:.rj -� �T�� 1v;t�y j.,�.. .�a.
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<br /> � '3.H�z�rd ot Property in�uranae, Batxwxpr�t►a11 keep the impravement�now e�istin�or haro�iter eroated an
<br /> . the Propmty inewed��inet loed by tiro�h�r.e�inoluded Nithtn the term 'eYt,e+r►ded cova�e and any other hrzud�,
<br /> ;���n�a.o�n�atnA,for�rhlah I.er►dat'r�e4►dra in�ursnoe.This inrunn°°�11 be m�intsined in the amoune
<br /> — -�' and tor the pettod�tlu�t Lender requit�ts.Tha.in#utanoe carrFer provIdin�the jnNUtanoe�h�ll De ohwen by HorroMOr _
<br /> subjeot to Lender'r�pprova!whioh eh�ll nat bo untr�eomb�Y Mttht►dQ.It Borrower fuis w m�in4in oovera�dacrlbed
<br /> above,Len4er m�y�at Lender'o optic►n,obt�in�oavory�e w protoct Lender's riQ1►v in the PropertY in woorlr�c+aith
<br /> - - para�ph 7.
<br /> - All In�unnoa policiae and renakal�aht�ll�be�avsptebte w I�ender u►d�h�ll iraluda a etandud mort�a�e cltuee.
<br /> __�_ ___=�, Londor sh�ll h�ve tho ri�ht to hold tha ppliai� �nd renoNale.Ii Lenderrequtree, Aorroxer�hall promptly�ive to
<br /> - -� Y.aider all receipta of p�id pramiume�nd ranow�l:nati«a.In the event ut loea,Iiorrower stw11 Qivo prampt notice w the
<br /> inwranoe curicr and Lender.Lender may m�ke pxwt of loes if not made pmmptly by BorroNer.
<br /> .-- — Unleos Lend�r and Bocrowor otharwiaa agrae in,NritinQ,insurance�xaceals ahrll be�pplied to ra�toation ar repRir
<br /> of tha Pcvperty dama�ed.ii tho raWndan Qc reA�ir ie a;onomlc�lly taaible�nd Lender'r aecurity ie not leesrned.Ii the
<br /> ---- ---- restoration ar rcp�ir is not economia�lly fass3bla or Landoc's aecurity would be leeeer►ed,tha ingurance proceab nh�ll be
<br />- _-_ �~'� appliod to the sume socurod by thla Saaucity Instrument�Nhether or not then doe,aith nny exceee paid to Borrower.It
<br /> ---__ Horrouet�b�ndons the Property,or daes not snAwer within 30 days a notice frum Lender tlut tha insunnce carrier hsa
<br /> �----�---�°-- ottetbd to settlo a claim, then Lettder may aollaat tha insurance ptc�ceeds. 1�ender may uee the proceeds to rep�ir or
<br /> — -�.— - reetoro the Property or to p�y suma aeounod by thie 3eaurity Inatru�nent.whethet or mt th�m due.The 3o-day period Nill
<br /> �` Y be�tn Mhcn the notica is�ivon.
<br /> ��;t;
<br /> p„�,,,�.�,:-�; � Uniess Lender and Bc�rrowor other�ise aQroe tn wrltin ,any application of proceeds to pcincip�l ehell not e�Kertd at
<br /> ��- ---=----- postpone tho due d�te ot the monthly paymante refarrod ta�n pua�nphs 1 and 2 or chan�e the amount ot the p�ymrnte.
<br />__ �- If undor pan�taph 21 tha Propaty ia aaquired by Lendet� Bomower's ri ht to my tnsurance policiea md proceede
<br />—. �+eeulting irom damago to tho Pr+operty ptior to the�aqt:JsitIon c�ha11 pses to�der to the extmt ot the auns aecurad by
<br /> ° r j��� .,� thia Socurity Inatrument immedietely prior to t he acquisition.
<br /> '��,`'� � �' 6.(jccupancy.Preservation.Maietensnce and Protection ot the Property:Borro�ver's Lo�n Application;
<br /> - ���+ ' Lwsehotds,Borrowor shRll ocoupy,estnblish�md uae the Property�s Bortbwer's pnncip�l raidence Nithin eixty duys
<br /> ,•` '��.'�s'�` after the exxution of thla Secudty Inetrument�ad shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's pcincipal
<br /> ti. ,,..` .'.;;•�.;�';. reeidence for at le�at ona yar ifur tho dau oi occupnay.unlees Lender otherwieo�Qrees in writin�,wWch consrnt ahall
<br /> i,tr��•�+�.;• not be unreaeon�bly withheld,or unlcsss axtenuatin�cIrcumstances exist which�re beyond Bornower's control.Bortowet
<br /> �r����'�1'`�"�'r�-�. 1� shdl not destmy.damtse or impeir tl�e Property,allow the Propercy to deterlonu,or vommit waste on the Property.
