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<br /> . WY�nu.which�ura rcfomed ta in a�n�p 2,Ar'�t�the�naunt of wci��y�r�iw. Any c;.c.r.s •over an
<br /> .mouncrequirod a pRy dt outuandin��i�tdabtod+,aw w�d�ec tho Nae�nd chls Security Inununak shall be p�id w d,e aulcy
<br /> la�ally entitlad tlrct+eta.
<br /> b. Few L.ender m�y�I lect faes utid chxr�os�uthpri��ed by the+Secreary.
<br /> f. Grou�dr tor AoceleratMa u�Llebt�
<br /> (�)Detauh. i.ender m�y.except w limit�d bp ns�ul�cians laued by�he Secrd�ry in cho c,�o o!pRyn�u defwla.
<br /> -�_ rcgutre Immsdiatn pr�yment m fuli of all sumc�ocurad by thi�Security leuaument if:
<br /> - - (i)goRawcr dtfaultc by f�iling ta pq.y in ft�llila►Y man�hlY PoY�nt roquircd by thia Securicy Gutnunont priur
<br /> - — to or on tho duc+d�to of the noxt manthly�,ymt�t,or
<br /> (ii)Bacmwcr de+fpults by fullina,far a pCxlad of�thirty duys.w perfartn�ny whec abli�ations conWned in thi�
<br /> ---— 3ecurit�r lnsuumcnt.
<br /> (b)Sal�VYlthaut Cralit ApproYal. Lendar�tt�qJ if.pcimittod by applicabla IAw and wiLh tba prior�pprovd of tho
<br /> Secretary,nx�uire immaii�ta p�yrnent in fi�ll af.dl the aums secured by thia Security Inatrument if:
<br /> li) Aii or pwt of tl►e PrapM ,ar,a,beneflcaai.intaract i�►4 aust owning dl or part of the P�opecty.i��Id or
<br /> -- athecwiro tmnsfsmad(att►�r�An by.detvbse a d�xxnt)by the Bamower.and
<br /> --- (ii)The PropMy it aat.occtip�t+d dy the pu�c bu6t rhis gor�her�crcdit h�s nat cb en approved n �danco
<br /> or grantoe d�es sq occupy+•�thA prhpatY
<br /> ° with the r«1qimmcnts af thn Suoratary.
<br /> (c)Na.WAiven. If�ciraumstances accur that would permit Lender to requi�immodiate payment In full.but L�ander
<br /> y�� doec nat teqqim sud�p��yme�ts.l.ender does not waive ius rights with respect to subbequent events.
<br /> (d)R�ulAtlanc of�llUll 9ecretnry. In many circumstances regulsdons issued by the Secrewy wII1limlt Lender's
<br /> - righu, in,the ca►w of•pRyment defaulte, to re�uirc immediate payment in full and foreeloce if not�id. This
<br /> -� l „ Socuriry instrument das nc�t suthorizc accelcratwn or forcclosue�e if not permitted by rcgulations of the Secrctary. -
<br />• ' ; . ,;�,;� • (e)Mort�oge Not Insursd. Borrower agoees that should this Security Instrument and the note cocured therc�tnhoec -
<br /> :•�i: ,y �;,.•r , be elisible tor Insurance under the Nxtional Housing Act within 90 DAYS _
<br />=-�r���� -� �" date hereof,l.ender ms►y.at it�uption and notwithstattding anything in Purttgreph 9,require immediAU�ayment in ___.
<br /> ...;yi�, ;5:�
<br /> .�'. Y���°� full af all sums securcd by this Secuslty Instrument. A written statement of any author�ud agent af the Secretary
<br /> `�`�'-�'� dated subsequent to gp DAYS from the d�to hereof�declining to lnsure this Security
<br /> ```���� lnstrument and th�note secured thereby,shaD be deemed conclusive proof of xuch ineligibility. Notwithstanding
<br />'`f};' .4,; • k�'1 the foregoing,thi�option may not be exercised by Lender when the unavailability of insutat►ce is solely due to
<br /> .':;C:, ;'4';;.: i.5r��ty
<br /> �s���� '�. ' '�A�;°:F Lenderk failure ta remit a mortgago jnsurunce pr�mium to the Secretuy.
<br />- ,���i''�� �,��,r' �`��� 10. Reinatntemen� Borrower has a nght to be rcmstuted if Lender hes rcquired immediatc payment In fWl because
<br />-..i-Y.•r .
