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<br /> � � � D�OF TRUST 93�' 1O`'��'o
<br /> _ _ . -
<br /> 'This DEED OF 7RUST i�m�de this itli day of Nwe■Eber. i!!3,by��mon�JOYC�L.AL��.it8,
<br /> ���M p�e�� haranvter referred to u "Triuton,�� w}rether one or nare, wiw�e m�il�n� addr+ea L 2003
<br /> Nort�SYerroaa BoMkv�rd�Gr�d Lia�d,Nebryulct 6f�03;THE STATE BANK(DF CAlRO,a NeM a�ka
<br /> Baaklr� CeeperatiN. hesdnsRer referred w �s "Ter�tte�,•• who�e nuiling �ddrest is Hoi �?�i. Cair+o.
<br /> - �----- -�- Nebruiu 6=i?1; aad THE STATE BANK OF CAiRO, a Nebra�lca H�slcirs Carporatio�, beranaRer
<br /> re6erred to u"9e�aeAciuy,"whose m�Iling�dclyds i�Ba:4?�,Cako,Ne6rad�a Sf/24.
<br /> For vWwble coneida�tion, Trostors irrCVOCably grsnt, �tranafer, convey snd as�ign to Trustee� in tnut,
<br /> with power af a�le,f�r the bau8t and sa�urity of Heneficiuy, under and subject w the tams�nd conditions of
<br /> this Deed of Tnist,thee following described ral property located in AAI.L County,Nebraaka:
<br /> Lot 16 in Block 18, Univeraity Place �n Addition to the City of Cnand I�ad, H�II County,
<br /> Nebra�ka,
<br /> �- togetha with�11 buildings, improvemonts,fixtures�strats,alleYs,Passageways,easemonts,righta,privileges ar�d
<br /> - appurtaunces located tlx�rean, and all personal property that may be or hereaRer becom�an ir�tegral part pf such
<br /> �� �?;�',, buildings and improvements,all cropa raised thereon, and all water rights, alt of which, incbding replacemer�ts ---
<br />-:;j•�,
<br /> �,�_� and additions thereto,are hereby declared to be a part of the reml estate conveyed in trust heroby, it baing agreed —
<br /> - ��;�,
<br />- � �t,,; that all of the foregoing shal!be hereinaRu ref�rred to as the"Property."
<br /> ` �� �+�„
<br /> �t. Payment of indebtednoss evidenced by Trustors' note of even date herewith in the principal sum of
<br /> -- 512,000.00,togetber with interest at the rate or rates provided therein,and any and aU renewals, modifications
<br /> � "' "� and extensions of such note,both principal and interest on the note bcing payable in accordance with the tecros
<br /> ���_�j�,v�, ,�,<. ;�T � set forth therein,wi�ich by this rcfaie�ce is herehy madc a pari hereof;
<br /> ;,�-:;;;;:�:;,;`,;;;�..s:,;;;;�;� b. The performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustors herein contained;and
<br /> .,.r.r;�f.,•, ...�,� _ ,
<br /> �.;:�.,f�.;r� ,., •'�;;::� c. The payment of all sums advanced by Beneficiary under the terms of this Deed of Trust, together v�n
<br /> ;����±'�' ' � ' interest thereon at the rate provided in the note.
<br /> � � d. The above amount is secured even though all or part of it may not yet be advance. Future advances under
<br /> �.�' • the agreement are contemplated and will be secured to the same extent as if made on the date this deed of uust is —
<br /> _. ,
<br /> � executed. _
<br /> ,_��� . .
<br />'i
<br /> ' '��•�`!� 1. To pay whcn due,thc principai of,and thc intcrest on.the indebtedncss cvidenced by the notc,charges. fees and all other
<br /> sums as provided in the loan instrumcnts.
<br /> • ' �'� ' � 2. Trustois are the owners of the property and have the right and authoriry to excxute this Deed of Teuct in respoct to the
<br /> �,., .
<br /> 1 .`:'::,.
