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��- -•-•.r- ---�.,-- cs*-��, ' _-- <br /> -_ �5�.. � A �•e^�;; - <br /> _ � , -._ --- _.__. <br /> -'' � r � <br /> ASiIONYENT OF pEN?i 111DEl1 ��� 10�2' <br /> TH18 Af81QNMENT OF RENTS RIDEN Is mad�and�x�out�d thl� 47H _d+�y of N MBER ,�p 93 ,and if <br /> Inoapo►d�d lnto rnd�hall b�dMm�d to art�nd and supplMn��t tho Matpape or ONd of T�ust,Mninaft�r nhrnd to a th� <br /> - — , "�..�•sN:;lr.asrs�:r.rrst�', o!!he-�:sr_��te Ql:�n b; t�ssr.�l�n�, lsen_�ln�tt��rd�rnd to a�th�"8o►row�r", to Naun : <br /> &xrow�r's Ind�bNdnut,h�ninafbr r�t�rr�d to��th��'Not�",to HOME FEDERAL SAVINQB AND LOAN A880CIATION QP <br /> � O W1ND 18LI1WD.lwnin�it�r r�f�rr�d to aa th�"I.�nd�r",of th�um�dat�and aowrin�th�prop�►ty d�scrlb�d In tM S�curity <br /> Inatrum�nt and looat�d at: <br /> 551 WEST LOWRY ROAO. DONIPHAN NE 68832 <br /> - - � tProperty Addnss) <br /> WITNE8SETH: <br /> - WHEREA3,8ortow�r and L�ndar haw �p�«d that any r�nts�nd profits attrlbutabi�to th�prop�rty should oor�stltut� <br /> -= idditional Ncutity to th�Und�r for th�payrrNnt of th�Notr, <br /> � NOW,TMEREFORE,it Is apreed that the S�curity Instrument eheil be amend�d Mreby and dNm�d to inolud�the fotlowinp <br /> i_��_s.---_ T- �_ p�ovlslon�: <br /> 1, se�nment of Rent�and Lender Fiental Colldation Riphte.8orrower hereby absolut�ly and unconditlonalty�astpnp all: <br /> .--. - nnts, issues and profits ot ths property to 8eneftal�ry. Lender sheil have the rtpht, power and authority durinp th� <br /> contlnuance of the S�au�ity Inet�umsnt to cotleot th�nnte,Isaues and profits of ths propeRy and of any personal prope►ty <br /> -� __��°°°=J° towdad the��on with or without takinp posaession ot the property affeatsd he�eby. Lender, howsver.hereby cona�nts to <br /> Borrowsr's colisctlon and ntention of sunh r��ts,iasue�and profits a�they accrue and t,ecom� tonp aa Borrow�r <br /> Ia not,at such timo, in dafault wtth�ospect to paymont of�ny indsbtednssa aeoured hereby.or In ths perfam�nce of a�y <br />- _ � a�rs�m�nt henund�r. <br /> 1 2. �►000lntment af Recelver. !f�ny svent of defau�t in respect to ths S�curity Instrument shali have occarrsd and bs <br /> " continuinp, Lsndar, aa a matter of ripht and without notice to Borrower or anyone claiminp under Borrower,and without <br />='! rop�rd to ths vatue of ths trast�state or the inteant of tlw Bor�ow�r th�r�in,shall hav�ttw ripht to appiy to any cou►t h�v{n� <br /> _.�, Jurl4diotion to appolnt a�ecelver of the propeny. <br /> 3. Blqht to Poaaeasion.t�case of dsfault In the payment of the said prinotpal Note or intsre�t,or any part thereof,as It <br />:�p� shiil matun,or in the case of failure to keep or pe�torm any of the covenants or apreementa oontainsd i�ths Sscurity Instru- <br />;�,;ti;� ment, thsn the Lsnder, ita succeseora or assipns, shatl be and Is hereby euthorized and empowered to taka Immsdiate <br />- = , ii�1}yr;, p�sssion ot ths said premisa tMratn dssoribed and to coltect ths r�nts therefrom,and to apply the proceeds th�raof to th� <br /> �.;=:� �s�,.r payrn��t of th�Note. <br /> °°'� 4. Aoaticatlon of Fienta,laauaelnd Profits,Ail rente coilected by Lender or the recelvsr shali b�sppll�d first to payment <br /> --------- <br />`ry . '�;� of ths coats of manaqemant of the property and coltection of rents,inc�udi��,but not limitsd to,receivsr'a fe�s,premtums on <br /> . racetvet's bonds and reasonabte attorney's feea,and then to the sums seoured by the Soourity Inattument.L�ndsr and tht <br /> !� reatwr ahall bs tlabls to�ccount only tor those rents actuaily�ecelved. <br /> ���r � �`�` 5. Conattuctiqn.of Proviaiona.Eaah of the provisions contained In this Assfflnment of Rents Rider and the Securlty Instru- <br />- ' msnt shait, unieaa otherwiae spealticalty requi�ed, be construed in accardance with Nebraska law, and in the event any <br />"�" provislon hersin or therefn contalned shalt be determined by a court of compotent jurisdlotion to be unenforceabie,the same <br /> sh�lt be construbd aS thouph euah unentorceable provision were not a paR hereot or thereot. <br /> ��.' 8. Eftect of Rider.Except as speciflcaliy modiffed by or inconsistent with this Assl�nment of Rents Rfder or by any other <br /> ��:=� � applicabi�►id�r,ali of the ttrms and provisio�s contofned in the Seaurity inst�ument ahail continue In fuil force and effect. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed this Assipnment Renta Ridar oo the date first noted above. <br /> sr; ;��.:u. <br /> ' ' `�: ARLON G. KR •G eorrower <br />- . 'q�t:{y• � . <br />-_ _�'''r.;�.:<• r _ <br /> .:Ik�irt'h',�: f� <br /> �s EUEL YN �.. KRU GER eorrow <br /> �- <br /> ,,:u;t�l,'�s��rM�%: <br /> �- � •�, STATE OF NHQRA6KA) . <br /> :�! (ss: <br /> .__ CdUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> On thla �+TM day of NOVEmBER� �g 93 ,p�fore me tAe undersiy ned,a Notary Pubiic dul commissiansd and <br /> � ��"�' qudiii�d tor said�sons�liy came ARLON G KAUEGER AND EUELYN J. KRUEGER� HLr58AND AND WIFE <br /> ,to be the Identical person(s)whose name(s)Islare subscrib�d <br /> to tA�torpolnp Insttument,and hdshelthey acknowledye the executfon thareof to be hislheNthelr voluntary�ct and dNd. <br /> � Witn�ss my hand and Notariai Seat at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> — id county,ths dAte atOres Id. <br /> ,',� -- �. • <br /> Notary Pub�ic <br /> My Commis�ion Ncplre ��ir <br /> �.MOa� nr��aM�.t��1�lf <br />