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<br /> ».Tra.�or�w+�e� K.ls.e�neW u�.���.r.tr ut o.«ny pR ot 1be @�ap�1y or�ny i�a��
<br /> i�ald or trnnfa�r�ed(or if�bene�W iate�+at In Borrower i�ioW or tnm[etrod r�d Datrowor k ncft s a�turd p�tron?witMout
<br /> l.e�der'�pria� wtipa� comwn. L.wda m�y. �t its aptioo, isrmdWe p�gaNnt in lWl ot�ll �uar�nd by diis .
<br /> �iuiiy i.-�aii�i.sa'�i.'sniitib�.mii djwi'w�'r`w'.�M���jt l...�'!:�!!4�!�w i4�nMiwilr 1�t�i�wil lw aa w�11rdY� .
<br /> of tt�Sxurity Imlrument.
<br /> If l.enckr axaciw�thi�apbn,L�ender�h�ll jive Borrowec n�tics of acceler�tion. 'f1�e�atira shallpro vide�peiiod ot iwt
<br /> leu tfrn 30 day; trom the date the naice i� delive�ad or mailed wlthin which Bu�rawer mwt pay dl wm��ocured by this
<br /> Security Instnrment. lf Burrow�x fdls w pay thare wm�prior to the ezpir�tion of tblr peric�d,i,.axlec nyy invoke any ronwdks
<br /> pennitted by d�Savrity iroteua�ax wlthout Author notke or dea�nd cm H�xrower.
<br /> - : s��_.- — 1l�. li�Mrerver•� R1�M te RdMtNe. If &►nower mea�s ceh�in onnditi�. Horn�wer �iwll twve the ripht u� h�ve
<br /> — --- - - - enforornxnt of thi�Socur�ry Irtuiument diaaantinued rt any time priar to �he wrlier of: (U 3 d�y�(or wch other pafod x�
<br /> applicable law may spocify for nin�tatanrnt) befoce s�le o[the Pruperty purwant tu �ny power of iale eontainod ir_ U�s
<br /> Se�curiry Inatrument:ur(b)entry af�judgma�t enPorci�this Socurity lmtrumrnt.71wie conditluns ue th�t Hotrower.(+�) p�y�
<br /> L�iec sll sums whkh tl�en wald be due undeK this Sxurity Incwment�nd the Nate�u it��n a�cekration hd oocuRai:(b)
<br /> curcs ony defwlt of�:ny other cnvawnts oc�roenw�ts: (e)p�ys all ezpaues incurrai in mforcirt�thic Security Inw�ument.
<br /> including. but not limited ta, rcaFOnable Attarney�' fees:aM(d)tnkes such+iction u I.ender m�y rea�c�n�bly requirc to aawrc
<br /> thst tlre lien of this Secudry(nstn►rnent,Lsnde�s rights in the Property and Bomawu's abligation to pa�y thc�ums saauad by
<br /> this Socurity Instcumene ahall c�ontinue unchm�ed. Upon ninst�tement by Bocrower. thlc Sacurity Instrument mc1 the
<br /> abliQatians savraf hereby sltall rcm�in tuQy effective ac if no�ooelerat�on hrd accurred.Hnwever.thir�i�ht to reinst�le ai�l!
<br /> not apply in the case of�cceleration under paragraph l7.
<br /> 19. Sde ot Note; Cbanie uf I.aa Servlar. The Note or a partial inkrest in the Ncxe (togethu with this Security
<br /> In►tcument)�nay be sold one or mort times without prior notice to Borrnwer.A sale may result in a char�ge!n the entity(Icnown
<br /> xs Q�e"[.oan Servlcer")that oollects monthlY PaYments duc under the Note and Wis Security Inswrne�u.�[Le�e also may be one
<br /> _- or marc changes of tt�e L,oan Secvicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of tho L.00n Servicer.Borrower will be
<br />-`?� given wrltten notia af the change in Rocardance with paraSraph 14 abave and applicable law.The notice wIll state the name azd
<br /> '•� �' address of the aew Loan Servicer and tho address to which pay�s should be rrude. The twtice will also nmtain any other
<br /> - information required by applicablc law.
<br /> _ 20. Hsu�rdous Subctances. Borrower shall not canse or permit thc prssenre. usc, disposal, storagc, or relea+e of u�y —
<br /> - +�t` Hazardous Subuarnes a► or in the Pro{xny. Borrawer shall rat da. nor allow ar�yone else to do, anything affceting the
<br /> . Property that is in violation of any Emironmenwl Law. The preceding two sentences slwll not apply eo the presence,use,or
<br /> storage on thc Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally rccognizod to be appropriate to normal
<br /> • rcsidenti�l uses and to maintenance of the Ptoperty.
