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<br /> TOCiEfHBJt WITH�Il the improvana�ts now ar twmeafter erocted un tt►e pmpany.+u�d�II����rtenu�ce�,
<br /> ani fixturca Iww�r be�atl�er a�.rt�i th���y. All e�lrcement.�ad xWltiatu�r�ll tlw bo covaod bv ibia SacuritY
<br /> _ InWUmont. All of the forcpain�t�rcfeixed w in this Security In�aun�nu as tt►c"Arc�eny."
<br /> BORROWL'R COV�NAN't'S th�t Borrnwu ia[�wfutly ici�ed of the est�to hareby cativcyed and hu the ri�{ht w�nt
<br /> �nd convey the P�y�n�tiW the P�operty is unencumbercd,except for encumtxwnccs�t rccad. Banower w�rmts�r�d
<br /> will defend�enemlly the Utk to the PropenY aQairut+�fl ciu[ms and dem�tid�.wbjoct ta�ny encumbr�nas of recor+d.
<br /> —�-�--------�.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambina unifam coven�nts fcx n�titx�l use �nd nai•unifam ooverWn�s wlth
<br /> - - - - - limital vrriatla�r by Jurisd�tia�w co+isdwt�:a unifurn►e�ccurlty In�uunuitt co��eflng rca property. _
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barower wid Lenricr a:orrnant u�d�gcee�s follows;
<br /> 1. Pf�ymeat ot Pirincip�l a�d I�teresf;Firepaya�ent�sd Late CMuga. Rntrowcr sh�ll prompt�Y WY wlxn due the
<br /> principal of and intercst on tNo debt evldenced by the Motc and�y�xe�yment and I�to ch�[ges duc undcr the Note.
<br /> — 2. F�u�[oc'hxes sad Imuraaca Subject to w�licaWe law or to�writtan w�iver by Lender.Bomower shall psy to
<br /> l.ender on the day monthly pnyments Are due undur tlws Nae. until the Nde ic pnid in fi41,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yeuly
<br /> - - - - t�uces aod suessnxnts which m�y utAin priority ovQr thie Security Insuument as�Uan an the Aropeny:(b)Year1Y leasehold
<br /> � 33-�s =- payment� or gnound rents o� the H�opercy. If any: (c)yearly huzard o� �xopertY inwrance prcmlu►ns: (d) Yerrly tlood
<br /> insurrnce premiums, if any; (e) yruly nwrtgage inaurance premiums,if�ny: and (�any sums payabic by Barowcr to
<br /> _ Lrndtr.in accordance with the�ovislons of paragcaph 8.in lieu of the paymcnt�f maRgase insurance prr:mlums. '[liese
<br /> - items arc called"Escrow Items." Lendcr may.at any timc.coilect anci hold FLndt in an amount not to cxceed the m�ximum
<br /> amount a leoder for n federaliy «lated mrxtgage los�n moy require for Bcxmwar�escrow account under the fedaal Keal
<br /> Fstue Settlement Proceduns Act of 1974 as amendsd from ame to dme,12 U.S.C.�2601 e►s�q.("ItFSPA"),�mkss ondher
<br /> � law tiut apptia eo ttie Fvndc sets a ksse�amoun� ff so. Lendrr may.at�y tImo.colloct and UoW F�u�Cis in an sunount not to
<br /> - exceed the ksser amount. Lender may estimntc thc anwunt oF fi�nds due on tha bwsis of curtr,�u d�ia and �eason�ble
<br /> estimata of expenditur�es of future Esennw Itams oraherwise in�ccards►nce with Applicable law.
<br /> � The Funds stiall be held in an inctttution whc►�e depacits arc insurod by x fcdcrRl agency. instrumentality,ar ent�ty
<br /> (including Lrnder.if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home l.wm Bank. I..ender shaU apply the Ponds to pay
<br /> the Fscrow Items. Lender may not charge Barrower for lalding and applying ths I�nds,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> �ccount,or vaifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower intc�+est on the Fi�nds and applicable law permits
<br /> Lender to m�i:e such a charge. Howeve�.I.ender muy rcquire Borrower to pay a ane-tima charge far an independent real
<br /> aate tax rcpocting service uscd by Lender in connection with[tiis lou�.unless appliGable law provides otherwise. Urdess an
<br /> agratrent is madc or applicablc Inw cequircs intercst to be paid,Lender shall not be�quircd to pay Bormwer any interest or
<br /> eamings on the Funds. Bomower u�d Q..endcr may tgn�e in writing,however.that inte�rst shnll be paid on the F�nds. Lender
<br /> - ;- �� shall give to Bomower.without charge.nn annuut Accounting of ihe Funds.shawing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> � purpose fot which each debit to the Funde wns mudes. 'Ilie Flinds are pledgod an additionAl sccurity far ali sums secur+ed by
<br />_ this Security Instrument.
