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<br /> peri�th�t LeaMr roqufre�. The inwrar�ce c�urler providic�the in�w�xa sh�ll be cho�a�by�m derti
<br /> - „w,:av�u�ch:!�!!rst�suttra,..-ats�4sly::�fslsts;:il. !t Ban+owor fails w m�intnin covera�e dacdbed above.Lar�der may,�t -
<br /> Le�ler5�option,obtain covera�e w protect Lrnder�d�hts fn the�ty in�cxard�nce wjth pan�nph T.
<br /> All inwr�nce paJ(c:fes�nd rcnawtlw�iwli be�oc�ept�ble to �nd�h�til Include a ahe�d�rd mort�a�u ciwre. l.eador
<br /> shaJl have the rigtN to hpld tha policies�nd renewal�. If Letder requlres.Bamwer+�iWl promptlY Sive to Lander s�l roceipa
<br /> _ - of pdd premiums and�s►ecwal natic:e�. In the event of lou:,Borrowa slWl�ive prampt notice tn the in�a cu�ier�rd _
<br /> Ladcr. Lender m�y m+�lce p000f of las if not made prompciy by Bacrower.
<br /> linless LendGr rnd Bamwer ottiervvise agroe in wddng,inwnu�ce Proceods rh�ll be epplied to rtstontion or repair of
<br /> - ---- the PrapenY damagcd� if the rcstaratlon nr erpsir iR ecmanicdly feaslbk and Lender�securi[y is not le►�eneci. !f�,'se -
<br /> — restotaticx�or rcpair iH nc�t ecaxxnically feasibb or l.ender�s secuciry would be leuet�ed.the inwrince ProeESds sf�11 b�
<br /> appUed ta the sumA securcd by thia Sccurity Instnime�►t,�,+vhether at not then due,with any excess paid to Barower. If
<br /> Borrower pMu�dcxi.,tk�a Py+opertY,cx doe:not anrwer within 30 dayi a notice from Lender tlwt the insurance curier hs�a
<br /> oPfend ta seale A cluim.then Lendar mAy collect the insurance proceeds. L.ender may use the procxeds to repair or rcstae
<br /> -�- the Propccty a to pay suma seeurod by this Sacurity lnstrwnent.whether or�wt thm dne. 71rc 30�day period will beQin whe�t
<br /> - . the notiee is givrn.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bomower ahefwise�ree in writing,any applicuion of procoeds to principal atutU nat extend or
<br /> postpone the due duu:of the monthlY ps�ymenes nfsmed u► in panSraphs I and 2 or chnnge the�mount of thc payments. If
<br /> under par�graph 21 the Prope�ty i�acquiced by I.ender.Bomowerk dght to any insururce po8cies and proceeds resuitin�
<br /> from dautwge to tha I't+openy prior to the acquisition ci�ali pass to l.ender w the exunt af the sums sec�red by thlc Security
<br /> Insuument immediutcly p�or to thw acqutsition. __
<br /> �-_-- -� 6. Oaxup�acX PreservaWm, MJateaance �ad Protectlor pt tbe Froperty; Borrower•s l.uon Applicatiou;
<br />___.a;— i,easehp{dt, Borrower shall accupy,establish,and use the Pr�operty as Borrower�s princ[Pol residence within sixty days after
<br />- the execution uf d�in Security Insttument and ahall continus to occupy the Pt�opercy+�r Bcxrower's priocipil residence for ac --
<br />_��':; ��;�s� one yeu afte� the date of accupancy. unless Lender otLenvise agrees in writing. which consent shall not be
<br /> - ,�. unreasonably withhald,or unless extenuadng circumstances exist which arc beyond Borrower�s control. Borrower shall not
<br />-. dest�ay.damago or impair the Property,allow the Property ro deteriaate,or cwnmit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> `±;�� be in default if any furfeitune action or proceeding,wheth�r civll or cdminal.is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment
<br /> � could result in forftiture of the Aro�ecty or otherwjse materially impair the lien created by this Sectrtty Insuument or
<br /> .. Lender's security int�:cest. Borrowar may cure such a default and ninstate,as provided in parxgreph 18,by causing the action
<br />- • or proceeding co bc dismissod with a�uling that,in Lender's good faith determination,prccludes forfeiture of the Bomower's
<br /> intercst in the Pro(►acty or othor maurial impaimxnt of the lien created by this Secudty Insuument or Lender's security
<br /> " interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Bomower. during the lou� applicadon proc�ess, ga�e material[y false or
<br /> inaccurate irtfamatiat or statements to Lendor(a Cs►iled to provide Lender with any material infomntan)in connecpon with
<br /> the Ipan evidenced ay the Note, including, but not limited to. cepresentations conceming Bonnwer'�occupancy of the _
<br /> ..-;;;�,•,' pooperty ac a principal residence. If this Security lnstrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> ;�- - - of the lease. It Borrv��+er acquires iix�i[ie co�ix Froperiy,tj�iCase�•otd and shc fr,�sitic�!!s:os snerge s:r�ss Ltackr�s
<br /> � ' ";'��.'�•' '��'��•`•. ta the merger in wricing.
