.. ,�•�. . _. .
<br /> — .�._____.�.,.�J�_
<br /> �
<br /> . PQiO�til�t l.afldet irQY�• 11q jp111(M100 c�r1�r QfoviAih�t�'f!!.!tu`_slLY eh!!!b!ClRM�'fl�;��_ �---- --•--•t
<br /> _ --- -- -- y�provu which�h+�ll Aot bc unc�ea�onably withheld. If 8ocrower h!L w m�inWn coven�e deu�ibed sbova.L,�..nNY.�t
<br /> LatderS�optbn.obt�in covet+�e to ptolect l.a�dery d�hts ln tha Propetty in�ccandanae with p�t�nph 7.
<br /> All insunnce policiea�nd�onewd��all be�cceptabk to Lender ud�i�all inctude a rt��d�rd mat�e clawe. I.ader
<br /> ihall luwe the ri�l�t to hald the polkies�nd tenewd�. rf l.stider requlres.Bonnwer s1wU promptlY Qtve to Lendrr�ll roceipts
<br /> of p�id praniums�nd rcnewal notka. In the evau of los�.Borrower sh�ll�ive pcompt mtice w t4e Mw�nce c�rrkr�nd
<br /> -- ..ry_ Len�kr. [�ender n�y m�ice proof of bu if not m�de P�A�Y by Borrowa.
<br /> Unleae Lenckr ud Bamwer ethetwise ap+ee In writin�.lnwrance peocaed�ahall be apptiod w nataracion or r�epair of
<br /> -i the Propeay danu�ed, if thc re:coration or rcpRir i:xonomically fasibk and Lenderi�sxurity l� not leaened. If the
<br /> rcstoro[Ion or�pair ia rat economic�lly fauibk or I.enderl�secw�iry would be leuened.the insuriuue procealR sh�11 be
<br /> - � �ppiiod to the cwns�ecured by this Securiry Inururnent,wt�ether or nat then due.with uty excess p�id to Barower. If
<br /> &xmwer alwKbns the Pmpaty.or doe� not�wu wlthin 30 dayr a notice from Lender th�t the insurance curier fus
<br /> offercd to settk a cldm,then L,ender may collect the insur�nce procads. Lender may uu the procYeds to repair a r�torc
<br /> � the Pmperty or to pay wms securad by ihf:Securiry Instcumeru.whether ar na tt�en due. The 30�day perlod wiU 6eQin wha�
<br /> ; ihe notict is given.
<br /> ; Unleac L.ender ud Bocrower otiKrwtse a�ra in writing.any application of procads to principxl ahall not exknd or
<br /> postpone the due date of tlx monthly payments rcfemed to in paragraphs I u�d 2 or change the unount of the psyments. If
<br /> w�der pars�gnph 21 the Praporty is�cquicod by l.ender. Borrowu's right to any insurance policks and pru�eeds resu�sin8
<br /> from damago to the PropeRy prior to the acquisition shall pass w l.e�der w the extent of the sums securcd by this SecuritY
<br /> --� Instrument irtunediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Oaupaac}� Preaerv�doa, M�tnteasace �usd Protectiai of the Property; Barrowe��s I,aia Applintloa:
<br /> �- - - -- �- Le�eboldr.. Borrower sl�i1 occupy.estabtish,and use the F'rope:ty as Borrower's principa!c�estdmcc within sixRy d�ys after
<br /> the execution of ihis Socurity lnsttutnent and shall continue ta accupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence fur at
<br /> -- Ieast one yeu aRer the date of occupattcy, unku Lender ahenvise agnxs in writ�ng. which consent shall not be
<br /> �� unreascx�ably withheld,a unless extrnuAting etrcumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Botrower shnll twt
<br /> destroy.damage a impair the Propeny.allow the Property to deteriorate.ar commit waste on the Propeay. Rorrower shall
<br /> be in defaWt if any forfeittu�e ection or proceeding,whether civil or criminal.is begun thKt in Lender's good faith judgment
<br /> could rcsult in forfeiture of the Property or othenvise maurially impair the lien created by ihis Security �nstrument or
<br /> - Lendert securiry intecrst. Boma�xer may cun such a default and rcinstate,as provided In pangraph 18.by causing the action
<br /> or proceeding to bc dismissed with a�uling that,in Lender�good faith detcrtninuion,precludes forfeiture of lhe Borrowerk
<br /> `• inte�rst in the Pmpeny or dher muerial impaimxnt of the lien created by this Securiry Insdument a Lend�r�s secwity
<br /> _ — intercst. Bomower sfall also be in default if Borrower. during the lou► applicadon process. gave maurially false or
<br /> - inaccumte information or satemenes to Lender(or failod to pravide I.ender with�ny material infom�tion)in connectian with
<br /> - the loan evidencod by the Note, including, but not limited to. reprcsentations wnceming Bortnwer�accupwicy ef the
<br />_ - Property u a pnnclpat rcstdcnce. ff this Security tnsaument is on a ieasehoid.Bomower shaii cun�piy wiiSi ait G.e p�ovisioac
<br /> of the kase. If Bomower acquires fee ddc to ihe Property,the Ieaset�oW w�d the fee title shall not mergo unkss I.ernier agroes
<br /> to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protection d'Lendtr's Righta in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> contained in this Security Inswment, or there is a kgal procerdir►g that may significantly affect L.ender's rights in the
<br /> "� `•� '` Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnadon or forfeiture or to enfoc+ce laws ot ngulatians),thert
<br /> w� Lender may do uid pay for whatever is r►ecessary to protect Uie value of d�e Property and Lender�rightc in the Propeity.