<br /> . . {.:,, ..:: :•:, proPe►tY.
<br /> '�`"""'' 3. To pay, when duc, all taxcs, s�xxia! aucssmcnts and all othcr chargcs against thc property, before thc s�mo b000me
<br /> ���`��.�'�' � delinquent. Trustors shall pay all taxes and assessments�ti•hich may be Ievied upon Bcncficiary's interest herein or upon this Docd of '-
<br /> �'. .` ' Tn�st or the debt secured hercby.without regard to any law that may be ecwcted imposing payment of the whole or any part tf�ereof �
<br /> •,�';, , �• upontheBcneficiary.
<br /> �"':���';�' 4. To koep thc improvemcnts now�on c�rcafler locatcd on thc propccn• insurcd against damagc by fire and such other hazards as ---
<br /> �""� � '� '��'� the Beneficia�y�may rcx{uire.in amounts and companies acceptable to the Beneficiar�•.Such insurunce poliry shalt contain a standard "'
<br /> �t?�::,�r' �1 morigage clause in favor of Be�efician•. Trustor shall promptty repair. maintain nnd replace the property or any paet th�reof,�o �,.
<br /> I that,except for ordinary wcar And tcar.the property stwll not dcteriorata �!,
<br /> ` ' ;; � S. In thc event the propert3�,or am• part thereof, shall be takcn b�•cmincnt domain. the Beneficiary is entitled to copcxt and _r
<br />� .x:...
<br />; �; recei��e all compensation which may be paid for am•propem•taken or for damages to propert}•not taken,and the Seneficiary sl�all �,�
<br /> ���� _ appl}•such compensation.at its option.cither to a rcduction of the indebtedncss securcd hereb�•.or to repair and restore the property �;,
<br /> "� i�sf�.;, �• so taken. t�
<br />'=..J,�:•.. . �,�. , �
<br /> 6. Thc Bencficiary mA��.but shail ha��e no obli�ation to. do am•act ��•hich Trustors have agrced but failed to do, and the
<br /> -4.�.' t � �
<br /> ; � Beneficiary ma}•also do um•act it deems necessan•to protcct the lien hereof Trustors agree to repa�•, upon demand,uny sums so �
<br /> ' expendod b}•the Bcneficiary for the abo�•c purposcs,and an}•sum so expendcd sh.hll be added to the indebtedness sccured hereby and �.
<br /> ' �'''-. become sccurod by the lien hercof. The Beneficiary shaii no incur any liability because of any�hing it may do or omit to do _
<br /> �t�:�' hereunder.
<br /> 7. 7'he Beneficiary shall ha�•e the right.poWCr and authority during the continuance of this Deod of Trust to colloct the rents, �
<br /> �L1-. .�.- ;�n,�a„d nmsi��of the uroncrn and of anv personal propem• locatcd thcreon«•ith or without taking poss�xsion of the propeR}• �
<br /> �� , �fCectod hercby.and Trustors hereby�absolutel��and unrnnditionall�•assign all such rcnts. issUCS a»d profits to the beneficiary. The '
<br /> ` beneftciary, hoa'e�'er, hereb}�consents to Trustors'coUcction and retention of such renis, issues and proftts. so lang as Tntston are f
<br /> . not,at such time. in default with respect to pa>�►nent of am• indeWedness secured hereby. or in the pedorm�nce of any agreement �
<br />-� hcrcvndcr. If any cvcnt of dcfault dcscribcd hcrcaftcr in respcct to this Dccd of Trust shall ha��c occucrcd and bc continuing,thc �
<br /> ,. •• Bene6ciary.as a mauer of right and aithout notice to Trustors or am•one claiming under Tnutors,and witiwm regard to the�•alue of '
<br />� �� , thc tn�st estatc or thc intcr�t of thc Trustors thcrcin.slwll tw��c ihc right to apply to anc court lu�•ing jurisdiction to appoint a
<br /> `� reoeivcr of thc propert�. s
<br /> .� � , �
<br /> �. �
<br /> : `k
<br />