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_= ��;; 'H:�•. <br /> • ' .._ �.. ., .. . ..nn-_°.-. -."-... -----� ----- --- - <br /> --- __���;.,:.� 93•�0�ra .. <br /> w �. �rhe Hen�cWy� «iu.�, .re,iwhodmd w eab� x aoy ra..00.we elme upoa«ia.ay put ot tbr p�oparty�ar di. <br /> pWpore af irpectin j tLe dme aed ta the purpae of paiormi W W�at t6��tlwy are a�Mhori�d to pwbrN►wrder t6o M�rat at <br /> _ _ - �1q ian iawnw�wii�o,.o�::���. - <br /> !. It�q or aay p�tt d tbe propaty ot aqy inlm�t at TrurWn i�w1d. tnwllrrtrd or IWtl�rnawnberad rvltboM tLe wtMre <br /> 000raK ot the Baidlci�uy,the HaadlciuY r�Y dxtar�dl�unr recvnd by thlr Ttwt DMd lo br lauMdiN�dae�1 plq��bk�ad <br /> prooeed to tbo remodia�v�it�bte to it w�der Ihe dedanit provisloro oonWned berain. <br /> 1�. Aay at tM followin�evads rhUl be damed�n tvant d'deLMdl M�; <br /> _ �.._- - _-� �. Tnalon fhUl Mw h11ed to m�k�e p�y�nac ot aay iaqWmmt ot priaclpal or iNecat or taY alber wau�ecurod boraby ahen _ <br /> �' oondltion. pro�'l�iOn. �aaWj°° °r <br /> " b. There hat oocutt�ad a broach of ot detstdt under �ay term. oovenam, a�r�nenl. <br /> -- — wuranty oontainod In this Deed of Trusi,tho note or�u►y other lo�a inswmtnt�ecurod herdry: <br /> e. '1'tiere das been A defiwlt by tha Tnuton ia the p�ymait of tay prlor or wbtaqueat lien or eaaunbanoe ia t�eCt w�U a sny, <br />- - ' part oE the Propert3+: <br /> -- -_� - d. Tmstors shall filo a volunt�ry �tion in banlczuptcy or shall be s�udicatod b�nlwpt or inwlv�att, or sf�ell ntake an <br /> — assignment for the benef'it of croditora in rospoct to the pmperty,or an aqion w enfoccc any lien or encumbru�oa or judQmeut: <br /> -�- , � againct the Properiy Is oommu►cod. <br /> l l. In tho cvant of any defauit,tho Bcneficiary mey docluc all indcbtodness socurod heroby to bo dua aad payable and tLe iamo <br /> �twll thorwpon became due aad payablo without any presenlmont,demand.Protat or notice of aay kiud. ThaeaRa,the Beir1'x�ary <br /> -__ - �,_ _.__ <br />- '� - �. dthar in perwn or by agent,with or wlthout bringing any acdon or procoeding,or by receiver sppointed by a oaui�ad <br /> :�� ' � wichau regard co sho adoqu�.y ofany socur�cy.eater upon and tako passcssion af thc property,or anyr pa�t iu own --- <br /> ` ;�:�,=,�;,° ;'. name or in tho t�ame of tho Tructa. and do any acts which it dacns neoessary and dcsireble to praeive tLe value, ��- <br /> - y ,•.?:�f`'•*'.'�� � marlcetability or rentebiHty of thc pronerty,or put theroof,or interest thercin,increasc the income tbercfmm or prota;t the <br /> : ..�� ;•��,'.��� �' securlty hereof and,without possession of the pcopecty.sue for or othenvise collect the rents,issues and profits thereof, - <br /> = including those pnst duo and unpaid,and apply the same, Iess costs and e.cpec�ses of operatian and oollocdon. �aeluding <br /> _. ;),;.:.� nUi7!'.,(�y ;�;•;'��}� attorney fees,upon anY indebtedness sc�ctu'ed hereby.all in such order as the Heneficiary may dete.nuine. The eatering upon <br /> .tbL.t.��.�:'l,'.,tlf_'r•'r:.�_,F. <br /> : �,�.�,:ti.,.••,., , and taking possession of tho trust c�tato, tho caUoction of such rcnts,issues and profiu and application thereoFas aforesaid <br /> � -�,�;�`�°'�'x E;••.�': �•;^ sha11 not cure or waive any default or notice of dof��lt h�reunder or imalidate any act and in responte to such default or <br /> - ;_,��•M;;;��:;.;:.,',, pursuant to such notice of dcfaWt and notwithstanding the continuana in possesslan of the property or the copection,raxipt <br /> ' 1 ., . . .r�i• <br /> _ .�����;.{�y`';:;,-•,�,,,, and application of ronu,issues or proflts.Tmstoe or tha Beneficiary map be endtled 10 cxercise every right provlded for in any _- <br /> =� ,,7���1'T af the loan instrumonts or by law upan occurrenx of any event of default,including the right to exercise the power of sale; <br /> - �,,.f,+ ir. wmmence an actian to Poreciose ilds D�d of Trtut as a mostgagc, appaiai s rcceiti�rs, or spec�call}r saforce any of th!+ <br /> ; covenants hereof; <br />� ' c. delivcr to Trustee a wrinen dectnration of defautt and demand for sale, and wrincn notice of default and elaaon to cause <br /> Trustors'intarest!n tho property to be sold,which notice Trustee shnll causc to bo duly filed for record in the o�cial reoords <br /> , � of tho county in whieh the prAperty is located. <br /> � 12. Should the Beneficiary clect to farcclote by exercisc of thc poa•er of sale hcrcin contaitr.d,the Bcneficiaty shall notify Trustec <br /> and shaq dcposit with Trustce this Decd of Tcust and the note and such rcceipts and evideucc of expenditures msda and sccurod <br /> �t hereby as Trustce may rcquirc.and upon rcqucst of the Bencficiory�.thc Tn�stce shall causc to bc rccorded,published and deiiverod <br /> ,r to Trustor such Noticc of'Ucfault and Noticc of Salc as thcn rcquircd by law and by this Dced of Trust.Trustx stu�ll without dcmand <br /> u <br /> �` y � on'I'rustor,aiter such time as may then be required by law and aRer recordation of such Notice of Default aiul after Notice of 5ale - - <br /> 1.