<br /> ��r•• ��`�� of Borrower's failure to pay an amount due undcr the•Note or this Security instnimcnt. This nght appiies even ter
<br /> �• . �;,: • �
<br /> _,�.;- � �:.;,�::_ fateclossre psecttdings am ins:tituted. 'Ib �einstuto tha Security Instn�ment, Barrower shall tender in a lump sum �Il
<br /> , F. ,,. „„ nmounts�tiquired to bring BorcowerE nccount current including,to the extent they arc obitgation�of 8omower under ihin
<br /> ;�,;�,;,-,.. ,: - , Security instcument,foraclosure costs und reu+nnubla and cuxtomary attorneys'fecs and rxpenser Properly acsociated whh
<br /> � the forcclasure proceeding. Upon rcinstutement by li�ttrc�w�r,this Sccurity Instrument:uxi the obliQptions that it securcs
<br /> � shull rcmain in eff�ct us if Lender had nat rcyui�Ld immrdiutc puyment in full. Howevcr,Lender ix�wt royuircd topermtt
<br /> ,. • • " r�instutcmcnt iE (t)I.cnder hus ucceptcd rem�tutement after the cammcncemcnt of fcxeclnwurc prcwc�.dinYx within twa
<br /> . ycurs immcdiutcly prcccding thc commcnccmrnt of u cuRrot fiirerli�+un: praccding, liil minrtatrtttcnt will pralude
<br /> '�•• . ti�rcclozurc on diffcrent grounJs in tht futum,or liii)nin�ta�cnknt will u�fvcn.cly�ffcct thc priurity uf thc Ikn rrcrtod by
<br /> •� this 5ccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> _ ' I1. 1{urruwer Nut Relcutied: horbes�rance bY I.rnder Not W W�iver. Extemion of thc timc nf p+►yment or
<br /> modification af umartizsniun uF thc+um+Kcund by th��Sccurity In.trumcnt tiruntcd by l.endcr to uny xucc�xwr M intcrcst
<br /> . �.��.�.��. of Bnrcowcr shull nnt op�rutc to rcica+a thc lisihility uf thc original Bnrrowcr or�3urrowcr5�tiuccr�+cx in intcrcxt. I.cndcr
<br /> `'• .. " shall not be�eyuin:d to cummence pr�kerding�ugmn+.t rny �urrr.tiur in interest or refuK to extend time for payment or
<br /> " •i ' ' , otherwise mcxlify amarti�ation of the .ums ucured by �hi� Security In�.trumcnt by reuaon of;my demand made by the
<br /> �" . �� � originul Borrawer or Borrawcr ti+urces+on in interest. Any f�irtx:arunce by Lendrr in excrcixing any right or remedy shall
<br /> �. ; , not be u waiver of or preclude the excrci+e of uny right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and AsciRnc 13uund; Joint�nd Se�•eral i.iubility;Cu-Siy;�ers. The covenants and agreements of
<br /> :i; �� this Security Imtrument shull bind und txne�t the succe„ors and a.sign.of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions
<br /> ; af Paragruph 9.b. Borrowert covenuntx�nd agmement� shall lx �oint �nd several. Any BoROwer who co-s�gns this
<br /> ' Security Instrument but daeti not rxecute the N�ne, tal i+ca-tiigning thi.Security In,trument only to mortgage.grant und
<br /> • comey thet Bomower'x intenht in the Propcny under the tcrtn�of thi�Serurity Im[rument:(b)i�not personutly abligated to
<br /> • , pny the sums tiecured by thi�S�curity l��.trument:und Ir)agne�that Lrnder and any other Borrower may agrce to eztend,
<br /> ' k�n,.a modify,farbear or muke uny accammodution�with mgard t��the tcrm.of thiti Scrunty Instrument or thc l�ote without that
<br />= , x•-• Borrowerk con,ent.
<br /> � �•`•� ' 13. Notices. Any noticc to Burrowcr pro�•idcd for in this Serurity In.trumrnt�hall be given by dclivering it or by
<br /> -a*t'� muiling it by first cla�s muil unlr..applicable law• reyuires usr of another m�thcxi. Thr noticr shall be directed to the
<br /> }�"' " �, � ,.��• Praperty Addresti or any other addm�� Horrua•cr dc,ignatrs hy notirc to Lendcr. Any notirc to Lendcr shall be given by
<br /> F,,. . :��.:.
