T�. �����_ L._ —
<br /> .k� .. � � -"i.�__—
<br /> . . � : .n! . x. .:. ,.�at. A✓,.:�...�• �� .� sw =_
<br /> � -F.
<br /> 1��r� 4. _ -
<br /> __ y.__...,,,,�.�.;�,a,atid -
<br /> -�---_�� v (a il T�Wlor N1 eot an Indivldusl,th�Iwwnc�,s�l�,tr�nslK.�wlpnmsnt conwy�nc�or�noumeFN�ol mor�M •�a�1oW
<br /> � n.newnt al(N a a�roaration)Ib itawd and oulsundlnp tt0ok o�(If a p��tMr�hip)a iofal a pN�t a
<br /> - paAn�nhip InNn�b du�lnp th�pKiod fh1�DMd of Trusl r�irn i IINt on th�Propwry.
<br /> - - 12. IIMiM�iN;AoaMrMlo�Upon OM��N.In th�w�nt ol any Ewnt af ONauit L�nd�r may,without noNa�xap!�s rpulnd by
<br /> law.d�el�n�II Ind�tM�dn�u Naur�d h�r�by to b�dw�nd payabN and th�wm�ihail th�rwpon b�com�dw�nd Wy�bN
<br /> `%�;��-"�""�� wi�out any pr�ntnwnt,d�mand,profNt or noGc�of any kind.ThsrMfbr Under may:
<br /> p) O�mand that Tru�1N exaclN th�POWER OF SALE prMtW h�rein,and Tru�tN�hail th�rMfter caua Truttor'�
<br /> ,;:.— InMrwt i�!FN Prop�Ay W W sold and th�Prxads w b�dt�aibuad,�II in th�mann�r provldW In tM N�bra�ka'frust OMda
<br /> �;• /►ct Q .-
<br /> `d � (by Ex�rcis��ny and aU riphb provld�d tor In�ny of tn�Loan U�uunwnu or by law upon occurnncs of any Eva�+t ol -
<br /> :�:
<br /> � � OYlaul��nd
<br /> -� (o) Comm�nc��n�cGon to tonciwa this DNd ol Truu ata mo�{�s,appo�nta rec�iv�r,or sp�clHcalty aMorca any ot th�
<br /> : �-�:.:�:� cownanu henof.
<br /> ��•�- -.L.��-�- No nm�dy henia coMarsd upon or ra4erved to Tru�tee or Lender is Intended to be exctu�ive of any other r�rnsdy h�rsin,in the
<br /> �,��'�+°� '� � � Lo�n In�trum�nts or by IRw provlded or parmitted.but each shall be cumuiative,ehail be fn addition to every oth�r rem�dy piven
<br /> �*'���?"*•� h�rwndsr,in th�Lan InsUum�nts a now or h�rufqr�xlsG�p at taw or in puity or by etatut�,and m�►y be�x�rci�d concurr�ntiy,
<br /> � rr.-�-� .... _
<br /> ����;�„�,;,t,�,���,■ ind�psnd�ntiy or auccsativNy. _==
<br /> 13.TrustM.Th�TrustM may ntipn et�ny tim�without causs,and Lender may at tny Ume and without cauae appolnt a
<br /> ',��� ,� �f .•�ra ' ���r or substituts Trutt�.Trutte�sh�il not be Iltbts ta any p�rty,includiny without Iimitation Le�der,Bo►rowsr,Tru�tor or any
<br /> �� � r` purchissr ol ths Prop�Ry,for�ny loss or damage unl�u dua to reckless a willfui mi�conduct and�hall not be required to take any
<br /> "� acUOn in conn�elfon wlth the entorcem�nt of thls Oeed of Trust unf�ss indemnifled,in writinp,1or ali ca�ts,compensation or
<br />__ �����ry•-• • _ �xpen�which may be aswcfat�d thsrewlth.in eddlHon,Truntee may become a purchaser at any seie of the Property Qud�ial or `y�-.-
<br />_ �T � under th�pow�r,of wt�yr�nt�d h�rofn);postpone the saie of aIi or any portion oi ths Praperry,as provid�d by law;or s�l�th�
<br /> �;.;`��_,:' .T�' P�op�rty as�whole,or in s�parate parcdi or lots at Tru�t�e's dl�crauon.
