Current lndex." <br /> ' It dK Index u no Ion�er avdlable,the Note Holdcr will choae a naw indez w6ich i�baKd upon compivable informttion.The Nae <br /> Holder wW�ive me aotia of thic choice. <br /> t� C�kMMqo�otCi�u <br /> &toro ach Chan�e D�te,the Note Holder wili a►Iculate my new interac mee by addiry�_I�i1Q�W� ���-4;At� �"=��IIt <br /> - ? ��p� 2.5 �)ro the Curcent Indea and roundin4 to the neArest 1/8th of 1�,subject to the limiu�tated in Section 4(D)6dow. <br /> . •�,�;,;.�. This roundod unaunt will be my new interat race untii the next Change Datc. <br />�'=�' ::�:7 � The Nota Holder witl then determ[ne the amount of the monthly payment ti►�t woutd be sufficient to repay tn full the principal l wn <br /> � ' expocted to owe on that Chan�e Date in substnntiully equat paymentc by tho mnturity date at my new Interat r�te.The rault of thb cakv4don <br /> � ,4��' wip be the new unount of my monthly psyrt►ent. <br /> (D) L�M4 a Irkrost R�te Cba�a <br />� � �:ar'�,5;;:'?t= The interat nte I am required to p�y tt the first Change pate will not be grcater than 8.875 � a las than <br /> - -?� intcresc nte wfli never be Incrcaud or decreased on any sinQle Ch�nQe Uttte by more than TI�IfI <br /> �r.:ss•._..,�. <br /> —_ _jz..a�L—from thc rate of fnterest 1 have been p�yina for the preceding twelve monthc.The minimum Interat r4te a►thitlosn will never be <br /> =t� `.„:w•:; �•��, ��� 2_875 .hi and the maximum interat r�te will never be areatcr than 9.875 S�, .,_. <br /> '�da.y.....� e'r_ <br />� . .lk•:.�.j�. tEl F.ttecdve Ikie oi CYa�es <br /> : ��F� ' � �ti�.�:� My ncw intere�t rrte wlp become effective on each Chan4e Date.l wili pay thc amount of my new monthly piyment beQinnins on the Cirst ' <br />.;� monthly p�ymcnt d�te�Rer theChRnQe Datc untii theamount of my monthty paymenc chan�es a�ain. <br />- : (� Not{ceotCluMra <br /> The Note Holder will m�il or deliver to me a naice before each Chun¢e Date.The notice will advise me of: <br />-° . ,�„ � (i) the new interest rate on my loan as of the Change Date: <br />-�: •;, � (if) the amount of my monthly payment fopowin�the Change Date; <br /> - (iiq any additional matters which the Note Holder h required to disctose;nnd <br />�•_� (iv) the address of the associ�tion you coutd contact reQardine any questtons ahout the adjustmmt notice. <br /> �,�. S. CHARGFS=LIBNS <br /> � Unifam Covenant 4 of the Security Instcument Is amendM to rtad as folbws: <br /> ��tgS, <br /> __��,�:' 1. CMr�ts;l.ieM.Borrower shYll pay aU taxes,asussmrnts.and other charges,fina,wnd impositions attdbutable to the Properry which may <br /> -- atain a pr(ority ovcr this Security liutrument,and leasehold payments of ground rents,il'uny,in the m�naer provfded under pra4nph 2 hercaf <br /> _.� a.if not paid in s�.kh manner,by Bortower makinQ payment,when dur,directly tu the paya thcreof.Borcower shalt promptly fumish Lender <br /> °-= di notkes o[amounts due under thia para�raph,and in Ihe event Barrower shall make payment dircctly,Bc>r.ower slull pcomptly furntsh to <br /> "11=���' Lender rtceipes evidencin�such paymentr. Borrower sh�ll promptiy dischar4e any tien which has priority over this Saurity Instrwnent; <br /> :: <br /> -_= however,Porrower sh�ll not be rcyuired to disch�rge any such tirn so long as Borrower.(a1 shall a�ra in wtitinp to the p�ymmt o[the <br /> pbliRadon securad by:uch lirn in the manner acceptable to Lender;(b)sholl in Sood fnith contest such Ikn by.or defend t�aia�t enforcaaent of <br /> wch Itea in.k�al proceedirys whkh in the opinion of Lender operate to p¢vent the enfacement nf the lie�or torkiturc of tAe Property or�ny <br /> put thereot;or(c)slyli secure from the hoider of tuch lien on a{reemrnt in r fam saasfacttxy to l.ender subordinufry such Ika a thit <br /> Sectuity Itutrumcnt. <br /> It I�ender detmn{aa th�t ati or any p�rt of the Property is subjat ro a lien which may attafn a prfority over this 5aurity Instrumc�t, _. <br /> I.epde��hW{ive Bottowe��notlCe 10er►tltymj surn iien.lfortowa sttaii�tit"ry sucit iirn or t�icc onc vr mv�c vi inc icii�iwi oc.w.�'.�.a.� <br /> �iWill tql d�ys of tbe{IvUo�ot the notict. <br /> G r10'M1(.'E <br /> Urtfa�r Co�at 14 at the Security iacuuamat b ameodod to rad u fdlows: <br /> 11. NMloe.Except far�uy noUce requirad under�ppticabk kw ta be atvrn in u�ocher nunner.(�)aaY notice to Honowes provided tor in thb <br /> Sec�u{qr��uumqt shalt be{iwa by ddive�in=U a Ay�a�ilin�it by Ont ciw mul to 8orrower�t the Propeny Addrw or a�sucA aher�ddceu <br /> a�Ilwrower mar daiW�r bY ndioe to I.ender�povtded hnein,uW(b)�ny notia tu Lenda sh�U be�iven by tint clw m�il to Leeder's <br /> �dd[e�t tt�ted hereio a to wch ather�ddtat a L.ender m�y dnlpaate by notioe to Borrower a provWed hertin.Aay notiot prorided far lo tAit <br /> Srw�eitY launu�nt slrU bt d�t�ed to 4ve Eua�ivea w Bortower ot Lendet wbea�ivea ia tha an�naer daf�nwd henis. <br />
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