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<br /> 7�0(3STHPR WITH tll tho impr+oYetnaqi now or haaRa erpctod ort,ih�PrapenY.wri dl a�ana�t�,app►Aavoa+�u�d
<br /> tixtura now w hereattu a put of the Dcopa+tY. All Ibplwtrne{u� wc! �dditlod� phall �la be oovered by thii Sxu�itY
<br /> - — !!+!!!!�nww. All c►t tiw,G�nnc�in�ir�eferre�i w in thL Socvrity Itwttl►plfnt#�thq"Propq►ty "
<br /> HORROWBR COVBNANTS th�t 8orrower i�lawfupy�ei�ed af tlte e�t+�ta heraby.coaveyod and liu the�i�{ht w�ruK�nd
<br /> oonvay tht Propeny�utd du�t the Property is ut�arcumb4rod.ezcept fo�encymbnuwbs of rocord. Bonawa warants�u�d wili,��
<br /> defa�d ge�er�lly the title to the Propehy�In�t�II clsl�tw utii da�unds.wbjoct to tny pw�wnbrark�of rocord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY IN5TRUMLNT a�mbinex unifacm coveiunts fo��utiarwl usa and noa-unifortn wvp►WMr with limica! .
<br /> varLtio�by ju�isdietWn to c�awitute�uniform uc:urlty in�trument oovuing rca!pm�trty.
<br /> - �°�""""'"°""�"— UNIFORM CUVENAN7'S. H�orruwcr�uxl l.r�xler wvr��K sa�d+lgroe ar fcillpws:
<br /> 1. PaymaM ot Prirdpd aad Iatawh, P�'ep�9�ot and I.�te Char�a. Bamuwer shall promptlY PoY �►'het►duc tbe
<br /> pr�ncip4l of and intcrcct cxi the debt evlder�ood by the Notc ud�ny pcep�ynnent a�d I�te chugw due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Ftindr for T�za aad l�ur�noe. Subjat to applicable IAw ar to A written waiver by Lendcr, Borrower ah�111 pay ta,
<br /> Lender on the day monthly ps�ymeats are due under the Note.until the Note is puW in full.a sum('Funds")for: (a)yeatiy ttxe�
<br /> and assessments which mAy atWn prforiry aver this Socurity Inslrument�s a liea on the Prape�tY:(b)Yearly les+sehold p�yme�tts,:
<br /> or eround rents on the Pn�perty,if any;(c)ye�uly ha•ra�rJ ar pmperty i�uurwxe premiums:(d)Y�'�Y����'��P��u�•
<br /> if u�y; (e)yearly mortgage irw�rance premiums. if any; and(�su►y r�urt� payable by Burrower to Lender, in accordance witt� .
<br /> the provisions of pvrngraph S,in lieu of the payment of mortgzge insurance premium5.Th�e items Are called "Escrow Ttenu."
<br /> Lsnder may, at any time,collxt and hold Funds in an amounc not to exccod the maximµm arnount a lender Co�A feclerai�y
<br /> related mortgagc loan may roquire for Borrower's escrow account uncier the faieral R4a1 F.�tate Settlement Proccduxt�s Act qf.
<br /> 1974 ac atnendod from time ta time, 12 U.S,C. Section 2601 e�s�q._("RF..SPA"l.unleRa Anod�er law that applisR ta,the,Fwtd4•
<br /> ats a la�ser amount.If sa, I.ender me,y, �t any time.colloct and hald Funds in an amount nat ta exoeed the la,ser amqun�t..
<br /> " L.endcr may estimAte the�nount of�uncis due on the b�cis of currc�t dAts�w�d crr�sanab�e estimAta of expcnditu�of fuwre
<br /> Fscrow Itemr•or otherwise in accordance with applic�ble I�w.
<br /> ,_r; Tht Furlds shall be held in an institution whosc dcposits are insured by o fedcral egency, instrumentallty, or entity
<br /> (jncluding Lender,if I.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home I.aan�unlc,Lender sh�li apply the Funds to pay the
<br />�,—�� Escrow ltetns. Lender may not charge Barrowa for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow xcount,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lc:nder pxys Horcnwer interest on tho Funds und app�icable law permits Lender to make such
<br /> ` a charge. Hawever. Lender rn�y require Harrower to p�y a one-time cturge for an indepeodem real estate wx reporting service
<br />:+��' usod by Lender in connection with this lc�n, unless applisable law providcs otherwisc. Unless an agrccrosnt is made or
<br />- - applicablc law requires intacst to be paid, Lcnder rh�ll not be requin�d ro pay Borrowcr any interest or camings on the Funds.