<br /> ,y, �;�.�::.,.,.,; .
<br /> N=,ar/:;�rn.,.47n?�'�:.::\� 7. Protection oP I.ender's Ri$hts (n the Property. If Bomnwer fails co perfom► the covenants and agreernents
<br /> ,i�ti;;. :• ;;`�y:;': . containcd in this Security Inr:trument. or there is a legal proceeding thot may sigmficantl� afFect Lender's rights in the
<br />_' :.�,,: � � propeny(such a�a proceeding in bunkruptcy,p�ot►ste.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations).then
<br />• " ''''`� I' Lender may do and Qay for whatuvcr is necessauy to protcct the vulue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Pmperty.
<br /> �:.���'�'�'°`'"'{ Lender's action�may include payittg ar►y su►ns secumd by a lien which has priority over this Security Insqument,appeanng
<br /> ";a'-� -� in court,puying reotionable attomuys'fees and entedng on the Froperty to make repairs.Although Lender may take�ctwn
<br /> �,� .,.r -� � .. .. . under this paragraph 7,Lender daes not have to do so.
<br /> -- w,,,; _ Any amountu disbuncd by l.ender under this puagruph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> , .r.�.�-�--•• . Securiiy Intitrument. Unlcss Borruwcr s►nd Lender agrec to other tcrms of payment,these amounts shall bear intercst from the
<br /> ;� � '��� d.ue of di�:bunement at thc Nrne rute and shall be payuble,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> "',' payment.
<br /> ' S. Murtqage imsur�nee. if Lender reyuired mortgage inwrance a� a condition of muking the loan secured by this
<br /> Security Instniment. Borrower tit�.�ll pay the prcmiums reyuired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for uny
<br /> � �; ;"� reawn, the mortguRe insurartce caveragr. reyuired by Lender lapses ur ceatie+ to be in effect, Borrower shall p:�y the
<br /> - �� � p�emiums reyuired to obtain crneragc �ubstantially cquivalent to the mortgage insurance pmviously in effect, at a cost _
<br /> ,ubytantially eyuival4nt ta the cnst to Borrower of the mortg•rgr insurance previously in effrct,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> � � insumr�pproved by Lendcr. lf wubstantially equivalent mortgage insurunce covera�e ix not available.Borrower shall pay to
<br /> � Lrnder e•rch m��nth:�sum cyuul tu ane-Iwelfth of the yeariy mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br />-- in�ur.ince coverage Inptied or ceused to he in cffect. Lendrr will ncrept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> .�.'� of'mangvgc inhurancc. Loss reserve puymen[s may no lon�er be reyuircd, at the option of Lender, if mortgage insurance
<br /> � ',. ' coveruge(in the umcwnt und far thc penod that Lender reyuires)provided by an intiurer approved by Lender again becomes
<br /> availuhle and is otN;iined. Rormwer tihnll p�y the premiums reyuind to maintain mortgnge insurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> � , losti reserve,until th�reyuinment for mongage insur3nce ends in acconianre with uny written agreement between Borrower
<br /> ,• ' .,. ancf Lrnder or�pplic:ublc law.
<br /> . � 9. Inspection. Lcnder or its agent may mukc rcaronubie entries upon and inspertiuns of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> _ `::JS:�:...a.:;�.... give Bormwer ndice•rt the tune of oc prior to:u►inxpectiun xpecifying reasonable caus�for the inspection. _
<br /> � "� L0. Conden�ttion. The pruceeds of an��aw:ud ar claim for damages,dir�ct or conseyuential,in connection with any
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