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<br /> _--- �- 93-109r7ii
<br /> L�ndK to proMct tM wcuriry of th�NoM;tal th�p�rlorn►mc�ot ait eown�nfa and wnarNnls d TruNor�N 1or1h hoNn;�nd(d)�II
<br /> ----�--� pr�Npt a�ld futu►�IflablbeM�ar10 ot�iip�uons vi a'iw�vww tiii�i�y in friNi�it�iwiG U���s�j Yr LCtsd:t�ls:!l:Ct df�L't,Isfdlt�'Ct,
<br /> - sb�olul�or conUnp�nt�nd whsth�r a�itfnp bf►not��quar�nty.ov�rdraft or dthKwip Th�Noa�thls DMd of T�wt�nd any�nd�II
<br /> '.� � � p11�docwnb tluit Ncun 1M No�or otlwrwi�s�x�cuad in conn�ctlon tl+rnwifh,Includinp without Iimltaqon ywanWs�raurMlr
<br /> apr�nts and a�Wpnmsnb of I�a�e��nd nnb,�h�li bs r�l�n�d to hKMn�s th�"Lo�n InWrwn�n0s"•
<br /> Tnea�x cownanb and aprMS with L�nd�r os toilaws:
<br /> �:� � 1. Pa�l W Ind�bl�.All fnd�M�dn�ss�cund M►�by shail b�paid wh�n dw.
<br /> ��� 2. TNN.Trustor 1�tF►�own�r of th�Prop�►ty,haa th�ripht And authority to canv�y th�Prop�Ay,and warrana that M�1 Nn
<br /> craaUd hsrNsy is a tlnt snd prior Ilsn on ths Propsrty,�xc�pt tor Ii�ns�nd�neumbranc�s�t forth by Trustor In wriGny and �--
<br /> '�. - dNiv�nd to Lsnder bNor��xscudon ot Mi�Ds�d ot Tru�t,and tM�x�cutbn and d�iiv�ry ot thl�Owd ot Trust do�s not vfolaM any
<br />.�Ai '-•� ;•,; �. conlr�ct or other obli�atlon to wMch Trustor is subj�ct
<br /> - 3.TaxM,AaMwm�nM.To pay b�tor�delinqwncy�II tax�s,�p�cial assasrtNnts and all oth�r charyss apalnit tht Propl�Ay
<br /> !�`'- ., ` • npw or h�r�aRsr levl�d.
<br /> ��*.-,t.>�.. , 4. imwsne�.To ksep tho Proparty In�ured�painst damapa by firs,hazarda included within the term"extend�d cov�raps",and
<br /> ti; ..,.:.:�,,,..
<br /> [�. , wch oth�r hazards as Lend�r may requlre�in amaunts and with companles acceptabie to Lendar.naminp Lend�r�s an addidonti
<br /> �°'_='- '�'' named fntund,with lots payabis to th�Lender.in case o/loss under such po�iclea,the lender Is aulhorized to adJust,coilect anb --
<br />--— ,�',,� compromise,ait ci�tm�thenunder and ahall have ths opUon of applyin�aIi or part of tha Insurancs proce�da(q to any indebtadnesf
<br /> �; �' �t'�� , 'y"' sscured hereby and In wch order at Lender m�y determine,(il)to the Trustor to be usod tor the repair or�wtoratlon,of tho Property
<br />_,;,��„� ::t "`R````'�;'`r` ~ or piq for any other purpose or object aatisfactory to Lender wlthoutAttecUnp ttw lien of this Deed of Trust tor tht luti amount sscure�
<br /> "f+9 � hereby bsfore such paymsnt evsr took ptacs.Any app�icatlon of proceeds to indebt�dn�as shatl�ot s�fd a po�tpone ths due
<br /> -- �Y•F+�•"�„: ���y dat�ot any paymsr►b undsr th�Note.or cure any default thereunder or heraunder.
<br />-..'� ��,r r.. 5. E�crow.tJpon written demand by lender,Trustor shall pay to Lends�,In such manner as Lender may dealynata,wf�cient
<br /> t.,',; t ,•,
<br /> ;•:, j;�;;,,:�;. sums to enable l.�ndsr to pay a�th�y b�come due one or more of the foliowln�:(i)ait Uxes,assassments and othar cha►yes ayainq
<br /> •:,,<<�;{��,:,���,- :• . �;� tht Property,(ii)ths premiums on th�propsrty inauranco raquired hvraundar,and(ilq ttu premiume an any mortpe�e insuranu �.-
<br /> �wa•�,.�'. �,tL.._�_;.•_, rpuind by Lender.
