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<br /> rofenad to i�pua�nph 2, ur chan�e tue artwunt of such p�ymenu. My excc�proc.�xds over�n amount required w pRy rll
<br /> vui.iMi�di��i�■iobic�ir�e:c tu�dcr tls:,Ncit�ra!t4i:^�-�r'sty lis:s�s sha!!�paM to tl��ntity le�ally aotitMd�.
<br /> �.Fea.La�der msy ooitect foa ud ct+uja�uthodud by tLe Secrotary.
<br /> 9.Gr+nYOri�[or Aoo�atioa u[D�bt.
<br /> (y Default. I.ender may, except as limited by r�gul�tions iacued by the Secretary in the caie of paya�oat default�.
<br /> requirn inunedisu payment in full of�II sums socurod by thie Secudty Inatrumnt if:
<br /> (i)Bunowcr defaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment requirod by this Secur�ty Insttument prior W or
<br /> on the due date of the next monthly payment,or
<br /> (ii) Borrowcr defaults by faiN�g. for a periad of thirty days, to perform any other obligations cont�ined in thi�
<br /> Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> (b)Sale Witiwut Ct+edit Approvxl. I.ender shaU. if pem�tted by applicsible!aw and whh the prior approval of tho
<br /> Seeretary.require immodiwte paymant in full af all sumc securod by thls Security Instrument if:
<br /> (i) AU or part of tbe Property. or a benefici�l inturst in a trust owr�ing�II or part of the Property. is sold or
<br />'"yn�`:`,- othcnvise tr.�nsferad(othcr than by devise or descent)by the Borrower,end
<br /> ''�` '��— -,',;;- `�urchasor or�antee1does occupy�the PrapeRyrlwt hia ar her crod ti has aot �ban eapprovedin accoidcdar�ce wltb the
<br /> ����� �r`' roquiremcnts of the Secretary.
<br /> (e)No Wniver. [f circumstances nccur that would permit I.ender tu require immodi�te pa+yment in full,but Lender does
<br />-. �xu roquire wch paymonts,Lcnder does not waive ita ri�tua wilh rerpxt to w1�;a�uent eventa.
<br /> - � (dl Re�ulatlorw ut HUD Secn�ary. In mAny circumstvnces rcQulWlions irxurcf by the Socret�ry wfll limit l.cnder'r
<br /> �ights in the case ��f puymcnt d�faults to rcquirc immaii�te paynxnt in full ynJ fiiralme if�x►t pwid. 'J'hh Socur{ty
<br />�` „� In�tronxnt doea ont w�thorlu xceleration or forcclwure if nnt permittpl by rcQulWiunw uf the Sarelnry.
<br /> (e)MnrtRx�e Not Inwred. Bonower agrees that shouW this Security Instrunxnt und tha Note�ecured tfiereby not be
<br /> '-�� r�;��h�r f�r inzurence under the Natiorwl Housing Act within 60 dYyf from the dyte henx�f, L.¢nder nwy, At its aption
<br /> �;, ,,; und notwithstanding anything in paragruph 9. require immediate payment in full of ull nurru� securod by this Security
<br /> ' � �••2�st++��. Instrument. A written htatcment of any authorized agent of thc Secretary ds�ted subscyuent to 60 duys from tha date
<br /> ; a�A.:a�-..,�....�
<br /> . _ Y• t�+'; hereof.declining to insure this Security instrument and the Note securcd thereby, shull be deemed conclusive proof of
<br /> .. .�i_,,-,..
<br />- "`'"'„ •L- - ' such ineligibility. Notwithstunding the foregoing, this option muy not be exercised by Lcnder when the utu►vailability
<br /> �t�.'.{. ,�.�. .:,:,,';
<br /> ����;�;,y;,,�„�:. of insurance is solely due to i.cnder's failurc to remit a mortgage insurunce prcmium to the Secrctary.
<br /> :"�' 4''�•�� 'w�,, :� 10. Retnstatement.Borrowcr hati a risht to bc rcinstatcd if Lendcr has required immediate payment in full bocause of
<br /> �'' '' " � Borrawer's fuilure ro pay an amount due under the Note or this Security instrument. This right applie�even after foreclosure
<br />_ •4�:.�•;-:::;.�,:'�:;>.
<br /> - ;,y;;,�,. . _ prcxeedings are institutcd. T��rcinstatc thc Sccurity Irntrument. &�nuwcr shafl tcndcr in A lump sum uii amountx required to
<br /> . }'''"�''' ' � bring Borrower's accaunt current including, to the extent thcy are obligatio�c of Borrower under this 5ecurity lnxtrument.
<br /> ' .". " � ' fureclosure cosis and reasonable and cu�tamary attomeys' fres anci expen,es properly atisociated with the for�closure
<br /> �u•-� " . >f� procecding. Upon rein�tatement by Burrow•er,thiti Security In+trument und the obligations tliat it secures rhall remuin in effect
<br /> � �t�'" '''•� '•'����`"�� ac if Lender hud not require4l immediate puymrnt in full.Huwevcr.Lender is not required tu permit reinstntement if: (i)Lender
<br /> ' `z��� ` has acccpted reinstaten�ent after the rrnnmcnccment of forcclosurc prnceedings w•ithin two ycan; immediately precoding the -
<br /> ' ' • commcncement of a current forecl�►surc prex�tidin�;, (ii)rcinstatcment will prccludr tiircrlo,ure on dif'fcrent gmunds in the
<br /> ' ;;l';., ' ' future,or(iii)reinstatcment will advcrxcly uffect the priciriry af tix lien crc:►ted by thi�Serurity Instrument.
<br /> , ��` ^ ;� 1l.Borrower Not Released;F'orbearance By�I.cndcr Not u Wuiver. Extrn.iun ot'thc time of puyment vr modification of
<br /> ' � , �SY�.��;.� amonization of the sums securcJ by this Serurity Instrunknt Frunted by I.cnJer tu un�� .ucce,sor in interest of Bcrrower shall
<br /> �';", not operate to relcare thc liubility of thc originul &�rraiwrr �ir&irruwcr'�sucrc+sar in intere�t. Lcndcr shall not be required to
<br /> - � . commence proceeding+ aguin,t any�uccetisor in inteRSt��r reiu�r ta rxtend tinx ti�r paymrnt or othera�ik nuxlify nmorti•ration
<br /> � of the sums secured by this Si:curiry Instrumcnt hy rca+un of an}� demand madr h�� thr ��ri�inu{ Burc�iwcr or &�rrower's
<br /> -'�* " ' ' " succesK�n in intcrcst. Any k�rbcurancc by L.endcr in rxerci.inE any right or rrnuJy �hall nut be a wai��er of or prcclude the
<br />'-':. cxcrcisc nf any right or mmcdy.
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