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_�� }��' .�-'� 7a. ' J',"'[:4 <br />.-'�7� �., � :S.r <br /> "� �R+1� ��° __ -__._ <br /> .«� <br />:"_-'� - -- _ <br /> W� ----��y� <br /> refemed to in parn�roph 2, or cMan�e the unount of wch payments.Any excess prac�eecic over iut umu�iit tryuired w pay dl <br /> - - -� oc�i�3isdclSt�:sssder tltc Maic�tlsi:�sfty I�nitunlen�.hdl l+•hW w tiw a�iry legallY eotttLed tlter�eto. <br /> �.Fees.l�der m�y ootloct(oa ud cluir�a wthorlred by the Sa.�retary. <br /> !.Crou�tor Aood�at�oa a�DeAt, <br /> �a =-�-_- _-� (s) Dd�ult. Lender mqy� ezce.�t as limital by,ngul�tions iswed by the Secrcwry ia the c�ce of payment def+wilcs� - <br /> roquirc immediate paymGnt in full aR�11�umw secut�td by this Socwity Instrumeru if: <br /> - (i)Borrower defaulta by failing to pay in ful!unN.month�Y payroent roquicod by this Securfty Instrument pripr W or <br /> on the duc date of tho nazt rnanthly puymnnt.or. <br /> (ii) Hortnwer dcfaultx by failing, fo�a�ariod vf.s�ny aays, to perform wny othcr obli�ationr containcd ln this <br /> :�e� Socu�ity Inctrument. <br /> (b) S�le Witlwut Credlt Approvwl. l.end�r shsdl. if pem�itted by app�icatblc I�w and with the priar upproval pf the <br /> Socrctsuy,c+equire immediate payment in PoU of ull �ums saurod by thts Secudty Instrumsnt if: <br /> (i) All or part of ttia Propeny. or a be:naficlal intercst in a trust owning all•ar p�tt•of the PropG�ty. is sold or <br /> otherwise tmnsfcrred(dhc�than by davise or dcscent)by ttk Bnrmwer,and <br /> (ii) The Pruperty is not accupial by tha purchaser or grantee ac his or ,her priacipal residence. or the <br /> _ -- purcl�aser or grantee does so occupy tfia Prope�ty twt his or her crodit has not btan�xnved in accordance with the _ <br />---; rcquirements of the Secrctary. <br /> (c)Nu Waiver.If circumstances occur that would�rmit L.ender to rcquire immediate payment in full, but I.ender dces <br /> not roquirc such paymeius.Lender does not waive its rights with respect to subsequent events. <br /> a� — (d) Regulatbna ol Hi1D Secret+uy. in many circumstances rcgulations issued by the Secretary will limit Lender's <br /> r� righu in thc�case of puyment defaults to require immediate pay��nt in full and foreclose if not paid. This Security <br />-�� Instrument does twt authorize acceleration or forcclosure if not permitted by regulations of the Secretary. <br /> .:�. <br /> (e)Mo�t�e Not InRUred.BoROwer agcees that should this Securiry Instrument and the Note secured thereby not be <br /> " _ - tli�ibir for iny�r.+nce uncier the Naticxu�l,Nousing Act within 60 days from the date heroof. Lender may, at its option <br /> �� ,� _ . <br /> und notwithst�nding anything in paraFr.y�h 9, reqaire imnxdiate payment in full of all surTM�se.�:urcd by this Security <br /> • Instrument. A wriuen statement af uny authori•red ogent of the Secretary dated subsequent to 60 days from the date <br /> hereof,declining to inwre this Security In.etrument and the Note secured thercby,shall be deemed conclusive proof of <br /> • such iaeligibility. Notwithuanding the foregoing, this aptian nwy not be exerclsod by Lender when the urwvail�bility <br /> of inwmnoe is solely dua to l.cndcr's failure tu rcmit a mc.rtgage insurance premium ta the Secrcu►ry. <br /> :�. <br /> n_ ` 10.ReinstAtement. Borrowcr has n rigBt to bc reinstated if Lender has rcyuirod inurwdiare payment in full bccauxe of <br /> Borrowcr's fuilure to puy un unxiunt due under thc Nnte or this Sccurity Instrument. This right applies even aftcr foreclosure <br /> _-- ;, prc�ceedings�re instituted. To reinstate the Security Instrument. &�rrower shap tcrxicr in•r lump �um aU amounts required to <br /> � . �:. <br /> y � bring Borruwer's yce�wnt current including, to the extent they are oblig•rtion, of&mower under this Security Instrument, <br /> 4•_ �•�;�.- foreclosure costs and rcau�nuble and cu�te�mary attorneys' fe�:s a�xi expen+es prop�:rly ;uwciated with the foreclosum <br /> praa,�aiing. Up�m reinstatement by Be�rrower,this Security Intitrument•rnd tlx obligationr that it secures shall rem:+in in effcet <br />'�'' r u if Lender Iwd not requircd irnmcdiate payment in full. Howcvcr, Isndrr is rxtt rcyuired to permit rcinstatement if:(i)L.cndcr <br />'� � ha.ti aceepted reimtatement :iftc� the commencement of foreclosure pnxeedings within two years iitunediately prcceding the <br /> ���� commencement of a current foreclasure pnxeeding, t1i1 rein�tatement will preclude furcclosure an differcnt gnxends in the <br /> future,or(iii)reinstatement w•ill udvrrkly affc.�:�the pri�xity of the lien created by thi,Securi►y Instrument. <br /> 11.Borrowcr 1\ot Reles�,ed;�orbcarunce liy Lcndcr Not e�1'ai��er.Extensi�m of th�tim�:of p•ryment or nxidification of <br /> -, � � amonizatian of tt►e�ums secured by this S��curiry Instrument granteJ by Le�xier to any sucresso�in interest of Born►wer shall <br />"� not operate ro release the li•rbiliry of the originul&irrowcr or Sorrower's sucretiu�r in imerest. I.ender sh•rll not be required to <br /> --�='='� mmmence praceedingx Aguinst any successor in interest ur refuse to extend time fi�r paynxnt ur otherwitie nx�ify:unortizntion <br /> - ��;�r;� of the wms secured by this Securiry In>t�ument by rea.uin af uny dem:►nd m�xie by the original Bonower or Bormwer's <br /> — —=-� -- = succeswn in in[en�t. Any forbeurance by L.endcr in exercising:u►y aght or rcmcdy ,h•rll �xx l�e a waiver of or prc�:ludc the <br /> -��� exercisa of any cight or rcmedy. <br /> � <br /> ---, �-4AlNE1 Yp�4 of 8 <br /> -s+: --- <br /> � -- <br /> — - <br /> _ _ ^. <br /> �. �. <br /> �^tra...: �.t: <br /> ..--._e�.St�_''��t_'.�.1�."��i...�.w'�W`',nni� "}7kr:7i.�i.�l.•i�• <br /> __ _. _ _ . . . _... _ ._ ._. .__ . .._. . _ _ . _. _ _ .. . <br /> - —=�'�s:�s�c'�-=:'•___.'_"C�y.'.`�v`___- . _-':s`F!'?�!i`�;r4t"t._.. .�.. . �'.Y;'3!"-NS��n.`7LY"!`r..,�--f.,---�_ <br />
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