<br /> :mr v ,.,.�` •• , 8. �AaN�Mnsnc�.R�ks and CanpN�nct wltM I.awa.Trustor chall kaep the Property In yood condiUon and rept�ir;shali
<br /> ► � promptiy repel�,or ropiace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed; sha�t not commit or permit any waste a =
<br /> ?� `-•�, • •� deterloraUon ot the Properqr;shali not remove,demoiish or subst�nUally alter any of the improvements on the Property;shall nW �_---
<br /> � � ' commit,aufter or permft any act to be done in or upon ciiu?roperty in vioiatian of any Iaw,ordinance,or reyulation;and shall pey and ���
<br /> �-• � ' ;;�MV' prompUy diahar�e at Trustor's cost and ozpense a�l Oen+�,encumbrances and charyea levied,imposod or�ssesaed aflainst th�
<br /> �,; ,'•',��. � -� l Property or any part thereoi.
<br /> •�. � � 7. EmM�nt Oom�in.Lender 1�hereby assipned ell compensatlon,awards,damapes and other paymenb or relief(hardnaitlr
<br /> A`��"���`'�� "Proceeds") In connecUon with condemnatlon or other taki�g ot the Property or part thereof, or for conveyance In tieu of _
<br /> "�'�-� :. � >: condemnatlon. Lender shall b� entitied at its option to commencQ, appear in and proaecute in Its own name any action a = ..
<br /> • • , •, � prxeedinps,and shail atso be entltied to meke any compromiae or settlement in connection with such taklny or damaqe.In the
<br /> �" ��� �v�nt�ny portion of th�P�operty is so taken or damaged,Lander ahail have tha optlon,fn!ts aote and abaoiule discretfon,to apply
<br /> ���—;?'�=�x�='° e!!�uch Pr!+ct►!wla.±!tter�feducting tharetrom all co�ts and expenses incurred by it In connection with such Proceeds,upon any
<br /> '1�.' ���'^� � indobtednesa secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine,or to app�y all auch Proceeda,after sucn deductions,to Y
<br /> � the restoration ot ths Property upon such conditions as Lender may det�,rmine.Any application of Proceeda to indebtednass ahall --.-
<br /> � • not extend or postpon�the due date of any paymenta under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied ���^
<br />•��� -•.I funda shalt bt pald to Trustor.
<br /> '���;, 8. P�+�lamanc�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence ot an Event of Delault hereunder,or it any act Is taken or Iepal proceediny �
<br /> commenced which materialty aftects Lender'a interest In the Property,Lender may In Its own discretfon,but without obliyatfon to do �..,,_
<br /> ' • so,end wlthout notice to ar demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trusto�trom any oGiigatlon,do any act whlch Trustor tue �,
<br /> apreed but taiis to do and may al�o do any other act it deema�ecessary to protect the secuNty hereof.Trustor sheli,immedlateiy f�=,�
<br /> upon demand therefor by Lende►,pay to Lender aIi costs and expenaes incurred and suma expended by Lender in connection with f,V,..
<br />` � the exercise by Lender of the foreg�ing rlyhts,together with interest thereon at the defauit rate provlded In the Note,which ahal l be w��=
<br />-- • � added to tht indabtedness secured hereby. Lender shati not Mcur any liability because ot enything it may do or omit to do �
<br /> h�rounder.
<br /> � 9. H�=atdous MatKiab.Trustor shall keep the Property in compliance with all appticable iaws,ordinances and reyulations N•i':
<br /> ' vir nmental lawd'.Trustor shali �,�r'
<br /> ! retatinp to industrla►hyqlene or envfronmentat protection(cotlectivety reterred to hereln as'En o ) ��
<br /> keep the Proparty iree trom all substancas deemed to be hazardaus or toxic under any Environmental Laws(col�ectively�e/erredto �••'�;
<br /> ; ,, t hereln es"Hazardous Materlats").Trustar hereby warrents and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardoua Materials on or r.'��.�:
<br /> under the Property.7rustor hereby ayrees to indemnify and hold harmiess lender.its directors,ofticers,emp�oyeea and agenis,and �"'�
<br /> � . E :..�
<br /> any successo�s to Lender's interest,from and against any end all claime,dama�es,losses and Ilabi�itles aristnp in connection wlth
<br /> �: the presence,use,dispoaal Or trensport oi•any Nazardous Materfals on,under,irom ot about the Properly. THE FORE�OIN(i i-:_.
