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. <br /> ._ .l� . �.....�..�y� --,^'T�._. -✓...a i•....LNt+..��� _ <br /> ., M ��t dr a!�.wd��ft�ae��iaw�a���:�������� . <br /> p0 �,�der 'broo�iw avdlable Md i�cb�i�d. be�R ir�Qi <br /> - ---�l�ad�r �w)M�+'�. ��� �.�.�wua a 1e�s�r�e+�a�r■W.1M�MIIl1�.�!.!��_`_-.-,.� <br /> .���aaoc�da�a whb�qr�rMMa�r�+Mt b�tw�Nepwr�I 1.�MR ar a�ilealir Mw. � �� <br /> f.l�ellM. ladw or 1a+yeat w�pr nrka twrorbb������d���.L�ier�Adf�iw <br /> eornwar noSoe�t d�e dn�a o(or priar w�u ta�pectlon�pr�+Mq t�os�b1�a.w.!br dn io�o�be. <br /> N.c.rerw.d...7b .Mnnd ar a�im i�or dc.n�.eh�t oc oo�wque�Mlsl. ir ooerbotion.vH6..r <br /> ooadMnmjoe ar ahor aki�of wpr p�ol tDe Praputy.or br ooweya�w�W Ila of oondomMtiao.aro rw�bl��n�!W '' <br /> shdl 6s p�id to L�ander. <br /> In tha eva�t af�wud p�n{of d�e Propaty.the pooa�ah�l ba applid w die aua��eev�ad by this Saauity ia�eet. <br /> whatba ar ewt tha►due,whh aay exoat p�id k►Ho�rower.In tba evait of a p�rtW t�kin6 of tLe Propaty ia w�Nc6 the fiir <br /> �at v�lue of t6e ProQerty inu�di�ely betoro die t�idn���aqwl w or�neMa+r du�a tLsa amouat of the wms�ecurod by tWs <br /> Sewdty In�ttuma�i immodiMelY bafore the t�ldag�unleu Borrower�od Londer ott�awise ap�ee in�rridn��th�waa�ec+irod by <br /> �hi.sec�rny 1nw�umarc�hd1 ba roducad by�ha�aoouru of che p�ooeed: �raupliod by cbe fottowfa� frac�ion: (•)�e wal <br /> b�qwoc of�he wa�securod imm�ediady befati ihe iakia��dividad by (b)thc 6ir marka value of�be Pmpaty imrt�edi�tely <br /> btf.o� � ��. Any bal�noe�11 be paid to I�on�ower. In the evait of s p�tt3sl taking of tbt Propaty in whici� tbe Fiir <br /> �lt�y�ue of the Propecty immediately be.foce the tal'tna i�la�tt►�n the a�r�nupt of tha wma eer�red iaumdi�ly beforc the <br /> � ��. �g�owp�u�d(,ende�otl�erwLe a�ra in writ�n�or unless appllc�bb law odiawiae providee.tbe p��ceed+�sh�ll <br /> bt,iipplied to d�t eums secured by this Security[ninumau wktl�er or not the wma ere ti�an due. <br /> If ihe Prq�erty is ab�dorwd by&xrowa,or if.�Rar notia by I.ader to Horrowa tlwt the oad�a�oor offm w m�te�► <br /> _Y_� awA�t-�x sextle�claim for d�nu�8es. Bon+owec fdls to rapond to Lender wi�hin 30 dayc attex d�e da�e tbe notia is givea, <br /> Lat�dsat.i�wthorized to coilat and apply the prooads,at itc option,dtl�to tat�tion or repair of the Pnnperry or w tbe wna <br /> � �ec,�ut�R bY�s�ry�Y��•whetlrcr or n�►t tha�duo. <br /> t3i�less Lender ud Bomower othecwise a�ta�ce in wriUng, anY �pPiication of pmceeda to principrl siwll not extead or <br /> -- poatpq��the due due of the manthly payments ref�rrrcd to in parngraphs 1 ud 2 or chonge the arnouac af auch paYments• <br /> 1�.Borrowa Not Rekased;Forbearsnoe By i.ender NM A Wdva.Extension of the time for paymau or modificatiaa <br /> of aitq,+ti�xtion of the sums eecurod by this Sxurity Instrurn�t Branted by�der to aay suooescor in intu+est of Bomower c�ll <br /> - noR ap�r�te to release tin li�bility of the original Borrowec or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be requirod to <br /> `�-_ conµptnce proceedings against any sucassor in interest or refuse to extend time far paymrnt or otherwise modify nmortiz�tion <br /> - of tht wms cocured by this Socur�ty Instrument by reason of any deati►�nd m�ie by the original Borrower or Borrower'a <br /> = sucsessors in intercst. Any forbexran�e by Lender in a�cercising any right or remedy shall not be t�K'atver of or proclude t6e <br /> "�:. exaccise of�ury r�ght or rcmody. <br /> ,__- <br /> . .. .- - _ . <br />.- 12.gucce�ors and AssiQns Bound; Joint�nd Seva�ti Liwbility= C:o-ei�t�ns. 