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<br /> �t,p1re.FMNI Md qMer 11�a�rd i�q�nnca. Borr�ower shdl iniwre dl improvements on the PropeKy. whelher now ia
<br /> --_ — existsnce or sub�oquently eroctod���tinct any harrnic.caswltia. and continQencics,inclwiin�ime, for whici�Le�et requirea -
<br /> inwnu�cc. This inwr�ncr sh�ll be m�intained in the anxwnts w�d fur the periods that Lende� rcyuirex. Born�wer Khall al�u
<br /> inwro all impravement�un the Property,whcdicr nc�w in exiuence c�r rubaioyuenUy cnxtal, ag�n+t Ic�u by flooJs w the exknt
<br /> royuiral by the 5ocrewry. All in�wrarKe shal!be cunied wich n�mp�nia rippravai by Lcnckr.The insuran�:e po6iciu�ud any
<br /> rcnewds�iull be beld by I.�ender and shall include lu►s p�yablC clauae�in favur of,aril in�form aa�q�bk tc�.l.ende�.
<br /> -,,..�..�._._�...��...^._.. �
<br /> In the event of locs. Bom�w�er�hsiil�ivc l.ender immedi+uc notire by mAil. [.crider nu�y maice pruuf uf lo�t if not mide
<br /> pramptly by Borrower. Exh insurarxc�nmpany c���xerned is hercby �wthori�ed ud diroctod to mrlcc p�yme�t for such las:
<br />_ diroctly w l.ender,inweacl of to Borrower w�d to l.ender jointty. All ar any pact of the inwru�oe procoals rnay be�pplihe!by
<br /> Lencier. +u it�option,either(a)to the raduction of the indeModness urxGer the Note ond this Securiry Instrument, firu ro any
<br /> deliaquent anwurus appliod in the ardcr in paro�gnph 3,�nd then ta prcpaym�nt of princip�l.or(b)to tht r�esw�tion ur rep�r
<br /> of the ds�naged Property. My app[ication af the pmcoods to the principal shJll nat extend or postponc the due cwte uf thc
<br /> monthly payments which�+re referrod to in puagraph 2,or change the s�m�wnt of such payments. My ezcess insurance proceeds
<br /> over u�wnount roquired to pay all outstwxiin� inieMedness uader the Nate wd thic Security Inucumrnt stwll be puid to the
<br /> entiry Icgally entitled thercto.
<br /> In the evcnt of foreclosuro of this Sccurity instcumcnt ur other tra�sfcr of tidc to the Property ttwt extin�uislxs the
<br /> inddxedness.�ll d�ht,titla and interat of Horcower in w�d to insurance policies in focce shatl pass to the purchaser.
<br /> S. Oavpsocy. PreservAtion. Maiatewnce Aqd Hrotection o[ the Prope�ty; Borrower's I.�wn Applkatioa;
<br /> I.a�seholds. Borrower stwll accupy,establish. and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sizry days after
<br /> the exocution of this Security Irutrument and shalt continue to accupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least
<br /> one year after the date of oocupancy,unless the Secrctary cletermines this raquirert�ent will cauae undue hardship for Borrower,
<br /> — ar unlas extenuating circumst�nces exist which am beyond Borrower's cotutol. Borrower shall notify Ltnders of any
<br /> extenuating circumuanccs. Borrower shall not commit waste or destroy,damage or wbstantially changc the Property or allow
<br /> the Pmperty to deteriomte, rcusonable we�u u�d tear excepted. I.ender may inspect the Propeny lf the Property is vxant or
<br /> — abv�doned or the loan is in default. Lender may wkc reasonable xtion to protat and preserve such vacant or abando►�ed
<br /> Propetty.Bomnwer shalt�lso be in default if Bocrower,during the lo:u�application process.guve materially false or inaccurate
<br /> infam�atian or styements to l.cnder(or fa�led to provide l.ender with any irwteriet infomwtion) in conrKCtion with the loan
<br /> --- _ _ ° cvi�M:ai Ly ti� Ya;te.'inciud3ng. twi ssot limiic3 io. reprer,entatiar.s concx�sing Borrouer'��a:rs.nc;of ttx Property ns s
<br /> _: principal residence. If this Socurity lnstrument ix on u leacehold. Borrnwer shall comply with ihe provisions of the leuse. If
<br /> � ��� � Bnrmwcr ucquires fec title to tt�e Property,the leusehold und fe�:title sh�ll nut be merged unless Lender pgrees ro the merger in
<br /> �; writing.
<br /> � 6. Chargcs to Borrower and Protection of l.ender's RlRhts in the Property. Bormwcr shull pay all govemmerual or
<br /> a municipal charges, tines at�d irnpositionti that am not included in paragmph 2.Borcower tihall pay these obligations on[ime
<br /> �w directly to the entity which is owed the payment. If failure to poy wauld adver.cely affect L.ender's intercst in thc:Property.upon
<br /> = L.ender's request Bormwer shall pr�mpdy furnish to L.ender receipts evidencing these payments.
<br /> � If Borrower failti to mnke these payments or the paynxnts reyuireci by par�gR�ph 2,or fails to perform any other covenants
<br /> and agrcements contained in this Security ln.rtrument.��r there iti u Iegul proceeding that r►�y signiticantly affect I.ender's rights
<br /> •� • ' ' � in the Property (such a.s a prc►ceaiing in banktuptcy. for candemnation or tn enforce laws�ir regulations), then Lcnder m;►y do
<br /> ''' .� � and pay whatcver is ruxess�ry to protcct the value of the Property and l.endcr's rights in the Property, including payment of
<br /> �"'�'�`�' ��'i caxes,tuzard insurrn��e und aher items mentioned in paragraph 2. _
<br /> •r' Any amaunts disbur,od by Lcnder uncicr this paragraph sh:�ll tkcomc an�iditianal debt af Banowcr und be�ecured by
<br /> .:�.
<br /> _�,,..a, this Security Instrument. Thex�amounts+hall bear intere�t from the date ol'disbursement,c�t the Nate rate,and At the option of
<br /> � I.ender.shall be irturwdiately due and payablc.
<br /> �'� 7. Condema►tioa. The procceds af any award or claim fi�r d;unagrs, dimct or consequential, in connection with uny
<br />- ---==_- conclemnation or cxher tuking of uny part of the Propeny, ��r fiir amveyrncc in placc of candemnation,are hemby assigned and
<br /> -_ = shall be paid to Lcnder tu the exteut of the full amount of the indehtcdncss that rcmuins unpaid uncler the Note and this Sccurity
<br /> _ ---- Instrument. I.ender sh�ll apply such pmceeds to the ruductiun of the indebtedness under the Note and this Secu�ity In�ttument,
<br />� - ---- first to any delinquent amounts applied in the ordcr pro�•id�d in p•rragraph 3. and then to pmpayment af principal. Any __
<br /> appli�xtion of the pr�xceds to the principnl shall not extend ar pi.tponc thc due date af the mcmthly paymcros, which arc
<br />::.� ��4AlME1 oap�3 0!a
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