� having becn givcn as required b}�la«•, scll the properry at�he time and placc of salc fixod by it in such Notice of Salc, eithcr as a � ' <br /> whole,or in separata lou or parcels or items as Truuoe shall dcxm cxpcdicnt, and jn such ordcr as it may detcrmine,at public �,.•,_ <br /> a auction to the highest bidder for cash nnd shall deliver to such purcheser or purchasers thereof a dcxd to the propeety sold,consistent ���� <br /> � with the law then in effcxt. Recitals in the Trustec's decd shaU be prima facie e�•idence of the tntth of the statements made therein. -r <br /> . Trustee shall apply thc praxals of thc sa(c in tlie follou�ing ordcr: (a)to atl rcasonable costs and c!cpenses of the sala.including but <br /> � • " not limited to Tn�stee's fees of not more than 2"/0 of the gross sale price.reasonable attorn�;�•fees and costs of title cwidenec;(b)ro all � _�� <br /> �, sums sccurcd bS•this Dccd of Trust and (c) thc cxcess. if any. to thc person or pecsons legally entitled thereto. Any person. -----� <br /> ' ' .' �� . including the Benefician•,ma��purchASC said properly'at said sale. Trustcc may in the manner provided by law,postpone sale of all =__- <br /> or any portion of the property. __ <br /> 13. Trustee and the Beneiicinry,and each af them.shall be entitled to enforce pa�ment and perfonnance of any indebtedness or r�_: <br /> s obligation sccured hcreb}•and to e�ercisc �Il righis and pow�crs uudcr this Dced of Trust or undcr any loan inurumcnt or other �;- <br /> , agrecmcnt or any la��•s nor or hercAficr cnforccd not��•ithstanding somc or alt of thc indcbtcdncss and abligations sxural hereby �°_" <br /> • which may now•or hercaftcr bc othert�ise secured. «•hcthcr b}• mortgagc. decd of irust. plcdgc. licn, assignment or otherwise. `-`='='` <br /> ' Neitl�er the acceptance of this Decd o!'Trust nor its ci�forcemcnt.�chethcr bc court action or pursuant to the poN•er of sale or other �� <br /> : � poa•ers herein�ll prejudice or in any manner aflect Trusteds ar tlx. Benefici�n•'s right to cealir.e upon or enforce any ' <br /> � : � other secnrin• no«•or hereafter held b��Trustec or thc Benefician. it being agrecd�hat Trustee aud the Beneficiary, and cach of q�;� <br /> � ;�ll be cntitled to enforee this Deed of Trust and an}• other securin•no�c or hereafter held by the Benefieiary or Tn�stx in 3�'''" <br /> � f <br /> • such order and manner as the�•ma��in thcir absolute discretion determine No rernedy herein conferred upon or resen•od to Trustee , <br /> or Benefccian�is�ntended to be exclusi�•e of any othcr remcd}•hercin or by law prrn•ided or permiticd,but each shs►1l be cumuladve ' ' <br /> � , ; and shall bc in addition ro c�•cn•othcr rc�ncd�•gi�•cn hcrcundcr or now on c�rcaflcr ceis�ing at lan�or eqwq�or by statutc. E�•cry � <br /> , pow•er or remody gi��en b��any of thc loan instruments to Trustce or the Beneficiar�•or to��•hich eitlier of them muy be otherwise F <br /> � � entitlod may be exercised.concurrently or independently.from time to time and as often as may be dcemod expodient by Trustee or <br /> � Beneficiary,and cithcr of thcm nw�•pursuc inconsistent rcmcdics. Nothmg hcrcin shaU bc construed as prohibiting thc Bcncficiary ; <br /> _ �_ _________ from soeking a deP�ciency judgment agaii�t Trustors to the e�tent such action is petmined by lau. � <br /> _O ��' 4' �J_ L_ '1—J T.. M�L� <br /> �F--.— �—._.. _ . . 14. Trustors hcrcln' fCQUCSI:1 COp)' 0I :111)' I10UCC QI aClilUll'dIW I�tUt UitY INNit�i; v� �+uc t�cico�wci w �Twuuu iv ��wi.'vi�a. u..� . <br /> address sct forth in ihc first parograph of this Dc�of Trust <br /> � 15. Thc Bcncficiary may,b��a�vnttcn instrumcnt crccutcd nnd acki�o��t�xigcd!n• Bencfician•,mailcd to Trustors and recordcd in <br /> r' the County in uhich the properh�is loc:uod and b�•Whcn�•isc con�pl�ing a�ith the pro�isians of the upplicable IAw of the Statc of <br /> , ';,, Nebraska.substitutc a suoccssor to the Trustoe named hrrem or xting hcrcundcr <br /> ' 16. 'This Doed of Tcust applics to and inures to Ihc bencGt of ancl bmds aU p:irtics 6crcto, their he�rs,personal rcpresentatives. <br /> �� I sucazso�s and assigns. Thc tcrm"Bcncficwn•"shall mcan thc owncr:�nd holdcr of thc notc,whcthcr or not namcd as BencSciac�• <br /> _ �t . hcrein. <br /> � . <br /> a. + <br /> � <br />