.� . ��. :: i. _ ��` ,�_.".
<br /> .:_ .. .... _ - .._ - _ .
<br /> � �____-_'_� .
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<br /> �3• i0�"�22
<br /> aM+llr!!Me I+�w nu�y y�sclfy for mimtatert�ontl befare ale of the P►'cP��Y P����"Y Power of s�le caWained in thl�
<br /> Siocuriry Inrauma�r or(b)e�ry of�jud�ment enforcfn�thi�Secudry Imwment. '[1�o�e corWUiaw ue ttwt Bwrowe�: i•) _
<br /> p�y� L.ender dl sunu which then would be duo under this Socu�ity ln�trument md the Note u if no acexlention h+�d
<br /> c�ccurmd:(b)curcs�ny deiwit of�ny othar coven�nu a�caenxnts:tc)ptYs�11 expaua incumed in enfcrcin�this Secndty
<br /> ImhumenG includina, but not Umited to, reun�bie etwmey�'faa;�nd (d)t�ke�such action �s i.endu m�Y teason+�b�Y
<br /> roqufK tn awre thRt the lien of thi�Security lnstrument.l.eixlerl�ri�hts in the Property nnd Boaowerk obii�tlon w p�y the
<br /> wms �ecurod by this Secudty Inwument sluill continue unch�nQed. Upon rcincatement by Bamwer, this Securjty
<br /> _=---=--� ln:,trumrnt and the obligntIons s�eurtd lxr�eby�hdl remdn fully efFactive ac if no acceleration had oecumed. However.thls
<br /> rl�ht co reinu�te�hall not�pply in the cue of�ccelentian unckr para�raph 17.
<br /> — l9. Sale o�Nott;Cbu�e o!I.ou Servker. Thc Nae or a puti�l intercst in thc Nate(together with this Security
<br />- Inu�ume�t) may be told one or mote t�mc�witt�out prior notice to Borrowcr. A �►Ic may result in A ctwngc in the entlry
<br /> (known�s t!u"l.oan Sen►icu")tt�at collecta raonthlY PaYmrnti due unclar the Note uM thii Sacudty Instrument. Tixoe alao
<br /> may be one or more chmges of the Lan Servicer unrel�►ted to a sale of the Naa If therc is a change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> Borrower wiU be glven written ratice of the chpnge in accarduice,with puagaph l4 sibove w�d applicabk l�w. The notice
<br /> -- �-�- --- --- --• wtll stnu the nart�e and pddress of thc new Loan Servlccr md the addness to which p�yments should be nwde. The twtke will
<br /> dao conWn any other infamatlon requirod by applic�blc law.
<br /> 20. Hatardoue Subrqa�en. Borcower shaU not cause a permit the prcsence,use,disposal,storage,or rclease of any
<br /> , Hazndous Subctanas on or in th�e Property. Barower shall not do,nor allow anyone clse to do,anything affecting thc
<br /> -- � Ptuperry that ir in vlolation of any Environmenal L.aw. The precoding cwo sentences stwll not apply to the prcsence.use.a
<br /> --- ctorage on the P�operty of small quantltics of Hazardous Subsunces that are�enerally recogniud to be appropriau to norm�l
<br />__- raidenti�l uses and to m�intenance of the Property.