<br /> ,�,�, ,.,. ,� 1 A, f��d Exp�n�.ln the avenl Trustee sell�the Proporty by exercl�e uf power of rale.Trustee thail be entlGed to apply ---
<br /> ,h.,��e,�_� any sak procNds first to payment ot alt coats end oxpen�ee ot exereielnp powar ol sale,includinp att Trustee's fees,end Lender's -
<br /> h�+��"•<^>f'� ' ,��' �nd Truttee'a attorn�y's teee,actuai�y fncurred to�xtent p�rmltted by appllcabie Iaw.in the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any �
<br /> :�`'� '�' '" '' ''' '�' riqht provid�tl by law to cure an Event ot 0efauit,Lender shali t�e entitled to recover from Truator ail cost�and oxpenaea actualiy
<br /> �"""=t°"`�'.�`��" incurr�d ar a nsuit of Trustor's d�hult includlnp wlihout IimiLNon�II Tru�toe's and attomey's}ee�,to tha extant permitbd by �, �
<br /> ��`;'`�'"�� ` applicabls Iaw. _
<br />� .,;T�,; .. :-.r_,�.:•i 1b. FuWn AdwncN.Upon�equest of Borrower.Lender may,at pa option,make additionat and future advances and re• ��:�:-
<br /> �_ ��•�:�.;` ��•.�;> ;� advancs�to 8orrower.Such edvancss and readvancos,with k�terNt thereon,ahaU be aecured by this Qeed ot Trus�At no tlme shall �',�_'
<br /> '>{y��,;.r`...,..,� the principat amouM ot ths indebtedness secured by thia Daed of Truu.not inciudfnp eums�dvanced to protect the sacurfty ot thb
<br /> '�-�•�.�� W�d of Tru�R exceed the oripinal principal amount�tated h�rein,or Z.�p,.QQ�Q.p4._-.whichaver is yreater.
<br /> 'a''�:'';'...", :�,.� ,: 18. Mbc�Nsinous ProW�lons.
<br /> .y'•�...:...;._:.-a
<br /> rJ�+'.:•-.�.. � : .L-;. - (a) Barow�r Not R�Mas�d.Extemion of the time tor payment or modificatlon of amortizatlon of the sums�ecured by this _
<br /> ' '�;i:�`�'.�•_• `�` Oeed of Trust pranted by Lender to any successor in Intereat of Borrower shail not operate to releuse,in eny manner,the flablliry �_
<br /> �'�.'�"'�� '�� of thl�ork,�In�t R�►►owwr and Barrower's auccesaors In interest Lender shatl not be requfred to CommEnce proceedinpa ayainst
<br /> _,�,_�, , . .; such succeasoror refuse to extend time for payment ar oth�rwise modlly amortlzation o}the suma escured by this Oaed ot Truet
<br /> by reason of any demands made by the orlpinai Sorrower and 8orrower's succeasors fn fnterast
<br /> .• (b) LNxi�r'�Pow�n.Without aHectinfl the liability of any other person Iiabie tor the payment ot any oblipaGon hereln �•�_
<br /> m6ntiqned,and without a(tectinfl the tien or charpe of this 09ed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore =
<br /> �• . ' I reieased as aecurity for the fuli amount of alt unpaid oblfyationa,Lender may,from time to time and without notice(I)reteaaa any
<br /> � � I paraon ao Ifabia,(iq extend the maturNy or elter any of the terms of any such obiigations,(III)grant other Indulgencea,(Iv)►eleaae �"r
<br /> or reconvey,or cause to he reieased or reconveyed at any time at Lenddr's option any parcet,portion or ell of the PrapeRy. �
<br /> (v)take or release a�y other or additionai security for any obligation herefn mentioned.or(vi) rtuke composftlons or other
<br /> . . . I arranpements with debtors In relation thereto. °""�
<br /> �•' (c) Forbaranc�by L�nd�r Not�Wa(wr.Any torbearance by Lender fn exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or ?� '
<br /> "�r ` �,. ' otherwise attorded by applfcabie taw,shali not be a waiver of or preciude the exercise of any such right or remedy.The '
<br />=i ! �.;;�,�;,� , . � procurement of insurence or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shali not be a waiver oi Lender's rlpht to �._�
<br />,�'. '�'±�'�� � � accalerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust ;"�,.
<br /> J !��'\ye4. ' I .
<br /> (d) Sucatton and Aalpns Bound;Joint�nd Sw�ral Ll�blltty;C�ptions.The covenants and ayreements hereln con• ;•�-
<br /> ��; . � tained shaQ bind,and the riphts hereunder shail inure to,the respective successvrs and asslyns of i.ender and Trustor.All '
<br /> ; , , �" I coVenants end apreements ot Trustor ahall be�olnt and severat.The captions and headings of the parayraph�ot this Deed of �
<br /> , . ..;,;;� Trust are(or convenience onty and are not to be used to interpret or define tha provisions hereof.
<br /> ��' • (e) RpuKt fo►NoUcu.The parties hereby request that a copy of any natice of default hereunder and a copy ot any notice J :
<br /> , � of sale hereunder be maiied to each party to this Deed ot Trust at the addrese set fohh above in the manner prescribed by �....