<br /> �� 10. As�nm�nt of R�ntt.T�ustor hereby assigns to Lender the renta,iasues and protits ot the Property:provided that Truator
<br /> , ,;.r
<br /> - ,: .. • �+'" thalt,undl tha occurrenCe of an Event of Detauit hereunder,have the riyht to coi�ect and retain auch rents,issues and proflts as they ;_. _�
<br /> ' become due end payabte.Upon the occurrence of an Event oi Oetauit,Lender may,either in person or by eyent,with or without � -;-�.�•
<br /> - , • t�"'•`.� �• � brinyUp any actlon or proceedinp,or by a rece�ver appolnted by a court and without regard to the adequacy oi Ita securlty,enter t
<br /> upon end take po�setsion of the Property,or any part thereof,in iri own name or In the neme ot the Trustee,and do any acta which it ;`��:
<br /> _.� " y�,�"`"° . . deema neceseary or desirabie to preserve the vaiue,marketabiiity or rentabf8ty of the Property,or any part thereof or Inter�st therein, +'
<br /> ' . ,,;.
<br /> InCreaae the income theretrom or protect the securfty hereof and,w�th or without taking possessfon o1 the Property,sue for or
<br /> �-; � .� • otherw(ae collect tho reMS,fssues and protits thereof,Including those past due and unpaid,and apply the seme,tess costd and .,j
<br />- - r ' expanaes otop�ration and collectlon Inctuding attorneys'teea,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,au in auch order as Lender _ _
<br /> - V' mey determine.The enteriny upon and taking possession of the Property,the collection nt such rents,Issues end proflts and the
<br />` `'�'l , appllcatlon thereot as aforesatd,eha�I not cure or walve any defpult or noHce o(defautt hereunder or MvaUdate eny act done In ••'��
<br /> ' ' � �#.� �,,;:,�� responae to euch defeult or pursuent to such notice of detault and,notwithstandinp the continuance in possesslon ol the Properly or : ,:
<br /> + the coltectlon,recefpt and appllcation of�entt,issues or profits,and Truatee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every►ipht ';;��
<br /> '~;�'7�,�;°����� providad tor fn any oT the Loan Inatruments or by Iaw upon occurrence ot any Event ot petauR,includinfl without�Imitation the rlpht '•!1yR�
<br /> - `:•�:`};'�''• to ezerclse the power ot ea�e.Further,Lender's rights and remedfes under th�s parapraph shall be cumuletfve with,and In�o way a ''+"�•
<br /> - ':�,'.,;'• IlmitaUon on,Lender s rlphta and remedles under any assiqnment of leases and renb recordsd epa�nst the Property.Lender,Trustaa �ti�:�
<br /> - and the recNver shall be Ilable to account ony for those rents actually received. c�`�
<br /> 11. Ev�nM of DNault.Tho totlowlnp Shall constitute an Event of Detault under this Oeed ot Trust 6��''�
<br /> �.s� (a)Fallun to pay any insfa�lment of principal or intereat oi any otAer sum secured hereby when due:
<br /> (b)A breach of or detault under any provlsfon contained In the Not�,thl�Owd of Tru�t any ot th�Lwn Inttruments,or any �,.�
<br /> _� oth�r INn or�ncumbr�nce upon the Property: t-
<br /> — (c)A writ oi execuUon or attachm�nt or any simflar proceas shall be ontered apainst Trustw which�hall Wcome a Ilen on ?,`;'�
<br /> Ya tt»Prop�rty or any portlon thsnot w interest therefn; �""
<br /> (d)Th�re shal�bs 1it�d by or aQainat 7rustor or 8orrow�r an actlon under any pnsent or tuture teder�l,state or otMr
<br /> aLtub,taw a n8ulatlon nlatlnp to b�nktuptcy,insolvency or other rellof tur debtors;or th�re shall be appofnted eny trustee, ° ��
<br /> nalwr or Iiquidabr ot Trustor or BorrowK or of a�l or any p�R oi ttw Propsrty,or Mt renb.Issws or proflts th�reot,or Truqar s'.',�;
<br /> o►8ortowqr�N maks�ny p�a��sstpnm�nt for th�b�rnfit ot cndltors; ""
<br /> (�)TM aaN,tramfer.laa�e.�nrrNnt conv�yanc�or tu�tt►er eneumbranc�of�II or any p�rt ol or any Interost In the ,�-_
<br /> ProMrty,MthK valunhHy or invotuntarlly.wfthout tM�xprKS wrftNn confMt of L�nd�t:provid�d that TrusWr sh�lt Os • �
<br /> pwmitqd b wacut��IMN of tM Prop�ty that dws not contaln an optlon to purchae�and th�tsrm of N�{ch�i1ot�xCeed
<br /> �Y«►: �:.��.
<br /> (n AbWbaxn�nt of tM PropKty;or -
<br /> — �_
<br /> � -
<br /> �
<br />