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<br /> 11. Succworr aod A�M B�wn�li Jold spd 5eversl W6111tyt Co-Si�n�q'�. The wvaianu atd a�raxnenta of thi�
<br /> -- -- �gwr,��itp t�wlrnme.nt �Iwli bind and hN►efit tht r+�cew!!�!rr� ,�••ignc nf I wnAer �nA ��rr�nwer. w�bJeet W the provi�ion�pt
<br /> p�u�yraph 4.b. Borrower': covenant�u�d ��rcemenb :h�ll be joMt And sevoral. My Botrawer who co-si�ns this Security
<br /> Instrument but doei not exuute the Notr. (a) ir co-si�nin�this Sacurity lncttumant anly to moR�e, �nu�t urd convey that
<br /> Barrawtr's interest In thc Property under the tcrms af this Secudty Instrument;(b)ia r�t�ersc►rwlly obligatod to pay the wm�t
<br /> �ural by thie Security Instrument:aid(c)agreea ttut L.ender nnd any othor&►rrower may�rce to extend,modlfy,Forbear ar
<br /> - rrwlce any eccouunodations wltb n�ard to t�e tams otdhi�Security Instrument or the Note without th�t Borrower's coiuent.
<br /> —_ ,.�. .
<br /> - l3.Notices.Any notice to Hornower pM4i�od"!br ia thls Securiry Inunrmont siwll be gtven by delivering it or by ma1Hn�
<br /> - it by firu class mail unless applicable law requires uu of�nother methad.Tha notice shell be dirtcted to the Prqxrty Address
<br /> or any other eddress Sarrawer designates by notice to Le�ec. Any natice to Lender sh�ll oe given by first class mail to
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or any xtdress Le�xler designates by notice W Borrower. Any notice provided for in ihis Secarity
<br /> ___��, Instrumeat shall be deemed to hava Gan given ta Barrower or I.snder when givea es provided in thiis para�rap�h. •
<br /> ,.�,^%,�
<br /> ----- 11. Governt n g Iaw; Severebilit y. This Securiry Instrument shall be govomod by federal law and the lav► af the
<br /> Juriuliction in which the Propeny Is located, In the event that any provisian or cluusa of.this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable Inw,such conflict shull not affect othe�provisianc of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> given effect withaut the conflictin�provision. To thii ond the provisions of thi�Securlty Inatn�ment�+rd the Note ere declrrod
<br /> �_�`r,�? to be scverablc.
<br />�t'F. 1 S.Burrower'r Cupy.1�►rn�wcr sbull be�iven one runfum�i c�My of thir Serurhy In�tniment.
<br />_ I6. A�iKnmcnt ot itr�H�. li��rruwer uiko�xlidunwlly u..ign� u�xi trun�l'cr� �o lx�xlrr aU thc rrnt� unJ rcvcnucti uf thc
<br /> , Pr�q►eriy. W�rruwrr wutlwrl�r�IA��Icr ur l�iKlcr'+�u�ent�+�o rull�xt tbu rcnth��xl�ovcnucx u�xl iurchy direc�.uu:h tenunt uf the
<br /> :, ,• ' F'ru�riy tu�x►y Uk rent.tu I.e�Kkr ur Ixixlcr'+ugent�. H��wcvcr.prinr���lander'*�wticr to&�rrowcr i�f Horrowcr'x brcu�h c�f
<br /> x o he tt
<br /> rny r�.vciwnt ur uunrnkiN in thc ti�xurlty D�.trunknt, fi��rrowcr ah�ll cullixt u�xl roceivr uU rants�nd revenue f t Prope y
<br />- �x trutiati li+r tik hcix:fit uf l.ctxk�r utxl Wrrrower. This uari�nnwnt ut'r�nt�cwutiwte► rn xb�olute wsi�nment and not yn
<br /> . � ��,; ,i#� . u�i�nnxnt for u�Witiotud x;rurity only.
<br /> �i; - �. �.
<br /> � � �� �'x•"• If Lendor gives natico uf breuch w &irrower: (a)uU rents receivod by Borrower shall�be held by Borrawer as tnistee for
<br /> ��' �' beneflt uf Le�xler only, t�be upplied to the sums sccured by the Securlty instrumcnt;(b)Lender shull be entitled to coUect and
<br /> —•'s�,;,q„s.�,•,t;,ye.�er;, � .
<br /> :., _.._, .�,..�,:,,, reccivc uli of the rcnta of tha Property: und (cl each tenant of thB Prvperty shall pay all renta due and unpaid to L.ender or
<br /> ;. .•,; ,;.;:.;��, l.ender's ugent on Lender's written demund to tha tenont.
<br /> � • Burrowcr hati not exeruted any prior assignm4nt of tha rents and hw not and will not pertorm any act that would prevent
<br /> � L.ender from exercising its rights under thiF pur�gruph 16.
<br /> � L.endcr shull nin be reyuired tn enter u�x�n,tuke ronuvl of ur muintuin the Property before or after giving notice of brcach
<br />_ � °��•• � � to Borrower. Hcnvevcr, Lender or a judiciully appointed rereivcr m�y do u�at any timc thcrc is a breuch. Any apptic�tion of
<br /> � +•�• � ; ~ rent, shall not cure i�r wuivc any defuult or invalidutc uny uthcr rigM or remedy of L.cnder. This a�signment of rents of the
<br /> .�. ��,#:..•,, ::::: �4.
<br />__^�� • • . Propcny shull temiinnte when the debt sc:rured hy thc Scruriry Instrument i�paiJ in full.
<br /> ���.• �, ! � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.B�mowerand Lrnder further covenant and agrcc ar ti�llowti:
<br />• 17.Horeclasure Proredure.[f'I.ender r��yul�•ex Immcdiutc puvment in f'ull under puragruph 9,Lender may invake the _
<br /> • ! " powcr oP sale and any other remedic.w permitted by upplirablc lu��. Lendcr shall fx entitled to collect all expen.�es
<br /> , • incurred in punuin�thc remedi�w under this paragruph 17.includinR,but not Ifmited to. rexwnpble Attorneys' fees and
<br /> costs of title cvldencc.
<br /> � It the pow•er of sule ix i�n•uked. '1'rustcY xhull recnrd a notice uf defuult in euch cnimt�• (n which any part of the
<br /> y ��;' " Propern� is located uizd shall muil cnpi�w of'such n��ticc in tBe munner pr��xrilxd br•applicublc law to Borrower and to
<br /> . ' . the other per�ms presrrilxd b��upplicablc laµ•.ARcr the time rcyuir��d bv upplirut►!c luK,'trurtee shall Rive puWlc notice
<br /> !`'°'•�.�!� of sale to the per.honti and in the manncr prc.xrilxd bv upplirublc law. Trustcc, ��ithnut demand an Borrower. shull rell
<br /> ��`' �`�''' ' the Pruperty at public uuction to tlie hiuh�wt bidder ut the tinm und plure und under the tcrmz dexignated in the natice of
<br /> � ,.�.' sale in onc or mure pa�rcls und in un�•order Trustcc dctcrniimw.1'rustec mu� �►�t��ne tialc uf all or anv purcel of the
<br /> 3' � I'ropertp by public unnnuncement at thc timc JI1t) NIBI'l'Ilf�AOV NI'l'YIUUSIY til'Ill'tIUII'(I tifilC. l.ender or its dc�iRnec muy -
<br /> � ` ' purchase the Property at any sule.
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