<br /> Bomnwer sfwl!pmmpdy glvc Lender written noticc of any imesGgation,claim,dcmand.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemrtxntal or agulAtory agency or privatc pany invoiving the Pirvp�rty wxi any Haxudous Substance or L'nvironmcnt�
<br /> - Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bomower Iwms. or ls notified by any govemmcntal or rcgulatory
<br /> authority.thsu any amova!a other rcmediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the H+�erty is necass�ry,Borrower
<br /> shall promptly take atl necessuy remedial actions in accordance whh Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in this pangraph 20."Hazivdous Substances's�re those substanas defined as toxic or hezardous substances by
<br /> Environmental law and the foilowing substances: gasoline.kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> peuicides and herbicides. volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or fortnaldchyde,and ndioactive materiats. As
<br /> used in this paragnph 20."Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of tho juricdiction whorc the Pioperty ls locaud
<br /> that nlatc to hcalth,safery a enviconmental protoction.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Borrower and L.endcr furiher covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> Zl. Accekration;Remedies. Leucier slu�ll gtve aotice to Borrower prlor to accelention fdbwing Borrower's
<br /> �= breach ot aay coveaant or agreement in thts Security Instrument(but not prior to accekrntion under pnra�mph 19
<br /> ' F: ualess appticaWe law provWes otherwise). The notice slwll specity: (a)the defaulh,tb)the actbn required to cure the
<br /> ��-t��g-e��'%��r�i� ,• defaulh,(c)A date.not less thw�30 days trom th�date the notice Is gi�ert to Borroweq by wbich tbe det'autt must be
<br /> -__' ,`--.._.-. "T3"_'-�t,��°Y't- ^-.,-
<br /> -. �-"'" :. � - cured;and(d)that failure to cure the defauit on or before the date specified in the notice rnay rc�k io acceleration of
<br /> �"`-'' ` • .?,,
<br /> ,�,.�;:-�•Y�•.�h;��,:, the sums secured by this Security Inslrument and ssile oP the Property. The notke shaU tuHher inform Borrower of
<br /> �,, . •..�t,: "� the right to reinstate Atter acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a def�ult or
<br /> `"�' ��r• ' any other defense of Borrower to acceleratbn a�d�s►le. It the default is not cured on or Gefore the date speciPied in
<br /> .:�h._ ' .
<br /> .,,,•: : the notke,[xnder at its optbn may require immediate payment in full of all sums secu�ed by this Security Iastrument
<br />. clk:. :�.�: ��1
<br /> ,�. without turther demand And may invoke the power of snle and Any Wher remedies permitted by appikable taw
<br /> •*y���•-��•• •���•� I.ender xhall be entitled to cdlect All expenses incurred in pur.win�the remedies provided ia t6is para�raph 21.
<br /> ,� ; � . � iacluding,but not limited ta reasonable attorneys'fers s�nd casts of titte evidence.
<br /> •= y�v�v� r • •��_ it the power of�le ls invoked.Trustee sh�ll record y nutice of deFi�ult in each county in whkh any part of t6e
<br /> T-+f":,.��:•.,r.��r
<br />-�; -��„,. . ,, ;.6 Property is located and shall mail copies oF such notice in the manner prrscrlbed by applicable law to Borrower�nd to
<br /> • the other persons prescribed by applicuble law. ARer the time reyuired by s�pplic�ble IAw.'ll�ustee shAll give public
<br /> ` ;�''�r^",:;�''-°` � notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable luw 1lrustee.wlthout demand on Borrow•er.
<br /> �' ' "� `'� shpll sell the Property at public Auction to the highest bidder�t the ttme and place pnd under the terms desigeated in
<br /> �""'�•��" `-''~�`-` • the notke of ss►le in one or more pArcels�nd in any order 1Yustce determines. 'It�ustee may postpone ss�le of�11 or pny
<br /> `"`*{'"�-•�''�'•�'�"-'• parcel of the Property by public announcrment at the time and pl�ce of nny previou�lf schedukd sale. I.ende�w its
<br /> . � ��' "` designce may purchase the Property at any cAte.
<br /> .:�.�..,�.:.....,�; .,
<br /> � ..�,;•.. :>��„�,�•� Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, 'IYnstee shall deliver tu the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveying the
<br /> '�..�• Property. The recitals In the 71�uster's deed sh�ll be p�lma facie evidence�►f the truth of the statements m�de therein.
<br />- �'�''"'°� """� 1lrustee shall apply the proceeds of the sule in the foitowing order: ta)tn aQ costs and expenxw uf exercising the power
<br />_-'� _...� .
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