<br /> •...�•�;:�;�s,
<br /> - . :.,,���,• . �f Bocrower sh�ll be in default i!any for�eituro aotion or proc�edin�.wheth�r civit or criminal,is beEun that in L�ender's
<br /> �;:,;;;,-,;;;: :.:,,,. .; good faith judBment could r�uit�n fortaiture ot the Property or otherwiee materidly impntr the lien crcated by this
<br /> +��'`, ,,,��::��.;:,,}i: Security lnatrument or Landor'e eecurity interest.Bortowa may curo euch a de[ault and retnetau,as provided tn
<br /> , ;�"'�r�'��.�'_�.�'�'�� pragraph 18, by ciusing tho �ation ar proceedin� to be dismieaod wtth a rulin� thet, in Lendor's �ood faith
<br />= a�e3t`sd'+6�:�. . doterm�cution,precludas ior[aiWro at the Borrower's inurtst in the Property or other maurial impsirment of the lien
<br /> �'���' " ?"'.:' '.����'� '� creatva by thta Security Inatrument�c�r I.ender's seeurity intetest. lion'owec shdii aiso be in defauii ii Bor�vwcr,durii►Y
<br /> ,,:.•.��.L.,..,.,� .. tha loan application prooess, g�ve mntorialiy false or inaccunte information or atatementa to Londer (oc fatled to
<br /> ,, provide I.ender with ony material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,inaluding,but not
<br /> ._ .. . limited to, reptr�ontationa conaming Borrower's occup�ncy ot the Property as e princiPa� residence.It thie Security
<br />- r.�.,: �,....�:�. � Inatrumont ia on a lwsehald,Barcower shaU comply with all the provisions ot the lease.If Bortower acquina tee title to =
<br /> =�"-�•y""^ �- tha Property,the loasehold md the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writiny.
<br /> ,,��'�'����� � 7. Proteotion ot Lender's Iti�hts in t6e Property. If Borrower fails to perParm the covenante and agroements _
<br /> ...�.:�.... . ... ..
<br /> � ' contained in thta Security Inatrument,or there is a legxl proceeding that may si�ni[icantly afixt Lender's rights in the
<br /> ` ` .,�„'j�,�,���.. Property (such a9 a procroeding in bankruptcy, probau, for condomnation or foc[eituro or to enforco laae or
<br />—re;:. � ,r;�� ,. r.. . ,,. regulations),than Lendor may do and pay for whauver is necesssry to protect the value ot tho Property�nd I.ender's
<br /> righta in tha Propecty. I.ender's actions may include paying any sums securod by a lien which has priority over this :
<br /> -.� , Securit�Instrument,appearing in court,paying reasonable attorneys'tees and enuring on tho Property to ma{ce repeics.
<br /> Althou�h Lander msy take aotion under this paragraph 7,I,ender does not hAVe to do so.
<br /> ' ��-�-•�•�-�Y���- Any amounte disbursed by I.ender under th�a p�ragraph 7 shall become�dditional dabt of Bottower secured by thIs
<br /> • � •% �•• r° Security Instrumant.iJnlees I3on'owa and Lender a$rce to othar terms of peyment. these amounts ahall bear interest _
<br /> ; , . irom the dato of diabursament at the Nou rate And shall be payable,with intercst.upon notice from Lender to Bortower
<br /> ' '� .� raqumtin&P�Ymont.
<br /> 8. Mort�a�o Iuaurance. If Ler►der required mort�age insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this i
<br /> �. Security Instcumont,Borrower shall pay the premiuma rhquirod to maintein tha mongaBa insunnce in effect.If,for any _
<br /> -- .�°rt re�son, tha mortpgo insuronce covera�e required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borroaer shall psy the
<br /> =���;,� ' �►; •- promiuma r�quit�d ta obtain coveraee substantially oquivalent to the mortgcge insurance previausly in efixt,at a cost
<br /> �' ��` � • suMtantiolly equivalont to the cost to Borrower of the mortQage insurance previously in etfect, trom an alternate
<br />.�i t�` mortgs�o ituurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mort�age �nsurance cover�Qe is not available, -
<br /> `�� Hnrrower eh�1l p�y to Lender e�ch month a sum oqusl to one-twelfth ot the yearly mortgAge insurance premium being
<br /> .�'�'' ptid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapeod or ceased to be in effxt.I.ender will�ccept,use and retain these
<br /> `�'' • �,:i-:, �', pcyments as a loss rcserve in lieu oi mortee�a insurance. Loss reserve paymente may no lon�er bo rcquired,
<br /> �::: .. ,
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