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<br /> s. iW+�d.r rr�pe*t!Ia�raNOa Borro� �h.0 I�eep tDe imp��ovema� row exi.tin� a nae.+ler «�ecMe oa d»
<br /> —�- — - �,,,.-;y#��i !e!s� liw�, iraa�d�iaciw�ed wit�in�he term "exteoded oa�vas�e' +u�d a�Y od�a'��� �
<br /> flooda or floodie►�, for wtiich l.ender nqulre�inruranx.'[bis.lawrana ihdl be m�inWned in tl�e�aount►�nd ia tee penoi�
<br /> th�t L.onder raNirea.'ftx inwru�ce carriet pravidlnj the irourance�h�lt be ctwsen by Horrower wbject a L.endrr��ppt��l
<br /> which�il not be unroawn�bly withheW. If Borrower fdl�to mdnt�in oove�ge dacribed above, Lend�r ury. at I.ader'�
<br /> optian.c�in wve�e to pc+aoct Leader's d�ts ia the PsaQectY in�coord�ece with p�n�nph 7.
<br /> Al!inwrance potiCia �nd ronew�l� elull be aooe�tabk to lade��rlW�i��ude o stawlaMeanrt�r�L�
<br /> ---------��_� alutt have the ri�ht to haid the policks�nd ra�ew�t�.If Lawler requi aotia the i�ur�noe canier aad ier�du.
<br /> P�P�'���ud�aiewd notica.In the evait af lws.Borrower�ull�ive prompt
<br /> Lmde�may malce ptoof ot lou if not nude pron�ptly by BotrowW'.
<br /> Unlac I.ender wd Borrower otherwise�roe in wfltin�,inwr�noe Prooeedt dull be applied to reatoration or reptir Af tlw
<br /> �Y�NY�,if the rcatomtion ot repair is eoonoa�ic.ally feaiible and La�d�er'�security is not la�ened.If the ratot�don or
<br /> rep�tr i:not econonticdly tauiblo oc I.ender's securlry would be lesaet�ed.the inwrance proceed�:1u11 be�PP�ied w tha wm►
<br /> savrod by this Secudty Inauumau. whetha or not tf�duo. with any excesc paid w 8orrowa. If Bormwer abmdoru the
<br /> prolx�'tY,or doa not aruwer within 30 dayt�notice from L.ender tluu the inwau�oe c,arriu h�e oflet+ed w uttle a cJaim. tha�
<br /> t�ender mry oollect the insaru�ce proceods. I.ender may uce tho proeeeda to npair or ratorc the Ponpa�ty or to pay awpt
<br /> �eeurod by thic Secudty Inctrument,whethw or not then due.Ttye 30�day period will be�in wha�Ihe notia ic�Iven.
<br /> UnlesF Lcrder w�d Borrowa atherwisc agra in wddn8. �Y ePPlicatjoa of procads to principol sl�all not extend or
<br /> poapone the due due of the monthlY pnymauc refectnd co in p�ntgraphs 1 and 2 or eJ�ange the a�naw�t uf the pRymaus. If
<br /> . _ under Mrag�h 21 the Propaty i�acquirod by I,ender,Borrower't dght W any inwrance policia�nd proceed�rowltin�from
<br /> dann,ge to the ProTettY Pdor to the acquisitlon st�il pass to LRa�der w the extent of the wr�u secured by thii Security In�ttumeot
<br /> imq�ed;atdy prior ta the�cquiaition.
<br />« — 6.OccuPvuc9.Preeervatbn,Maiaten�qoe and Pcotectbn ot tbe Propert�lbnnwer'c LoAa Applicattoa;Lawebold�.