<br /> ' ',���', applicable law.Except tor any other notice required under appliCable law to be given In another manner,any notice provided
<br /> �,:.\ .�.A. �::;;:"', . I tor in thia Deed ot Trust ehall be gfven by mailing such notice by certNied mafl addressed to the other parties,at the address set
<br />_ �,,,.•� � forth above.Any notice provided for in this Deed of 7rust shail be eHective upon mafling fn the manner designated herein.If
<br />'"'' � S• • ;+:.t'r;�;•' Truator is more{hen one person,notiCe sent to the adcress set}orth above shali be�otice to all such persons.
<br /> .; �y+' � ��:,:� I (f� Intp�ctbn.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and fnspections of the Property,provided
<br /> �- ,�.(„��.., that Lender ahall qive trustor notice prior to any auch tnspection specftying reasonable cause therefor retated to Lender'a �,�:
<br /> � ,�!�.'r , interest fn the Propeny.
<br /> ' �,�.'.�. •'�:• (q) R�conwyanc�.Upon payment af al�sums secured by tnis Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Truatee to reconvey the
<br /> '� '���'�;;;' Property and shal�sutrender this Oeed of Trust and ali notes evidenctnQ indebtedness secured by this Deed ot Trust to Trustee.
<br /> � � Trustee ehall�econvey tho Property without warranty and without charQe to the person or petsons leyaity entftted thereto.
<br /> Truttor shai�pay ait costa ot recordation,it any.
<br /> �°�. � """"'"'"; (h) P�nond Prop�rt�r;S�cudtr A�rbm�nl. As additionai security for the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby qrant� ,
<br /> " � - �� � Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commeroiai Cade e security interest in atl tlxtures,equtpment,and other personat property .
<br /> :,�,cek�.*,....::;
<br /> °�� . uted 1n connecGon with the real estete or improvements loCated thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part ol
<br /> '',�t� �;-•-i�:' tM reai eatate eecured hereby.This instrument shall be construed aa a Security Apreament under sald Code,and the Lender
<br /> R'��`��� �� shail have all the riyhb and remedles of a secured party under said Code tn addition to the►iyhta end remedies created under
<br /> and accorded the lender pu�suant to this Daed ot Truat;provided thst Lender's riphts end remedies unde�this pArayraph 9hall
<br /> bt cumulutive with.and In no way a Umitatlon nn,lender's riphts and remod�e�under any other security ayreement slpned by •
<br /> _ Bortower or Truatot. ��'
<br /> i (i) I.Mn�and EneumbraneM.Tru=tor hereby warrants and repre�ents that tAere ia no defautt undar the provislons of any ,: ;•
<br /> � mortpap�,dNd of trust,t�se or purchaae contract deacribiny all or eny part ot the Property,or other contract,instrument or •`:
<br /> � aprMmK►t cornUtuGnp a Ifsn or ancumbrence aflalnst all or a�y part ot the Proparty(collectively."Llens").exlatlnp aa ot the ' �
<br /> — ! date of thla Mod of Trust and that any and aIl sxlttlnp Llene�emam unmotlined except as aiscioseo co Lender in Trusivr's :_.-;
<br /> -- writMn dficb�ure of tians and encumbrancea p�ovided for hereln.Trustor ehall timely pertorm all of Truetor's obtfpaGuns, �� '
<br /> - I covenanb,reprssentadon�and warrintiss under any end alI exiaunp and tuture Llens,�hall promptly forward to Lander coptas
<br /> of�II notic�s ot ddault�snt fn conn�ction wlth�ny and all exfstlnp or tuturs Ll�m,and ahall not wlthout Lander's prior wrtttan
<br /> con�nt In any manner modily the provlslons of or altow any future adva�ce�under my exl�tlnp or tuture Uens.
<br /> W �APM�bon af P�rroN�b.Unl�ts othsrwl�e raqulrsd by law,aun►�pald to Lendor hereundor,fncludinp wlthout Iimlfatlon ;°.
<br /> p�ym�nb of pdnctpd�nd int�rsst,insurance proc�sda,condemneUOn proCSedt and nnb�nd prolits.thall be appllsd by �:;�,.
<br /> L�w��o tht�mounb dw and owlnQ trom Trustor md Bor�ower fn such order es Lender in Its solQ discredon deemt deslrabla. _
<br /> (kl fww�bMq.If any provlslon ot 1hUt Dwd of Trutt conHlcb wlth�pplic�bl�I�w or Is d�cl�nd Invalid or oth�rwlss ;'�.,
<br /> t�n0orowW�,wch conlllct a Invalldtry N�all not at(�ct th�oth�r provlson�of thls Dwd ot Trutt or the Note whlch an b�
<br /> plwn NNat wltlwut tM conMtctlnp provi�Ion.and to tl�IS w►d th�provlNons of thts ONd W Trwt and 1M Not�ar�d�c4r�d to b�
<br /> Mwabl�. � ��
<br /> ..�Ir'1� � •1-_
<br /> _- _.
<br /> �':_
<br /> hr
<br />