<br /> ' r Lender'x xtions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Inswmeni,eppeuring
<br /> r�=�
<br />�� ;�;;�i,�,y,r in cours,paying rcasonuble uttomeys'fees and entcring on the P�openy to make rcpairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> '��;,rr�;'' � under this paragraph 7,I.cndcr dces not havc to do so.
<br /> - Any amoums disbuned by txncler under tbi.paragraph 7.hall become additional debt of Bocmw�er secured by this
<br />�;� ;� , ��,.^ . . Security Imtrument. Unless Borrower and Lcnder agree to other tcrms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> dute of disbursement at the Ncxe rate and shall be pay�ble,with interest,upon notice from L.encier to Bornower rcquesting
<br />�:•�; . payment.
<br /> � �'a�rnJrg� .�;.- 8. Mortgsge Insurance. If Lender myui�ed mortgage insur�nce ys a condition of m�7�ing the loan secured by this
<br />- - ��-.,� Security Instmment. Borrower shall pay the premiums reywred to maintain thc mortgagc insurance in effect. [f, for any
<br /> *;�'�,, rcason, the mortgage insurwke coverage reyuircd by l.ender lapse.r• or cea�es to be in effecG Borrower shall pay the
<br /> ���''",,� "�. r�miums uired to obt�in covera e xubswntiall e uivalent to the mon a e insur.mce reviousl in e.t�ect.at a cost
<br /> � .�4�,�,ry`; " ::-,�� p ' "�9 8 Y 9 S"8 p Y
<br />, wbst:uui-rlly equivalent to the co.rt to Bormwer uf the mortgage in+urance previously in eR'ect,from an altematt mortgage
<br /> �"""'=�``�•'�F��;`'� in.umr upp�nved by Lender. If substantiapy cyuivnlent mortga�e insurance cuver�ge is not available,Borrower shail pay to
<br /> � "°';i" Lender exh month a Sum cyurl to one-twelfth of the yearly monguge inyurance prcmium being paid by Borrowe�when the
<br /> ,, '.�;,;.�...
<br /> `,.3:.; ;+'�r'
<br />--� insurance coverage I�pred or ceased to be in effttt. L.ender will xcept,use:usd retain these paymenGs:►s a loss rrserve i�lieu
<br /> "„� of mortgagc in�ur�nce. Loss reserve paymentx may no longer be requircd,at the option of Lender,if rmcRgagr insurar�ce
<br /> � '?'` coverage(in the�nount and for the period that Lender mquircs)provided by an insurcr appro�•ed by Len3u agAin becomes
<br />-- available and is obtaincd.Bomowcr shall pay the premiums requued to mainwin monFage insur,uice in effr�K.o�to provide a
<br />__— �°�-� loss m.erve,until the rcquirement for mortgage insur,uxe end�in a.�corciance with any written�greeuxsu between Bomower
<br /> F.�����'�'.�.; and Lencier or•rpplicable law.
<br /> �.±�`11-�,:".�.�" 9. Inspection. Lcnder or its agrnt may m�l,e rea�un•rblc entriex upon ackt in�.�.ctionti of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> � �._.
<br /> _���.�c:; ' give Bormwet notice at the time of or prior to an in.��:tion�perifying rea,onabk rau�r for the in5pection.
<br /> :,,:�. - - IQ Coodemaatioa. The pro��d.<of any award or claim for dam•rgey,din-.�t or comeyuential,in canttitian with any
<br /> "i�� • � Sinek Fmoii�—Far�ie 11faHFlreddk 111ac U�IFORM l�i577tU�tENT•-Umtcmn Cu�ena�:t� �'fY /p+xe��y��ImRes)
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