'The covenanrs agRxn�udn o 'as <br /> - . Sp;urity Tnstcument shall binci and benefit the succersors and assigns of I.ender and Borrower. subje�et eo the provisions of <br />. � * r-• paragraph I%. Borrower's covenants and agreements shaU be joint and severfil. Any Borrower wha co-signs this Secudry <br /> il <br /> C f ��:;i; rmt and conve tlwt <br /> ,�z����:::t,�, insirument but does not exaute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Tnstrument only to mortgage,g y <br /> ,�,�,.:..���.. <br /> - � � ,��. :,�•���•:> �;��' Batrower's interest in the Property under the ternu af this Security Instrumet�t; (b)is not persacwlly obligated to pay the sums <br /> �,v;,.�:�,y;`s:'r'�:��<p'J`" uxurec!by this Security Instruinent;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrowe�may agree to exttnd.mcxlify,forbeu or <br /> = r•fr��:�:i,�,�.��.�'%�_,` make any:tccommodations with regrrd to thc terms of thib Security Inctrument or the Note without th�t Barrower's consent. <br />_ `•�`_�•�' ��%'���•Y�^ 'i 13.Loan Cl�a�eF. Ifthe loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subjoct to a luw which sets mvcimum lav►charges, <br />_�, �-�t`"�''';;•`^*���� and that law is fitwlly interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coqated or to 6e collected in connection with the <br /> x�• � losn exceed the pem»�ted limit�,then:(a)any such luan charge shall bc rcduced by the amcwnt necessary to reduce the charge <br />-�' to the permitt«I limir and Ib) an} sumti already collected frum Borrower which exceodai permittvd limits will be refunded ro <br />� . ... � &urower. [.ender rnay ch�x��e w muke this refuixi by n:ducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> : � • payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, thc reduction will be trcated as u partial prcpayment without any <br /> pre.}v►ynxnt charge undcr thc Note. <br /> • � ' 14.Notic�.Any notice to Borr��wer prnvidal tiv in thi,Sccurity Instrument shatl he givcn by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it hy fint class mail unleti�rpplicablc luw reyuire+uk ot'un��ther nxthod.The notice�hall be dirccted to the Property Addrass <br /> _ ar any other uddre,ti &�rrawcr desi�nates by noticr to l.endcr. Any nnticc ti� LxnJcr shall bc given by first di�ts nwil to <br /> �- I.cnJcr's addrcs�stated hcrcin or any othcr addre�s l.endrr dr+iEnatex by noticc to&irc�iwer. Any notice providal for in thic <br /> � ��. • Serurity Intitrument shatl be decmeJ tu have lxen 6ivcn tu Bnrr��wcr or Leixirr whrn givcn a+provided in thi�paragn+ph. <br /> : , • . I5.Governin�; tieverabilit�•. Thi. Scrurity Imtrumrnt tihull tk guvcrn�til by fi�lcrul law and the law of the <br /> � � � .a..:. , juriuiicti�m in which thc Propcny ix loc�tcci. I�i thr rvcnt thc�t any pnwi�i�m��r clau.c u1'tlii. 5�tiuriry Instrument or thc Notc <br />: �. conflictti with applicahlc law, �uch runtlirt �hull rn�t aftcrt uthcr pruri.i��u.uf thi.Scrurity In�trumcnt or thc Note which can bc <br /> given rffert with�wt tt�e c<�nll icting pr��visi�m. Tn thi.end the pravi+iun,ot'tlii.Scrurity In+trurrknt und the Nute are derlared <br /> r .� m bc scvcrahlc. <br /> 16.Borrn�cr'x Cnp}•.Borruwer�hall Ix givcn onr cunfi�nnrd rnpy ut'thr Nutc and uf thi+Sccurity ln�trumrnt. <br /> Form 3028 8/90 <br /> 't <br />- PA��e d.��d <br /> • , . I <br />--, � � . ..*�+1.. ' . _ . . . . .. .�..�"ih`dt�'hl�.�.. _��--�—� _ ._ -� _. <br /> • _ _.. . .. <br />:t_ . �— .. . . . . _ . <br /> _ ' i.. 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