— � +k� i �":-
<br /> ' y-- . •�.urYr
<br /> 93��'3-
<br /> - c�aidema�tiaa a dher Wcii�of�ay�wt oP the PtiopeKY.ar for canveyaoa in lieu of condeauNlfoo.are Irn6y wii ed�nr!
<br /> s6tll be pald w Lerider.
<br /> In Ifie event of� ta�sl takln�of the Pin�peny. �procual��h�ll be applfed to tix wnu �ecurod by thin Socur,Uy
<br /> InWrwment.whether or nat�1ien due,with�ny exse� d to Borrowcr. In�he event ot�p�niat taldn�nf'�Propeny !n .
<br /> which thc fair maricet value uf the Property immodiately beforc tl�e t�icJn�is oqwl ta or�rexter than the uixx�nt of tha tiurn�
<br /> - - � �acw+ed by thf�Securlry Inswment immedi�tely before the tekinR�uniau Bunuwer�nd Lender Whenvlw a�roe in wdti�g.
<br /> the�socurod by this Sertuity Instrumcnt siwll be reducal by the amouot of�he proceedi multiplied by Um[dlowiog
<br /> � � fr�ctkMt: (a)�he total wnount af the sumc�aw�ed immediatety beforc the takinz.diviJixl by Ibl d�e f�ir uuuket v�lw:ot'11n� -
<br /> Propeny fmmedi�tely befar�the WcinY. Any balu�ce shall be prid to Bamwer. In the evrni of a pMrt1�1 w1►in�of ttrz
<br /> Property in which the fair marlcet v�lue of the Property imme�liately befa+c�he takine is kw�than tho�nxxint oi thc xumn,
<br /> iecurod immedWely beforc the talci�ig,unlesa Barower and Lender athenvlre a�ree in writing or unkss�pplicabk law•
<br /> otherwi�e providec.the proceeds s1ud1 be applied to the sums iocured by lhis Security In�uument whqiKr ar not�he swnK arc
<br /> then due.
<br /> If the Prq�etty is abndoned by Borrower,or if.after notice by Lender to Aormwer that the candemncx nffen t�mak�s
<br /> an awud or settk a claim for dunagea.8orrower falls to rcspond to Lender within 30 days afler the date tt►e ne�ticc is Yiv�n„.
<br /> Lender is outtariza�cl to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to rector�tion or ropair of thc Property or to tlrt
<br /> sums socured by this Socurity Insttumsnt,whe�her or not then due.
<br /> Unkss Lender and Borrower ottxrwise agree in writing, su►y upplication of proceed4 to prineipal t�hull not extend.a�
<br /> poaq�one the due date of the monthly payments referred to in pars►�rophs 1 and 2 or chsu►ge the amcwnt of such paymenGr.
<br /> -° 11. Barrower Not Rekased; Forbearance By l.eader Nat a Wi�lver. �ztension af tt�e time for paymen�.a -
<br /> modific�tion of wnonizaaon of the sums secared by this Security(nstrument granted by Lender to uny wcce.�in intarcht
<br /> __ of Borrower ahsll not operate to rekase.the liabilicy�f�he original Barower or Bcxmwcrk surce+wrr.in interest. i.�en�kr
<br /> -�. ahall not be rcquired to commence proceedings s►gainst iu►y successc�r in intere,t or retuse to extend time for paymenc ar
<br /> _� aherwise modify amortiz�tion of the sums secured by this Securiry Insuument by�ersor►of�ny demand rnade by the arigin�d
<br /> - Bacrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercirin�any right ar r�cmedy slwll rat b�s a
<br /> _ ' w�iver of or{xrclude the exencise of any right or remedy. �
<br />- 12, guccessors and A►seitns Bouad;Joint pnd Sevenl4is�Wlity;Co-sf�nen. Ttte cuven�nt�wxi agrcements of ihis
<br />"- Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender und Barrawer,subjert to tlx:provlhiais;uf
<br /> '�.,= puagraph 17. Bocrower's covenants and agrcements shall be joint and�verol. Any Bartower who casign�:thix Securily
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is casigning this Security In.+trument only to mortgage,grant and convny ti�t
<br /> '•_�•', Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument: (b)iti not penonaJly abHgated to pay tirs sut�is
<br /> -x's• secuned by this Secudty Inswmen�and(c)agrces that Lendcr sind any aher Bcxmwer may aQroc to cxtcnd.modify.faixtor
<br /> -`�-:� - i or makc any accommodations with regurci to ttic tertns of thix Security Inxtrument or thc Note wilhout tlwt Barowtuk
<br /> - consent.