<br /> ' Horcower atd I.encier rtwy ugree in writing,however.thpt intcrest ahiJl bc pnid on the Funds. Lendor shall give ta Borrowa.
<br />- wlthout clwrge,an annual accounting of the Funds. showing croditF ant debits to the Funds and tha putpose for which exh
<br /> debit to the Funds waz m�de.The Funds ara pledged A�additiatwl securiry tor all sums secured by thiF Socurity Insuumcnt.
<br /> I :�, If the Funds held by l.er►der exceed the anwunts permittod to be he�d by applicable law.I.ondat shaU account to Borrower
<br /> far tt►e excess Funds in uccordunce with the rcquirameats of applicable law. tf the umaunt Qf ttw,Funds held by L.ender at any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Bscrow Items when dut.Lcnder tnay so nc�tify Bormwer in writing,and.in such case Borrower
<br /> P� .� ;��*, stwll pr►y to Lender the amount necess�ry ta m•rlce up the deficiency. &�rmwer shall maka up,the deficiency in no more tftan
<br />-, 'Mi u_s�,�• twelve monthty payments,at I.cndci s uile discrctian.
<br />�' Ap- Upon payment in full of all sums ,ecurod by this Security Instrument, l.endcr hhall promptly refund to Borcower any
<br />`' '"r.,;`r,:;;i Funds held by Lender. If.uncier paragruph Z1. I..ender c,h�ll ucquire or�ctl [ha Propsrty. Lender.prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> '" of the Property,�hall apply eny Fu�s heJd�by l.ender•rt the tim�of acquinitiun ur�Ie us u credit ugainst the sums secured by
<br />�' ' this Security Instrument.
<br /> —�;:� ' ... �� 3.Appiic�tion at�y�nrnt�:.Unlcs��pplicable luw provides otherwise,all payments reccived by Lcacler uncier paragraphs
<br /> •` "'#• 1 w�d 2 shall be appliod:fitst,to any prepayment charges duc under chc Notc; ,crond,to umounts payable under paragruph 2:
<br /> � , +���'�'
<br />- �.:u.�.;..���-, thitd.to interest due:fourth,to princi�l duc:anci last,to xny latc charges duc under thc Notc.
<br /> "� � ��Mc? , 4.ChRt�es= �.ie�. &�rrower sh�ll pay all taxes,usres�nxnts,chaz�es, finc.und impcnitiom uttributxble to the Property
<br /> ,�.��.�. �•
<br /> __ �� ., : , which may attain priority over thix Sccurity Instrumcnt, and Icasehold paymentx or ground rents. if uny. Borrower tihall pay
<br /> ,,-�•:
<br /> � ' �:�;•. i... these oblig�tions in thc nwmer pravided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that m:►nncr,&�rrowcr shall pay them on timc directly
<br /> .;.�"-' '� to the person awod payment. Bnnowcr shall promptly furnish to LcnJcr all notires of umount�to bc paid under this par.►graph.
<br /> r..R..:'d:� .:
<br /> ' If Barrrawer n�lces these payments directly.Bnrrower shail promptly furni�h a�I.ender receipts evidenring the paynxnts.
<br /> '+C Bormwar ehall promptly discharge uny licn which ha.priority uver this Security lnstrun�ent unless Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> writing to ihe payment of the obligation kcura!by the lien in u manner urceptable to[.erxler;(b)contesis in good faith the lien
<br /> =-- �:t by, or defeid.Y against enforcement of the lien in. Iegal proceedings which in the I.endcr'x c�pinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ,r„ , enforcement of the lien;or(c)kcures from the holder uf the lien un agreen�ent�;+ti�faca�ry to Lender sulx�rdinating the lien to
<br /> — !"'- this Securiry Instrument. If L.i�nder determine.that any part of thc Property is ,ubjcct to u lien which may attain priority over
<br /> �� Yr' this Socurity Instnimcnt.Lencler rr�ay give Borrower u notice identifying the licn. Borrower�hsli s:itisfy thc lien or take one or
<br /> �;;::��o�� moro of the actions set fonh above within 10 days ot'the giving of notice.
<br /> -�,::� Fam 302Y �►�o
<br /> paq 4 of 6
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