<br /> ��`7 fi(st Cl0.tis mstil to Lcnderti addrc�. .tuicd hcrrin ur any addre�s Lrndrr dc.ignntc,by nutirr tu Borrow�r. Any noticc
<br /> • � • provided for in thiti Security(nstrument shall ix drrmed a�have lxen givrn tu Hurrowrr c�r Lender when Eiven ns provided
<br />'��'t in this puraFrAph.
<br />�� 14. (iovernio�[.LN'I tic�•ers�bllitv. Thi� Serurity In�trumrnt .h:dl lx Euvcmed by Fcdcral law• :md the law of thc
<br /> �: juriuliction in which Ihc 1'ruperty iti Icxatrd. In thr cvrnt that t+ny provi.iun ur rlau��uf thi� Srcurity Instrumcnt or thc
<br /> N��tc contlict� w•ith applirablr L•n�•. +uch c�mtlirt tihull not aticrt uthrr pruvi,iom uf thiti Srcurity In,trumcnt<�r the Notc
<br /> �' which cun be given effcct withuut the cuntlictin�pruvi.iun. li�thi.rnd the pravi�iun�of diis Srrurity Instrument•rnd the
<br /> ' ' Natc an�dcclurcd tu hc ticvrr.�blr.
<br />-� � `. � � 15. Burruwcr's Copv. Burruacr.hall tx�.iern unr runt��rmrd cupy af thi.Seruriry ln,rrumrnt.
<br /> l �--;,,i;.-�'-�`. ....•..: 16. A�.�iRnment of Rentti. RoROwer unronditiun.�ll}•ati�i�:m:uid tr:m.trn tu Lrndcr ull the rent.and mvrnuc,of thc
<br /> '.~ • Propcny. Bnrn�wcr uuthuritcx LcnJrr ur Lrndcr ti;��cnn tu collcrt chr Rnt.und revcnurs anJ hrrrby dimct,cach tcnant uf
<br /> �`' tlie Property to pay�hc renh tu l.rnder ar Lcndery:►grnt�. H��µrvcr.priur to I.endrr;noticc tu Borrowcr of Bonowcr's
<br /> y '.�� • "' t�.�u.�-.-'��•' breach of uny covenant or ugrcement in the 5ecurity In+trumrnt.Bnrrow•rr.h.►U collcct anJ rccrive ull rcnt.and rcvenues of
<br /> °-��.'� � 'P'''' ' the Property a�tru�tce for thc txnrtit i�f Lrnd�r:►nd Hormacr. "I'hi�u�tiiNnment uf rent��unxtitutes un abxolute ustiignment
<br /> u.�.1 nnt„n n.,:ionmcnt fi�r add'tuOnAl uCUf'tIV unh'.
<br /> -�` "�'•; . '� � - � _.r..If Lendcr givex naticc oF bRach to R�irn���cr. (:U:►11 mnt.rcrrivcd hy Hi�rrvw•cr shall tx Itetd hy isorrower as crustec
<br /> >j`; '� �Y� for bene�t of Lender only, to bc �pplied t�i the wm,�crured by thc Sccurity Instrumenr, tb1 Lrnder tihall be cntitled tu
<br /> 1 '�,.�,;.,.�,,,.� ; collect und rcCCive aU of thc rent+of the Property;ancl ec)each tenam ot'thr PmFx rty shall p•ry ull rcnt�Jue und unpaid tn _
<br />-�� °•;,;�,�;,.:ri,�;�..�� Lender or Lender's agent nn Lendcrz written demand ta thc tenant. ,
<br /> :;,:,;,.•.':�; � Borrower hus not excwted uny prior uysignmrnt of the rentti und ha� nat and will not pertonn ;uiy act that would
<br /> �--- „>,�,;,��;.:�
<br /> -���• -�� �, prevent Lendet fmm exeni.ins it�right>undcr thia F,�rugraph 16.
<br /> . •;�a�'��9;�;,y�,..�;,,
<br /> 7;��:..r� Lcnder shaU not be rcyuim.d to enter upon,tukc control nf or muintain the Property befare or after giving nonce o
<br /> �= f� �,�� �'' ':: breuch to Borrower. However,Lendcr or a,judic�ully appuinted recriver may do no iit uny time there is a hrearh. Any
<br /> '` �`''��" upplicution of rents shall not curc or wuive any default or invalidute any uther nght ar rcmcdy of Lender. This atitiignment
<br /> '' of rents of the I'raperty shall terminate when the debt sccumd by thr 5ecurity Ins�rument i�paid in fuU.
<br /> �:.
<br /> _ �,ti` r/xrur.t n�a�wxes)
<br /> - --�- `°3v''a'n:.i
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