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<br /> TQ(�i�'I'1�1;� WITH all tho Impcovomenta now or haatter erected on tha pcoperty� and all euemont�,
<br /> �ppuckenFnA�,.!►nd tirturas now or hereafter s pct ot thc property.All replaoemenw md�dditiom sball d�o be ooverod
<br /> by thie�Saot.+aty•Inattument.All oi the fore�n�is referrod to in thie Seaurity Ineuument�the"Property."
<br /> — � B�RPQ�'J.�,.E�CO!'ENANT3 that Earras�er is la:liatly��ai tka w�u kcrcbp cassta3a!«nd h�::t!�rf�t ta .
<br /> ar�nt snd oanvoy•tha Property and th�t th�Praparty ie unenaumbered,eYCept tor encumbtancae ot reourd. BormMar
<br /> — Marr�ntn u►d will�detend�enerally the titla to the Pmperty apin�t all cl�ims�nd demmdr,subjeat to ar�y encumbrar►ce�
<br /> oi tea�rd.
<br /> = — THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMBNT combinee unl�orm covensnts for ruition�l uae and non-unitarm covenanti Mith
<br /> •::� limite�d v�er.tqtians by�!'uriedictfon to conetitute a unitorm exurlty inatrumentcoverin�ral property.
<br /> � UIVI�UIiM COVENAN'I'S.Barrawur and Lendcr covenant s�nd aQren s�s follows:
<br /> ��. 1:P�ympat oi Prineipal snd Interest;Prepsyrtient and Lta Char�ea.Bonower ehdi promptly pay when due
<br />___, tha pri natp�l oi and intattist on the debt evtdenced by the Note and any pcepayment snd late cher�ae due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Funds far T�ze�sad iaaur�ace. Subject w applicable l�w or to a written waiver by Lender.$ocrowor ehall
<br /> � �y tc�i.tndar on tha day monthly p�yments are due under the Nou,unt11 the Note ie paid in tull,a sum("Funds')for.
<br /> :��� ��� (u)yot+r�y taYes and u�mants which may atuin priority over this Security Instrument as a lien an tho Proparty;(b)
<br /> ,�_�_-:-�`� _�"�=� yo�rly le�sehold paymenta or�raund rents on the Property,if any; (c)yearly h�z�rd or property inaur�nce premiums;
<br /> — w--�.:,..,.z� (d}ytiarly flood insurance premiume,if any;(e)ye�rly mortYage insur�nce promiume,ii any;and(f)any eums paytble
<br /> �1°!"' •`•'��•,. by Iiorrower to Lender�in accord�nc;e with tha provlsiona of paragrtph 8,in lieu of the psyment of mort�aee tnsurance
<br /> pnemiums.These iume�ro ailled"F.scrow Items."Lender may,at any tlme,collect and hold Funde in an smovnt not
<br />- tcr excad the maximum smaunt a lendor for a iederally relatod mortpa�e lo�n may roquiro for Borrower's escrow
<br /> �:� <.'t. � aacount under the federel Real Bstate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 �s amended irom ttme to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> -. -" - - - Saction?601 et seq.("RBSPA"),unlcas another law shat appliea to the Funds aets a lesaer smouat.If ao,Lender msy,
<br /> • .;��{.; .� . . �t my time,collect and hold Punds in an amaunt not w azceed the lesser amount.Lender miy eatimate the amaunt of
<br /> ::�.��:r::;�•:��:�:-� Funds due on the basis of current data and rasonable estimatea of axpendituroa of future Fss�.row lume or otherwiae in
<br /> ` li;;'�';�;;',' ;.:,;.. :. �ccordancewithapplicablolaw.