<br /> - _ ��,;',..-,,�,.�;,,;;; ' ii ihe i�u�C1s i�eid by I.etufer cxrce3 sha amcun�,�Sermitte�+ to t� trl� b>' aFFlicablc law, t�n�r �hAl1 nceM�oe �o
<br /> .,�n;;-,�:,: ••�• . Bamwer fix the excess Funds in accacdunce witN the requirements of applicablo luw. If Ihe amount of[ix F�nds held by
<br /> `";°��: ' '„ Leader at nny time i�not su�ciant to pay thQ Fscrow Icems when due,Lendur may so notify Botrower in writi�,and,in
<br /> .r•: •':' ' . such case Bomower shall pay to Lendar tha amaunt necessary to male up tho drficiency. Bomower shall make up the
<br /> `j'� ' . . ' deficiency in no more than twelve monthly puym�nts,at L.ender's sole discr+etion.
<br />. •• : llpon payme�t in full of all suma securrd by this Security Insuument,Londar shall promptly refund to Bortower any
<br /> • � Funds held by Lender. If,under paragtaph 2I.Lendcr shuii acquire or scll tho Pm}x�rty,Lender,prior to thc acyuisition or
<br /> �;;��;�; _� sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds hetd by Leader at the time of acquicition or sale as a credit againu the sums
<br /> serurcd by this Security Instrument.
<br />' '�;.;�,,,D� . ,J 3. Applkation ot Payments. Untes.applicublc luw providcs othenvise, all pAyments meived by Lender under
<br /> ,•Y„4, : , paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be�pplied:fir.st,ai any prcpaymcnt charges due under tho Nota:second,to amoun�s payable under
<br /> ''• ~ . paragraph 2;third,to intercst due;fou�th,to principal due;and lact,to any late ch�as due under tfie Nolr.
<br /> "°•'��- 4. Cbsrges; Liens. Borrower shull pay all taxes, asticssnunts, charge�, fines and impositions attributeble to thc
<br /> . Property which mny attain priarity over this Secuaty Insirument,aad leasehold p,9yments or ground rents, if any. Borrower
<br /> shall pay these obligations in tNcs munner provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in thnt munner,Borrower shap pay them on
<br /> + .,,;�;�,��-' �; time directly to the person owed pnymvnt. Bumower shall promptly fumish to Lendcr all nrnicec�f amounts to be paid under
<br /> `.f;t`�,;.. this paragraph. If Borrower makes ihosa paymuntb di�rctly.Borrower shail pmm�tl)�fumish ta Lender n:ceipts evidencing
<br /> �.3:�••-:`• � thepaYments.
<br /> • Borrower shall promptly discher�a any lien which hus pricxity over this Security Instrument unle.s Borcower.(a)agrees
<br /> � .� in writing to the payment of the obligation r,ecured by thc lien in a manner aceepic+ble io Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> , �`' � lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lian in,tegal proceedings which in the Lenderl opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> _ enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holdcsr of the lien an agreement satistactary to l.ender subordinating the lien
<br /> "=1`••����•� to this Securiry Inswment If Lender deteanin�s that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> '� over this Security Instrument,l.ender may give Bixrowcr a naicc identifying tho lion. Bo�mwer shall�atisfy the lien or takc
<br /> ,;::, � -•� ,;;i one or mon of the actions set focth above wIthin 10 duys of the giving of nolice.
<br />_,.� i:f;...;,_"�'. 5. H�rd or Property Insumnce. Bomower sNull kecp thc improvcmems now oxisting on c�rcaftcr erccted on thc
<br /> -.• !�• �f•: Property insuced against loss by fire,hazardr.included within the tecm"extended�overage"and any other ha�rds,including
<br /> ''�'`� �'-��Y" floods or flooding, for which Lender nequiass insur.ince. This insurance shaU bes mpi»1n+ined in the amounts and for the
<br /> ti..:".,.. . ,'•,
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