<br /> :«� °i i3. �.a�n�ha�ges. Ii thr tu:u� �cY:u��xi by this Sccurity lnstsument i:: stsbjezt tQ a !uw whith �'!�mnzimom loan
<br /> � charges,and that law is finally interpreted w that the interext or other la►n charges collected ur to be collected in conr�cti�x�
<br /> � with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a}any such loun charge shall Ne reduced by the amouat aeceswry to redra;e
<br /> the churge to the pem�itted limit;and(b)uny sums already cdlected from Bomnwer which exceeded pemiitted timity wi1R be
<br /> �, rcfunded to Borrowec Lendrr may choose to malce this refunei by reducing the princip:cl awed under t1x:Note or by makin�,c u
<br />�� direct payment to Boirower. If a erPund reduces principal,the mductio7 will be trc�ted :��a partiul prepayment withuut.any
<br /> _ � , prepayment charge underthe Note.
<br /> ' � 14. Notices. Any natice to Borrower provided for in thi,Sccuriry lnstn�ment shall hc givcn by dr�livcrin� it ar. by
<br /> ,w „ '�:�r�, ,
<br /> �•• . ..,�.�.... mailing it by first class mail unless applicable luw reyuires u,e of anothcr methai.Thr nocire sh•rll be directcd ro t}�Piupc:rty
<br /> '. .��;,�,,,.z�r,y I Addcess or any other address Borrowcr designatc�by noticr to LenJcr. Any nutice to Lcndcr yh�Ji Ix�ivcn by Grnt c.'asz
<br /> �� � mail to Lender's addrcss stated herein or any other addrcti.I.encier de�:gnateti by n��tice to Burmwcr. Any notice providerf for
<br /> :,�_ ��r� , � in this Security Instrument shall bc decmed to huve t�een gi.cn to Borrower or Lcnckr when givcn ns provided in tfiis
<br />±-�. ,i :�;:�..-aYYy. i paragraph'
<br />-;' =���.�►,,�,;.: 15. Gorerning Law; Severability. Thi, Sccurity Imirument shidl tK: govcrncd by fedcrul laa• and the Irw ot'th�:
<br /> ��.. •,�.•• ,::� - jurisdiction in which the Property is located. 1n thc rvcnt that uny provision or rlauw��f'thi,S�curity Insttument�x thu Note
<br />_ 1,.�••���•�.:'r;. conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shal)not a1'fect otlx�r pruvisium of thi�Securit�•In.trumrnt or the Not�whic1t can
<br /> - ` '�=::=.�'�:��a�'" be given effect without the confliaing provi.r•ion. To this enci the pnwi�ionti ot'thi,Security [n.trument und the: Nw,:•ue
<br /> �S+t-014;x`..i';,,;;',"�.'tat.--�
<br /> 'r. : declared to be severable.
<br /> " ' :d�""��:'`;;�?;i•;��` . 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be�iven ane confonneJ ropy of the Notc und of thi.Serurity Instrum�nt,
<br /> :y;'r=a;•>;��"� . ��� 17. 1�nsfer atthe Property or a SenePicial Interest in BorroNer. If aU ur uny p•rn uf thc F'�u�xrty or any intcrest in
<br /> :�y�,,".!''r.,,` , it is sold or transfened (or if a brnc�rial interr.t in Barmwcr i.tiuld ur tran,frrred und Burrower i.nut a nutur;�l p:non)
<br /> ' �:�;,5�;_;:� without Lender's•prior written consent,Lender may.at itti optiun.myuire immediate paynunt in full uf atl,ums�ecurrJ by
<br /> �+��•����� • this Securit Instrument. However,this o tion shall not tx cxercikd by Lendcr if cxcn i,c is pruhibited My ledcral law a.ti of
<br />--:;;; N� �,``;;; Y P
<br /> : �- r�� �"� •� ' the datP of this Security[nstrument.
<br /> r:.t:;;i:, ._ .
<br /> �-�;� ��:�„y'�,,;.- [f Lender exercises this option,Lender shaU�ive Buiruwcr nuticc of acccicratiun. The n��ticc:hull providc c►�x:riod o
<br /> lA�: �-�"��� ' not less than 30 days from the dute th�notice is delivered or mailed within which Rurrov�rr mutit pay:�II�ums secund by this
<br /> 't�•Y Security Insttument. If Borrowcr fails to pay thex �nms priar to the expiratiun uf thi. �xrial, Lcnder may invc�lre any
<br /> . '�'•`"`�"' remedies permitted by this Security Instrumen[without funher notice ur drmunJ e,n Burruwcr.
<br /> ' `Y'��>���.�`" l8. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Bonower meet� cenuin runJitiun+. F3urrow�r �hall huve the right tc�have _
<br /> �`���F �;� ��^•� �• enforament of this Security Instrument dis�:uminued at any timc�rior tu the earlier ut: lul S duy+(or�uch othar�x�riad as
<br /> �_
<br /> -- - " � SingkFamily•-F�nnkMadFreddlerlacUNIM'UR1i1��'[RU11EV1'-•Umtom�Cu�ciwnts 919Y (pagednj���wgtsl
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