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<br /> S. Eia�ard or proNerty LiwrancY. Borrow�r �h�ii �ap tAe improvemenu now eai�Ah�w t�'��l�r bbl� a► tbe
<br /> ProperiY inwrod a�inrt locs by firc. hw�rds includod within the term 'extended cover�e"and sny ather iuxstda. includio�
<br /> flcxids or flooding,for which Lencler nquircs msunnce.i nis insurance ssiwii be�minaaiixxi iu ii�c w��n�i�w:+���tt�M:�i:�:
<br /> th�t l.etder c�equira. The insursna uurier providin�the insurauce shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's approvd
<br /> which �Fwll not be umrawnably withheld. If Bornower C�ils to nuunt�in cove,nge deucribed�bove. L,a�der mny.at 1..a�du't
<br /> option,obla�n wver�e to protect Lender'x ri�hta in thc Praperty in srcconlancc wlth p+iragrn�oh 7•
<br /> AU inwau�ce pu:icies and rcnew�ls siwli 6e ioceptable to l.ender�nd slwll include a uaod�rd rrort�aYe clause. Lenda
<br /> " � -'°"'-'"� �"'�'"' �all luive Q�c rlglit to Iwld the{wlicics ancl rc�icwalc. If Lender rcqutms.Borrower shall pmm(►tly give to I.tnder ail rocelpts of
<br /> p�W praniums and renewd notioes.In the event of loss.Borrower ctwll�ive prwnpt notice to the insunnce curler uri Lender.
<br /> Lender may m�tke proof of loss iC not mAde promptly by Horrower.
<br /> Unless Lender ud Borrowcr otherwise agra in wdting.ltwirar�oc proceods shrll be applied to rcstoration or rrpair of the
<br /> property drrnaged.it the restoratian or rc�air is economicaUy fes►sible and Lender's securiry is nat lessened.If the raWruion or
<br /> °� rep�ir is not ocot�omically feasible or Lender's socurity would be Iessenal.the insurance prcwoeds stw1�be aPP�ied to the sums
<br /> — securod by thls Security Insuument. whethcr or not then due. with any excess paid to Born►wer. If Borrower abandor�c the
<br /> Property or does tat answer within 30 days a notice from Londer ttwt the insurance carrjer has offerod to sdtle a ciaim.then
<br /> Lender may rnllect the insurance procoods. L.ender may use the pmceeds to c�epair or neswre the Property or to pay swiu
<br /> sec�rod by tttis Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period wi�l be8�n when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless [.ender ar�d Bornowor otherwise agnee in writing. any Application of proceeds to pr�ncipal �dl not eatend or
<br /> ��� postpone the due d�te of the nwnthly paytixnts referrod to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or clwngc the amount of the p�yments. If
<br /> - — under p�ngraph 2l the P�vperty is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to any irourance policies and prooeeds rcsu�ting from
<br />- -- ----- -- ---- damage to the Propaty Prior to the Acquisition ahatl pass to I..ender co the exteat oE��uis secured by this Security In�truma�
<br /> immediatdy prior to the wcquisition.
<br />` 6.Oceuppncy,Pr+a�ervatton.Maintenauce nnd Protection of tbe Properiyt Borrower's Los�n Applk�ntian;I.Easehoidc.