<br /> Borrqwer sh�ll occupy. wablish.�nd use the ProportY+�s Borrower's principsl nesidenct within aixty days after the esecution of
<br /> this Security Inanvment u�d shall condnue to axupy the PropertY es Bomower's principal residerax for at least one yeu��fta'
<br /> the d�ue of occupancy, unless L.endar otherwise agras in writing,which consent shall not be unrwsonsbly withheld.o�udess
<br /> eztenuating circumstuices exist which are beyond Borrower's contrnl. Borrower shall not destroy. darrwge or impair the
<br /> _____ Property, �llow the Property to dueriorau, or commit wastc on the Property. Hornnaer shall be in default if any iod'eitur¢
<br /> action or procading,whether civll or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment oould result in forfeitun of the
<br /> Property or othervvise muedally impair the lien cre,atcd by this Secudty Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower maY
<br /> _ _._� ._, ,, _ _-- � curo euch a default and reinstate.ns provided in paragraph 18,by cxusing the action or proceedtng to be diBmissed with�ruling
<br />��r ���n±� that, in L.ender's gaod faith determituidon, procludes forfeiture of the liorrower's interat in tho P�vpc�ty or otik-r mai�!
<br /> 5 �_l�� impairment of the lien croated by this Security Instrument or I.ender's securiry int�rest. �orrower shall also be in default if
<br /> a Borrower,du�ing the loan applicatian process.gave materiaily false or inaccurate infomiation or statements to Lenda�(or t'ailed
<br /> - to provide Lender with any nwteriai informatian)in cannection with the toan evidenced by the Note,including.bnt not limited
<br /> i�?�.� to.repr�sentations�onceming Borcower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Secudty Instrument is an a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply whh all the provisions of the lease. If Horrower acquires fte dtle to the Pmpttty, the _
<br /> � le�usehold and the fa title shall noc merge unless l.cnder agrees ta the merger in writing.
<br /> '� � 7.Pratection af Lcnder's Rtgttts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and ogreements contained in
<br /> . this Security Instniment,or there is a legal proceed9ng that may significantly affect I.ender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> �°= procceding in banknrptcy. probate, for co»demnation or forfeiture or to enforce taws or regulations), then I.ender may do wxl
<br /> �i, pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of ihe Property and [.cnder's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> :�;�-.�� include paying ar►y sums secured by a licn which has priority over this Security Instrument. appearing tn court, paying
<br /> •����, rea.conable attameys'foes and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may t�ke action under this parag�rh
<br />' � 7.I.ender does not have to do so.
<br /> :•, ',�� Any amounts disbursed by Lende� undcr this paragraph 7 shall becon�e udditionul debt of Borrower s��cured by this
<br /> � .���j ��+. Security Instrument.Unless liormwer and Lendcr ugrec to other ternis of payment.these amounts shall bear lnterest from the
<br /> . date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall bc payable, with interest, upon notice from I.ender to Horrower requesting
<br /> iyc•Y:h'.Jw�.
<br /> ,a......: payment.
<br /> � 8.Matgage Ii►curance.If Lender requira!mongage insurnnce av b wndition of making the loan sccured by this Security
<br />-- "' t.�.t Instrument, Borrower shall pay the pren:iums requirai to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for ony reason. the
<br /> _..,_�.4,�..,,� mortgage insurance coverage required by I.ender lapses or cea5es to be in effect.Borrower shall pxy the premiums mquired to
<br /> ��� obtain coverage substantiatly equivAlent to the murtgage insurance previousiy in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> . _- `i�.�.�tF.'ir,
<br /> -� ' Y -`� cost to Borrower af the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from un alternate mortgage intiurer approved by [.ender. If
<br /> � '`��4` substantially equivalent mortgage insurance covcrage is not uvailable. Borrower shall pay to Lender cach month a sum equal to
<br /> .�� � one-twelRh of the yearly mort�age insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurnncc coverage lapsed or ceascd to
<br /> '� � be in effcxt.T.e,�der wiU accept.use and rewin these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortsagt insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> -•� Form 3028 9180
<br /> _t�� ►q�Sol6
<br /> i .
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