<br /> • Bonuwer shall promptly give I.ender written notioe of any investigation, daim, dem�u�d. lawsuit or othe�xtion by any
<br /> ' governmental ar regulatory agency or privatt party invalving the Property and any FIu.ardous Substance or Environmentat [.aw
<br /> �i" of which Borrower hus actual knowlodge. If BoROwer leams,or is notifiad by�ny govemmental or regulatcxr authoriry, tlwt
<br /> . y:�
<br /> --. - nny rcmuval or other rcmediation of any Ha�rdous Substance affecting the Property is nxcssary.Borrower�hs11 prompdy take
<br /> all necessary remedial a+ctions in acrnrdance with Environmental Law.
<br />� ;,°�c�:.;-c;:-er�_r,j.:w A:a:zd in thi°pa=agrsph 20. "l3sxas+daus Sul�ssas�ces' sse thcs;e:utr.:tanc�d=fisttd x:tastc or t�s:..ue ::ulr..ssnc�b; .
<br /> ,,�';,,.:.,�...,_.•,,,,_, Environmental Law and thc following substunres: gasoline, kemsene, other flummable or tozic petrdeum pmducts, toxic
<br /> � �r""��`'�=`� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvent�,matcrials c�antaining asbeuos or forn�aldehyde,und rudioactive materials.As used in
<br /> . ° this p•rr�graph 20, "Environmental l.aw" mc:►ns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whcre the Pcupert� is locatai ttwt
<br /> relate to health,safery or envimmnental pr�tation.
<br /> � NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS.&in•owcr and Lender futther covcnunt and t►grec us follows:
<br /> 21.Aocelemtion;Remcdlcs. I.ender shall�ive nottce to RMruwcr prlor to pcceleration tolbwi�Borrow•er's bt+e�ch
<br /> ' af any covenAat or aRreement in thls Secprity Instrument Ibut nnt prbr to accelemtion und�r pwragraph 17 ua�
<br /> , appUcable IAw provides otherx•ise). The notice stwll specify: (a)the default;(b) the actlon required to�vre the default;
<br /> - (c)a d�te�not less th�n 30 days from the date tlk notice is given tu BonY►w�er�by whtch the detault muyt be cured: and
<br /> _�� (d) t6ut failurn to curn the deFautt on or i►efore the date xpecitied in tiie �u►tire ms�y r�ult in accelerntion of the sums
<br /> •i secured by this Security lnstrument and+�ale of the Propert�•. The notice shall further inform Borrow•er of the�ht to
<br /> � relnstAte atYer accele��►tion and t6c rtght to brin�a court action to��.xrt thc non-e!cistcrnr oP s� default or eny oti�er
<br /> de[ence of 13orroK•er to Accelerution �nd sale. If the default is nnt cund cm or t►efore the date spocifkd in the notice.
<br /> �• Lendrr.s�t its opt(nn. ms►y nquim immediate payment in tull c�f all ,ums recured by this Security lmtrument w9thout
<br /> further demand and me��invoke the�x►µ•er of sale aad am•��t6er mmedte+ permitted by applicable IAw.I,ender shAll be
<br /> � ' ' entitled to caltect all expenxw incurred in pursuin�the remedirs pmvided In this pYraRmph 21,including,but not Umited
<br /> ' .'. tn.reawnublc atturnc�•s'faw and rostc nF tiUc cvidcnce.
<br /> If thc poK•cr of salc iti invoked,Trustcr shall rccord a nMice�►f dePault in evch e�►unty irt which�ny part of the
<br /> Propert}• iti Incated and shall muil copicw of such notice in the manner prescrilx�d b��upplicable law to Bnrrower and to
<br /> the other�c�ms prexritxd b��upplicaMe lu«�.Aftcr the timc required bc upplicnble t�a�.Trustee sh�8�ive pubHc nr►tice
<br /> of r,ale to the per+om s�nd in the manner prawcribcd b�•upplirublc IuH�. Trutit�r. «ithout demand on&►rro�vcr, stiall scll —
<br /> the Pm{xrt�•�t public uuctinn to the hi�h��t bidder at the time and place and under the term�deci�nated in the notice of
<br /> , sale in unc or more parcels and in am• ardcr Truxtcc detc�min�w. Truxt�r ma�• po�tpnne r�lc ot all or an�� parcel ot'the
<br /> Property b�•public Announcemcnt s�t the time �ind plucc of um pre�ioutih sch�Yluk�d wle. Lender or itc desigcx�e may
<br /> purctwse the Pry►perty at am•wlr.
<br /> ; -
<br /> � Form 3028 8I90 -
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