<br /> Borrower siwll occupy.estyblish.and usc the Pro�xrty a.c Borrower's principal r�sidence within siaty days after ttie execudon of
<br /> - this Secudty Insuument ard siwll rnntinue to occupy thc Propecry as Borrower's principal nsidena for at least one year After
<br />- the date of axupancy, unless I.endor aherwise agrces in writing,which vonsent shall not be unrcasonably withheld. or unless
<br /> - extenuati�g circumstances exist which are bcyond Horrower's mntrol. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or impair the
<br />;_���� Property, allow thc Property to deteriorate, or rnmmit wastc on the Property. Borrowcr shali be in default if any forfeitun
<br /> __-_-� action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lende�'s good fi+ith judgroent could rcsult in forfeiturc of the
<br /> - Propecty or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender s security intuest.Borrower cnay
<br /> ��u;� curc such a default and reinstate,as pmvidod in parag�pi' '9.by causing the action or procooding to be dismissed wlth a tuling
<br />-- - -�- �Y`;'-- that. in L.ender's good faith determination, preriudes forFeicurc of ihc Su«vwei's irsurest ia ihe Prope:'t3; or ost:tr mgtasial
<br /> I�� impaimxnt af the lien crcated by this Security Instrument o� Lender's�ecurity intcrcst. 8orrowcr shall rlso be in default if
<br /> Borrower,durfng the loan applIcntion ptocess,guve muterially false or ioaccur�te infornwtion or statements to L.ender(or failed
<br />, �.,,.,;�;;•. ta provide I.ender with any material infornwtion)in connection with the loan evide,ncod by tiu Ncue,including.but not limited
<br />. •;-��+"�• .s to,teprcsentations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny as a principal rosidence.If this Securiq•In�trument is on a
<br /> �: '�� ' � �� {.1 leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all thc provisions of the Icase. If Borrower acquires fa title to the Propeny. the
<br /> s s,..K.: :'
<br /> `r r.:,:..,.
<br />� � ,7�y�� � leasehold and the fee title shall tat merge unleas l.ender agrees to thc mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> ... 7.4`:''kMl:'v�'� t
<br /> ;r ` :�t.;s;,';. ;.�,,•; 7.Protectbn of I.ender s Rights in the Piroperty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and asreements rnntainad in
<br /> - ` this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may signiftcantly affect L.ender's rights in the Property (such su a
<br /> � � �+'�•� proeeeding in bankcuptcy,probate,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and
<br /> r�C�s .,;��*• 1
<br /> ';° •^ '• for whatever is necessa to rotect the vulue of the Pro n .►nd Lender's ri hts in the Pro Lecder's action4 mz
<br /> •,. - ,�..,.. •,� PeY �'Y P P� Y ' 8 PenY• Y
<br /> '�'� ��'� P+Y 8 Y Y P Y Y �n s � �
<br /> �� � include in an sums securai b a lien which has riorit over thi� Securit Instrument, a n in court, yin
<br /> " ��'�°��� reasonable uctc � s fzcs�nd enteri� an the Pro rt to makc re a�n Althou h Lender ma wke uction under this
<br /> � ' '•;•�'' 8 P� Y P � :. g Y P�B�
<br /> ��. a.�� 7.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> �'� ° Any amounts disburse�i by I.ender wider this paragraph 7 shap t►ecam�: additional debt of Borrower securod by this
<br /> ��=';';„�y: Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lendcr agree to other tcrnis of paynx:nt,these amounts shalt bcar intercst from the
<br /> '��'� �•-�'• date of disburscment at the Note rate and shall 6c payublc, with interest, upon notice from L.ender to Borcower requesting
<br /> •;�.�.R-�:.. :, PxYment.
<br /> ti, 8.Mortgage I�tmt�ce.If Lender required mortgagc insurancc:�s a condition of making the loan secureA by this Securiry
<br /> � ? ��►• Instrument, Borrower sh�l! pay the premiums requirod to maintain the mortgagc insurance in effect. If,for any reason. the
<br /> : �.;,,"�"',. mortgage insurance coverage required by I.ender lapses or ce:►ses to he in effoct, Barrower shall pay the premiurtu requi�d to -
<br /> - f�� obtain oovera e subsia�tiall wvelent to the mort a e insurance reviousl m effat,at a cost subtitantiaUy equivalent to the
<br /> - -�.. �,.. g Y W � 8 S P Y �
<br /> -���i4 �J''` _� cost to liorrower of the mnrtguge insurance previously in effcct, fmm an altemate nx�ttgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> � M:Nb+
<br /> ?���`h'��.'• substantially equivalent mortgage insunnce coverage is ncx available,Born�wer�hall pay to Lender cach month a sum equal to
<br /> ��'i?�;�,�'y,''' one-twelfth of the yearty mortgage insurance premium being paid by I3rormwer when the insurance cover�te lapsed or ceased to
<br /> - �,J��" ��"'"�"'�" be in effect. Lender wilt Accept,use:uid retuin these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgnge insura►x�e. Loss reserve
<br /> -s�%.�!'._"�
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