<br /> ' :='�. T'he Funda ahall be held in an inatitution ahose deposits an insuted by a fedecal a8ency,instrumentality,or entity
<br /> ,._f..�-�_�••sL Q:..�a, (including Lender,if Lender ia such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Hank.Lender ahal!apply the Funds to
<br /> �'-�'°. PaY Y B 8 PP Y � Y �
<br />- :.-;:��;-v:. .F<. the Eecrow Itente. Ler►der ma not chsr e Bonower for holdin and a 1 in the Funda, annually anal zin the
<br /> � � escrow�ccount,or verifying the F�cmw Iums,unleas Lendar paya Borrowcr interest on the Funds and appliceble laa
<br /> , _ .. �� • ,��. ,, permits Lender to make auch a charga Howevor,Lender m�y require Borrower to pay a one-ttme char�e for an
<br /> ., ;, �, ' independent nal estute tax reporting aervice used by Lender in conneotion with this lan,unless applicable law provides
<br /> . '� otherwise.Unless an agreement is m�de or applicable 1aw requirca interest to be paid.Lender ehell not be required to
<br />� .:��q: � pay Borrower any int�rest or arninYe on the Funda.Hocrower md I.ender may egree in writing,howaver,thet intereat
<br />�• � i�x � shell be paid on the Funds.Lender sh�ll Qtve to Borroaer, aithout charQe,m annual accounting of the Funda,ahowine
<br /> ��- +���'' � ""�''� credits md debita to the Funds and the purpoae tor which e�ch debit to the Funde w�s mtde.The Funda are plod�ed as -
<br /> - "'��`"=±``��" ��� '° additicm�i secucity fornif sums s�xurex3 by ttiin S�x:urity I�wirumonc.
<br /> �'`.; If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shsl] account to
<br /> :''�.�:�.�� Borrower for the excess Funds in�ccordance with the requirements ot applicable law.It th�amount of the Funds held
<br /> �' � �``"� by Lender at any time�s not aufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wridng,
<br /> ; ;A'���-�•'�:•i�;,•-=.�"•::•.�•: and,in such case$orrower ahall pay to Lender the�mount necessary to make up the deticiency.Borcower ahell m�ke
<br /> ?� ��•�' ���''�� ' up the deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sote discretion.
<br /> �...'.`,�,:�;. ,
<br />" . Upon paymant in[ull ot a;l sums secured by�this Security Instrument,I.ender shall promptly reiund to Borrower
<br /> ' � • • • tny Funds held by I.ender. If. under paragnph 21, I.ender shall ecquiro or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the
<br />_ � aaquisitian or sate of the Property,shall apply any Funda held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sala as a credit
<br /> ,_r� � •• • a�ainst the sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt.
<br /> �:�i • ' • � ' 3. Appl�catioa of Payments. Unless appliceble Iaw provides otherwis�,all p�yments received by L.ender under
<br /> ,� . paregraphs 1 and 2 shall be applicd: {irst,to any prepayment charges duo under the Nou;second,to amounts payablo
<br /> •: ' under paragr�ph 2;third,to interest duo;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any lete charges due under the Nota _.
<br /> ' 4. CharYea; Liens. Borrawer ahall pay ali taxes,assessments,charees,fines and impo3itions attributable to the
<br /> r Property.which msy attain priority over this Security Instrument, and le�sehold peymente or ground rents, if any. -
<br /> � .. Borrowe�shtl� pey tliese obligationa in the mannar provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner. Borrower
<br />- ' ` �'" ' ehe11 pay them on time directly to tha person owed payment,Borrower sheU promptly furnish to Lender all notices of
<br /> ' , amounts to be paid under this paragraph.If$orrower makes thes�paymenta directly,Borcower ahsll promptly furniah
<br /> to Lender receipts ovidencing the paymente. _
<br />-- Horrower ahall promptly discharge any lien which hes priority over this Security Instrument unlesa Borrower.(a)
<br />=. ,,,�;,�� .4. . ag[ees in writing to the piyment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in
<br /> � �^ ;,. _ eoad faith the lien by�or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion
<br /> � ,.�y.N, , operau w prevent the entorcement oi the lien;or(c) secures from the holder of the lien an sgreement satisiactory to
<br /> :,� Lendar subordinatinQ the lien to this Socurity Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Property is aubject =
<br /> .�-• •,�T±��� �� to a lien which may attain pri�rity over this Security Instrument,Lcnder may give Borcower a notice identifying the `
<br /> •�'� `��'��' lien,Borrower shall sattety the lien or take one or mare nf the actions s�t forth above within 10 days ot the�ivin�of �
<br /> "� notice.
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